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Below is user information for Popular series of fiction, fancy, and fact.. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:madbard (97478) Paid User madbard
Name:Popular series of fiction, fancy, and fact.
Website:Mike Shapiro Music
Location:Los Angeles, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status madbard42 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status madbard_mike (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Life story, highly compressed: Throwing away a perfectly good undergraduate education in cognitive science, I decided I wanted to write music for movies, and high-tailed it through several odd years of graduate education to this end. Now I'm a professional film composer with strange penchants for epistemology, C++, cartooning, and being a smartass when my clients aren't around. (And often enough when they are.) When I am old I will write cantankerous op-eds and nerd novels like Robert Jordan but with better plots. I am riotously funny yet oddly insightful, according to the people I pay a weekly stipend to praise me.

I often play the skeptic and devil's advocate. This isn't because I'm a pessimist, but because I take my optimism seriously.

If you add me to your friends list, you are encouraged to drop me a note of hisaying slash self-introduction.

Behold my linkage:

Memories:24 entries
Interests:84: ayn rand, buffy the vampire slayer, cannibal jokes, carnegie mellon, cartooning, clie, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, composing, computers, contiki, douglas adams, edinburgh, electric bass, england, epistemology, esperanto, film music, firefly, genesis, george rr martin, gigastudio, heinlein, herry coos, hiking, improv boston, infocom, ipods, joe the circle, lauren ambrose, lawrence shames, london, mad about you, meat loaf, mike shapiro, milk and cheese, miller puckette, monty python, movies, music, musical theatre, mussorgsky, neil gaiman, o henry, objectivism, os x, otters, palm pilots, patrick o'brian, perl, philip pullman, philosophy, pittsburgh, programming, psi-5 trading company, puns, racquetball, rimsky-korsakav, robert jordan, running, russian composers, saki, sandman, sci-fi/fantasy books, science fiction, scottland, scrabble, sesquipedalianism, six feet under, skydiving, songwriting, star wars, tea, the office, thomas newman, time bandits, tom lehrer, tori amos, travel, treos, usc, wired magazine, writing, yellow submarine. [Modify yours]
People226:1144, 365songs, __godlike, a1icey, adrienne_elder, agent_99, agnosticessence, alcestis, alicelee, aliteraryaffair, amanda42, amapola_t, amergina, atalanta, bassy_galore, bixxy, bjennings76, blergeatkitty, blergs_novel, blky, boffo, boywithstick, browascension, burntbythesun02, camilleophelia, candid, celinabot, chantellecam, chite, chrisbrown43, chronicfreetime, cityzephyr, clocktor, coffeebean, corporatebabe, crasch, cremo, cypticlullabies, da1sy, dahliam, darkgrrrl, debs_nonsense, dietrich, dirae, divingpsyche, dkangl, docjeed, doubtfulguest, dr4b, dutchykins, dwagoner, ebess, eilonwy, electricia, elttobretaw, emilya, enigmaticfox, erasbernsteib, ericrapp, espvivisection, essxjay, etoilepb, evelynne, evilbutcute, feyfanatic, filmstar, forvrkate, frauhedgehog, freshly_dead, friendofafriend, fruitychick, fudjo, furfybird, futuregirl, geekqueen, girlvinyl, gonzolawyer, goodpanda, gothicbra, gzachariah, helloreplace, himoki, hjcanning, hobbitblue, hober, huckfinn7, ibis93, imlad, indiscipline, infinitezer0, integreillumine, jdubois, jessz, joegahona, john_j_enright, juverna, katryxx, kayiskay, kenshi, khava, kirinqueen, kitiara, kochanie, kompressorpower, kraorh, kukiblu3ang3l, laughingduck, laughingirl, laureltree, laurhenna, leekimusa, lemonhd, lemonlye, light_captured, lightling, littledevi, llaird, lto, madbard, maddog31, maradydd, marie_demone, marm0t, maustin, melquiades76, michaelish, mixophrygian, moderndayknight, moobie, msblueyez, mudita, museumgirl, n3nbb, nakedsockpuppet, narcissusgray, nebyoolae, nebyoomuz, neoteny, network, neurogirl, never_the_less, ninjalawyer, nloof, nomarcat, notmyfaultdance, novelhovel, nuns, ocnn, old_girl, oliveoyl, other, pandashrugged, penchantnyc, pensee, perceptes, perich, persefoni, perspectivism, phoebek, photo_a_day, pixels_of_light, pixievixen666, pjammer, polytropia, princezna, prizmdonna, prosewitch, puffnugget, radiantsun, rantypants, realsupergirl, reasonbaby, reene, regyt, resilient, retch, ropenmind, rws1st, saintlex, sapience, sarahlicious13, scarletpoppy, scbenji, schroe, scottsch, sebab, sebabdreams, secretslip, selfishgene, shezan, shribble, somakitty, spotboy, spyingharriet, starling321, stratfordbabe, sugaredsins, summercats, sunshine__girl, sunyata__, supergirl_04, superstrcarwash, theonering, thepapaya, tlc71076, tobi, tomatey, tommx, treese, trendywendy, trimalchio, troubadour76, troyworks, turingtest, viktorcello, waltzingmatilda, watercolorblue, wickedgillie, wildsoda, xcellentq, xiombarg, yoak, yuki_onna, zarex, zombiejoe, zophos
Communities30:_theoffice, aynrandforum, classical_music, cmukgb, cogsci, contikitraveler, drunk_phonepost, filmforum, filmmakers, filmscore, forge_reality, gourmetla, la_geeks, laon, los_angeles, mikeu_mongers, musictech, musictheory, objectivethink, objectivists, painiacs, random_review, sdisa, sdon, skibo, socal_film, st00pidity, toc, tv_production, uncommonsense
Feeds3:andrewpundit, foxtrot_feed, tcpulse_feed
Friend of:248: 1144, 365songs, __godlike, a1icey, agent_99, agnosticessence, alcestis, alicelee, aliteraryaffair, amanda42, amapola_t, amergina, amory520, aquestrian, atalanta, bassy_galore, bixxy, bjennings76, blergeatkitty, blergs_novel, blky, boffo, bouncyboo, boywithstick, browascension, bunnyroo, burntbythesun02, calamityjil, camilleophelia, candid, celinabot, ch, chantellecam, chite, chrisbrown42, chrisbrown43, clocktor, coffeebean, conuly, corporatebabe, crasch, cremo, dahliam, darkgrrrl, debs_nonsense, dietrich, dirae, dkangl, docjeed, doubtfulguest, dr4b, dutchykins, dwagoner, ebess, eilonwy, electricia, elttobretaw, emike2k3, emilya, enigmaticfox, erasbernsteib, ericrapp, espvivisection, essxjay, etoilepb, evelynne, evilbutcute, filmstar, fishsupreme, forvrkate, frauhedgehog, friendofafriend, fruitychick, fudjo, furfybird, gonzolawyer, goodpanda, gothicbra, gustavolacerda, gxp, gzachariah, happilymyself, helloreplace, himoki, hjcanning, hobbitblue, hober, huckfinn7, ibis93, imlad, indiscipline, infinitezer0, inpetto, integreillumine, jdubois, jessz, joegahona, john_j_enright, jsangspar, juverna, kayiskay, kennfusion, kenshi, kirinqueen, kitiara, kmgwinegal, kochanie, kraorh, kukiblu3ang3l, kurmudgeon, larksambience, laughingduck, laughingirl, laureltree, laurhenna, leekimusa, lemonhd, lemonlye, light_captured, lightling, littledevi, llaird, lto, madbard, maddog31, maninblack, maradydd, marm0t, maustin, melquiades76, merle_, mg4h, michaelish, misscrystallyn, mixophrygian, mizmoose, moderndayknight, moobie, msblueyez, museumgirl, musomunkee, mystfal, n3nbb, nakedsockpuppet, nebyoolae, neoteny, network, neurogirl, nikitak42, ninjalawyer, ...
Member of:33: _theoffice, b0st0n, buffyfan, classical_music, classicalgreek, cmukgb, cogsci, comic_creators, composing, contikitraveler, filmmakers, filmscore, guitargeek, koine, la_geeks, language_nerds, latin, los_angeles, mikeu_mongers, musictheory, objectivists, paidmembers, painiacs, palm, sdisa, skibo, socal_film, st00pidity, thebandnerds, thedmz, toc, tv_production, uncommonsense
Account type:Paid Account

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