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mhm.. [14 Jun 2004|01:27pm]

[ mood | curious ]

how come these drag queens on rikki lake can wear higher heels than me?

i mean..it's amazing how high their heels are...


It's all about the math... [12 Jun 2004|04:41pm]

Naturally occurring CJD affects approximately 1/1,000,000. And there's no vCJD due to BSE....

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[20 May 2004|06:15pm]

So what do you guys think about Bush possibly proposing and reinforcing the draft this spring 2005? Women wont be exceptions, nor will college students.
35 <0~0

[19 May 2004|04:02pm]

Outrageous gas prices | This might just be more likely to work Rather than totally stopping buying, Which we all know doesn't work. | MAYBE THIS GUY'S GOT SOMETHING. - An email I got today, maybe you did too, but just in case you didnt . . . )
2 <0~0

question [18 May 2004|12:18am]

[ mood | mellow ]

yoohoo or quik

i prefer yoohoo.

4 <0~0

movie! [16 May 2004|06:02pm]

[ mood | amused ]

willy wonka and the chocolate factory is on right now! at 6 o'clock on amc!


5 <0~0

[01 May 2004|01:00pm]

recommend me a book.
33 <0~0

[26 Apr 2004|12:09pm]
I caught the ending of "Less Than Zero" yesterday, and when Julians drug dealer says "are you going to work for me tonight" does he mean work as in deal, or work as in whore yourself out? I only caught the ending so forgive me if this is a stupid question, I think I know the answer, just want to be sure.
6 <0~0

[18 Apr 2004|12:41am]

[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | none ]

this goddamn world is really full of people that simply can't live without testing others or stepping on others to steal all the energy. These stars with no light just feel so much more terrified by the idea of others noticing they aren't as bright as they could be one day, than by the changes that stand between now and then.

pretending not to be aware of their own potential so they don't have to deal with improving it, these creatures go around life living on others' mental effort by getting their attention in improper manners and manipulating them bending circumstances at their will and comfort, being able to succeed only if they are considered by their prey as intimidating or stronger entities (which could be in a superficial obvious way or a subliminal subtle way).

they've always been everywhere and are known to any level of psychological capability. besides their primal motivation, another common characteristic among this type is EXTREME EMOTIONAL WEAKNESS....

7 <0~0

xposted to my own journal [15 Apr 2004|02:48am]

What is "The Process"?

To experience the Process is to understand it. WHAT the Process is cannot be defined specifically because it is not anything specific. The Process is defined by those that participate in the Process in an attempt to find out what the Process is, and eventually to let that understanding be a guiding light, leading to change. The change that is brought about by the Process is a realization previously unrecognized potentials existing whithin the mind. When one takes on the Process and attempts to understand what it is, they are embarking on a journey to mazimize potentials and bring about new ones, which is an infinite process. The Process cannot be defined, because to define it would be to go against what it is, and what it is can only be understood by those who experience it.

Yours truely,
5 <0~0

[15 Apr 2004|03:19am]

Hey all, just wanting to introduce myself (sorry about the cross posting as well, I've been meaning to say hi to several communities I belong to for quite a while), and say hi to everyone.
A little about me.....................

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2 <0~0

[14 Apr 2004|02:27am]

i wish i could have chosen how to exist instead of having now to decide over what to pretend i exist for...

i feel so isolated by my very own reality. this prison's name is "freedom". that so called "individuality" turned out to be a very "devious duality" between being unique in "body and spirit" LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE IS, and all that "being a singular creature" entails.
6 <0~0

in this wonderful time of taxation.... [01 Apr 2004|07:29pm]
[ music | aneurysm ]

i thought i'd pass along some uplifting information.
this is from a study in 2000... but i doubt it's lost any relevence.

fat hookups to the corps )


[25 Mar 2004|07:06pm]

I haven't posted here in a while.
5 <0~0

news [21 Mar 2004|01:27am]

[ mood | confused ]

stupid FCC. how come the "f-word" can't be on the radio anymore.

memories of "1984" and the '50's.

1 <0~0

[20 Mar 2004|12:54am]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Jimi Hendrix - Day Tripper ]

He's a muse, so you'll understand that I couldn't help myself. It was all his fault, really. He lurred me in with his sweet disposition and quiet soul.


5 <0~0

PINK TRIANGLE ON HER SLEEVE [15 Mar 2004|08:41am]

hey guys, i like this place. here is my contribution to this place, and to the aid of all fellow homosexuals. spread the word. it is our call to arms.


I am a homosexual man from the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area and I am utterly disgusted by the way we homosexuals are treated in america. No I am not one of those "in your face" militant fags, I am usually laid back and apathetic for the most part. Recent events, however, have conspired against my silence and forced me to take action. Due to the numerous abuses by the United States Government, the Christian Fundamentalist Right and other conservatives, I think we should unite, do something shocking to take action and let everyone know how we feel.

In protest of the treatment of the homosexual population of America, and in protest of the Defense of Marriage Amendment, I propose that we start wearing Pink Triangles on our sleeves or chest. Not the cutesy little pins that we can pick up, but simple fabric pink triangles. It's easy to make, just take a piece of pink fabric and a safety pin and pin it up to your sleeve. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I think it would be a show of defiance, showing that we feel in a way similar to the holocaust victims. I am not in any way denigrating the plight of the German victims, I think it is a similarly appropriate statement however, seeing as for the first time in history, a constitutional amendment for actually discriminate and steal the rights from a group of individuals could possibly pass. Now remember your history lessons, in Germany, which was ALSO a democracy, the Nuremburg Laws were passed which took away the rights of homosexuals and began the eventual incarceration and attempted reeducation of them.

Now I know some of you are saying "chill out faggy!" or something. And maybe I should, but I will close this document with a quote that means alot to me: First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the trade unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me. – Martin Niemoeller (1892-1984).
In closing, I hope this takes off, I hope we can do this and show everyone how we feel.

keepin w/ the newzish vibe.... [13 Mar 2004|01:50pm]
[ music | axis.ov.evil ]

toying w/ the idea of a "special skills draft" for the military



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