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I should have never checked my e-mail.. [09 Nov 2004|10:41pm]
[ mood | drained ]

You know sucks? Knowing that when I get home, my better half won't be there. I feel so... empty now. I don't know what to type...

When I get back, two of the closest people to me will be gone... See this is why I'm afraid getting attached to people... I hate this feeling. I don't want to say goodbye...

I'm so scared... I don't want to loose her too...

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[02 Nov 2004|09:29pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | 'Troy' is playing in that backround. ]

Wow, I can say, emotionally wise, I am extremly exhausted. Friday I skipped school to go to the bank (my teachers knew, though, they actually gave me the idea), but before I went to the bank, I called my mom to tell her I was moving out on Sunday.

My dad is in the hospital right now. It really seems like he won't be leaving there this time. I don't know too much, but if he is going to die, I really want to go come and talk things out with him before he does. I want to forgive him. I don't want to continue living on with these cold feelings holding me down. Everyone is saying that those feelings are the reason for my mental problems. I really want a father figure in my life, and I don't think I can get that from him, but he is my dad, and I have to accept that.

Afterwards I spent the weekend at the Kirihara house. I know it was kind of cold spending my last weekend at the Hayakawa house...at the Kirihara place, but it was such a relaxer. I didn't think of my problems at all. Plus, Kirihara-papa said they were willing to be my host family. That REALLY cheered me up. Taku, the brother that's my age, was just as happy as me. I'm really close with him, more sibling like than anything. We made all these plans for the remaining months, I actually would give up going to Tokyo to spend time with them. It's really weird the feelings I have when I'm with this family. I just get all happy and warm inside. I know it's kinda...blah when I'm saying it, but it's true.

But when we called Hirono-san on Sunday, she said she had already found a host family, and it was already written in stone. It seems whenever I finally found something good, something just makes it blow up in my face. I literally cracked. It wasn't a good sight. And it didn't help at all leaving, seeing Taku's face just tore me even more. He looked so disappointed. I never want to know what my face looked like. I didn't give up the fight, though. I felt so spoiled, but I literally was ready to take my already packed bags and go home if I couldn't go to that family. But you see, returning home would just meen I couldn't see them at all. Hirono-san knew I wanted to go to the Kirihara house. I told her everything. Why didn't she wait? But no, on Sunday, I was sent straight to this new house. They're really nice people, and I really wouldn't mind staying here, but then I remember that farewell face Taku had, and my fighting spirit jumped out again.

Everything paid off, well, it's more like this new family are really cool people, and I get to be with my new host family, the Kirihara's, from tomorrow on. This is bad, though, what's it going to be like in Febuary? Or if my father's condition worsens? I've gotten something I tried to advoid so much while I was here, an attachment.

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It's really like a riding a roller coaster, y'know. [28 Oct 2004|09:04pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Sum 41, songs from the Chuck album ]

Welp, I've packed my bags and I'm off once more. This family are really great people and all, but, I'm just so exhausted, as well as everyone else in this house. So I talked it out with my host mom, and called Hirono-san Monday night. Yesterday after school, I talked it out with Hirono-san, and she's coming to clearify everything with the Hayakawa house tomorrow. I'm going to spend Friday and Saturday night at the Kirihara house. I really would like to spend my last few days at the Hayakawa house with the family, but everyone will be too busy to notice me, anyhow. I'd probably spend the whole weekend out on my bike like usual, and I had made plans with the family last weekend, so... plus, it might be my last chance since it's really against AFS rules to spend the night over another family's house, so Hirono-san obviously won't let me.

Kunou-sensei, the teacher in charge of the exchange students at Tokokita high, seems really doubtful about finding a new family. So does Hirono-san. She says I might have to change schools and areas completely. Good thing in that, is that it might give me a chance to go to live in Nagoya. Bad, I've grown so close to this area and my friends at school, I don't want to go to that extreme. Oh, so why don't I go to the Kirihara house? They obviously like me, right? Please, don't let me go into the details about that.

Speaking of which, I have REALLY changed. I mean, there's not one chance that I'd ever do this before, but thinking it out, I want to apologize to Mrs. Asai. I mean, she wasn't the only bad guy in that problem, I fucked up there, too. So, I decided to buy some dried flowers (she loves flowers, and dried ones last longer), once I get money, of course, and go to the house to talk thinks out with her. Hopefully that'll let some steam off her, as well.

Oh, and lastly, my mom sent me the new Sum 41 album as well as another band album, Denver Harbor(?, anyone heard of them? They're pretty good, actually). I really like the songs, but I can't get if out of my head how much they kind of have a wind of Metallica in their songs lately. Before when you listened to Sum 41, you could TELL it was them, now it's a bit different. I mean, I still love the new tracks, and it's obvious they're Metallica fans, considering 'Metallica Melody' or whatever that was the final track on their other cd. Also, some of the other songs kind of remind me of Linkin Park and one even of Transplants. ...Maybe it's just me. I still can't stop listening to it though.

Mmm...diet Pespi twist...

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PICS! [18 Oct 2004|07:42pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Sum 41 - Angels with Dirty Faces ]

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, nor replied to any comments. -(x x)- I'm doing fine, I guess. Well, here's what's new:

Birthday sucked. A typhoon came so Saturday was rushed. It was just me and Asa-chan, by the way. Taka never replied to my e-mail, so was a no show. Sunday was nice weather, hung out with some exchange students in Nagoya, was a karaoke blast. My host family lied saying they'd celebrate my b-day on Monday, since my host father was in Saipan or whatever for the weekend. On Monday no one even mentioned my birthday. Pft. It doesn't matter, I wasn't really hurt by it. I mean, if you look at it, birthdays are just normal days, and this made me realize it. Just I'm 17 now. But I still couldn't helped thinking how I'd be having this huge blast and shit back at home if I was there. ...Now I gotta stop that.

Umm, and after that nothing toooo great happened. Thursday school tests started, but I got to skip Thursday to go to some middle school to talk to some middle schoolers about America and shit. AFS got on me on my clothes, so I had to dress all business style and adult and...I looked like a fucking teacher. Also, at the middle school, they treated me like and idol. It was so hilarious. I mean, they went as much to ask me for my autograph. What's up with that? It cracks (I just typed crap) me up.

On Friday me and Asa went to the beach after school. No reason really, just felt like it. Well, guess who I met there? Oh ALL people, Mr and Mrs Kirihara!! Remember when I mentioned the kendo-bu sempai and her family before I moved outta the Asai's? The family with the dogs and the hot brother, and how that was really the family that I wanted to see there. Well, I ran into the parents by accident when we accidently went to the beach! It was so crazy. And to add more to that, Thursday, their dog had more puppies, so they invited me over to hang out over there on Saturday. To add more to this coicidence, Mai-chan, the kendo club sempai, has a parttime job at a cake store that is a five minute walk from the Hayakawa house! She's been THAT close all this time and I have never even noticed it. So on Saturday I hung out over there, we went to dinner to this make-your-own-okonomiyaki place. And went over there again on Sunday after a talk with my mom that really made me need to go out, and hung out with Takuya, the brother, and his two friends. Me and Takuya already made plans to go to Los Vegas when we turn 21, and the family seems really definate about coming to America to visit, perhaps for Winter Break next year. They even wrote it down on this calender they have.

Now, about that talk with my host mom. ...Well, I won't get into too much detail about it now, but, I have a feeling within the next few weeks, I'll be shipped off again to another house. Hopefully, the Kirihara household.

Tokyo from the main Tokyo station.
My friend Mari in the boys uniform. Sports day.
Me in the boys uniform, stolen from Mari-nchi. I look horrible here, by the way. XP
Me and friends on sports day....forgot their names.
The car was awesome! I WANT THIS CAR..BUS...THING! XO
Scary teacher.
Nyaha, Ami.
Ami pose again.

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Because I feel like it. Good luck! XD [02 Oct 2004|08:25am]
くそ。。。最近あたしの心はコセキ君ばかり。最低! あたしこの気持ち嫌い。例えば 昨日の夢に彼出た。 何で!? そして その事あさちゃんに知らせた時、あさちゃんはすごっくあやしかった。このばかな笑顔した。もう~。もしあさちゃんがなにか分かれば、言うほうはもっとよがったのに。。。 よし! 疲れた! 訳に頑張ってね! >D

After a Babelfish translation...

く そ. . . Recently, the あ it is to do, as for heart only コセキ you. Lowest! The あ it is to do, this feeling large dislike. For example him it came out in dream of yesterday. With something! ? And the thing あ when informing, the あ the っ く it was doubtful enormously. This foolish smiling face it did. Another? . The あ if something you understand, the one which is said more the っ it is to. . . Even if! You became tired! Persevering in meaning, don't you think?! D
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[28 Sep 2004|08:06pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Tobaccojuice - Yoru no Sora ]

Wow, shock. You know, I never really ever knew what it felt like to have someone I knew die. I mean, sure when I was younger family members died from old age and such, and one of my brothers' friends who I met at a few parties, but to find out that someone that you saw regularly at school, not someone close, but someone you talked to ever once and a while. Someone your age. And this isn't even someone I was that close with, and yet, I actually cried. (Which actually shocked me, I'm not used to feelings like that.) So I think about it, with all the shitty, careless, fuck-up shit I have down to myself, would the people who I barely even knew feel the same way? Honestly, I don't want anyone to feel that way. Life is so short, it hurts to hear someone you knew has died. I'll try to be a little be more careful with myself now.

One a better note, there was this huge festival in my town on Sunday. Taka came down and I went with him and Asa-chan. It was SO AWESOME. HA, Japanese get drunk so easily. It's actually kind of boring to be strong to alcohol. I didn't see many people at the festival, but I DID see CONBINI-HYDE-LOOK-ALIKE GUY!!!! He bleached his hair blonde and is even more fucking hot not. -(o.o)- OH! And the guy that asked me out at the school fest. As I expected, he ignored me...he's so cute, too. I wanted to apologize so much for being so cold then. -(; ;)-

Lesse, I gotta go to some stoopid Elementary school to do some stupid introduction about America. Blah, making me miss gym..and we've been playing badminton in gym lately. I suck, but I love it! SO MUCH FUN!

...And Jumpei Koseki is begining to confuse the hell outta me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

OH! AND I pierced a second hole into my right ear with a safety pin. It's all swollen now, and when I took the piercing out this white shit came out....... I wanna dye my hair red before I get back. -(o o)- WHICH REMINDS ME! I had a dream last night that it was March, and I came back, and ran around school JUMPING everyone surprising them. It was fun, I didn't want to get out of bed.

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[20 Sep 2004|02:31pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Sonin - Dunno what the song is called ]

It was weird, at first I didn't know how to except it. It was the first time that I ever been a part of a real family. I mean, I have a family that I love dearly, but honestly, it's a bit disfunctional. Here, at the Hayakawa house, it's the first time I really got to experience what I always saw one tv, or from afar, watching others with hiden envy that even I didn't notice. And then, because of stupid mistakes, something that deep inside I have always wanted has just been whisped away. I lay on the floor in my borrowed room, and just think about everything. You know what?

I never noticed how lonely I was before.

Once one notices the sweeter side of things, going back to what you thought you were used to really hurts. I don't want to loose what I had here, it felt so warm, so comfy. I loved it. But yea, now that I think of it, I push people way. I want to be close to people, but I'm too afraid that once they know the real me, the person hidden under the fictional character I project, that they'll just hate me.

But all I really wanted was someone there for me, close. Someone who would never push me aside. One of those friendships you read in books or see on tv, of those people that are always together, from the day they meet, through college, through adulthood, standing there for one another. But really, I'm to hardheaded even for that, because to have that friendship, you need to be dependent on someone, and I don't want to be that type of weak person.

But honestly, out of everyone I know, I'm one of the weakest persons I see.

And I had many chances for that type of friendship. But one by one, they all get taken away from me, they all break away, move on. Even when I have what begins to appear as that type of relationship, I always, always do stupid mistakes to fuck it up. Because no matter how much I know, I think, and I dream, I really am an idiot when it comes to relationships. I remember whenever I and a friend parted, even after just a day of hanging out, I felt so depressed afterwards.

Maybe I was meant to be alone?

Before I came to Japan, I was the happiest I had ever been. I will never forget the moment when my mom came to me, and told me that I had passed the interview, and got my visa. After she left the room, I broke out in tears. I finally reached my dream that I had for so long. It didn't seem possible that I was finally going to Japan. And I didn't want to go.

I didn't want to leave my happiness.

And just as I thought, because of this distance, I am missing out on everything going on there. Because of the determination of that stupid fantasy of going to Japan, I am once again alone. All the delicate threads that had attached me to the people I held dear was easily broken. Now that I'm not there, eventually I will not be needed. I repeat to myself every minute, 'Only five more months...only five more months...', but no matter how homesick I get, I'm too afraid to return home. I'm afraid I won't have a place to return to. I have to start everything over.

And I'm too exhausted for that...

I need to be strong, to keep pulling myself along this endless black pit my life leads, because no matter much I call out, I look, I'll never find what I want. But like I said before, I'm not that strong.

And it's so much easier to just let go.

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Ugh...pigged out on candy corn my mom sent and now I feel like CRAP ON A STICK. [13 Sep 2004|08:57pm]
[ mood | bi-polar ]
[ music | Random 'The Used' I threw on a cd before I left ]

Your LJ Pirate Quest by rachelthedemon
Favorite Color
Your First Matebound_lilly
Your Cabin Boy/Girltasu
Your Bodyguardglitchphil
The Bad Guy/Girlresporation
Your Obligatory Love Interestrose_of_pain
The Fanservicey Onexmidnightx
Your Coveted TreasureA recipe for Veal Scallopini
Number of people you kill to get it78,102
Number of times you get laid afterward437
Quiz created with MemeGen!

PROTECT ME PHIL! And my Ryukku twin is my cabin mate? AHH! I FORGOT TO WRITE CASEY A LETTER! AHHH! SOMEONE E-MAIL ME HER ADDRESS AGAIN~~~~~ ...how come Pip, Jesshi, and Shamps don't appear there?

[+]Frequently wears black clothing.
[x]Wears band and/or rock t-shirts.
[-]Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick, or nailpolish.
[+]Wears any odd, silver jewelry or symbols. Some of these include: reversed crosses, pentagrams, pentacles, ankhs or various other pagen or satanic worshipping symbols.
[-] Shows an interest in piercings or tattoos.
[+] Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music.
[+]Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically.
[-]Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the Bible, prayer, church or sports.
[x]Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult, witchcraft or anything else of that nature.
[-]Takes drugs.
[x]Drinks alcohol.
[ ]Is suicidal and/or depressed.
[ ]Cuts, burns or partakes in any other method of self-mutilation.
[-]Complains of boredom.
[-]Sleeps too excessively or too little.
[-]Is excessively awake during the night.
[x]Dislikes sunlight or any other form of light.
[x]Demands an unusual amount of privacy.
[+]Spends large amounts of time alone.
[+]Requests time alone and quietness.
[x]Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult.
[x]Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and elders are but a few examples of this.
[+]Misbehaves at school.
[x]Misbehaves at home.
[x]Eats excessively or too little.
[-]Eats goth-related foods. Count Chocula cereal is an example of this.
[-]Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood.
[-]Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources.
[x]Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing nature.
[-]Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the computer.
[-]Makes pagen or satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music.
[x]Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner.
[-]Expresses an interest in sex.
[+] Is homosexual and/or bisexual.
[-]Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism, Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.
[-]Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "Woe is me", or "I'm a goth".
[-]Claims to be a goth.

WTFJLKAHIUBRJFSFUCK! Buddhism, Philosophy, and Hinduism is not a fucking dangerous fucking cult religion. I wanna shoot whoever wrote that quiz. Anyhow, it's obvious I'm not a fucking goth. ...

stoopid quiz...

...I haven't talked to Taka in two weeks. -(. .)-

WHEE! Tomorrow is the bunkasai (School festival). The only bad thing in this, is that I have to wake up at 4:30 am to get to school by 7:30 to make some fuckign nasty tasting gingerbread cookies. ...but the good thing is that I'll be cooking in the same kitchen with Suzuki-kun (whose helping out making yaki-onigiri, cooked riceballs). And the other guys from my class will be there....they're starting to piss me off. They're such...immature...GUYS. I mean, they're more immature than American highschoolers...it's really starting to get on my last nerves. (And you know that's something when immatureness pisses even ME off.) OH! SPEAKING OF SUZUKI! (quick topic change) thanks to a fucking fruit (plum) I got to talk to him. Apparently he's never seen a plum before. -(^ ^)- So cute.

ANNND I finally get to see Biohazard 2 on Saturday with Negi-chaaan. WHOOOT. ALIIICE! AND OTHER HOT CHIIIC! ...that is, if I have the money. -(u u)-

Reading Nana gets me so depressed now...-(; ;)- It's the first time a comic has ever made me cry. I wanna write the thoughts that came to me from reading it, but I'm not in the mood to write a sentimental update, so NYAA. Oh, and there's this cd that came out based on Nana that's full of random punk music. (I think Japanese punk, not sure.) Wanna get it so bad. BUT ALBUMS ARE FUCKING EXPENSIVE HERE! GRRR.

AND ONE LAST THING! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!! Tokoname is hosting this tv show where random people from around the Nagoya area randomly go on it and sing. I think it's a thing to find new talent in a neglected area... but yea, Mami (yes, I am friends with her now..weird, ne?) is keeping me updated for the auditions. So awesome maaaan. MUST GO!!!!! THIS MY BE MY CHANCE! XD (...since when did I ever have a dream of being a singer? Actually, I only wanna try it cause it seems so much fun. XD And it could be my chance to appear on Japanese tv...whoot...and maybe...Japanese idols..like Furuya Keita....would be watching...and fuck I'm starting to sound like Shanpyuu...OK END!)

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Nana [08 Sep 2004|07:43pm]
I've been reading Nana lately...

The best fuckign manga ever, man. Hilarious, sex thrown in ever other page, and not to mention the cool singer Nana is now my idol, despite being a cartoon character. Her clothes are AWESOME. She's a female punk singer. And her boyfriend looks just like Sid Vicious. (Whose name, by the way, keeps popping, almost typed pooping, yes, POOPING out everwhere in the manga...it's so amusing. Sid and Nancy posters, too, can be seen in the backround everyone in a while.)

It gave me such a good idea for my future. Where ever I live after school, I wanna save up and move to the city, whether it be Honolulu (top choice), Tokyo (second choice), New York, LA, or Philly. I want to room with a few buddies in an apartment, and it doesn't have to be a new apartment, just something cool. I want to get a buncha vintage furniture from the 60's, 70's, and 80's (mainly 80's) and make it all spiffy and contemperary.

For future jobs, I'm still thinking about psychology, but I still have this close attachment to the arts. I've really been thinking about starting my own little clothes shoppe or something. And you know, amazing me, I could always just do the therapy thing, in my free time make design clothes (I make them really quickly after all) and own a little shoppe where I can just have people to work for me to sell the clothes, so I can still do my therapy adn run a shop at the same time. WHOOT.

But, for the near future, plans for when I get home:
-Buy buy electric guitar, amp, and fucking LEARN HOW TO PLAY. Better yet, sing AND play.
-Get my K-ta (the Nazi ferret)...I've actually been thinking naming it Taka, beacuse that's actually a cool name. -(Oo)-
-Go to the Glow store, vintage store and hardware store and re-do my room.
-Make a fucking hell a lot of clothes to sell off eBay, because all the above needs money, which I don't have...at all.
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[06 Sep 2004|07:19pm]
Your Love Situation
by Amberishjewel
Your Love Is...Soft
During Lovemaking You Act...Like a vampire, very seductive
Your Partner Is...Your best friend
Your Partner Has Said That You...Are extrodinary
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote."One must know how to seduce"
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Haha, lookit that, my partner is my best friend.

Anywho, nothing too new. I'm staying after school to work on the dance that I'm slowly beginning to remember. I'm about to straight perm my hair because this wavy Japanese hair just ain't doing it for me. Haven't talked to Taka since Friday but spent a lot of time talking to Koseki Jumpei at school. Apparently he's gonna perform some Japanese English singing punk rock band at the school festival. Awesome, I wonder who else is in his band. Oh, and short scary eye boy, caught him staring at me during the assembly and stared back with a slow seductive lick of the lips. HAHA, his reaction was SO hilarious. (Damnit, I really hate those scary eye boys...)

And today, I had the PERFECT plan to talk to Suzuki-kun. Like, he sits next to me now, right? And usually if you drop something, the person next to you picks it up, right? It's just polite. And then you give them a cute look and say thanks and what not. Well, so, after clean up, I dropped my pencil, right? And I saw him move to pick it up.....AND THEN RIKA-CHAN THE MONKEY ASS WHO SITS IN FRONT OF HIM (though I love her, she's so awesome) PICKED IT UP INSTEAD. GWAR. And see, if I drop something again tomorrow, I'll just look like a clumbsy idiot. There goes my plan. 8()&$)#(HR)'WR('W&('R. -(><)-

Shamps, there's News stationary set, ruler, eraser, other shit I really didn't take a good look at, and a Lead binder at this one bookstore nearby.
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[02 Sep 2004|09:54pm]
School started again yesterday.

Damnit, why me? Yea, it's AFTER I met Taka that fate had to kick me in the ass. We got new seats today, and Suzuki-kun sits RIGHT next to me. Whoot. >D And Jumpei called me cute today. You got some points there when a Japanese guy calls you cute to your face. -(o o)- Oh well, I'll guess I'll just be a whore and flirt with all three. Oh, and gotta add scary eye boys in there, they got some hot haircuts over the summer. Yes, I am pitiful, suck my big toe.

And today, just to make things even better, got to see 'The Grudge' trailer. Ahh, wanna watch it so badly. I dunno if it's even going to come to Japan or not, considering it's a remake of Ju-on. But Sarah Michelle Geller looks so cute for the part. -(; ;)- Oh, and shock for me, Asa-chan, who seems like the person who'd be scared half to death of scary movies, wants to see Biohazard 2 with me. -(Oo)- Mm, I wanna make Alice's pants.

Oh, and lastly, for the school festival coming up on the 14th, my teacher wants me to dance for the opening ceremony. Well, problem is, I can't remember any of my fucking dances. I guess if I was going to dance, I'd do All That Jazz. I just wish I had a fucking video tape or something of the dance so I won't fuck up, I only remember bits and pieces of it. ...Fuck.
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[31 Aug 2004|07:52pm]
Had to delete all my pics, sorry guys. Cosplay.com got pissy, heh. -(^ ^;;

Lately I've been having a lot of dreams of my friends. I took the liberity to translate them with my dictionary that Jesshi sent me. (AGAIN THANKS SOOO MUCH!) First one had Jesshi, Tray, and that gang in it. Can't go into details, private, y'know, but it was really comforting. The second one, last night, was about Pip and DeD. I still have yet to get the meaning from that one. Just translated one symbol where a part of my dream focused a lot on DeD's face while she was doing some drunken dance,(with Pip obsessing over it)and apparently that leads to the fact that something I have been daydreaming about lately has been very good for my subconcious being.

Wonder what that is. Aw, fuck, I hate being a Libra.

Anyhow, Yesterday went to DisneySea again. Was fun. Ate a lot of popcorn, they have so many fucking flavors. Apple, Coconut, Maple, Caramel, Cappuchino. And it was fun coming back home riding the shinkansen through the beginning of a typhoon. It's been the strongest one this year, and hit us last night after we returned home. I slept throughout that whole thing.

Today hung out with Taka and Ben again in Nagoya. Some good Mac eating, Movie watching, Starbucks drinking, and arcade fun. The movie, Steamboy, I didn't catch at ALL. The Japanese I understood. The story fucked me over. Some English story, I guess, but it's meaning is really deep, and I didn't see the point of the movie at ALL. But the animation was awesome. After Ken had left to go to his work, me and Taka went to Parco. Needed a new bag for school. Me and Taka, by the way, are still just friends. I actually like it that way, because it shows that he doesn't hang out with me just to get some, and it's just nice to have some guy friends. Plus, honestly I don't want to get in a relationship here, no matter how much I may end up liking someone. One thing that I got to keep aware of is attachment here is a bad thing. I've got five more months before I leave. It's so weird, I think about that now, and honestly, I'm gonna hate leaving. No matter how much I complained before hand, Japan isn't that bad of a place. Especially Nagoya. I'm afraid to say it, but the feeling of not wanting to return finally got to me. Damnit.

ANYHOW, there was this one store, forgot what but the whole store screamed pothead. Mainy Bob Maley, Band, and Weed shit. But the shirts were made of that really soft hippy material. Need to buy some next time. (Taka bought an emo shirt. HA.) There was a Sid and Nancy bag I wanted to get for Jess so BADLY....buut it was forty bucks. And Shamps, there's a bookstore near me that has a buncha Junon boys, Johnnys, Arashi and News items. I just remembered seeing it a while back, so I'll try checking it out again sometime for anything for ya.

Gothic lolita count= 3
Mamba-gal (the seriously pando looking gals)= 5
Foreigner without a bra and wearing a skin tight white shirt= 1

MAN I wish I lived in Nagoya. For the starbucks more than any other reason, but there's still many other good points, too. Anyhow, Taka and Ken are gonna come down here next time. Got to figure out something to do, though. There's NOTHING around here. Gyaah.
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[29 Aug 2004|02:25pm]
[ music | Orange Range - 'Locomotion' ]

Me and the host-mom are buddies again. I am so confused. Oh! And I went with her to help out with this meeting today for school. Like, some of the students in my host school went to Australia for 10 days over the summer, (Including the bitch-o Mami and her host mom), and Asai-bitch was there. I ended up sitting at the same table as her, since my friends, Fuki and Nao, were there. Ohh, it was so funny. I sat there talking to Fuki about I'm going to DisneyLand for my second time tomorrow, I met a guy that I'm interested in, how my family now is the bomb, and such. Asai-mother-bitch looked SO PISSED OFF. Mami wasn't there, though, because she was going to an AFS meeting. Apparently, she's going to go abroad, too. I hope she gets the WORST place in the world and has a horrible time. Enough said.

AND I got my hair cut. It looks horrible unless I wax it up and style it my own way. Not really horrible, just different. And I don't think it suits me much. Oh well.

"Spiffing the Japanese hair."
"This is actually a different style, but you can really tell."
"At least no one will say I look like Avril, by the way. Oh, and I recently watched an interview with her while she was in Japan. I'm sorry, but she is such an IDIOT. -(o o;;
"After giving up."
"FEAR ME. Oh, notice the shirt."
"Actually, fucking my hair don't look half that bad."

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I FOUND OUT HIS NAME AIN'T BEN...IT'S KEN! [28 Aug 2004|01:17pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | The Used - The Used ]

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 63%
Kissing Skill Level - 98%
Cudding Skill Level - 11%
Sex Skill Level - 49%
Why They Love You You taste good.
Why They Hate You You kiss better than them.
This QuickKwiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 621599 Times.
New - How do you get a guy to like you?

I taste like cotton candy, suppousedly. Whoot. =D

Anyhow, me and Taka are still planning the get together on the 31st. (Tuesday?) Ken, formally known by me as Ben, is suppoused to come, too. I want Mikkon to come too, he's so cute. -(; ;)- We don't even really have a plan for anything to do to. Just hang out. But, the one problem: still need to ask my mom.

That's the hard part. She's been EXTREMLY PSMy lately. Like, I literally don't do ANYTHING and she gives me the silent treatment. Not only that, but she puts words in my mouth and thinks that most of what I say is bullshit. Most of you would never, unless I'm purposely playing around with you, I ain't no fucking liar. And last night, she got all pissy because suppousedly me saying 'Taka can speak fluent English therefore he is smart', I really meant 'Because you guys can't speak English you all are stupid.' Now, having her think that just really does prove how much of an idiot she is. She calls me blind because suppousedly, even though she never met him, Taka and his friends are the lowest of the low, and I still continue to say they are really nice people. I think Taka is really the only good guy in all of this, because he's offering to come down to boring old nothing here Tokai-shi so he can meet my mom and she won't be all overprotective because she'll know who I'm hanging out with now. (I kinda suggest he doesn't bring Ken or Jamaica, though..-(>>;; ) Not only that, but when I talked to her last night, trying to explain to her that nothing I say has a hidden, awful meaning behind it, because I'm NOT that kind of person, she just nodded and was like 'Oh...you were bothered by that?' like it was nothing! Not even an apology! For heaven sakes, woman! When I teased her about laughing at this one guy for being a handicap (but she was really laughing at the fact that one of the words in the dictionary for handicap really had more of a meaning as weak, and this guy was a pro-wrestler), she went up to her room to cry, because she isn't that type of person who'd laugh at something like that. She's just driving me CRAZY, it's almost as bad as the Asai family. I'm actually WILLING to consider another family change at this point, but I probably won't say anything. I can't even sit in my room alone to try and get away from them, because that means to her that I am on my cellphone wasting money away e-mailing a bunch of people, and there goes another silent treatment. I'm on the fucking brink of jumping out my fucking window at this point, arg! -(> <)-
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[26 Aug 2004|08:19am]
Nothign too new here. I've been spending the last few days lying around the house...studying. My host mom and I got in another fight a few days ago about Nagoya and my cell phone. With the cellphone, I offered to help pay for it and apparently that was a bad thing and pissed her off. With Nagoya, she's saying I can only go there once a month now. Hell no. But I'm trying to stay on good terms with her now a be a good girl and get asorbed into these fucking textbooks I want to burn. And it's hard to stay on good terms when she random gives me silent treatments for GoD knows what.

I've been talking to Taka on and off through cell phone mail lately. He says that I should just give into her, because getting in a fight with my host mom is not worth it, even if he does want to see me. It's funny how I know these things, but hearing it from someone else just puts them in a different light. Oh, by the way, I was wrong. Taka is in his repeat of second year of high school, not college. (Repeat is because he just returned from his exchange program in Sweden in June.) All his friends are third years studying for the University exam, see, that's what fucked me up, I thought they were IN College studying for a college exam, y'know? Sucha buttmunch, I am. Anyhow, he wants me to go up to Nagoya on the 31st for we can 'go somewhere fun', and I want to, but I don't know if I can. #1, my host mom is being an ass monkey. #8, I'm going to DisneyLand again on the 30th. (But I want to see him again so badly...)

This Saturday I get my hair trimmed and dyed, school starts again on September 1st. I'll just bullshit them about the hair. I haven't gotten a tan at ALL, by the way. OH! And I mentioned to my host family that one of my plans in Japan was to go to a Japanese concert. Well, they're J-pop freaks, and mentioned last night if Arashi came to Nagoya while I was here, my little sis would take me to their concert. Lead just finished their tour, so I don't think they'll come around (::starts humming Green Day::) again. I really, really, really, REALLY wanna see Miyavi, though. Or 175R (Japanese Sum 41). But there's also some new bands I've gotten really into. Dragon Ash (they sound like a Japanese Incubus), Orange Range, Bump of Chicken, B'Z, others that just won't come to my brain right now. Meh.

But number one, I want to go to Taka's local band's live.
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Updaaaate. [23 Aug 2004|08:10am]
Thursday- Went to see Harry Potter for the Second time.
Friday- FINALLY went to see Shrek 2, and I wanna see it again.
Saturday- I COOKED.
Sunday- Ok, here's the thing I wanted to update. >D

Ok, I wake up that morning and think to mysekf how much of any idiot I am. I'm going off to Nagoya, I city I barely know, to hang out with some College Students that I only met once (well, Taka who I've met twice), to go karaoke-ing, and behold, my friends canceled so I'd be the only girl there. My host mother kinda freaked me out complaining about Japanese boys and how many rapists there are, and the only thing that keeps me assured that this is a good thing that I didn't feel anything bad from Taka, and my horoscope said it was going to be a good day.

But it wasn't good.


We met around 12, and Taka was 15 minutes late, but I had fun hanging around in Sakae station (which is more like a mall than a station, most of the stations in Nagoya are like that), because I basically just sat there on the floor trying to look as scary as I could, because of the lack of frog hats I had to do something to show my American spirit, y'know? Then Taka came with his friend, whose name I forgot, but it was the guy that brought the guitar last time. We went to the arcade, took some purikura (which they suggested, third year male college students wanted to take some purikura...kinda shocked me. But I was reassured when they didn't know how to use the machine that well), then went to the closest restuarant to eat lunch. (It was the weirdest mix ever. I was hungry so I had spicy bean soup, Taka had tacos, which most Japanese don't know about, and Ben (I feel like calling him that, since I forgot his name) had strawberry milk kakigoori (shaved ice). Then came Ben's other friend, Mikkon, who shocked me when he came to our table, because he look like he just popped out of a Junon magizine or something. And what just made him even cuter was he was the same exact height as me. So we hang out for a bit, appartently Ben and Mikkon went to a Blink182 concert the night before and were sharing their pics they snapped of the band members walking through the station. After a bit of ladeedaa we head over to the karaoke for some 2 hour nonstop singing. (With some car racing games before hand, since there was a 20 minute wait.) Most of the songs they sang were Sum 41, Rancid, Green Day, Blink, some Japanese punk bands, one Transplant song, I sung Gorillaz, Calling, and Jaded, and they also through some GC and Mest which reminded me too much of the 'freshmen Jess' days, and Simple Plan. (The only had popular bands and stuff, but it was still fun to sing to songs even when you aren't that crazy about the bands.)

Afterwards Ben and Mikkon were going to a live, so we leave around 4:30, head over to Parco, this department store where the live was going to be held. Me and Taka check out Tower Records before heading down to the Subway to return home, since my mom kinda wanted me to go home around 5 or 6. She's been kinda pissed that I've been hanging out in Nagoya so much, and because of the last few times when I came home too late, she's been much more stricter. Hopefully since I came home exactly one time, and safe, she'll be a little bit less. Plus, Taka is having a concert at his school which I REALLY want to go to, so yea. Nothing really happened relationship wise, if you guys are wondering. Just made some really cool friends, and though half of me wants it to keep it that way, well, who knows. I really don't want an attactment here, so maybe just friends is for the best.


My dinner Thurs. night. I wanted to keep him, it was so cute, but he smelled like shit.
Unchi hat. This beats the frog hats. Need to buy this for a suvinior for someone when I have the money. Oh, and if you look carefully, there's gloomy bears in the backround. I NEED need to buy some. -(><)-
Taka in mid pose. How come all the pictures of him turn out really bad? Yea, I snapped this right before he made the most hilarious pose in the world, so it looks really fucked up.
Taka singing. Yea, this is before I figured out that I can make pictures brighter on my phone. Whoop, my bad.
'Ben' and all his glory.
Yup, see, karaoke was THAT much fun. Ben and Mikkon.
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Japan is becoming more interesting by the minute. [17 Aug 2004|01:59pm]
...I need a new backround. Just noticed my other one died. And so did my profile pic.

Anyhow, Saturday I basically went to see fireworks with Asa-chan and her boyfriend. Japanese fireworks= 2 hours long of awesome explodingness. I ran into most of my school friends there, got stared and pointed at in my sexy black yukata, and ran into Jumpei-kun. Not to mention I had to use my skills and try to figure out how to eat a Japanese candy apple. It's like a caramel apple, but with this hard candy shit over it. I just ended up banging it against a tree (while it was still in the bag). Go gaijin.

Dedication to Shamps- I went into the kitchen for a sec for a drink, and they were playing Arashi's "Hero" in the backround of the news.

Sunday was the BOMB. My crazy ass American friend, Oliver (he owns an apartment in Paris, and invited me to it for a party blast he's having next year), and his host-brother, Taka, were having an all night karaoke farewell party. (The summer stay students, which all the fun American peeps are, left today.) Only me and Nic showed up. Pft. But it was still fun. So, the four of us end up walking to this park near Taka's house, (Taka, by the way, is this REALLY sexy Japanese guy, who speaks fluent English. American English at that, throwing in a random 'fuck' every once and a while. I so got a get out of that), and right off the bat got extremly drunk. Then arrived Taka's friends, Obu, who was an exchange student to America, Jamaica, he looks like a fucking fatty with his bright GREEN HAIR, and another guy whose name I forgot, but he brought a guitar with him, and the only English word he seemed to know was 'penis'. (Also for only an hour, this one Japanese girl who spoke fluent French came. Her and Oliver just sat there blowing out the French. It was an amusing sight, at least I thought so, since neither of them were French.) We sat there in the park unitl 11 pm, as Taka and Jamaica played random Sum 41, Rancid, Green Day, and The Used songs on the guitar (weird mix), while me, Nick, and Oliver sung along. (Oh, Gin sucks. It tastes like fucking colougne.) Apparently Taka was/is in a band. Well, now I have connects with underground lives, Jess. But the night's ending really sucked. My parents wouldn't let me stay out all night (the free karaoke everyone was going to started at 12 am), so they cell-mailed me telling me to come home on the last train. I tried having Taka sweet talk them into letting me stay, since in no way would I make that 11:54 train, but they wouldn't fall for it. So I quickly gave Taka my e-mail, for we could hang out some more, and random drunkingly to the subway. Yea, I didn't make it, and ended up taking a taxi home. (Arriving around 1 am, only to sit there listen to my dad lecture me.) According to Nic, they sang karaoke until 8:30 am, got even more drunk, more people came, and all the Japanese guys there had "a boner for me". (One of them, I think he said Obu, pulled out his digi-camera and made out with my picture...HA.) Sweet.

But I really, REALLY like Taka. He's so awesome, and a really nice guy. Like, before I went to bed on Saturday, he sent me this e-mail:

Hey I'm Taka, the host brother of Oliver! It's so bad that you can't come. But we'll see you again, surely. Just tell me whenever you wanna have a fun with us. :-)

Oh, and if your parents got so mad, you just say that I missunderstood that your last train leave at 12, so that's all my fault. :D

Ok, so maybe his English isn't perfect, but it's fun listening to him talk and random curse. =D

And then next day was spent lazing around the house in a major hang-over. -(><)-

Saving for today, where I woke up at 4 am to take a 6 am bus to the airport with Cannie and Boe to send off the Summer stay people. It was pretty sad, but I'm almost positive I'll see Nic and Oliver again, because I ain't going to let Oliver back down on his Paris promise. Plus, Taka was there, and I really couldn't get sad seeing him sit there, looking completely serious, with a bright green frog hat. We're planning to meet up sometime to go drunken karaoke again! Yay! X3

In reply to everyone's request...PICTURES!

Yuuki, my little sister, after waking up.
Me and Aya-nee-chan after the Hanabi Daikai. Yea, if you look carefully (or not) both of our eyes seem to be twitching.
Me and Boe-chan. It's funny how good this turned out, because it's one of those self-shoot pics.
Cannie, Me, Rihaku, Justin, and Boe-chan. Before Justin left.
Me and Nic in THE legendary frog hats.
A very dark pic because my phone doesn't have flash. But Oliver and Taka looking oh so serious in those hats. (Taka's hotter when he's smiling, I think. =P)
Hard off Bookstore.
Smile makes emotion and feel some CREATIVE IIt's just romantic And person SHINE POETRY!

Oh! I've been talking back and forth to Taka through e-mail. Why do I always fall for these types of guys? Apparently he's been smoking for 6 years (he's 18 right now), and repeating his second year in college. But he's in a band and that makes up for it.
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[12 Aug 2004|11:12pm]
Monday- went to school to pull grass...wtf?
Tuesday- Disneyland. I got to ride the shinkansen (That fast-ass train that's in Japan) and got to see Tokyo finally. Now, Tokyo is the Japan I wanted. There's literally not one building under 10 floors.
Wednesday- A repeat of New Years in Hawaii without the drunkness.
Thursday (today)- Was awesome. I met up with Boe, the awesome Thai girl with a British accent, Canny, Justin, this gay Asian from LA, and Tony, this awesome Swiss guy, in Nagoya. We first meet in Sakae, which is downtown Nagoya, (Downtown in Japan is actually the fancy rich part with all the shops that no one can afford.) and go take purikura in this arcade. After eating lunch (for me which was a venti Caramel Frappachino), we go back to the arcade from three hours of karaoke. Then we head over to central Nagoya to this department store called 'Passe' that sells all the fucked up clothes you see in the Japanese magazines I have. I bought 5 shirts, all for 500 yen (5 bucks) which including sayings such as 'I am still a happy cherry', 'The dog is waiting to eat the bone', 'Dickey' (in 'Disney' font), and 'Suck me Dry'. I still have yet to find my shirt that says 'Fuck', but I know it has to be out there somewhere.
After that, we all part, and I go to another Starbucks for dinner (Nagoya is filled with Starbucks, where I live right now, none, so I need to drink as much when I can.) While sitting there drinking my Frapp and eating a nice hot cinnamin bun, I notice some 'gaijin' pass by the window in frog hats. Well, they walk into Starbucks, and low and behold, it's the awesome American summer stay kids! (All from the west coast.) What the hell are the chances, you know? So, they throw me a frog hat, (Nick from LA bought 8 for his stoner friends) and we go over to the billoards for an hour of late night (it's 8pm right now) pool. (Of which I buy a water downed whiskey...and got so drunk from it that it pissed me off that I got so weak from alcohol. It was amusing to just go up to the bar and buy it, though.) Afterwards the only other girl buys some Gin and we played drunk DDR. Good times. She ended up leaving early, and left the gin, so now I have a bottle of gin in my bag to save for later, booyah! So around 10 me and Nick were the last to leave, and he rides the same train with me home, so we sit there on the train, in our frog hats, talking about the dirtiest shit and being great American foreigners.
Annnd right before my station, I notice this guy's shirt in front of us says 'ass'. His arms were crossed, so I couldn't read the rest, all we could see was 'Don't s--- my ASS!'. Right after Nick says 'I bet it says 'Don't stop my ass'' the guy moves his arms, and his shirt contains an afro guy with a pool stick stuck up his bum. 'Don't shot my ass.'
And I thought the shirts I bought were great.
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[07 Aug 2004|10:09pm]
Just always count on camp to make you notice how lonely you are. It's weird how when you get used to the feeling, it doesn't bother you as much, but once you're surrounded by friends from around the world for four days, and then once you return to your normal routine, it just doesn't feel the same.

Anyhow, camp was awesome. I got close to the hot Brazillian guy, Willy, but after becoming his friend (which is hard to do since he's really quiet) I think that's all I really want to be now. The Japanese guys there weren't that hot, except for one, Junya, but he was all lovey dovey with this other Japanese girl. They were all had really cute personalities, including this one guy who I swore was gay. His name was Rihaku (a really rare Japanese name, for that matter) and he had long fluffy hair. I wanted to play with it so bad. (He kept putting it in this ponytail, which didn't help the matter. It's so funny how I'm attracted to hair.) Oh, and why did I think he was gay? Well, I didn't think so, really, until he was talking about how everyone always asks him is he has a girlfriend (which is normal) but then after he says no, they ask if he has a boyfriend. So me and my new Malaysian friend, Cannie, asked him which he prefered....and he didn't answer. I didn't really get to converse with many of the other Japanese guys, well, I did, but they weren't that interesting.

Then there was Shinya (go figure with the name), one of the counsilers. I met him on the bus on the way to Gifu, where the camp was. Go tan, kinda short, spiked bleach sexy guy. And his eyes were that golden yellow type. He claimed they were real, but I highly doubted it. (He said he wanted Marilyn Manson type eyes though.) He screamed American, despite being Japanese, and even had a better American accent when he spoke English than I did. Most of the time we sat around talking about music (which we have the same taste in, including a hatred for Avril and Britney), and guess what, he was a 'yankee' in his high school days. In fact, after he mentioned that, I was magneted to him. I wish I could have gotten some contact with him to be able to hang out some time. Because, best of all, he's a bartender.

The American students literally gave America a bad name. Most of them were here for the Summer, so I met them all for the first time. I guess they were being normal Americans, which ain't that great in Japan. One of the more behaved (which is funny for me to say, since I'm no better than some of the guys who snuck out the first night of camp to drink beer) Americans was this one BEAUTIFUL Korean girl from Jersey, Andrea. (She looks exactly like BoA to give you the image, and after I mentioned that to her, she would always bring up Avril in our conversations. Grah.) The lucky bitch got to go to Nagoya ever day for school, even though because of which she had to ride the train every day for an hour, because she lives in another prefecture. But still, to hang out in downtown Nagoya every single day, that's awesome. And then there's Cannie and Boe (Thai), the two girls who I become closest friends with who live in downtown Nagoya. Grr, lucky bastards. (Boe, by the way, has the coolest British accent. And she's Thai, so English is her second language, but it's awesome, and she speaks it fluently.)

Camp was mainly freetime, because of the rain which canceled most of the activities. We still got to have Bon dancing, where everyone wore a yukata, and swim in the freezing cold moutain river (this one Italian guy kept pushing me in, and the last time he did, he literally fell on top of me to kind of pin me down in that flirty accident you always see on tv and in movies. That scared me away from him, because I noticed how much he stared and got close to me before hand. Even though he was suppousedly the sexiest exchange student, I had no interest in him, and he ended up getting it on with this one Japanese girl who I swore made out with five of the American guys the last night. For other activities we did, there was mountain climbing and a talent show in the rain, which I ended up hosting again. Yay! The counsilers actually asked me to, and wouldn't let me forget it. Now they want me to be the announcer for the Christmas party, too. I don't mind, it's fun. Oh yea, and the camp brought up the good old days of the macarana. But it got annoying after the 45th time they did it. Now I know why everyone got so pissed off at that dance. But it was amusing to watch the Japanese guys dance to it, especially Junya with his cute scratchy voice screaming 'Hey macarana!'.

But because of camp, I am bombarded with plans for the next week. Going to karaoke with the Americans and getting drunk, an amusement park on Wednesday, Aeon with some other people, Sakae with Willy, Cannie and Boe on Thursday, and not to mention I need to go to school on Monday, which might bring out even more play-dates, Disneyland on Tuesday, and going out for Indian cuisine (again) with some family friends on Friday. It was so much fun putting that all into my new cell phone today. Yea...my host mom bought me an awesome Japanese cell phone (orange). I've been playing with it all night...mwahaha...

Oh by the way! Matt, got your letter! THANKS SO MUCH! I love you so much! I promise I'll write back once I get stamps...whichi will be soon, I hope!
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[28 Jul 2004|09:31pm]
Been more than a month since my last update. Ugh, so much happened... I dunno if I can type (or remember) it all.. -(X.x)-

Well, I gladly left the Asai house. Completely stopped talking to the sisters at school, since I saw no reason to do so. Um, did end of the year stuff. We had a sports day where I played volleyball with a team of friends and completely got out asses kicked by the seniors. Exams. Wrote hella long letters to Clone and Jesshi, but because of a lack of stamps, I have yet to send them. And the last day of school I went to my friend Yuko's house, which is an awesome looking cafe, and pigged out on free egg hand sandwiches, and afterwards we went to this popular shaved ice cafe. (But had to wait an hour and a half before we were seated...it was that popular.) Oh, and I quite club after the first day of summer. Usually the kids over here have club all summer, but I arrived the first day, late because i fucked up the bus schedule, and really didn't care, saw the people I hate in the clubs' face, turned to the tennis club teacher, made up an excuse to quit, got my stuff, said hi to a friend, and left.

I was at Hirono's house for a month. I LOVE Hirono, by the way. She's so awesome. (Hirono is the Chita chapter, or the area that I am in write now, AFS contact person president. Basically she takes care of all the AFS dealio here.) Her family are health freaks, too, so I really felt at home during meal time. Her daughter, Eriko, is a 24 year old college gradute who is now goign to graduate school studying to be a nurse. Oh, and at Hirono's houe, we often ate lunch out, most of the time at this letter Indian restuarant. Because of that, I now have a strange passion for Indian foods. =9

Anyhow, I just arrived at my new house yesterday. And, although it was terribly depressing leaving Hirono's house, my new family so far is GREAT! My new host-mom is really nice, always smiling, and never gets mad. Suppousedly my host father is that way, too. I haven't really talked too much with him, and he was at work all day today. Which, by the way, both the parents own a clothes boutique chain. (This meaning they're pretty rich...offered to by my a cellphone...heh heh. >D) My two host sisters, just as I thought, as so awesome! The younger sister, middle school third year, has the same taste in clothes, and her personality is so cute! All bouncy and happy. The older sister is really outgoing as well, and although a little bit maturer, her and her sister seems to have overall the same kind of personality. I have a lot of similarities as the family, too. The younger sister, for example, is lactose entolerant, and the older sister hates fried foods. The family apparently barely eats beef or pork, either, but they do have a taste for noodles. Go figure. They also LOVE movies and games. They have almost all the game systems the Japan has to offer, including a buncha games that go with each one. Movie wise, they have tons, mainly Disney. The mother loves Nightmare Before Christmas, too! Yay! (Speaking of Disney, we're going to Tokyo Disneyland on the 10th. Only for a day, but it's worth it. Also, on the 30th or something, we'll be going to Japan's other Disney-amusement park, Disney city.) Also, the first night I spent here (last night) we went to see Spiderman 2! Compared with what I had before, this is awesome, y'know? To make things even better, the family shares my strang passion for Hawaii! They too, want to live there, but can't because they're Japanese, and can't stay there for more than three months. So, after I mentioned that I want to live and go to college in Hawaii, the older sister began to grow to like that same idea (college), and the father offered that if I ended up staying in Hawaii, he would pay half of the payment for a house, as long as the family can come there whenever they want! (...for three months at a time.) I know he was joking, but it was still fun to play out the joke, y'know?

Oh, one last thing. The bitch witch (Evil Asai-mother) spread rumors that I was a dirty, selfish, rude, lazy American. That I never helped out, and was just troublesome there. Hahaaa, and y'know, because she was tooooo busy to take care of me, she contained to go to Australia for two weeks with her daughter. Figures, right? Oh! And I found out from my new sister, Ayaka, that Saki and Mami are stuck up bitches at school, too. (Ayaka, by the way, was on the track and field team, and one of the people that I really liked when I went to the track and field club for those two days.)

And, for those who will actually write me, my address:

72 Nishiyashiki,
Takayokosuka-cho, Tokai-shi,
Aichi-ken, Japan 477-0037
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