[28 Jul 2004|09:31pm] |
Been more than a month since my last update. Ugh, so much happened... I dunno if I can type (or remember) it all.. -(X.x)-
Well, I gladly left the Asai house. Completely stopped talking to the sisters at school, since I saw no reason to do so. Um, did end of the year stuff. We had a sports day where I played volleyball with a team of friends and completely got out asses kicked by the seniors. Exams. Wrote hella long letters to Clone and Jesshi, but because of a lack of stamps, I have yet to send them. And the last day of school I went to my friend Yuko's house, which is an awesome looking cafe, and pigged out on free egg hand sandwiches, and afterwards we went to this popular shaved ice cafe. (But had to wait an hour and a half before we were seated...it was that popular.) Oh, and I quite club after the first day of summer. Usually the kids over here have club all summer, but I arrived the first day, late because i fucked up the bus schedule, and really didn't care, saw the people I hate in the clubs' face, turned to the tennis club teacher, made up an excuse to quit, got my stuff, said hi to a friend, and left.
I was at Hirono's house for a month. I LOVE Hirono, by the way. She's so awesome. (Hirono is the Chita chapter, or the area that I am in write now, AFS contact person president. Basically she takes care of all the AFS dealio here.) Her family are health freaks, too, so I really felt at home during meal time. Her daughter, Eriko, is a 24 year old college gradute who is now goign to graduate school studying to be a nurse. Oh, and at Hirono's houe, we often ate lunch out, most of the time at this letter Indian restuarant. Because of that, I now have a strange passion for Indian foods. =9
Anyhow, I just arrived at my new house yesterday. And, although it was terribly depressing leaving Hirono's house, my new family so far is GREAT! My new host-mom is really nice, always smiling, and never gets mad. Suppousedly my host father is that way, too. I haven't really talked too much with him, and he was at work all day today. Which, by the way, both the parents own a clothes boutique chain. (This meaning they're pretty rich...offered to by my a cellphone...heh heh. >D) My two host sisters, just as I thought, as so awesome! The younger sister, middle school third year, has the same taste in clothes, and her personality is so cute! All bouncy and happy. The older sister is really outgoing as well, and although a little bit maturer, her and her sister seems to have overall the same kind of personality. I have a lot of similarities as the family, too. The younger sister, for example, is lactose entolerant, and the older sister hates fried foods. The family apparently barely eats beef or pork, either, but they do have a taste for noodles. Go figure. They also LOVE movies and games. They have almost all the game systems the Japan has to offer, including a buncha games that go with each one. Movie wise, they have tons, mainly Disney. The mother loves Nightmare Before Christmas, too! Yay! (Speaking of Disney, we're going to Tokyo Disneyland on the 10th. Only for a day, but it's worth it. Also, on the 30th or something, we'll be going to Japan's other Disney-amusement park, Disney city.) Also, the first night I spent here (last night) we went to see Spiderman 2! Compared with what I had before, this is awesome, y'know? To make things even better, the family shares my strang passion for Hawaii! They too, want to live there, but can't because they're Japanese, and can't stay there for more than three months. So, after I mentioned that I want to live and go to college in Hawaii, the older sister began to grow to like that same idea (college), and the father offered that if I ended up staying in Hawaii, he would pay half of the payment for a house, as long as the family can come there whenever they want! (...for three months at a time.) I know he was joking, but it was still fun to play out the joke, y'know?
Oh, one last thing. The bitch witch (Evil Asai-mother) spread rumors that I was a dirty, selfish, rude, lazy American. That I never helped out, and was just troublesome there. Hahaaa, and y'know, because she was tooooo busy to take care of me, she contained to go to Australia for two weeks with her daughter. Figures, right? Oh! And I found out from my new sister, Ayaka, that Saki and Mami are stuck up bitches at school, too. (Ayaka, by the way, was on the track and field team, and one of the people that I really liked when I went to the track and field club for those two days.)
And, for those who will actually write me, my address:
72 Nishiyashiki, Takayokosuka-cho, Tokai-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan 477-0037