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Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "playstation".
438 matches:
- 108suiko_stars - 108suiko_stars
- 123graphics - As easy as 1-2-3!
- 123layouts - 123layouts
- 133t_freaks - L33T FREAKS: Lord of Mulitplayer Boards
- 18plusgamers - 18+ Gamers - Gaming for grown-ups
- 1up_gamers - 1up Gamers
- 2dtattoos - Two-Dimensional Tattoos
- 3d_gaming - HardCore Gaming
- 80sarcade - The Old-School Arcade Community
- __ddr - Dance Dance Revolution
- _ddr_ - ~*Dance Dance*~
- _electric_rebel - Reno Fans
- _final_fantasy_ - Final Fantasy
- _final_ff_ - _final_ff_
- _finalfantasy_ - !!++FINAL FANTASY++!!
- _games_ - « ga m i n g »
- _hardcore_nerds - _hardcore_nerds
- _loserness_ - P.G.B.G. s
- _mygeneration - Born in the '80s
- _playstation3 - PS3
- _rockroyalty_ - [ Kari~ ♪ ]
- _rpg_anonymous_ - For People Addicted to RPGs
- _teflon - TEFlon Bandits on Parade
- _videogames - video games and stuff
- ac_red_carpet - After Celebrity Welcome Forum
- admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
- ago - Anime and Gaming Organization at Drexel University
- aitd_gamers - Alone in the Dark
- akumajoudracula - Akumajou Dracula: Castlevania
- alabama__anime - Alabama Anime Fans
- all_avatars - all_avatars
- althune1 - ~Althune~
- amgamedesign - amgamedesign
- amp_effect - Amplitude Effect
- anime_addicts - A N I M E - A D D I C T S
- anime_extreme - anime EXTREME: everything about anime
- animedrabble - anime drabbles
- animeforums - Anime Forums LJ Community
- animorphs - Fans of Animorphs
- anti_games - anti_games
- antisquareenix - Square Enix is teh ghey.
- arcade - The Arcade
- arcade_icons - Video gamers icons
- arcade_mafia - Arcade Mafia
- armoredcore - Armored Core Pliot
- atlus_usa - atlus_usa
- azuredreams0 - Azure Dreams Fans
- b0red - Are you b0red? We are too, so join us! =P
- bandiger - The Hunter Of Hearts Did'nt Drown After All =D
- baylor_misfits - Baylor Misfits
- beat_hotel - beat_hotel
- bemani_icons - Bemani Icons
- benchmark - o.O
- bitch_fight - Fighting Game Fangirls Unite!
- blinking_mynci - drunken_mynci
- blue_cave_echo - Blue Cave Echo - Fans of Klonoa
- bond007games - James Bond 007 Games
- bostongametrade - Boston game trading network
- breath_of_fire - Breath of Fire Fan Community
- btvsfans - BTVSfans @ Livejournal
- bust_a_groove - Bust-A-Groove
- bust_a_move - Bust-A-Move
- c_town_sohmas - The C-Town Sohma Family!
- ca21n_overscene - The Story Of Californians In Their 20's
- cheap_thrills - Holy LJ community Batman!
- cheat_addicts - Cheat addicts
- christian_bro_u - The Unofficial CBU Community!
- christian_geek - Christian Geeks
- claim_a_fantasy - Claim a Fantasy Character!
- claim_a_game - Any Type Of Games
- classic_rpgs - Classic RPGs
- club_de_losers - Club de Losers
- controllergeeks - Controller Geeks
- cosplaypwnzjoo - Cosplay Pwnz Joo
- cpwb - Computer Programmer Wannabes
- crapfaceboys - the guys we hate to love
- crapforum - crapforum
- crazy_life_604 - <<THE_kRAZY_LIFE>>
- ctr_rules - Crash Team Racing
- cugamers - Champaign Urbana Gamers
- cypreview - Choose Your Review's Updates and Comments
- damngrits - DamnGrits v2.0
- dancedancerev - dancedancerev
- dancingstage - Dancing Stage Community
- dannyradcliffe - daniel radcliffe FANatics!
- darkfromlight - hekcten
- ddr - Dance Dance Revolution
- ddr_maniacz - DDR Maniax
- ddr_perth - DDR Perth
- ddr_songs - ~^~v~Dance Dance Revolution~^~v~
- ddr_stars - DDR Stars and their Accomplishments
- ddr_workout - DDR Workout
- ddrtime - DDR help,sales and discussions
- death_by_games - death_by_games
- deep_impact - Deep Impact v2.0
- dewprism - Dewprism // Threads of Fate
- digipen - Time to Git Bizzy
- digital_love - [ we've got love for the digital ]
- digitalinsanity - Give Us Games, Or Give Us Death
- dirgeofcerberus - Dirge of Cerberus
- dualshock - dualshock
- dudes - dudes
- eclipsed_worlds - Eclipsed Worlds
- el_dictador - el_dictador
- elitegeeks - Geeks
- emulation - emulation
- entertheauthor - Enter the Author
- etuts - Everything Under The Sun
- exe_evo_chat - exe_evo_chat
- exe_evo_rp - exe_evo_rp
- exe_evolution - exe_evolution
- eyetoy_game - Eye Toy Game
- f_f_icons - Final Fantasy Icons
- fascistpenguin - Fascist Penguin
- fatal_fury - Fatal Fury and King Of Fighters
- femmefan - Fangirls Unite
- ff11 - ff11
- ff9_awards - Final Fantasy 9 Icontest
- ff_art - FinalFantasy/ Square Fan Art
- ff_femme_awards - Final Fantasy Female Icontest
- ff_icon_shoppe - ff_icon_shoppe
- ff_icontest - ff_icontest
- ff_rp_scenes - ff_rp_scenes
- ff_uni - Final Fantasy University
- ffartsite - Final Fantasy Artwork
- ffdestination - Final Fantasy Destination
- fffreaks - Final Fantasy Freaks
- ffhighschool - Final Fantasy High School
- ffquotes - Final Fantasy Quotes Community
- fftales - Final Fantasy Tales
- ffviii_icontest - Final Fantasy 8 Icontest
- ffworld - Final Fantasy World
- ffxi_caitsith - ffxi_caitsith
- ffxi_carbuncle - ffxi_carbuncle
- ffxi_fenrir - ffxi_fenrir
- ffxi_newbies - Final Fantasy XI Newbies
- ffxi_siren - Final Fantasy XI - Siren Server Players
- fighting_icons - Icons for Fighting Games :D
- finalfantasy11 - Final Fantasy Online - LJs OFFICAL FFO Community
- finalfantasy_hs - finalfantasy_hs
- finalfantasy_rp - Final Fantasy Role Play
- flac - Dias Flac lovers.
- flea_market_000 - Flea Market Barterland
- friends_of_josh - The Friends of Josh
- frivolity - Frivolous Debate
- fuck_critics - Amatuer reviews of Movies, Music, Books & More
- furry_gamers - Furry_Gamers
- gaijin_gamers - Hardcore Gamers Only
- gam3rs - gam3rs
- game_art - Game & Art
- game_informant - Game articles, essays, and amusement. (All types.)
- game_quotes - Livejournal Game Quotes
- game_together - Single Gamers
- gamecharacter - Claim a video game character
- gamedev_ru - Russian Gamedevelopment Community
- gamedevelopers - Game Developers
- gamegirls - the Gamegirls community
- gamehelp - Gamehelp
- gamemusicnotes - Game Music notes
- gamer_love - gamer_love
- gamereview - Videogame Reviews
- gamergeek - gamerland
- gamers - LiveJournal Gamers
- gamers_la - Gamers of Los Angeles
- gamersanonymous - Gamers Anonymous
- gamersdigest - Gamers Digest
- gamersobsession - Video Game Character Obsessions
- gamesekai - GameSekai Forums
- gamesforum - gamesforum
- gamesnobs - Gamesnobs
- gamestop_trades - gamestop_trades
- gametraders - Game Traders
- gamewhoregirls - gamewhoregirls
- gaming_chat - Gaming Chat
- gaming_ideas - Ideas for Console and Computer Gaming
- gaming_ninjas - gaming ninjas
- gaming_pleasure - Video Game Community
- gamingdivas - GamingDivas
- gamingreviews - Intelligent Videogame Reviews
- gamingtattoos - Gaming Tattoos for the Avid Gamer
- gaygeeks - Gay Geeks of the World Unite!
- geek_luv - geek luv
- geek_out - Dark Geeks
- geekcentral - geekcentral
- geekclique - i'm not a loser, i just don't like you.
- geekculture - geek culture
- geekend - Shiny toys to play with at the geekend
- geekissexy - geeK IS Sexy
- geeklets - Geeklets
- geekparents - GeekParents
- geekygays - Geeky Gay Boys
- genshiken - The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture
- giocopolous - Città Del Gioco
- girl_gamers - Girl Gamers - Celebrating over 1,000 members.
- girlgamers - Girl Gamers
- girlgeeks - Girl Geeks Rule!
- girls_who_game - Girls Who Game
- goodmarauders - The GOOD Marauders - A Graphics Journal
- goon_ratings - Video Game Raters
- gothicgeek - gothicgeek
- gr0up - G*R*O*U*P
- grandiloninjas - The Grandiloquent Ninjas
- groovy_geek - Groovy Geek
- gtagames - Grand Theft Auto Games
- gtgnextlevel - Guess The Game 2: Next Level
- guessthegame - For Video Game Lovers
- h4rdcore - H4rdcore : Hardcore for Gaming
- h4x0r_101 - 3l337 h4x0r
- hackandslash - Rare Video Game Slash
- hanabi_graphics - Hanabi Graphics
- harvested - Harvested
- hawt_h0m0s - Hawt H0m0s
- heavenly_dorks - For the sexy dork in you.
- hello_navi - Serial Experiments Lain
- hkojima - Hideo Kojima - A Fan Community
- hockeyvideogame - The history of the hockey video game
- hot_losers - hot_losers
- hot_nerds - hot_nerds
- hppreviews - HEY POOR PLAYER Game Reviews
- humanity_ooc - H u m a n i t y FF RPG's OOC Community
- humanity_scenes - H u m a n i t y RPG Scenes
- i_am_thankful - [thankful]
- iconsfordante - Icons from Devil May Cry
- ilivein8bits - I live in 8-bits
- iloveicons - I Love Icons
- irkenempire - The Irken Empire
- irongamersguild - Guild of Iron Gamers
- itsdejavu - It's Déjà vu
- j_ent - Japanese Entertainment!
- jax_gaming_post - Jacksonville Gaming Post
- joyosha - Joyosha: Anime Club
- kattcon - Kattu's Icons
- kawaii_nushi - Be Kawaii!
- keeg - geek
- keyblades_r_us - Kingdom Hearts LJ RP: Keyblades 'R' Us
- kidz_at_heart - kidz_at_heart__Evry1_Write anything you want!
- kitsune_clan - kitsune_clan
- konsole - konsole
- kunicon - Anime & Gaming Conventions
- kzim - DJ Gir
- leather_bound - "Red Leather Boys" Fanfiction
- leet_like_ninja - Ninjability
- lets_talk_games - Inner secrets of gaming revealed
- level5 - Level-5 Fan Community
- lilieslounge - Lilies Lounge
- lizzycon - lizzycon
- love_kuja - A Kuja Fan/Support Community
- lunar_sanctuary - Lunar Fanatics
- maddenfootball - Madden Football
- manila_nights - Manila_Nights
- maryland_gamers - Maryland Gamers
- mastergamer - mastergamer
- mellow_gamers - Mellow Gamers
- meriluvsbribri - Meri & BriBri
- metal_gear - Metal Gear Fans
- midwestsnow - Midwest Snowboarding and Skiing
- mississippirpg - MississippiRPG
- mm_c - MegaMan Community
- monkey_muffin - monkey_muffin
- monster_rancher - Monster Rancher fans
- morphz - Fans of Morphz
- mortal_kombat - Mortal Kombat Kommunity
- mysticalninja - Goemon fans
- n3rd_p0w4h - The Nerdiest Community on Livejournal
- nandesukan - Nan Desu Kan Community
- nerd_haven - Nerd Haven
- nerdclub - Nerd Club
- nerdle_or_not - nerdle_or_not
- nerdmoment - It's all Geek to me.
- nerdy_auctions - nerdy_auctions
- nerdzillas - 1000% nerd
- nes - nintendo
- nh_goths - Goths of New Hampshire
- nintendo_gamers - Nintendo Master
- nitrouself_ind - NitrousElf Ind. Electronics repair and answers!!
- njgamers - NJ Gamers
- no_spoon - ::there is no spoon::
- nolovenomercy - Daniel Radcliffe
- nonuglygamers - nonuglygamers
- noobsnantinoobs - noobsnantinoobs
- nostalgic_song - Legend Of Mana Fans
- not_the_sims - A community for fans of simulation games
- nycgeek - nerds and geeks of nyc
- obscure_games - Obscure Games
- of_the_franklin - The Community of the Franklin
- oneupstudios - OneUp Studios Fans
- onlinerpg - MMORPG Baby!
- only_the_best - only the best
- orangelounge - Orange Lounge Radio
- otaku_mayhem - otaku_mayhem
- otakutribe - otaku tribe
- otakuwinds - otakuwinds
- outsider_games - The Outsider Video Game Community
- pa_anime - PA Anime Club
- pcgaming - PC Gaming
- pcj - Pop Culture Junkie
- penny_arcade - Penny Arcade LJ Community
- phandesternia - Namco Ltd.'s "Tales of.." Community
- pipehouse - The Pipe House
- pixeldancer - Pixeldancer
- playstation - The Playstation Community
- playstation2 - Playstation 2
- playstationicon - PlayStation Icon's
- power_circuit - Power Circuit
- princeargonfans - The fans of princeargon
- project_nemesis - Resident Evil
- project_omega - project_omega
- ps2_awards - PlayStation 2 Icontest
- ps2linux - Playstation 2 Linux Community
- psmtekyu - PSM - Tekyu
- psx2 - Playstation 2
- psycho_paradox - PsycHo_PaRadoX
- purchase_gamers - SUNY Purchase Gaming Community
- quality_games - quality_games
- radioactivebull - Radioactive Bull
- random_chat - Crazy People
- re__dejection - Resident Evil Fan Series
- re_movie_rpg - End Of The World: Resident Evil RPG
- real_gamers - Non-genre specific ganers
- redhotgamers - Thumb gods
- resident_evil_c - The Resident Evil Community
- resultofacrime - exposure
- reviewetopinion - Reviews and Opinions
- reviewnerds - Video Game Reviews
- rhps420 - Moulin Rouge_Family Guy
- rhythm_action - Rhythm action
- rim_elm - Legend Of Legaia
- riot_nrrrd - nerds fighting back
- rip_rdkosovo - Remembering Ramiz
- rockman_20xx - Blue Bomber Fanatics
- rockstar_games - Fans of Rockstar Games
- rogue_rawks - rogue lovin'
- rom_community - The Rom Community
- rothgirls - Rothchild C-1
- rpg_icontest - rpg_icontest
- rpgamer - Role Playing Gamer
- rpgva - #rpgvirtualarena
- ru_console_game - Все о игровых приставках
- ru_jrpg - ru_jrpg
- saasclub - San Antonio Animation Social Club
- saga_games - SaGa
- saiyuki_ikkou - Saiyuki, and those who travel with it
- sammitch_krew - The Sammitch Krew!!!
- samsgarage - The Garage - as it is the place
- sarb_lovers - we <3 $arb
- save_point - save_point
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- seele_clan - SEELE Gaming Clan (Monrovia, CA)
- sexsushay - Sex Sushay
- sf_gamers - San Francisco Bay Area Video Game Community
- sfcybergoth - SF cyber borg contingency
- shaun_o_dead - Stumbling Mediocre Amongst Mediocrity
- shsmirks - Silent Hill Smirks - The humor of Silent Hill
- silenthill - Silent Hill
- silenthill_rp - Silent Hill Role Play
- silenthillsues - silenthillsues
- silly_shaith - Idioth Shaith: Join or DAI.
- simfans - Simulation Fan Network
- simfiles - Simfiles Testing, questions, etc
- simplygeeky - geeks unite!
- skylagoon - Sky Lagoon
- snoodists - Snood Enthusiasts
- socom - Socom Online
- sony_psp - Sony PSP: Sony Playstation Portable Community
- sony_style - .
- souless_village - Area 51
- spawnco - Spawn's Ministry of Offense
- specs_appeal - Boys In Spectacles - Love Them So!
- spira - Spira
- splintercell_ - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell LiveJournal Community
- spookyspock - Top 50 Most Annoying Things in Final Fantasy
- sqrlgames - The Ramble-matic Gamer
- squallrinoa - Squall/Rinoa
- squallxquistis - The Squall & Quistis Community =)
- square_enix - Square Enix
- squaresoft - SquareSoft R Us
- squaresoft_icon - Squaresoft Icon
- squaresoftffx - Final Fantasy X Project
- srslash - Soul Reaver Slash
- star_fan - The Harry Potter Stars
- step_mania - StepMania!
- storm_netwerks - Storm Netwerks UK & Ireland
- sumarucity - Persona and videogame discussions
- survivalhorror - Survival Horror Game Fans
- sva_ddr - Dance Dance SVA
- talesofdestiny0 - Tales of Destiny
- tannermyhero - Driver Series Community
- techradioshow - XM channel 130 / / AM 910 San Jose
- teh_chat - Teh Chat
- the_chomies - The Chomies
- the_hot_geeks - the hot geeks
- thecajunmafia - The Cajun Mafia Land Pirates
- thecgc - The Realm of Friends
- theflat - Fleur and Jo's Ultimate Flat Of Doom
- thesavepoint - The Save Point
- thesimsonline - TSO
- thisdecadesucks - This Decade Sucks!
- thousand_arms - サウザンドアームズ
- tldmcommunity - tldmcommunity
- tombraiders - Tomb Raiders
- topfive_reviews - Top Five Reviews
- toronto_chinese - Chinese Youth in the GTA
- tossers - Tossers: The Movie. The Comic. The LiveJournal.
- tradeshows - Trade Shows & Expos
- treasure_gamers - treasure_gamers
- trianglegames - trianglegames
- uber_geek_squad - Secret Society for Uber Geeks
- uglygamers - uglygamers
- uk_friday_games - friday's game releases for the UK
- unicorn_server - unicorn_server
- unrelenting_sin - Unrelenting Sin and Revelry!
- vamusic - Videogame and Anime Music Den
- versus101 - Fighting Game Community
- very_bored - Are you bored? we are too
- vg_swap - Video Game Swap
- vga_icontest - vga_icontest
- vgfreaks - Video Game Freaks
- video_game_swap - Video Game Swap
- videogame_icons - Video Game Icons
- videogame_mart - Video game buy sell and trade
- videogamedorks - love in 8bit
- videogamefinds - video game hunting
- videogames - The Gamer's Zone
- vidgames_notyou - [+_oo]~
- vivispants - Es un gato en el pantelones de vivi
- we__the__funk - we__the__funk<3
- what_teh_fox - what teh fox?
- whempys - Whempys LAN parties
- with_motion - with_motion
- woodham123 - Computer Games Workshop
- workingdesigns - WD Fansite
- world_alexander - world_alexander
- wwe_videogames - The videogames of the WWE
- wwsmd - What would Shinji Mikami do??
- xbiohazardousx - All Mixed Up!
- xtayx_xbudsx - X--Friends--X
- ygo_writers - Yu-Gi-Oh Writers Anon
Interested users
The following users are interested in playstation. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
465 matches: