

November 03, 2004

Presidential Prayer, Thanksgiving on the Day After
Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [J-Life]


Thank you for hearing our prayers. We praise you for walking ahead of us. We give you glory and honor and praise for how Your will has been honored in this election.

Father in our thanksgiving, I pray that you give us humility of spirit and a commitment to cooperation with those on the other side of the political landscape. While we seek unity, Lord, I pray that you will give us the courage to never compromise that which you declare to be right and holy. We pray that you would bless and protect us as individuals, as communities, and as a nation as we follow You.

Lord, we are a nation of sinners, often full of pride and animosity toward one another. I pray Lord that in the next four years, Your Spirit would compel us to serve and sacrifice to make You known in this nation and among all nations. I pray that You will use George Bush in a powerful, honorable way.

Lord, I ask for blessing upon John Kerry, John Edwards, and their families. I pray for them to be leaders in the effort to be unified as a nation. I pray that they will seek You as they lead, so that those who follow them will be following You.

Father, I ask that you empower our military to fight with the strength of 100 armies as they seek to establish peace in a violent land. Lord, I pray that innocents would be spared and delivered, and that the people of Iraq and the Middle East would be recipients of grace and mercy from our service men and women. At the same time, Lord, there are those who would seek to destroy us because of our claim to follow Jesus as Lord and for our unyielding support for Your son Israel. I pray that you would be our strength and our fortress, and that the enemy would know we belong to You, not only by our might, but also by our mercy and swift actions of establishing freedom.

Father, we thank you for the opportunity to call you Lord and bring these days of petition unto You. You have proven Yourself over and over, and demonstrated that in You there is no shadow of turning. Father, thank You for being so reliable and trustworthy. Thank You for using these prayers to reveal Your will and Your ways to us. Thank You for revealing truth about ourselves to us as we come to You. Thank You for the revelation of the Holy Spirit and Your constant encouragement and direction. Thank You for being our Shepherd, and for meeting our needs.

I close by asking You Lord to lead and direct our President in the next four Years. Please give him strength for the challenges at hand and protection in every realm. Impart wisdom and discernment in him, and lead him to continue seeking knowledge and wise counsel. Build him to be a man after Your heart, so that we may indeed be a nation after Your heart.

I thank You for Jesus, our only source of hope and eternity.

It is in His High, Holy Name I pray


So there you go
Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

Four more years!

I understand my huzzah is another man's lament.

Again, we have proven that democracy works.

November 02, 2004

Tracking Poll
Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Details at 11]

Open thread...

For whom did you vote?
How long was your wait?
What is your sense of the election, from your local perspective?

Leave your responses in the comments.

Presidential Prayer Day 40
Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [J-Life]

Lord God,

The day has finally arrived...the culmination of this small but faithful group of prayer petitioners. Lord today we ask that your will be revealed...not necessarily in the outcome of the election, but in your will for this great nation, for this great people, represented by the leader chosen today.

Lord, I ask you that you give us the President we deserve, a man who is a reflection of who we are before you. I ask that you would allow us to be humble enough to look at our President elect, and in him, we would see ourselves from your eyes. Lord, I ask that this leader who truly represents us...maybe in our best moments, maybe in our worst moments, probably in all our moments, would then be empowered by you to rise above our limitations, by our predispositions, by our own limited estimation.

Lord, I pray for your grace and mercy upon the winning candidate and his family. I pray that you give this man wisdom beyond his years and his experience. Lord, I ask that you give him a double portion of patience, a full complement of your courage and conviction, and through the power of your Holy Spirit, an awareness of Your presence and pre-eminence over all matters under his jurisdiction.

Lord, I pray for the President-elect's protection. I pray that you would thwart any individual or terrorist organization who would attempt to take his life. I pray for his spouse and children, that they too would be protected and ever free from harm's way. Lord, I also ask for the spiritual protection of the President-elect. Such a person of great power and responsibility will be subject to tremendous temptations, as well as spiritual assault. I pray that your Spirit will lead our President elect to seek your face and seek protection in your sufficient grip. I pray that you will bind the enemy from this man, from his family, and from his staff.

Lord, I also ask that you bless and comfort the candidate who does not win today. I pray that your Spirit will encourage him and lead him to continue in a place of service that will bless many.

Father God, I pray for our could be filled with violence, controversy, danger, animosity...I pray for Your Spirit to rest heavily over this great land, that people would seek peace amidst our differences, and understand that even well-intentioned people can disagree civilly, for the sake of the nation. I pray that this election may serve as a tool to heal that which divides us, and that it would begin soon. I pray that our divisions over race, economics, social issues, and political issues would be reconciled by Your Holy Spirit, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Lord, I thank you for these forty days where we have been focused in prayer for you. I don't know if its changed our nation, but I know how your Spirit has changed me in this time. You have been so faithful to encourage me with Your Presence, to remind me of Your strength, provision, and sufficiency. You alone are Lord and You alone are God. You reign on High, and You ordain who will rise and fall as leaders of this Land. We confidently and thankfully trust You in all these matters, and we ask for the resources necessary that today, in whatever the outcome, that praise would indeed be on our lips, and joy would be in our hearts because You alone are King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Father, grant us that which we need to be faithful witnesses to you in all the affairs of our life. Equip us to love and support our President-elect, and to follow him as he follows You. Lord, convict each of us that as this man struggles as he is sure to do from time to time, that before we would be hyper-criticial, we would intercede on his behalf before You.

Thank you again for hearing our prayer. And thank you Lord Jesus for taking these prayers to the throne of the Father on our behalf. Not because we deserve it, or because we are worth it, but because You are God and Your will is perfect and Your ways are graceful and merciful, we ask You today to show your favor upon us and bless America for Your name's sake.

In the Sufficient and Unmatched Power of the Christ Jesus we pray....


The McKids Agree
Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Friends, Family]

Vote George W. Bush on Nov. 2!


November 01, 2004

Sung to the Tune of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

One day to go...

As the nation takes a deep breath in....

...and releases it.

The truth is, you better hold your breath, because if you think this think is going to end all polite-like, you're more naive than Half Pint when she believed her horse paralyzed Nellie Oleson.*

My hopes echo Jen's prayer, that tomorrow will be a clear victory for the winner. I hope that the threat and need for lawyers is eliminated, and that accusations of fraud and disenfranchisement are proven baseless.

I tell my children that being a good winner and being a good loser are equally important. I hope both sides demonstrate this at the end of the day tomorrow.

I proceed with confidence toward a George Bush victory, hoping upon hope that enough Americans realize that John Kerry is bad for our nation's future.

It's not that John Kerry is a Democrat. It's that John Kerry is John Kerry.

I appeal to any undecided voter out there to take just a few more minutes to review the facts....cutting through the rhetoric:

    About his service in Vietnam:

  • He's lived for thirty years on four months of military service that has been proven to be over 200 veterans who have been proven to be honorable.

  • He dedicated his post-Vietnam efforts to rhetoric and actions that villianized brave servicemen and endangered Prisoners of War.

  • He confessed to himself committing war crimes.

  • Has has refused to release all his service records.

  • He has consistently accused both the President and Vice President of cowardice and avoidance, despite his own ambiguous record.
  • About his consistent record:

  • He has consistently voted to raise your taxes.

  • He has consistently voted to sacrifice your defense.

  • He has consistently voted to allow abortions, in all circumstances.

  • He has consistently voted in favor of the law lobby, which has increased costs in medical care and damaged health care service.

  • He has consistently voted against the 2nd Amendment.

  • He has consistently promised a litmus test for judicial appointees, and favors candidates who will legislate from the bench.
  • About his inconsistent record:

  • He has behaved inconsistently in response to Israel.

  • He has behaved inconsistently in response to the war on terrorism.

  • He has behaved inconsistently in response to energy issues.

  • He has behaved inconsistently in response to labor.

  • He has behaved inconsistently in response to the removal of Saddam Hussein from power.

  • He has behaved inconsistently in response to the first Gulf war, having voted against Desert Storm, with 40 allies, but claiming to support it.

  • He has behaved inconsistently in response to the current war, having voted for the President's right to wage it, but voting against funding for troops' armor and weaponry.
  • About his Senate service record:

  • He missed the vast majority of Defense meetings, following the first Trade Center bombing.

  • He missed the vast majority of Senate votes this past year.

  • He opposes tax relief for small businesses and 108 million Americans.

  • He opposes safeguarding Americans with International drug standards, in the name of getting drugs cheaply.

  • He opposes strategies to give you personal choice in your children's education.

  • He supports the failing Social Security system.

  • He supports a universal health care plan that will compromise your health as well as ravage your paycheck.

  • He supports an education plan that mandates public service in payment for public college education.
  • About his personal diplomacy and integrity:

  • He calls the President a liar.

  • He calls the war coalition "coerced."

  • He calls the Iraqi Prime Minister a puppet.

  • He has wrongly said the President rushed to war.

  • He has wrongly said the President opposes stem cell research.

  • He has wrongly said the President has hurt our economy.

  • He has wrongly said the President is looking to privatize Social Security.

  • He has wrongly said the President is looking to reinstate the draft.

  • He has wrongly said the President is to blame for the flu vaccine shortage.

  • He has wrongly said the President is at fault for missing explosives in Iraq, after months of declaring there have been no WMD and Saddam was no risk.

  • He has wrongly said the President Bush is at fault for jobs lost immediately after 9/11.

  • He has wrongly said the President is to blame for private jobs outsourced to foreign workers.

  • He has wrongly said that our nation must pass a global test to go to war.

John Kerry is bad for America.

I know that's already been stated here, but it's so important I'll declare it a third time.

John Kerry is bad for America.

Cast your vote for George Bush on November 2, 2004.

Presidential Prayer, Day 39
Served at a Safe Temperature by jen [J-Life]

Ah, Lord God, we come to you on this last campaign day of the election to pray for the outcome. We know that You are sovereign and already know how this contest will end. We don't always understand why some things happen as they do. But we rest in the comfort of knowing that You work all things for Your glory and the benefit of Your people.

And so we bring our petitions to You:

  • that Your will is done when the American people vote tomorrow and that the man who is elected to the Presidency is the man You would have for us for the next four years
  • that the victory will be by a margin wide enough to end all disputes
  • that any questions of fraud will be dealt with swiftly and justly
  • that the defeated candidates will be gracious and honor the final results and will work with the President-elect rather than against him
  • that the supporters of each side will accept the results without bitterness or gloating, but rather with the understanding that this is how our electoral process works
  • that the American people will embrace their newly elected President for the next four years, acknowledging that he is an imperfect man who loves his country and will do his best to fulfill the oath of office he takes in January
  • We thank You, Lord, for the freedoms we hold dear, including this electoral process. Thank You that we can trust that whomever wins this election is the man who is supposed to be the President for these next four years and that our country will "survive" his term of office. Help us to honor him even if he was not the man we supported and desired to be elected.

    We thank You that You understand our concerns and ask us to express them to You. In faith, we bring this prayer to You in the name of Your holy son, Jesus. Amen.

    October 31, 2004

    Sung to the Tune of Don't Go Breakin' my Heart
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Good Sports]

    Ugh. The Broncos lost their second in a row and third of the year, to Atlanta no less. Jake Plummer is killin' me!

    I'm expecting Kyle to give me a call or shoot me an email in order to pour some of that Mississippi gulf salt water into my freshly opened wounds of defeat.

    All signs point to Kansas City's turn-around, and San Diego continues to benefit from playing the NFL Junior Varsity Teams. The AFC West will come down to the wire after all. I'm glad Denver has the first round victory against both these foes.

    On a positive note, I actually may win a Fantasy game this week, playing both Plummer and his near 500 yard game and Rod Smith with his 200-yard game. I'm playing the 9th place team, so I have a shot.

    But I'd trade it for a real live Broncos victory.

    Presidential Prayer Day Thirty-Eight
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Christopher [J-Life]

    Father in Heaven,

    I thank you for this day. I thank you for another day to serve you. Others would have me believe that today is somehow evil, but I believe that this is a day that you created and I thank you for it. I thank you for your saving grace and for the relationship that you provide. Thank you for this country that allows the people to have a say in who leads the country.

    It is close to the time when Americans head to the poles to cast our votes for who we think should be lead our country. I pray that the process is fair and the every vote is counted.

    I pray that you would bless the man that is chosen and that he would lead our country in a direction that is in accordance with your will. May he lead the country in a way that the country would be a blessing for others.

    I also pray that you would be with the families that go out tonight to Trick or Treat. I pray that they would be safe and protected.

    I pray all this in Jesus name,


    October 30, 2004

    Presidential Prayer, Day 37
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [J-Life]

    From Pressed at Avoiding Evil:

    Lord, as I come before you tonight in prayer I recognize my own weaknesses. I am altogether unworthy of you and it is only by your magnificent grace that I have the privilege to come before you in prayer. I thank you God for your patience with me and for the grace and mercy you show to those you came to save. Lord, I know that my ways are not your ways and neither are my thoughts your thoughts. Because of this I know that I must be careful to seek you in all things, refraining from making my own decisions based purely on my own ambitions and selfishness. God, I ask that you would forgive me for the times I do things on my own without coming to you in prayer. Your wisdom and guidance will far surpass anything that we can come up with or do. That is why tonight I pray for your guidance on the upcoming election. Lord, lead your chosen people to make the right decisions next Tuesday as we vote for the next President of the United States. Regardless of who is elected, I ask that you would let our attitudes be like that of Christ Jesus. Give us the right words to say and change our hearts that we me show honor and respect to the person you allow to lead this nation.

    While I do not know who the next President of the United States will be, I pray that you would give them a special blessing as they lead our country. Lord, I know that you will use them to fulfill your purposes on this earth and it is by your sovereign hand that they have the privilege to lead us. Ultimately you are in control of all things, and nothing happens that is not allowed to happen by your hand. For this reason we shall not fear the future, but embrace it as another day, another month, and another year to live for Christ. Lord, give the President strength to stand up during the hard times that will come during his term. Lead him in the important decisions he will be forced to make and ultimately use him for your purposes. We lift our president, our government, and our nation up to you and ask that your will would be done in all things.

    I pray specifically for President Bush and Senator Kerry tonight. Lord, protect them and keep them safe as the election draws near. I pray for both of these men that you would bless them, keep them strong, and give them what they need to be leaders of this country. Lord, I pray that they would seek you and find you. Reveal your truth to these men and lead them to you. I pray that in all things they will seek your face and that you would not be hidden from them. Reveal yourself, your purposes and your will in their lives and guide them in the journey you have for them. God, it is my personal desire that these men would come to know you in such a way that it would change their hearts, their lives, and the way they lead our country. Lord, in their search for power and glory, I pray that they find it only in you.

    Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers. Thank you for giving us the freedom that we have to worship you in this country. Lord, don’t let us take that freedom for granted, but instead let us use it to the advantage of your kingdom. God I pray that you would continue to give us a passion for prayer. Lead us in your ways and teach us according to your truth. I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

    Such a Square
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [World Wild Web]

    Don't be a dork. This game is only slightly addictive.

    Stolen Honor
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Details at 11]

    The quasi-controversial documentary was on a local cable feed, via The Inspiration Network. I caught the last 40 minutes or so, coincidentally, as I was flipping my way up toward the news channels.

    I thought it was pretty well done.

    I marvel and shake my head in disappointment how a man such as John Kerry could find himself on the verge of being elected (though I think he'll get no closer than this).

    I find it disgraceful that this man has not had to give an account for his past, how he has managed to capitalize upon his own immoral behavior in a war, capitulating it into a three-decade advance up the political power ladder using scheming, lies, deceit, and manipulation to accomplish his objectives.

    I expect, hope, and pray that right-minded Americans are motivated to the point of mobilization to give him the resounding demand for accountability that will be heard by a decisive defeat on Tuesday.

    And through this medium of the documentary, I am reminded that brave, honorable Americans were there in Vietnam fighting for a noble cause thirty years ago, and were indeed not the tyrants and torturers that Kerry indicted them of being and that he himself admitted to being. I salute their faithfulness, their bravery, and their perseverance. I honor them for their sacrifice, with my vote solemnly cast for the only Presidential candidate who's own fortitute matches theirs....George W. Bush.

    Affirming Fatherhood
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [2Sents - Men]

    Chip Ingram agrees that dads are important, saying we have four primary responsibilities:

    • Role Number 1: Dads are leaders who make things happen.

    • Role Number 2: Dads are priests who make God known.

    • Role Number 3: Dads are teachers who impart wisdom and build character.

    • Role Number 4: Dads are lovers who give their kids what they need most.

    Read the details here.

    If you are a dad, are you filling these roles?

    Top 5ive 15.0
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Top 5ive]

    Top 5ive Scary Movies

    1. The Exorcist

    2. The Ring

    3. The Shining

    4. Carrie

    5. The Blair Witch Project

    Trick or treat?

    October 29, 2004

    Round and Round
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

    which is synonymous, of course, for waffling.

    Another compendium of factual information by NGD, for the cause of truth, and the sake of our nation.

    It's such a bummer when one's own words are the noose that tightens around one's proverbial neck.

    And sadly, this made me laugh. Vote here, too. It's good practice if you haven't done the real deal yet.

    Political Axi-ummm
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

    "If you don't vote, you can't complain."

    Now, really, isn't that just about the dumbest myth to perpetuate between now and next Tuesday.

    In the last four years, I think we've seen a lot more complainers than the 250 million or so voters who took part in the last election.

    And what kind of motivator is that? Appeal to my inherent sense of unfairness and need to whine.

    Must have been a liberal who jingled out this verbal vomit.

    Other similarly-vacuous election related possibilities for slogans:

    • Vote! Then you'll be just like "the Kooch" or P Diddy, except for your rampant acne, total lack of discretionary funds and nonexistent social life.

    • If you don't vote, you can't smart off like Franken, Garafalo, or Maher, thinking your uncleverly biting jabs actually rebut solid, logical arguments.

    • Vote November 2. Unless you want to vote Republican, in which case you should just stay home, you racist, bigoted, homophobic hypocrite.

    • Vote! But not for Bush. He's stupid. And Hitler reincarnated. And I heard he drowned John Kerry's daughter's hamster.

    • If you don't vote, you can't rant incoherently every time CBS or the NYTimes makes up a fake story about the Republican President

    Yummy Internet Goodness
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [World Wild Web]

    Oh my....I'm like pre-Trimspa Anna Nicole at the Russell Stover's Factory Outlet on 80% off day.

    I'm late to the discovery of The Daily Recylcer, where there are so many good things to be seen I can't even link to them all. Just go to the main site and start scrolling down.

    Included in this cornucopia of video confections are: BoSox pitcher Curt Schilling's endorsement of Bush (as Charlie Gibson goes spastic), Larry O.D. going apopleplic in the presence of true American John O'Neill, a Kerry supporter acting all love-n-peaceful by punching a Bushie in the face, Ashlee's lyp-sink, and Kerry giving you a preview of His America in which we're all talking the language of cheese-eating surrender monkey.

    Oh yeah....and the president flippin' the bird.

    Blogrolled was its destiny.

    Dick Cheney, Man for all Seasons
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

    Our Vice President reciting from memory every World Series MVP since 1908.

    Why did John Kerry cross the road? He didn't...he stopped in the middle and just wandered back and forth until America was once again attacked by terrorists.

    For my next song, I'd like to re-enact how I won Lynn's hand with my rendition of the Kiss hit "Beth."

    Choosing a more intimate gathering, our VP lets his hair down in a casual get-together around a podium and the nation's future at stake.

    VP Cheney shows yet another look, mixing it up with the audience as he walks the catwalk at a recent New York City fashion show, where he modeled the spring 2005 line of Sears Business Wear.

    Cheney demonstrates that even his perspiration is cool, the patriotic geometric beads of sweat an unexpected byproduct of his deep patriotism and new heart medicine.

    Cheney demonstrates his superiority as a national leader, as evidenced by his giant hands.

    Heart attack or good humor? We can't tell and neither can the terrorists. This type of ambiguity keeps evildoers at bay.

    Cheney estimates the size of John Kerry's integrity.

    Vice President Dick Cheney signs off in the spirit of Arthur Fonzarelli, giving a thumbs up and growling, "Sit on it, Kerry."

    Al Quaeda Stumps for Bush
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

    Kelli and I agree with LaShawn. We concur that the recent news of an apparent/alleged al Quaeda agent in America making a threatening video will only bolster America's resolve and lend suppport to the re-election of George Bush. His scare tactics serve only as a reminder that the war on terror is indeed a real one, much more than the nuisance ascribed to it by John Kerry. The video serves as a sober reminder that this is a war won by force, not by empty promises of summits and UN-backed alliances that mean nothing and accomplish even less. Mr. Quaeda only accomplished illustrating clearly that this is a global task beyond the scope and ability of a vacillating, conflict-fearing liberal from Massachussetts.

    One more thing...this tape is being described as "chilling." I think that's a bit of a stretch. I take these threats seriously. I think we live in a dangerous time in a dangerous world with many dangerous people who want to accomplish evil, dangerous objectives. But in the age of the Internet when nearly everyone has a videocam, I find this video less chilling that one of the fat kid thinking he's a Jedi Knight. And to the threat offered by Azzam the American, America offers a rebut of promise to his threats of violence, by way of a metaphorical video of its own, with Japanese subtitles. And as always, brave America is on the Right.

    I'm a Georgia Voter
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Life of Bryan]

    Ain't that a peach?

    Kelli and I went to downtown Cumming, this AM, accompanied by Kelsi, and participated in out nation's democracy. We were greatly encouraged by the high turnout. It took us approximately an hour to walk the line and vote. Said line was just as long once we came out. For each of the past five days, the election officials have welcome increasingly greater numbers of voters. By the time all is said and done, between absentee and early voting, about 25 % of the registered voters will have already made heard their voices. I overheard an estimate of an anticipation of a 75% total turnout....record-setting if it happens.

    To pass the time while we waited, Kelli and I played the "Guess if the Person is voting for Kerry or Bush" game. This little exercise revealed to me just how given I still am to stereotypes -- perhaps unfairly assuming that the tie-dye t-shirt wearing, pony-tailed, Birken-stalker who couldn't make up his mind whether or not to commit to such a long line to vote was obviously a Kerryite.

    So I have officially cast my vote for George W. Bush.

    Now you go and do the same.

    Presidential Prayer, Day 36
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [J-Life]

    From Phil:

    Father Almighty:

    We praise You and Your glory, we thank You for giving us our very being, our existence, and the blessings of life and the life hereafter. We are humbled by the peace and tranquility You have granted our nation in her history, and of the many benefits, unworthy though we are, You have granted.

    Father, we now begin the final week before this most pivotal election. We beseech You, that You will protect our nation in this sensitive time, that we may not suffer an attack by our enemies. We have seen their acts in Spain, and elsewhere, and we beg You to spare us the same, if it is Your will.

    Our nation has been blessed by You, Father, over the decades with an unprecedented level of peace when electing our leaders. We look through history, and see how outside enemies have tried to affect other nations. By attacking at this time, our opponents seek to de-legitimize whoever will win the Presidency. Whether President Bush or Senator Kerry, whoever succeeds will always have a shadow over them, a question of whether they were elected through fear rather than through prayerful consideration.

    We beg You, Lord, please spare us the test, if it is Your will, of such an attack. We beg You, Lord, to keep our nation safe, that she may choose a leader without such horrors. We beg You, Lord, guide us to vote with our hearts directed to You and Your will, and not pushed by fears or terror.
    No foe is stronger than You, Father Almighty. You are our creator, our salvation, our redeemer. No power, no force, no vicious will nor malicious intent compares to Your love, Your benevolence, Your care for Your creation. Please, Lord, protect us now, keep us safe, and guide us to act as You would have us do.

    We ask you this through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.


    (note: Phil posted this a couple days ago. I had some other prayers offered and probably messed this all up by not posting this earlier. Nonetheless, I'm thankful for this powerful prayer, and for all of you who continue to participate in the 40 days of nonpartisan presidential prayer.)

    October 28, 2004

    Ante Up
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [World Wild Web]

    I went to Sean Gleeson's site, where this graphic designer has re-written the sandwich board apologies of foggy-minded Americans.

    From there, I went on to rewrite his mission statement, according to the perspective of founder Ronald Reagan.

    Then I went and learned Wichita Faro, a game at which I am profoundly bad.

    Thanks Internet! And I thought I was just going to check my email!

    Ready for your closeup
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [World Wild Web]

    Variety, the vastly overpriced entertainment trade rag, has unveiled a free job board. See if the alarm for your fifteen minutes is about to ring.

    Wide Open
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Details at 11]

    Whoever said this presidential election was a two-man race is hiding the facts, man.

    I just want it known, for the record, that I'm protesting that the list of candidates not running is far from exhaustive. I can think of dozens of people who aren't up for consideration.

    What can Brown do for You?
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

    I find it interesting that this nonstory about missing explosives inappropriately seized upon and wrongly disseminated by John Kerry, after its abortive indirect presentation by CBS and the NYTimes, is set in the exotic locale known as the al Qaqaa facility.

    al Qaqaa indeed.

    So Sorry
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [J-Life]

    Unlike Jen, I had a good apology experience today.

    I've railed before about empty apologies and related matters, I loathe insincerity-coated sorry pills.

    That said, I was convicted recently that I needed to apologize to a coworker/friend.

    My concern was not that the apology wouldn't be accepted, but that it would be dismissed, because the matter for which I needed to apologize was likely inconsequential to the person, but quite significant to me.

    So anyway, I went and made my apology and the response was straight from heaven, paraphrased as:

    "I absolutely forgive you. I hadn't even thought about it, but if the Lord has told you that you needed to make this right, then I absolutely do forgive you and appreciate you doing what you were supposed to."

    In this, my friend blessed me with forgiveness, and affirmed me that steps of faith, even small ones, are always the surest ones to take.

    And for that, I am thankful.

    Kerry to Tax "Penny for your Thoughts"
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

    Open thread: What is John Kerry thinking/daydreaming/imagining?

    Glory Daze
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Unfair, Imbalanced]

    John Kerry announces replacement vice president candidate Bruce Springsteen, in a last-ditch attempt to appear a little less metrosexual. In defense of his suprise decision, Kerry said coyly, "I actually voted for Johnny Ed before I voted against him. Ultimately, I couldn't deny that the politics of Born in the USA harmonize with the antiwar chords of my heart. And you can't deny the heart, baby. We were 'born to run.'"

    Rollin up Arafat-ty
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Details at 11]

    I have no good explanation for linking the Palestinian leader's impending demise to a cannabis-related expression. Sometimes word candy works that good explanation, but its too sweet not to indulge. Kinda like the prospecitive dulcitones of the phrase "Ex-candidate John F. Kerry."

    But I digress.

    I'm praying--literally--that Arafat experiences a soon, swift, and altogether peaceful passage from this life into the next, but not before receiving the opportunity to be reconciled to God through the Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth, who is the Christ of God.

    That said, I hope all things circumstantially political and controversial are avoided and circumvented, for I desire strongly that this man receive no opportunity to go out as a martyr.

    And with the promise of his death....for it's a date which we all must keep....I'm encouraged with the reminder from the scriptural example of a former King named Saul, that God is faithful to bring dishonor and ignominity to those who attempt to do the same to God. And in that encouragement, I ask God to control my vengeful attitude, and instead replace my sinful mindset with a hope that even this inevitable passage would be used to bring peace to men, rather than further division and destruction.

    It's not the size....
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [World Wild Web]

    From the Presurfer:

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    Presidential Prayer, Day 35
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [J-Life]

    From Mark at Better Living:

    "How can I stand up before God and show proper respect to the high God?...He's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously---take God seriously" [Micah 6:6, 8 from The Message translation]

    Mighty, Loving God:
    There's a lot of talk about this being the most important presidential election in fifty years or in our lifetimes. Such assertions may be true and we ask You to guide each of us as we decide for whom to vote. Give us such an openness to You that we even willingly change our minds as we step into our polling places, if that seems to be Your will.

    But God, Your Word reminds us that both now and beyond November 2, whether it's with our vote, in the ways we treat our families, by how we use the money and possessions You give to us, in the decisions we make about what to do with each day, through the causes we support, or in the agencies for which we volunteer, our call remains the same. Our whole lives are to be grateful responses to what You have done for us through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

    Help us then, as individuals and as a nation, to embrace Your mission for each of us: to do what is fair and just to our neighbor; to be compassionate and loyal in our love; and to make You and Your desires our ultimate concern.

    We pray too, God, that You will help us to see that far more important than who wins the presidency is the transformation of our lives that comes when we totally surrender to Jesus Christ.

    Knowing that He has come into our world so that all who entrust themselves to Him will live with You forever, we do so now, whether as an act of renewal or for the first time. We ask You to forgive our sins and fill us with Your Holy Spirit so that whether we will be good citizens of Your Kingdom.

    Finally, we pray, as Your Son directs, that You will send "workers into the harvest": faithful witnesses for Jesus who willingly share the Good News of His life-changing love with a world hungering for Him. We pray that in a world made dangerous by our sin that You will give all Your witnesses Your protection from danger and harm of all kind. Such witnesses, empowered by the Holy Spirit, filled with the message of Christ, will do more to transform people's lives for the better than any government or president ever could. It's when these transformations happen, we know, Lord, that we will live the call You give in Your Word in Micah.

    In Jesus' Name we pray.

    Planning Ahead
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [Friends, Family]

    This morning, Cotter has a "farmer's breakfast" at school. As Cotter and I were getting his "work boots" on, he made a declaration of intent:

    Cotter: When I grow up, I want to either be a cowboy or the President.

    Me: You can be both. President Bush is. He has a ranch in Crawford, Texas, and spends time doing cowboy stuff whenever he takes a vacation from being President.

    Cotter: Wow! President!

    Somehow, I suspect that a parallel story about how you, too, could grow up to be an anti-war, billionaire widow-marrying hypocritical, hypercritical Massachussetts liberal senator and President isn't as interesting or endearing to our future generation.

    October 27, 2004

    Presidential Prayer, Day 34
    Served at a Safe Temperature by Bryan [J-Life]

    From Curt, who got this to me early, and I posted it much later, because yes, I thought I had posted it earlier and did not....

    Heavenly Father,

    We thank you for recognizing in your wisdom that it is not good for man to be alone. We thank you
    for giving life to the first couple and providing us a model for marriage. We thank you that when that
    couple failed and passed on the legacy of sin to all humanity, you provided us another model in
    Jesus' relationship with the church. We ask now for a revival of passion for joyful marriage in this
    country. We ask that men and women of influence would publicly encourage and demonstrate the
    blessings of the lifelong commitment and fidelity. We ask that you pour out your peace and strength
    for our president and his wife as they remain devoted to one another in the withering glare of
    partisan politics and vocal criticism as they advocate for a return to true marriage.

    Help us all to deal with our spouses in absolute love and respect, serving each other even when it
    means great sacrifice. Give us opportunities to share the joy of marriage with others, encouraging
    our peers and instructing young men and women in the reality of how a husband and wife should
    love each other. Lay bare all the lies told in popular entertainment about the glamour of loveless
    romance and sex. Reveal to the entire country your perfect plan for marriage and renew every
    couple's love.


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    Bryan/Male/31-35. Lives in United States/Georgia/Cumming, speaks English. Eye color is brown. I am also creative. My interests are Christianity/World Culture/politics/entertainment.
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