User: | bloody_glitter (719923) |
 |
| Bloody Glitter A Community of Mind |
Text Message: | Send bloody_glitter a text message on his/her cellphone/pager. |
Website: | Join Bloody_Glitter |
Location: | United States |
E-mail: | bloodyglitter | @ | |
About: | Community about nothing in particular but centralizing around the themes of: vampires, blood, glitter, love, poetry, pain, suffering, paranormal, witchcraft, wicca and more (see interests). Feel free to expand on any of these ideas as you see fit (within reason). No fighting or flamewars. No hate, bigotry, name-calling, intolerance, prejudice, or ignorance. Mature disagreements in point of view are valid so long as they are respectful. Respect all other members or be removed and banned!
Pictures and introductions welcome. Longer posts and posts with multiple pictures should use the lj-cut tag. Advertising should be kept to an absolute minimum, unless its the underground type of stuff. In other words don't promote Hot Topic or other places that don't need help. If you're unsure of what's ok, ask a mod. We want to be lenient about things, but if it ever gets out of hand, more strict rules will apply. Everything's cool now, though, so have fun.
Our temporary intro quiz (to get started) is located here: (Updated 4-25-04) It is not manditory, but we'd love to get to know you!
Ideas For Posting - post your pictures, artwork of any kind, photoshop designs, Deviant Art Galleries, short stories, long stories, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, opinions, news, unusual news, CD, movie & book reviews, web sites and web site reviews, concert & club reviews, rants, bitching, political views, related news, community questions, polls, quizzes and anything intellectually stimulating you can think of... But most of all, make friends! =)
Your mods/owners are: venomvixen and twigskat... (our part time mod is bloodroses53) contact one of us if you need anything, or to report abuse, or just to say hi. We don't bite... hard ;D
Posting Instructions:To post to the community, you first need to join. Once you do that, there are two ways to post. One is from the web, and the other is through an lj-compatible client. Both have the option, at the bottom for selecting which journal you would like to post to. Just select "Bloody_Glitter" and go from there... Other community questions (such as how to create a poll, do LJ-cut, etc.) are answered on the LJ FAQ.
Community Notes:
Owners may make changes to the community occasionally, such as layout or other modifications and rules, if necessary.
We are looking for people who are good at graphics, to make an attractive Bloody Glitter icon or two. Won't you help us?
If you want to make a style sheet available to the community, let the mods know where it's linked. Members are welcome to create style sheets for the community. If we get a few of them we will try to feature them at various times.
Got mobile? If so, the mobile community bloodyglitz is for you.
We have a Yahoo Groups for sharing photos, files, links & such: Won't you join us?
Paid community donations welcome at any time. Mods will try to maintain paid status, but contributions are welcome.
Suggestions and creative ideas for the look and feel of the community in general are always welcome. Post your ideas, or email us privately. Whatever you wish.
Just observe common sense, and the general rules most communities have, and this should be a happy place.
Emails for mods are:, &

Click to join bloody_glitter
For pics & other stuff of members. |
Memories: | 8 entries |
Interests: | 150: 80s metal, aim, angels, anne rice, armand, art, barnes and noble, black, black eyeliner, blacklights, blood, blood lust, body, body art, body glitter, books, boys in drag, boys in glitter, boys in lipstick, brandon lee, candles, caring friends, cats, chatting, clubs, coffeeshops, coloured hair, concerts, costumes, cradle of filth, creativity, dark, darkness, death, design, different, discussions, dragons, drawing, dreams, dressing up, eclectic, eric draven, erotica, faeries, fantasy, fiction, films, fishnets, flames, forensics, friends, fx, games, ghosts, girls in glitter, glitter, glow in the dark, glow-in-the-dark, glowsticks, good conversation, goth, goth boys, goth girls, gothic, gothic makeup, graphics, halloween, heart, horror movies, horror writing, icq, ideas, ims, individuality, industrial, johnny depp, journals, lacuna coil, learning, lestat, liberal, life, love, lust, magic, magick, mdfmk, metal, mind, mp3s, msm, music, mysteriousness, mystery, nature, night, occult, pale skin, paranormal, pentacles, peter steele, philosophy, phone posts, photos, pics, piercings, pixies, poetry, pretty lights, pretty things, profiling, razed in black, reading, s&m;, satin, self expression, shadow realm, shadows, shows, silk, skin, soul, spirits, stars, strange, supernatural, symbols, tattoos, the crow, the elements, the matrix, the unusual, thoughts, tori amos, trillian, true stories, type o negative, uniqueness, vampires, vampyres, weird, wicca, wind, winged creatures, wings, witches, within temptation, writing, yahoo im. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 216: 001_glam_dollie, _angelcaido_, _bleedmeanocean, _dream_walker_, _ewe, _glass_tear_, _soothexmyxhead, _sweet_tragedy, acousticqueen15, agent242, alexeil, almostfamos, always_october, alwz4esmile, amphetiminegirl, anaisbelieve, anaka_lee, angelix_dagger, angelofflames, angelscar, aniblas, appleofair, arcane_smile, asleepbydawn, azoraruby, beautyqueen658, behindxthesmile, beren_writes, berens_comms, black_number_1, bldykissz, blink_luv, blood_merenwen, bloodroses53, bloodymoonlite, blufacedpixie, bodnoirbabe, brokennight69, buttercupchick, candle_wicca, catnipfiend, catsey, catwoman66, cheeseblood, child_kaori, closer_in_dark, corset_bruises, crazypunkrock, crimsonbloodxxx, cuplix, cutyourownhair, daddyzlilbich69, darkflamewitch, darksiren1619, davidismyslut, deadsydoll, deathlythere, delicious_depth, deliciouspear, demonicxdolly, dethsbrighteyez, deviant8, dieindreams, digital_ferret, disturbedchic4u, djdarko, dollparts420, doombunnie, dulcemaria, duskenil, elvenmofo, empyrealflamez, evalius, evasiveness, evilshoebox, faerishimmer, fast_lik_bunni, feather_rainbow, femmeflutter, flantasticferla, fly_to_eden, foamyluver13, found_untouched, freakwolf, gamer_j, gently_bitten, glamtrashkitten, glass_heart_666, glassxsanctuary, gloom_e_spook, gothicfreak1688, gothspikegurl, grunge_lolita, hannurdock, hedonist_swank, heroin_cunt, hopelessmistake, horror_writer, iluvharrington3, immortalized, infinite_death, insanebtch666, intotheshadows, intrepidjam, itwinkletoesi, jacurutu3, jassiezoid, jennette, jerky_lover, jimandlenny, kaaron, kling_klang_bed, kross_addicted, ladychrist, lazylipstick, lefthanderangie, legato_love, level27siren, lifeissostrange, lonely_gothgirl, lost_lanore, loveandwhispers, m0shp1t, macabre_vampire, mazzynoctober, mbbishop, medmann, mekalove420, melnhouse, midnightcrows, misslunakitty, missmanson666, mistress_weaver, mizhellfire, moraldescent, morbid_darkone, mudpiemuncher, mysticalrainbow, mysticchocolate, mytaintedlove, necrotik, neontubebaby, no_name_babi, noircatnoir, nomadinparadise, nunki, onelife2live, paintmecrimson, playdoughgirl, poeticvampire, poisoncage, princesslia84, princesspen, ptpenguino, purple_glitter_, purplestarchild, random_fandom, rathienmilan, raven_m00n, realityshadowed, remembermycrime, replicaphreak, riven_euphony, rosexecho, rubyredheadrox, sabeth, saddestdreams21, secretzandliez, serpensmalange, shadow_edge, shortbastard, siangel, silverblade666, silverfreakash, simplestatic, sinfullyemo, skarlettred, snugglebunnie4, sonora66, spitfire4, starlight9, station_wagons, sue_plex, sugar735, sugardandy, suicidalxpain, suprherostalkr, tainted__blood, the_storyso_far, the_swallow, theatreorchid, thespookykids, thestarinmysky, tonegativeone, trashykitty42, truls_rohk, turkie_tayles, twigskat, tycheofthenight, unique_star_grl, vampyre_teeth, venomvixen, villeluvspika, wasteofskin, waxstar76x, wiccidchick, wolveneyes, wormcult, x_sickinside_x, xcakexorxdeathx, xdoll_face69x, xreddestinyx, xteknowhorex, xthanatosx, yourxsweetx666, zante17 |
Watched by: | 153: 001_glam_dollie, _angelcaido_, _bleedmeanocean, _glass_tear_, _soothexmyxhead, _sweet_tragedy, acousticqueen15, almostfamos, always_october, alwz4esmile, anaka_lee, angelix_dagger, aniblas, appleofair, babiegiggles, beautyqueen658, behindxthesmile, berens_comms, black_number_1, bldykissz, blink_luv, blood_merenwen, bloodroses53, bloodymoonlite, blufacedpixie, brokennight69, buttercupchick, candle_wicca, cheeseblood, corset_bruises, crimsonbloodxxx, cutyourownhair, daddyzlilbich69, darkflamewitch, davidismyslut, deathlythere, delicious_depth, deliciouspear, demonicxdolly, destanee, dethsbrighteyez, disturbedchic4u, djdarko, dollparts420, doombunnie, duskenil, elvenmofo, empyrealflamez, evalius, evasiveness, evilshoebox, fast_lik_bunni, feather_rainbow, femmeflutter, flantasticferla, fly_to_eden, foamyluver13, freakwolf, gamer_j, gently_bitten, glamtrashkitten, glass_heart_666, gloom_e_spook, gothicfreak1688, gothspikegurl, heroin_cunt, hopelessmistake, horror_writer, iluvharrington3, immortalized, infinite_death, insanebtch666, intotheshadows, intrepidjam, itwinkletoesi, jacurutu3, jassiezoid, jerky_lover, jimandlenny, kaaron, kling_klang_bed, ladychrist, lazylipstick, lefthanderangie, level27siren, lifeissostrange, lollirot_whore, loveandwhispers, mbbishop, medmann, mekalove420, midnightcrows, misslunakitty, missmanson666, morbid_darkone, mudpiemuncher, mysticalrainbow, mysticchocolate, necrotik, neontubebaby, noircatnoir, nunki, playdoughgirl, poeticvampire, poisoncage, princesslia84, prude_princess, ptpenguino, purplestarchild, random_fandom, rathienmilan, raven_m00n, realityshadowed, remembermycrime, replicaphreak, riven_euphony, rosexecho, rubyredheadrox, sabeth, secretzandliez, siangel, silverblade666, silverfreakash, sincitysyco, skarlettred, snugglebunnie4, sonora66, starlight9, station_wagons, sue_plex, sugar735, suicidalxpain, the_swallow, theatreorchid, thestarinmysky, tonegativeone, trashykitty42, truls_rohk, turkie_tayles, twigskat, tycheofthenight, vampyre_teeth, venomvixen, villeluvspika, wiccidchick, wolveneyes, wormcult, x_sickinside_x, xdoll_face69x, xreddestinyx, ... |
Member of: | 1: paidmembers |
Account type: | Paid Account |