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User:darknesslament (72256) Paid User darknesslament
The Death of Light
Name:Death of Light
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Website:My Sims 2 Junk (It's Colorful!)
Location:Sylva, North Carolina, United States
Bio:Mini-biography? I'm a freak! If you want to know more, you'll just have to get to know me, because I'm complex.

The above three sentences have been my bio for the past four years, but suddenly I feel the urge to say more. But I'm leaving those for nostalgia reasons.

'Cause I'm silly like that.

Most of what you'll find in my journal is silly randomness, interspersed with rants and occasional angst. And whining, of course. Because I turn into a whiny little twit when I'm sick, or sad, or out of caffiene or nicotine.

You'll probably also find lots of references to my various interests, which are:

Writing: One day I will finish writing my book. This is pretty much a given. Until then, I'm playing mostly in the realms of fanfiction, simply because it's fun to torture other people's characters. The stuff I've written recently can be found at:

Fanfiction: I've always been an avid reader, and a typical novel takes me about five hours to devour. With the price of books continually skyrocketing, I just can't afford to continue buying enough books, even in paperback, to feed my addiction. So, I've more or less given up on commercial fiction and turned to the readily available supply of words on the internet. Usually I stick to slash, but I branch out into het pairings when I'm feeling adventrous. Sometimes I'll even read general stories, though admittedly not often. I don't have a "one true pairing" in any fandom, anything will do if it's well written and interesting. I think the unusual pairings are the most fun, since it takes more plot to actually make it believeable.

My current fandoms are: Harry Potter, Lost, Law & Order: SVU, X-Files, Star Trek: Voyager, CSI: Crime Scene Investigations, Navy: NCIS

My favourite genre of fanfiction is probably Hurt/Comfort. I like to see my favourite characters hurt, tortured, broken into a million pieces, and put back together again. In other words, lots of angst, and minimum fluff. ... Yeah. I know, it's sad. But my brain is just twisted like that.

Video Games: I really dig any kind of simulation game. When I find a new game, or rediscover an old one, I'm usually sucked into my computer for weeks at a time, staring blankly at the screen and only moving to visit the loo or microwave a burrito. The best way to immerse yourself into a video game is to replace your computer chair with a big easy chair, then you don't even have to leave to sleep. Just curl up and nap with the game on pause. Needless to say, I burn out on games fairly quickly. A month at the most...

Past Video Game Addictions: (In no particular order.) The Sims, Dungeon Keeper 2, Grand Theft Auto III, Yendorian Tales: Book One, The Sims 2, Baldur's Gate, Sim City 2000, Final Fantasy VIII on Playstation, Legend of Zelda on SNES, Pit Fall on the Atari, Morrowind, Asheron's Call Online, Runescape

Photoshop: I can get sucked into that program for days at a time, it's just so complex and has so many options. Eventually I'll be putting up a page with some of the wallpapers I've made on my website.

Television Shows: I watch way too many shows, but since I detest ads, I never watch them live. I record new shows to the TiVo and skip the ads, or just get the DVD sets and watch them that way.

Shows I'm Addicted To: CSI: Miami, Lost, Judging Amy, NCIS, CSI: Las Vegas, West Wing, Law & Order: All of them, ...and probably more. But I'm bored now. Go away.
Memories:8 entries
Interests:53: art, baldur's gate, cats, cheese, clive cussler, csi, csi slash, david eddings, dean koontz, drawing, dungeons and dragons, fan fiction, fanfiction, fantasy books, final fantasy, garth brooks, gibbs/dinozzo, gil/nick, harry potter, harry potter slash, horror books, horror movies, jag slash, jimmy buffett, john saul, lupin, lupin/snape, music, mystery books, ncis slash, painting, paul simon, raves, reading, roger zelazny, roleplaying, rpgs, severus/bill, simon and garfunkel, slash, snape, snape/black, snupin, ss/rl, ss/sb, star trek, stephen king, terry goodkind, the sims, tolkien, tomb raider, type o negative, writing. [Modify yours]
People27:amireal, arionrhod, cletus28786, darkelf83, darknesslament, eowyn_elf, fishbulb42, fiyre, halbieky, infernaltears, jadejackel, jasminedemark, judes, kawolski, kjs, ladyflowdi, ldygwynedd, nhyrvana, pixlz, rhydinrealities, shoeless_girl, tatteredwings, theladyfeylene, wolfdreamer, xellas, yellowrosetx, zou2
Communities29:12am_nosh, 15minuteficlets, 30minutefics, celticmoonstar, csi_forensics, csi_slash, daily_snitch, death_eaters, eldestweasley, faces, grisslash, hpdaily, lost_slash, lupin_snape, makebelieve_lj, ncis_slash, ncisdrabble100, ncisfanfic, nickngreg, pervy_werewolf, rec_room, remusxbill, remusxsirius, smelling_salts, snape_potter, snapish_smut, sufferingsev, thedarkslament, who_needs_canon
Mutual Friends:26: arionrhod, cletus28786, darkelf83, darknesslament, eowyn_elf, fishbulb42, fiyre, halbieky, infernaltears, jadejackel, jasminedemark, judes, kawolski, kjs, ladyflowdi, ldygwynedd, nhyrvana, pixlz, rhydinrealities, shoeless_girl, tatteredwings, theladyfeylene, wolfdreamer, xellas, yellowrosetx, zou2
Also Friend of:1: moraxian
Member of:25: 12am_nosh, 30minutefics, csi_forensics, csi_slash, death_eaters, eldestweasley, faces, grisslash, hpdaily, lupin_snape, makebelieve_lj, ncis_slash, ncisdrabble100, ncisfanfic, nickngreg, paidmembers, pervy_werewolf, remusxbill, remusxsirius, smelling_salts, snape_potter, snapish_smut, sufferingsev, thedarkslament, who_needs_canon
Account type:Paid Account

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