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[10 Feb 2002|10:11pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | goo goo dolls - iris ]

once again i am in rare form tonight. im kinda pissed cause one of my guy friends was on the computer and i was talking to him and he was acting like a bastard cause one of his friends was over there. he is so nice and sweet to me at school, but on the computer he is a little bastard when shes around. lord i dont know what to do, these boys are about to kill me. i just wish they would make up their mind about what they want!!! especially 2 in paticular. joseph and dustin. there confusing the hell out of me. im confused about everything right now. ive said that so much but its getting worse and worse everyday. nothing is the same anymore. i wish it would go back to the way that it used to be. im changing but some of my friends are just the same, immature people as ever! im tired of stupid people, i really am, i cant deal with this shit anymore! anyways, im going to bed, night night and ttfn!

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[10 Feb 2002|12:16am]
Were you a gifted child?
Your Score: 71%

Test yourself at

Classic Brown

I'm the plain classic brown Doc Marten...
I'm mellow, down to earth,
and a little on the conservative side

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

Find out what kind of driver you are!

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[09 Feb 2002|12:50am]
I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folk are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed.

meant for me
Which Jewel song are you most like? Find out!

I'm the Charmin Bear!

You can't seem to resist the comfortably clean feeling on your arse.

Take the "What weird
obsession are you?" quiz
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[09 Feb 2002|12:14am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | goo goo dolls - iris ]

ive had another moment of clarity. i know ive said it before, but im going to try not to let people get me down. ive said that so much but this time, im really going to try. ive seen so much going on lately that i want to help as much as i can. to hell with what everyone else thinks and believes. im tired of trying to conform to what everyone else thinks is beautiful or popular or right or cool. i hate half those people anyways, so why change who i am to make them happy. im not going to see them again anymore and the people who i feel that i need to impress, probably dont even care. i mean, they care, but not about what everyone else thinks is important, if that makes any sense at all. like joseph, what i like about him is that he knows who i am and that i am who i am, there are no smoke and mirrors with me. i dont hide anything. we're great friends but not best friends but whats crazy is that i feel so close to him, closer than i do to one of my other "best friends" (one in paticular), around her, i feel that i have to hide who i am. there are a few people who actually know the real me and thats not a lot, like hannah is one of the few people who really know who i am. at school i feel as though i have to put up a front and hide who i am. there isnt a lot to hide, but they dont take time to get to know the real you. they make assupmtions based on what you wear and thats a crock of shit, im tired of it. in 5 years, whos going to remember all that useless shit? im sure as hell not going to. its not worth it worrying about what someone else thinks of you. most people think that since im in the band that im a stupid band nerd and thats all they know about me. they dont know that im learning to play the guitar or that i take dance or i like to paint or what type of music i listen to. they dont know because they dont care. they would rather just make the assumption that im a stupid band nerd and thats all i ever will be. to them that is. to someone else, even if its just one person, i will be important. i will be more than just a target. im going to do something with my life and not just stay here and rot.

from here on, i will not let anyone con me into thinking i am anything less than what i know i am. god, im confusing myself, you know what i mean. i am who i am, and i WILL NOT have anyone else tell me that im not. i am beautiful in my own way, just as everyone is. we all have different beauty standards, fuck everyone fascist beauty standards, they dont do jack shit for me. i dont look like the standard of beauty, im not 5'6, blonde hair, blue eyes, 36dd, WTF? who really looks like that, besides pamela lee? and we all know how fake she is. i am beautiful, in my own little way damnit! i am who i am and thats all that i am. one day i will find someone who will love me for me, all my little quirks included. i have such a headache now. im getting tired of these pain in the ass people. big fuckin deal that im short and have shorter hair that some of the guys around here, thats just a big fuckin shock here, i forgot, we're all supposed to have loooooonnnnnggg hair and wear dresses all the time. i get the weirdest looks when i go out, even just to wal-mart. this is crazy. im on a roll tonight, i just feel like fussing about this stupid place. i just want someone to take me who i am. and love me for me. i dont want to be everything to everyone, just something to someone. i want someone to tell me that im beautiful, even if just to them. i want to be wanted! thats all!

since im on the subject of bitching about everything, why do guys like stupid girls? and bitchy girls? do they just get tired of the nice ones? and why, after they find out someone likes them, do they forget about that person and go after a bitchy girl? is the fun not there? do they not get the kick out of that he used to? i guess so. i guess that once they know that someone likes them that they have to move on to greener pastures and go for a complete bitch! WTF?????? HONESTLY?!?!?!?! i guess nice, diferent girls finish last in line. with the bitches in first place and the whores in second. go fuckin figure. guys just confuse me sooo much, they need to come with an instruction manual or something. i know the say the same about us, but i have to say, i dont think im that confusing. but i can see why they say that i am, cause i dont act like a stupid ass, i have some substance about me and i dont sit here and nod my head like an idiot, nor do i sit there like a manniquin either. so, to them, because i say whats on my mind and dont take any shit from them, im brandished as a confusing, ball-bustin bitch. oh well, if thats what i am, so be it. im not changing to make someone else happy, i refuse to change. i will not conform. anyways, im getting off my soap box for tonight, i will write more tomorrow, ttfn!

---searching for something

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[07 Feb 2002|07:49pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | dido ]

today was alright, i got sick today in 3rd and thought that i was going to pass out. my blood sugar dropped super super low and i like to have never got it back up. i drank a bottle of orange juice and ate some crackers but it didnt help at all. i have to go to the doctor soon so they can check me out and see if im hypoglycemic or if have diabetes. :( my dad was just diagnosed with it so im worried about that now, if its not one thing, its another.

drama was ok though, joseph said that i was sweet and that made me feel good. oh well, one of my friends told me not to get my hopes up again and just to give up and that really hurt my feelings. :( oh well, who knows? but it still made me feel good, and he walked me down the hallway today, with his arm around me, i felt so special again! oh well, im so sick of almost everyone at the fuckin school!! im tired of it, i really am. im tired of everyone telling me what to do, when they dont have a clue what im going through right now, its not everyone, its mainly one person in paticular thats doing this and im going to beat them before its over with.

im confused and sick, so im going to go lay down for a bit, i'll write more later tomorrow.

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[06 Feb 2002|05:54pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | dashboard confessional ]

i havent written in here in awhile, i havent had a whole lot to day. i still dont have a whole lot to say either. we got out of school early for snow but now its not doing anything at all. figures huh? i seriously need a vacation for a few days. ive been in a good mood today but i feel like telling everyone that i dont like what i think of them. i know that wouldnt be real smart but still, im tired of dealing with stupid people. i dont like stupid people at all. im not the brightest lightbulb in the lamp, but im talking about really really stupid people, we all know who im talking about right now. i finally got moved in 2nd so i dont have to deal with her now, thank god! i would have beat the bejeezus out of her one day. like i said, i dont have alot to say, if anything interesting happens, i'll be sure to post it, but i doubt thats going to happen in the horrible little town from hell.

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[03 Feb 2002|10:44pm]

Find out which Buffy villian you are most like!
By [info]calophi

Which British Band Are You?
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[03 Feb 2002|12:08am]

I took the McDonalds test, and guess what I got?

You can take the
McDonalds Product Test
by Matio64

So, which Fraggle ARE YOU most like? Click here to find out.

What Pulp Fiction Character Are You?.

You're a hardworking individual enshrouded by an overwhelming sense of mystery, beauty, and intrigue. Though always on the go, you keep focused, helping - often rapturing - those you meet.

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

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[02 Feb 2002|10:55pm]

See which Greek Goddess you are.

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[02 Feb 2002|10:51pm]
click to take it!

You sometimes doubt yourself - who you are and what you can do. You're a curious person, with questions and concerns about the world. You go along with the crowd and aim to please others to your best ability. But when you finally discover what you're really capable of, you can do some serious ass kickin'! You're fast and furious, and you will always stick up for what you believe, and those who you care for. Not only that, but you're charming and charismatic, so you get along with people well, and others often look up to you.
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[02 Feb 2002|10:24pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | u2 - still havent found what im looking for ]

god i have so much on my mind right now its not even funny. everything, guys, friends, school, family. you name it, the shit's hitting the fan. i feel as though im fighting for everything to change, but im also fighting for it to stay the same. i want things to stay the same but then again i dont! i dont want to leave my friends, some of the other people at the school i could care less about. i just want out of here. i need a change of scenery so bad.

enough fussing about that, on to bigger things, this whole guy situation is killing me, i cant deal with this anymore. im so mad and frustrated right now. i just want to cry all the time. i thought that he was different, i really did, but he turned out to be just like the rest of them. :( -----sigh----- he didn't even give me a chance and that hurts me too. he was all about me and then its like --poof-- he forgot about me and started after emily! and shes not even that great at all. shes bitchy and she tried to act all prim and proper, but i guess that if that's what he wants, theres nothing i can do about it. maybe if i act stupid, he'll fall for me. but whats the purpose of that? im so in love with him its not even funny. i love everything about him, his smile, his eyes, his voice, his jokes, the goofy things that he says and does! i love the fact that he can quote monty python and he laughs when i talk about ferrets and penguins and stuff. he likes fazolis and hes a music man! i want to be with this guy. but alas, my plans have been shattered once again, by some evil bimbette. im none to surprised, this shit always happens to me. oh well, such is life, life uses setbacks to move us ahead sometimes. also, this sounds crazy but i think going out with wesley fucked things up too. if i had it to do over, i wouldn't have ever went out with him. there is so much that depresses me about that relationship. it made me who i am today. its made me wary of every guy i meet. it made me compromise myself to make someone else happy, after i preached about never changing for a guy. that's exactly what i did. i changed who i was for him, to fit into his mold of what he thought i was supposed to be. i just want someone to love me for me. all of my little quirks and the stupid things i do. i want to be able to be myself and not worry about being a fool in front of him. i want to be able to burp and act stupid and tell stupid jokes and have my weird sense of humor. that's all i want. i want to be wanted and to feel needed by someone. sometimes i wonder what am i doing wrong? is it me? or is it them? its the damn bloody government, i swear it is!

the friends thing is about to drive me batty too. i only have like 4 friends who are really there for me when i need them. i feel like no one cares about me sometimes, and then i get mad cause i have this one friend in particular who is never there for me, but whenever something goes wrong for her im the first one she calls. but when i call her, something else is always more important to her. no one else matters. it makes me so mad and it hurts me too. i just want to get away from happy valley, im tired of everyone there. the teachers, students, the looks of it. everything about it. i just want to get around some new people, i need some stability in my life right now. i have that from mom and dad but with some of my friends at school, not my close ones (they know who they are), but like that acquaintances and stuff, one minute they love me and hate me the next. i hate uncertainty, i really do. sometimes i wish that i could look into the future and see what was going to happen.

school just sucks, ive bitched about it enough in the paragraph above. i despise mrs culler so much, i hate her with a passion. is there really any need for her to be so hateful all the time? i dont think so. but i guess if i had to deal with us all day i would be hateful too. im not really going to miss a lot of the teachers there. im going to miss mrs grant, crazy as she is, mr norman, hes always been there for me, ruffin, just cause hes been there for 4 years and hasnt given up all hope on me yet. there all the teachers that im the closet too and that mean the most to me, also both verrans, i love them both to death. i remember having a horrible day one day and in drivers ed and scotty gave me the biggest pep talk ever and it made me feel so much better. sometimes, you just need someone to listen to you and that's what i need right now. i have a million thoughts going through my mind.

i dont want to be everything to everyone, i just want to be something to someone. i want to be wanted. i feel so out of place, i dont fit in anywhere. maybe things will be different in college, i hope so. i want to start buying things for my dorm room, but they told me to wait a bit. i wonder what kind of roommate im going to have? im about scared to think of it.

i need to work on self acceptance, cause im so down on myself its not even funny. i told hannah the other night that i really hated who i was. i dont like anything about myself, i hate the way that i look the way i act, everything. i feel stupid and ugly and fat and i hate myself. i just want to be someone different. im thinking about not going to prom now, i dont see the need in it. im just going to spend the whole night depressed anyway. im going to feel out of place and like i dont measure up to anyone else there. id rather save my money for something of great significance than spending 30 bucks to get my hair done and this and that.

i have almost written a book tonight havent i? well, im going to go take a shower, this is just some stuff that ive needed to get off of my chest before i go insane, theres more, but i dont feel like getting into that tonight. another story for another day.

----searching for something i still havent found yet......

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[31 Jan 2002|08:49pm]

Sod Off!!

Take the Which Tank Girl Character Are You? Quiz!

This quiz was made by lia
</font size></font face>
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[30 Jan 2002|09:37pm]

I'm a Wind Spiriti
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another bend in the road [29 Jan 2002|10:46pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | mandy moore ]

all this depression is working out to my advantage, ive been writing songs all day today. i figured, hell im going to be ignored, i might as well do something productive with my time huh? ive got like a page full of lyrics that ive written today, none of them really seem to go together though. im going to write a song called "i feel like charlie brown". im seriously about to give up on this guy. i thought that things were different yesterday but i dont want to fight anymore, mom says that i give up way to easily but i cant help it. i get so discouraged and i feel like hes worth fighting for. but im beginning to wonder why hes doing this to me? is he trying to get my attention, or to see how i act? if he didnt have feelings for me, why did he told my hand at the movies? emily wasnt a problem then, she just became a problem recently. if hes going to play games, i dont want to do that. i'm better off just being friends with the guy, because if hes going to continuously break my heart, im not up for it. i cant take it. ive had enough with guys wanting to play games and i dont like it. ive said it a thousand times these past 3 weeks, but i dont like uncertainty, i want a sure thing. and if hes not going to notice me, and realize that i could and would be everything that hes ever wanted before and then some, thats his loss. i dont want to go on being depressed for some guy. im thisclose to saying screw it, shove a pineapple up your ass, i dont care anymore. i get so mad at him, but when he smiles at me, i just forget about everything. ----sigh---- im going to stick my head in the oven one day. his loss right? someone PLEASE back me up here!!! im going to have to learn to love myself before i can expect anyone else to love me, and im on that road right now, and believe me, its a hell of a rocky road. im strugglin so much. i feel as though im going to lose my footing any minute. i have a lot of people praying for me, but i feel as though, he or she or whatevers up there isnt listening to me at all. i dunno, thats another discussion for another day right? i dont have to time or the energy to get into that tonight. im going to bed, ttfn!

withdrawing from the rat race-----


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wishful thinking and lots of prayers [28 Jan 2002|10:09pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | dashboard confessional ]

i like my subject line, i think it would make a great title for a song. actually, here i just made one up. tell me what you think!

wishful thinking and lots of prayers
are what is getting me through
wishful thinking and lots of prayers
getting me over you

i need a change of scenery,
i need a change of pace,
i just need to get out,
out of this place

im going insane
i dont know what to do
all i can seem to think of
is you

wishful thinking and lots of prayers
are what is getting me through
wishful thinking and lots of prayers
getting me over you, getting me over you

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[28 Jan 2002|03:12pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | none ]

things went better today, believe it or not. joseph didnt ignore me, he payed attention to me for once. he ignored emily though, so i dont know whats up with that? who knows anything anymore? but he even came up to me at my locker and tapped me on the shoulder before he went tp lunch, it was nice. and then in drama he hugged me but i dont know. im still confused. i gtg now, im going to eat!!!

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[27 Jan 2002|10:43pm]
I'm Marla!

What FIGHT CLUB character are you?
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[27 Jan 2002|10:40pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | michelle branch - paper pieces ]

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[27 Jan 2002|09:38pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | michelle branch - paper pieces ]

i dont wanna go to school tomorrow at all!!!! im honestly dreading it. i want to see joseph but then again i dont. what i should say, is that i want to see him but i dont want to see him with emily. i dont like uncertainty. im just as confused as hell, cause i honestly thought that he liked me. i mean, he held my hand that night and he seemed to be all about me. :( god i just dont know what to do. i have so many different opinions about what to do that im so confused right now. some are telling me just to lay low, some are saying forget him but i cant do that. im in too deep with feelings now to forget him completely. i just dont know what to do....... im freaking out here.

hopelessly searching for answers......

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[27 Jan 2002|07:11pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | dashboard confessional ]

i have the feeling that something super weird is going to happen soon. i mean the shit is really going to hit the fan. i just wish i knew what it was you know? who knows anything anymore? i have a headache again as usual. no big surprise here.

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