Monday, February 7th, 2005
2:47 pm - Apt
I'm coming out of my cage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep And she's calling a cab While he's having a smoke And she's taking a drag Now they're going to bed And my stomach is sick And it's all in my head But she's touching his... chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, let me go
I just can't look It's killing me And taking control
Jealousy Turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibis But it's just the price I pay Destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes 'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside."
- The Killers
Am I being devoted and compassionate - or a coward?
current mood: confused
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| Saturday, February 5th, 2005
9:31 pm - Oh yeah...
So for the several people that asked last night, the band I played is called I AM X. The cd, Kiss & Swallow, is available on amazon.com, and the very cool, innovative web site is www.iamx.co.uk. You can listen to song clips there, and they also have a myspace account with streaming audio.
Ok I'm done. :)
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| Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005
11:43 pm
Are we machines obsolete, alone with symbiotic self-indulgence
And if we dig deep the circuitry burnt out, bends into neurotic repetition
But your silver skin soothes my aching curses and reminds me that you're worth it
The whole world's insanities the bleeding hearts and tragedies won't distract me from the deathwish
Are we Pretending Are we Pretending Are we Pretending 'Cause I like pretending.
- i am x
current mood: worried
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11:20 pm - NYC mayhem
So NYC was a blast as usual, and I miss it already. I was afraid the winter weather would put me off and make me think twice about moving there someday, but as luck would have it, it was sunny and near 40 degrees, with enough snow to make me smile, so I haven't yet been dissuaded. I had forgotten how much I connect with that city until I was on the subway, hypnotized by the motion of the train, and remembered how at home I always feel in the subway, of all places.
( field trip )
Anyway, the trip was fun, and a good bonding experience for the class, and I also got a better idea of what kind of places are out there jobwise. I now have some inkling of what kind of places I might do well in (Pearl Fischer) and others I would probably hate (Ogilvy, Martha Stewart). Also tons of internship opportunities. Good stuff.
Well, as I'll probably be trying to catch up in my classes for the rest of the quarter :-/ I should probably get some rest.
current mood: accomplished
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| Saturday, January 29th, 2005
9:36 pm
Well, last night was interesting. Definitely a night of vitality, in that not all of it was good, but it definitely lets you know you're alive.
( ice and fire )
So a very adventurous night, but a good story, and a good time overall.
Now tomorrow, off to NYC! After this experience, perhaps the weather won't seem like such a big deal. ;P
current mood: dazed
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| Thursday, January 27th, 2005
8:39 pm
It's a good thing I'm making new friends at PC...
Guess this is just the way of the world.
current mood: resigned
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| Tuesday, January 25th, 2005
2:49 pm
Does anyone here remember me lending out or leaving my remastered Star Wars trilogy videos anywhere within the last... oh, couple years? Josh doesn't have them, nor does my sister, who were my most recent roommates. I know I had them at least my junior year of college... :(
current mood: sad
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| Sunday, January 23rd, 2005
5:52 pm - Hmmm...
I wonder how long I can go at the rate of one total sobbing breakdown every other day or so. :P
No, April, Hank's class isn't the end of the world. I'm just personally ill-equipped to deal with... much of anything.
Whoever thought my beloved Toilet Duck would move me to tears...
current mood: drained
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2:36 pm
Some pics I've been meaning to post for a while.
[edit: none of my pics are showing up, but i've checked my tags, so maybe it's the site... we'll see]
( more... )
current mood: weird
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| Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
4:09 pm
Mercy when i melt in the kiss by the words and the whispers you sing me mercy i'm frail in the kill by submission and will that you bring me mercy when I'm nothing but ego you slap me to let go and sleep free now I sleep free
you're my toybox and my memories when I smell your skin you just make my whole world weep i'm at your feet
mercy when the grey turns to black and the wave's on my back you make me smile mercy it's the trauma and martyr you crush into pleasure and downtime mercy it's the shining of you that just breaks me in two like a lifeline you're my lifeline i'm the idiot to your poetry when you burn you bleach everything and all i need is at your feet
mercy are the licks and the lips of temptation just tricks not for playing mercy are you the camera suck gun slut to headphone fuck holes in my being mercy are you everything which put the sex into bitch - or just faking do you fake it
so I celebrate your chemistry if you bond with me i can make your whole world sweet i'm on my knees."
- i am x web
Appropriately enough, just as I finished posting this, I started hearing people fucking below me. ;P
current mood: fan girl
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| Thursday, January 20th, 2005
8:47 pm - obsession
Last night was unexpectedly nice. I figured I would be holed up again working, but through some odd turn of events, 4 people ended up at my place for a couple hours - Parker, Adrienne, Chris Hales, and their friend Andy. The timing was perfect, b/c I had been very lonely and crying yesterday, and I perked up and had some great conversations. It was wonderful to actually feel like I was still part of the social scene! The evening ended listening to Monster Ballads, who could ask for more? Tee hee.
Anyway, onto some ruminations on the subject of obsession, at the risk of pissing off my boyfriend... (*smooches* beb! ;) ( Read more... )
Anyway, I know this kinda came out of left field, but it really did for me too. And it highly amuses me that I can still be a stupid fangirl at 24. Will I ever outgrow this type of behavior?
current mood: bemused current music: chris corner in my head
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| Wednesday, January 19th, 2005
12:25 am
Lately I have been depressed and lonely, and stressed, and not sleeping quite as well. I've also been really emotional, like if I think of certain song lyrics, I start crying. And the most recent development is that I'm not really hungry. No nausea yet, though. Been down this path before... :P Hope it doesn't last, but I guess at most it'll last 9 more weeks. I've considered everything from upping my meds to smoking more pot to taking mild sedatives, but there's still that stubborn part of me that resists relying too much on chemicals to get through something. On the other hand, if my stress mounts and I do nothing, it will negatively affect my school work.
Guess I'll have to play this one by ear. :-/
current mood: pensive
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| Tuesday, January 18th, 2005
2:47 pm - :P
So my creative presentation on my assigned design movement went well. I wrote and sang a song about Streamline for my 5:30 class. Now they want me to do it for a datablitz at seminar. I don't have any problems singing in front of the school, but singing about shiny rounded corners isn't quite what I had hoped for... But I'm glad it was well received.
If you're curious, it's ( here. )
Anyway, I just got back, as I spent over an hour in Hank's office after having a breakdown at the end of class... *sigh*
I have an unimaginable amount of work to do, so I guess I should get to it.
current mood: exhausted
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| Sunday, January 16th, 2005
2:03 pm - Chatty today
This is what happens when I'm always holed up in my apartment alone.
A few notes on music:
I just got the Snatch soundtrack, and it kicks just as must ass as I had hoped. Anyway, on one song, my bird starts going apeshit, and I listen closely, and there's this sort of squeaky hiss percussion noise in the background apparently causing all this commotion. She's like, "CHEE CHEE!" and it does it again, rhythmically, so I guess she assumed it was responding to her. "CHEE CHEE!!!" Guess I'll never be able to listen to that one in peace, lol...
Today I heard both Fiona Apple *and* Tori on Organic X. It almost brought a tear to my eye. I'm so proud of 99x. They're like an errant child that went astray for a few years, but has finally returned to his roots.
I got a shitload of CDs actually: the remastered Downward Spiral by NIN, Hooverphonic, Morcheeba, Coldplay, Franz Ferdinand, Ludacris, more Sneaker Pimps, and IAMX, a solo project of the guy in sneaker pimps. The more I hear of (later) Sneaker Pimps, the more surprised I am that I've never been exposed to it before. They're fucking fabulous. (Thanks, beb! ;) If anyone is in the market for something new, with lots of sonic depth, kind of a dark vibe, but not mellow, and full of great melodies and lyrics, and fun beats, and a fabulous voice, I highly recommend Sneaker Pimps' Bloodsport. It's much more lively than their other 2, but just as well-crafted.
Also, NIN will be playing London at the end of March. I see that that coincides w/ my spring break. SOOOOO tempting... :P
current mood: busy current music: snatch soundtrack
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10:43 am - Because I should be in class...
10:22 am - Best reason to live in Atlanta
9:04 am - Fucking bullshit
So I was a good girl last night, and declined an invite to a sure-to-be-hoppin' PC party AND another invite to go clubbing at Underground with friends, because I had class this morning at 8, with Hank, president of PC (and teacher of my normally 5:30 am Tues class).
So it's cold this morning, but I slither out of bed, grab some coffee...
And wait. In the parking lot, with everyone else. For a fucking HOUR.
No calls. No email. Nothing. No Hank. And this when all of our teachers are always harping on about, "You wouldn't disrespect a *client* that way, so don't be late to my class! Act like professionals!"
Anyway, back at home now. I hear he's notorious for this, and it's quite possible he will show up in a couple hours and call us all back like nothing happened.
Fucking rude asshole...
current mood: pissed off
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| Saturday, January 15th, 2005
11:09 pm
I got a letter today. It opened by praising my obvious "talent, especially with your throat and hands."
*blink blink*
I'm assuming this means my grandmother enjoys my singing and art/photography skills.
You gotta love the oblivious innocence of old people...
current mood: amused
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| Friday, January 14th, 2005
12:12 pm - D00D, this thing is PSYCHIC!
You Are 24 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
That's kinda creepy, lol...
current mood: impressed
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| Thursday, January 13th, 2005
5:30 pm
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band | Created by naw5689 and taken 6198 times on bzoink! | Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band: | Tori Amos | Are you male or female: | Cornflake Girl | Describe yourself: | Blood Roses | How do some people feel about you: | Tear in Your Hand | How do you feel about yourself: | Daisy Dead Petals | Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: | Hey Jupiter | Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: | Black Dove | Describe where you want to be: | Take to the Sky | Describe what you want to be: | God | Describe how you live: | Little Earthquakes | Describe how you love: | Sweet Dreams | Share a few words of wisdom | "Girls you've got to know when it's time to turn the page." - Tori, Northern Lad | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
current mood: stressed
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