the best imitation of myself

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Tuesday, October 19th, 2004
10:34 pm
GlitterGirlGinny: omg i was so scared!
crazysamdizzy: waahhhh
crazysamdizzy: we are all going to die
GlitterGirlGinny: and he was so cute
GlitterGirlGinny: I KNOW
crazysamdizzy: i know
GlitterGirlGinny: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
GlitterGirlGinny: wahhhhhhhhhh
GlitterGirlGinny: and the wolves!
crazysamdizzy: ::making the face:: ah heh wahh woof
GlitterGirlGinny: NOOOOO
GlitterGirlGinny: stop the face!

ahhh...quality goodness time with sam.

and i didn't even mention the part where her dad and prince petie joined us in making turkey noises for about 10 minutes.

current mood: hot
current music: elton john

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5:41 pm
for future reference...i will ALWAYS love peanut butter toast. maybe even more than you.

but think about's toast with peanut butter.

current mood: calm
current music: nissi bergman

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Saturday, October 16th, 2004
7:16 pm
at the end of kathy's e-mail, there was an official word from the church saying how god was in the people, not the place. i don't think they knew the summit well enough.

i know that the people that come to the summit are the ones who do the loving, and i know that the love they share won't change. it's the people who i shared the experiences only summit love can bring about...the laugh-yourself-sick moments, the nights you can't hold back the tears, and the discussions when you KNOW that god has meant for you to be in that exact place in that exact moment and what it means to change other people and yourself.

only...the summit isn't just a "state of mind" as so many have called it. it is a place. i know the summit better than i know any place on earth. i've memorized the way the sunlight moves through the trees from where i lay on the stage in the ampetheater on a sunday. i recall how many steps it takes from the pool to the train, and i know for a fact that the number doubles when you are soaking wet and freezing. i know that the sky i see when i look at the stars in the field is bigger than any sky i've ever known. i remember how the outdoor chapel looks by candlelight in the dead of winter. i've seen the deepest part of the woods surrounding the summit on a night with no moon, and i have stood by myself and heard the silence that comes with them. i have raced, skipped, and ridden someone's back down the path to conference room 100 so many times that it is second nature. in my head i know the view of the lake from the deck of the lodge. i can, even now, feel the floor of every building (excluding that mysterious shed near the tennis courts) because i've danced on them all. i'm positive of how high i can bounce off of the matresses in the hotel rooms. i can describe exactly how it feels to fall asleep on a bunk in the train with up to 6 other people in it. i would bet you everything i have that i could walk, blindfolded, from the entrance with the big sign to the back of the boat house to the edge of the baseball fence and back again. no, my head doesn't know every step.

but i'm pretty sure my heart does.

this spring when the seniors say their final farewell, they won't be the only ones doing so. but in the early fall, once they are off at college and the summit is out of our possesion, there will still be work to do. kids will come from all over needing a little bit of what we have gotten. they will need to feel accepted, loved, cared for, respected, and safe. once the summit is gone, we will still need to share it. i know it will be scary to plan a conference without the option of being in the pit. we will all miss the echos of the balls in the gym during the free times. and bishop ball won't be complete without the girls blowing the circuts in our rooms. but we'll manage.

because look at what we've been given: in the short years we've known the summit, it has given us strong, steady, and loving ties to christ and each other. we have learned how to love in the strongest and purest and complete acceptance. we don't see the faults and mistakes others make. we see the possibility to create and amaze and renew.

so i encourage you...cry about the summit. but when you're finished, dry your eyes and turn to each other for the healing that we've learned in this place. we've been given the gift of experienceing the it's time to share it.

peace, god bless, and i love you.


current mood: complacent
current music: lord of the dance

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Friday, October 15th, 2004
11:30 am - like bringing a knife to a gunfight



people are so similar. it's almost scary how much the same they are. not really on the outside...there are a few things maybe, but those are for the most part pretty blatant and general. it gets eerie when, the closer you get with someone, the more they remind you of another person. a different version. a warmer version. even a sadder version. but still, a version of the same thing. and when you notice this, you start to wonder: is it that everyone is the same...or does it have somthing to do with me?

current mood: frustrated
current music: norma jean

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11:26 am - trick daddy love the kids

Your LJ Perfect Date
LJ Username
Choose a random word
Your Perfect Date xprophecyx
You have dinner at a 5 star restaurant
Afterwards you get drunk
Your date asks you to please untie him/her
You say this was the best night of my life
Chance you will get lucky - 11%
This Quiz by akasha82 - Taken 189180 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

current mood: cold
current music: sublime

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Friday, October 8th, 2004
7:34 pm - i made a huge pot of green beans and i get them all.
i really think i'm doing somthing wrong. kind of feels that way right now, anyways...

liz thinks i am ace and that is pretty much all that matters.

going to see cwees in um like soon!

sam is home now!

only 3 days of school this week!

desperate housewives comes on tonight!

blah blah i dyed my hair and blah blah who reads these anyomre?

oh yeah on saturday mo and i saw napoleon dynamite and sat with a bunch of wittiw kiddies from scool, all of whom i kicked at least once during the movie. then we went over to quinn's and ended up discussing the debates, eating pizza, and watching dirty dancing. that was a lot of fun.

i'm noticing a pattern in my attachment to phones that don't ring.

current mood: cranky
current music: october 4 mix

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Friday, September 24th, 2004
2:59 pm - funkyfunkyfunkyFRESH suck it

We're famous, contagious
We make outrageous claims.
Public enemy, the Royal Family.
Game over,
pink champagne.

Let there be no doubt about it,
You are dancing in my crossfire.

The possibilities are endless,
I can do most anything.
And the impossibilities
Are beginningless
And meaningless.

There will be no doubt about it,
You are dancing in my crossfire.

There was this feeling I had,
Like you're going to the other world.
I was your destination

You raise me,
I will amaze thee.
Radio plays me.

I've got no sympathy.
If you're not into me,
Then you're the enemy.

There will be no doubt about it.
You are dancing in my crossfire

current mood: evil!!!!11
current music: the benssssss

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Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
10:52 pm
tomorrow is the day josh comes home!

AND i get to see my first each dying dream performance!

and i got my hair cut-sed!

and oh meeee i am so tireds i am going to bed.

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Monday, September 20th, 2004
9:28 pm
let's was another day.

waking up was hard, math was boring, in french i made a card for josh that says "i hope you do not fall into the ocean." and we ran around the room congratulating eachother and embarassing mott for winning mr.eastern, theater arts was amusing as usual, and environmental was great. fabulous. that is my numero uno favorite class. most of the class is made up of my friends and conetta is so easygoing when we freak out and start running around and hitting eachother. i'm not kidding at all. anyways...after school we went to a brainstorming session for ap us and then i had my usual wednesday date with the cheesemen, sam, meagan, tay c, taylor a, emily, aaron, nickole, mitch, ward, brad, blake, and max plus john today. we went to cracker barrel and then some of us ended up back at the park where we layed in the grass and talked. i came home, did stuff, and sam did a drive by gossip session and dropped off my phone again.

things: tomorrow is a food day in french. we're having a whole meal and that excites me. a lot. i am missing of josh but he's coming home saturday. i hope lots of people come to the show at costalda's because i am scared to walk in alone. i miss liz, meghan, allison, and all my summit babies. i eat so many grapes that sometimes i have a belly hurt. can't think of anything else.

oh yeah. i need a formal gown as the host of the talent show to suggestions...

life is so fast and so slow.

love and kisses, burd

current mood: chipper
current music: oar and robert randolph - fool in the rain

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Saturday, September 18th, 2004
6:51 pm
only four full days to's not so bad, is it?

current music: phish

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Friday, September 17th, 2004
12:18 am

i've got to send this one out to all my baby darling adorable friends. i want to write little messages here out to all of you, but that would take a long time and i'm tired. but if you're having a bad day, please mention it to me so i can tell you the paragraph i thought up about how much i love you. no matter where i met you or where we are, with you guys i'm home. you are the weirdest, most wonderful people i have ever heard of. thanks for keeping it real.


lemmi tap that )

current mood: grateful
current music: missyou mix

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Saturday, September 4th, 2004
12:13 am - ummm...hi wittiw birds...
um, so i went out with some little kids tonight. we went to go see shrek 2 at the graham cinema, and that was really silly. i sat with mow and we made fun of all the animals.

then me, bwandon, agoose, stef fanny, and mo went to the bg because i thought my new lovely friend jeff with the fabulous girl pants was going to play and one time he played me stairway to heaven so i was gonna listen to him but he said he decided not to play so...ok. BUT THEN I SAW AARON! and my daddy was there too and i met a bunch of people he always talks about and i was reaaaaaaal excited. um ok and then we just played in the parking lot there and finally we went to lazer x because mowgan wanted to but it was closed so the mebin kids all came back to my crib and we had a porch party and i burned part of the skin off my finner and the boys jumped ova bushes and monsta and i danced because we are so good at it. then they all went home or somthing like that but i know the boys sat on the car a little bit.

so um now i am at home and that is all i have!

current mood: bouncy
current music: nazareth - love hurts

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Tuesday, August 31st, 2004
4:14 pm
She’s showing him off by making him talk.
She’s putting her hand in his pocket.
It shows on her face, what she doesn’t say,
what she doesn’t say.

You don’t know me.
You don’t know me at all.

-lisa loeb

current mood: calm
current music: mixxxy mix

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Monday, August 30th, 2004
8:50 pm - oh my

jesus gawd... )

current mood: curious
current music: billy joel

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Friday, August 27th, 2004
6:43 pm

he likes to read, i like to write

i like to sleep and he likes to stay up all night.

my friends say he's crazy, and i agree.


but that's ok cause it's the way i like to be.

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Thursday, August 26th, 2004
10:26 am - omg i talked to edward omg omg omg

hey kids...


buy my bro a cold one.


oh my.


current mood: content
current music: dispatch - the general

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Tuesday, August 24th, 2004
5:24 pm
and just so you all know, will is the most fabulous friend ever. i love you, scoot!

oh, and i'm car sick because i just walked in the door.

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Saturday, August 21st, 2004
8:04 pm
hi burds!!!

i am going to ohio for the next 3 days for my grandfather's funeral. he was old and sick, so it wasn't like BAM but no one likes it when people die. anyways, missing school and my friends will not be happy, but this kind of stuff happens.

on another pleasing note, i am quite sick. i didn't notice the fact that i wasn't eating for a day and a half, but when i did realize it i was surprised. no kidding. oh well. sam made me eat after school and i made some soup which i am eyeing, so this should make me not sick. oh, i wasn't eating because i couldn't taste anything and that is weird. and i can't smell. and i sound funny. ha.

i went to the cross country meet today. i always love cross country kids. mo's socks looked interesting. augusta is good at keep secrets about rubber cement. you can fit a lot of people in josh's convertable. you shouldn't, though. little harrison boy told me i was mean. he is smart. i AM mean.

i dunno about a lot of things. i think i'll just take this kind of thing as a good idea until proven a bad one.

i really like my friends.

current mood: sick
current music: velvet underground

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Friday, August 20th, 2004
7:54 pm
laaaaaaaaa la la la la la la

^^^^ how i feel.

current mood: giddy
current music: blink 182

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Monday, August 16th, 2004
5:15 pm - WOOO
operation "make morgan have a happy fake birthday"


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