Robonun's Journal So I've been doing some job hunting lately, because Larry's PhD progress has come to a halt due to lack of professors willing to be on his committee (can you say bait-and-switch, anyone?) and there are no job prospects in this area. I have a job offer, pending a favorable background check, from the Department of Defense at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. It's basically library acquisitions for non-print media (DVDs, software, videotape, microfiche, etc.). It's a pretty spiffy job, but Larry is nervous as hell to go back to the DC metro area because of the terrorism situation. He's willing, bless his heart, but he's a worrywart. And I'm worried about the background check, because they ask mental health-related questions, and I've had depression and am still taking meds for it. But I really, really want a shot at this job, no pun intended. So, other than that, I live a boring life. What's up with you? Current mood: nervous. It occurs to me that it's been almost a year since my last update. Oopsie. Any suggestions for topics? I need another weekend to recover from last weekend, and last week for that matter. My monitor was going terminal (I made a funny! hee!), where after a couple hours of use it would slowly lose the ability to display red. The previous monitor had been sent to live up north with the in-laws, so we made plans to go up and fetch it. Friday afternoon I came down with a horrible earache, and went to the doctor after work in hopes that he would amputate. No such luck, I got prescriptions for antibiotics, the side effects of which I am current enjoying. Most of the sleep I got last weekend was in the car. My head feels very sloshy. If I sit quietly, I can hear the ocean. Current mood: sick. Our department has slowed down to a crawl. Not many students do research over the summer, so our workload gets cut way back. The medical libraries and hospitals are still submitting their usual number of requests. Medical progress marches on. Current mood: bored. All of our belongings are in the new apartment now except for whatever's still in the trunk of the car. My husband and I are very bad at the moving game. We've done it three times now (not including college dorm room moves), and each move is more disorganized than the last. I may never locate my toothbrush again. We each have an empty chair to sit in, and we keep the bed clear so we have a place to sleep. Everything else is boxes, bags and crates. While we were in the midst of moving, my mom left a message on the answering machine. She only leaves messages when there's bad news. In this case, when I called back she told me that they were going to have Rusty, the family cat, put to sleep. He hadn't really been eating for a week, so they took him to the vet and the blood tests showed he had a type of bone cancer. Just one more thing I didn't need. ( You can skip my eulogy for the best goddamn cat ever. ) Did I mention that after we'd totally cleaned the apartment, the plumbing crew who came in to fix the bathtub drain made a huge mess of our kitchen doing it? Mud and water all over the floor, tools and a ladder still there, and the crowning touch: Cigarette butts all over the floor. We found it out last night at 6:00 when we went back to pick up our cleaning supplies. Be damned if I'm going to clean up after their maintenance men, and I told the manager so when I turned in the keys. If I don't get my deposit back, I'm going so very postal on the housing office. Current mood: gloomy. We finally have an apartment locked in, lease signed, keys in possession and everything. It's on the other side of town but still not too far from campus, and the niftiest thing about it is, it has its own washer and dryer. No more schlepping down to the laundry room to toss quarters down the bottomless pit of Satan's own wishing well. Plus, we can get broadband, which is Larry's favorite thing about the new place. I guess you can tell where our priorities lie. Current mood: chipper. Just found out this morning that the cute little duplex we'd had our sights set on was rented out from under us yesterday. We still have a couple other places to consider, but Larry's getting pretty bummed/disgusted/depressed about the whole thing and is seriously considering just staying put in university housing. I don't think it's gotten quite that bad yet, but the idea of impending homelessness doesn't exactly give me warm fuzzies either. Further updates as events warrant. Current mood: pessimistic. Larry and I did some house-hunting yesterday, as our apartment lease with the university runs out June 30. We found a nice 2-bedroom house about five miles from campus, out in the country. It's a beautiful drive out, with lots of twists and turns and hills--a thrill ride with scenery. It has both a front and back porch, a small back yard, lots of windows, and best of all, a little flower bed out front where I can play in the dirt. I'm so psyched. Okay, to be honest, the place isn't totally perfect. There's a washer and dryer hookup, but no washer and dryer, so we'll have to cruise the yard sales and hope for a gently-used set. And we'll have to carpool into campus, or Larry will have to drop me off and pick me up for work. But if the place was totally perfect, I'd be waiting for the other shoe to drop. So I guess it's perfectly imperfect. Update: the other shoe dropped. The owner wanted us to move in May 1, we can't swing double rent for two months, and she wouldn't budge. So, the quest continues. Current mood: disappointed. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/04/1 Someone needs to buy me an Iraqi Information Minister action figure for my birthday. June 24--don't forget. Glee! I got to answer an article request from the CIA today. I r00l. |