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there is a place for me, row B seat 13

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[10 Oct 2004|03:07pm]
Don't ever start watching Celebrity Poker Showdown. It's addictive. Yesterday when I started watching it, it was only because I saw Seth Meyers when I was flipping channels, but now I can't stop watching it. I watch a qualifying round today in which Paul Rudd won (easily.) Then! I watched the Championship game and Seth Meyers won. That made me really happy because I *heart* Seth Meyers. But a new episode is coming on tonight and I'm pulling for Matthew Perry. I got my mom hooked, too. I swear, you can NOT stop watching it once you start. Argh.

Anyway. I've yet to really update about Homecoming. We obviously won, 49 to 13. Pft. It was ridiculous. Why do we even bother? By the end of the game, Coach Britton was playing all of the really small guys who sit on the bench all year, because there was no way we were loosing so he figured he may as well let them get a play for once in the season. He even let Trent and Daniel off the field for the first time in... like two years.

Let's talk about the Chris drama that ensued.

After school (we got out at 2:15 or so), Sarah and I wanted him to get coffee with us. As we're going up to him to ask him, Ellen and Leanne come up to him and say, "So are you going with us?" and Chris is like, "Uhhh. Yeah." When Ellen and Leanne leave, Chris tells us that they asked him to go to the Bean to get coffee. Interesting. Keep in mind that Ellen and Leanne hate Sarah and I both because Ellen has a crush on Chris and apparently is extremely jealous of me because of that, and she hates Sarah just because she's friends with me. Leanne just hates us because Ellen does. So, anyway, Chris is like, "I really don't want to hang out with them, but... ehhhh. We'll see." I told him good luck. Then, we saw Sarah Norris, "our new best friend", sitting on the sidewalk crying. We got a tip that she was crying because Cole left for Auburn without even telling her goodbye, which reminded me of a certain instance almost a year ago to the day in which Cole left for Gulf Shores without telling me goodbye and I cried for two days. So, we went to console her and promised her a rockin' good time that night after the game.

Then, I said to Sarah (Craft... ugh, this two Sarah's business is gonna get out of hand. But, for future reference, my Sarah -- the Sarah that has always been Sarah, for a year or so -- is Sarah Craft. The "new" Sarah -- the Sarah that Sarah Craft and I called anorexic and then befriended because we felt bad -- is Sarah Norris.) that we should go to the Bean. Hahahha. The plan was to walk in, totally ignore that Chris, Ellen, and Leanne were there, just to piss everyone off. And that we did. I could feel (and see, out of the corner of my eye) Chris staring at me, trying to get my attention, but we refused to even look in that direction.

At the game that night, Chris told me at halftime that while he was trying to get my attention at the Bean, Ellen had said very hatefully, "Stop drooling, Christopher." That made my night, because my very purpose was to piss her off, because I'm a terrible person. And it worked. Yay. Chris wasn't mad, just amused.

After the game, Sarah, Sarah, and I were going to ask Chris to go eat with us, and ONCE AGAIN, Ellen and Leanne came up to him and said, "Are you going with us?" Chris said, "Yeah." Leanne said, "The one by your house?" Chris said, "Yeah." They walked away and I was like, "Are you KIDDING me?" He was like, "Ugh, I don't know why I'm doing this. But we're going to Waffle House." I was like, "THEY'VE ALREADY HAD YOU TODAY, IT'S MY TURN." He was like, "I know. But I can't cancel now, I thought you and the Sarahs were havign a girl's night." I said, "No, Chris, we were having a night, a regular one, that you were invited to." I treid to convince him to cancel, but that just would've made things very bad, so he wouldn't. Later, after he had changed, I was going to try to get him to walk me to my car, because I get really scared walking all that way by myself in the dark, and I prefer to have a guy with me. But, alas, he walked out with Ellen and Leanne and they wouldn't leave his side.

All night, when Chris would be standing near me, and he saw Leanne or Ellen, he'd say, "OH, stagger, stagger." and we'd separate a few feet, which was extremely annoying, but he just doesn't want to piss anyone off. Gar. Anyway, finally Sarah Craft said, "Uh, hey Chris, come here I need to ask you about the... Hilight camera..." Chris comes over FOLLOWED by Leanne and Ellen, so our plan to separate them didn't work. From there, my only hope was to speak in code and hope that Chris would catch on.

Chris and I, we have a mental connection, so somehow, he caught on immediately. I asked him if he had to return the "camera" right then or if the "camera" had a few minutes. This meant, "Are you leaving right now, or do you have a few minutes?" He looked at me for a second like, "What?" and then he said, "OH. Uh, well. No, it should really go back right now. But... tell Joan that I love her, and I'm sorry that I couldn't... get the camera... to her." I said, "I'm sure Joan understands, but I bet she wants you to... help her tomorrow. Before you go to press. Are you going to press tomorrow?" He was like, "No, no... Going to press on Sunday. So I'm free to... help Joan... tomorrow.... But, is Joan over there? *points toward my car* Does she need to talk to me now?" I was like, "YES. Yes Joan does." So he told Leanne and Ellen he'd be right back, and he walked me to my car, which is really really far away. I was like, "Why the hell are you hanging out with them, you don't want to. Pleeaaase hang out with us, PLEASE?" He was like, "You have no idea how much I want to, but I can't cause more problems, just let it go, and call dibs on me for tomorrow." I was like, "I don't call DIBS on my friends. Just do whatever the hell you want." So I drove him back around to the parking lot where Leanne and Ellen were, and they were all kinds of pissed, but whatever. They still bought that he had to help Joan, but they were just pissed that it was with me. Before he got out of my car, I said, "Well, if you're not going with us, then we'll have to be with you some other way. I feel like waffles tonight. I also feel like going to Good Hope. Oh, and I feel like going to some... kind of... house. Where can I go that's a house, that serves waffles, that's in Good Hope... Hmmm." Chris was like, "Hahah, ok. You can follow us to Waffle House if you want, but don't blame me when Ellen scratches your eyes out." Then Chris made the situation much worse when he got out of my car and said, "I love you." just loudly enough so that Ellen could hear it.

Obviously, Sarah, Sarah, and I went to Waffle House, the one by Chris's house, which was so totally out of our way. By the time Chris, Ellen, and Leanne got there, we were already halfway through our meal. It was brilliant. Ellen was so mad, and we kept getting death looks, which were balanced nicely by Chris trying really really hard not to burst into laughter everytime he looked at us.

Eight or nine guys about 18 - 22 came in, they were from Hanceville, and they sat at the table next to Sarah, Sarah, and I. They started talking to us, which sort of distracted us from Chris's table, because these guys were super hot. One of the Hanceville guys put a quarter in the jukebox and "Let's Get It On" started playing, and then as some sort of... really bad pick-up method, all the guys started singing along off-key and throwing rolled up straw wrappers at us. Chris makes his way to our table and all the Hanceville guys are like, "Who's this guy?" I ignored them, and I was like, "What's up, Chris?" Chris pulls me into a corner and gets about a half a centimeter from my face to talk to me because the music was so loud, and says, "Who are these guys?" I turned his head so I could talk into his ear, because A) it was loud and B) those guys were right behind us and I didn't really want them to hear me, and I told him they were from Hanceville and they had been hitting on us all night. I caught a glimpse of Ellen who was looking at Leanne like she was about to kill someone, and I was like, "You should really go sit down with them because I don't want to die in a Waffle House." So, I went back to our table, and when I come back, the more attractive one from the Hanceville brood sat down between Sarah Norris and me, and when he did this, Chris stood up at his table and looked at me like, "What's he doing?!" and Ellen was like, "What. The hell." I don't remember what happened because Sarah, Sarah, and me were all just laughing at all the ridiculousness that was going on.

Anyway, Hanceville boys left, but they told us that they'd see us next Friday because they're alma mater is playing us in football. So, who knows if we'll see them at the game or not. Anyway, as we were paying right before we left, Chris said something else to me, and then asked if I wanted some of his pie. I was like, "Eh, no, but I'll take some of the whipped cream off the top." I was about to pick up Chris's spoon to get some, but he dipped his finger into the whipped cream and offered to me off of his finger with a smirk on his face. Normally, I'd have been like, "Hah, wtf." and ignored it, but in the spirit of pissing people off, I licked if off his finger. As we were going out the door, he said "Peace, Chassi." and when I looked at him, he mouthed, "I'll call you later," which would've been really smooth and unnoticed if he hadn't done the thumb-and-pinkie phone signal in clear veiw of Ellen. *rolls eyes*

Ugghh, so anyway, I hung out with Sarah and Sarah for a while, and we talked about alot of stuff, including both of them being like, "So, uh, do you like Chris?" and I was like, "So, uh, no?" even though I kind of do, it's just easier to not mess with it. Sarah told me that Lindsey had said that I had "better be careful" because she didn't want to "see me get hurt again." That just pissed me off because I love how she automatically assumes that I a) even like him at all or b) am going to be the one getting hurt. Even though she's more than likely right on both counts, it still really pissed me off that she jumps to conclusions like that, because we've barely even spoken in two weeks. And she's really jealous that when we come to a band event, it's for Chris and not for her. But she'll be fine, after I kick her ass. /what,no.

So, I got that text message from Chris at 2am or something that I misread, but as it turned out he had a really terrible night with them after we left, so. After I had talked to him on the phone for like, four hours, he came over last night at about 7pm and we watched TV and I showed him all the terrible-ness of Hildy's rooms on Trading Spaces. I told him about what Lindsey and Sarah had said, because I wanted to get his reaction. He was amused more than he was pissed. He was like, "Why do people have to be like that? Why? WHY, CHASSI!? I'm not going to hurt you! Why would I do that. Howwwwww silly," which made me laugh. Then when he called to tell me he was coming over, he was like, "Do you want me to bring anything?" I said, "Eh, just you and... your hot body." He was like, "Aw, man. Let me go get it... Oh, and since it will just be us, maybe we should be in candlelight. I'll bring the candles. And try not to hurt you." That might have been the funniest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

He left at about 11:30pm. It was reminscent of Cole, because we spent the entire time laying right next to each other on my bed, but it was frustrating (and very not-Cole-like) because we barely even touched each other. It was really weird, just because the last time I was in that position, was was with Cole, so I naturally kept expecting something to happen, even though there was no reason for it too. It was like... Pavlov's dogs. When that bell rang, they expected food, so they salivated. So, last night, the bell was ringing, there was just no food. Not that it was disappointing anything, I was just like, "How weird." There were a few moments of tension, but not any that could've meant anything. Bleh.

I've officially wasted EVERYONE'S time, so I'll shut the hell up now.
row B seat 2| there is a place for me

friends only [07 Jul 2003|02:01am]
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[ music | the breakfast club ]

row B seat 11| there is a place for me

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