Monday, February 2nd, 2004 |
4:02 pm |
the following excerpt is from a one act play called "for whome the southern belle tolls," by christopher durang, a parody of the classic "the glass managerie." I first encountered the play during the inturnship I was in my senior year of highschool and ald and board op for "Durang/Durang" (which is a collection of one act plays by the aforementioned playwright.) I hunted down the play due to a request for someone who wanted the rest of a particular quote from it... ( maybe it's the trick of memory, or the memory of some trick. ) |
11:05 am |
note to self IHOP; 913.962.4467
Current Music: Skillet - Earth Invasion (4:47) |
10:57 am |
Sunday, February 1st, 2004 |
7:23 am |
the job isn't so bad... until 6:30 am rolls around and my alarm is going off because of it. brains... christ. |
1:10 am |
phrase I can't recall the source of, language of, or meaning of- and can't get out of my head (granting that I brutalize the spelling of english) anyone know what an "auto du fae" is?
Current Music: Skillet - Locked In a Cage (3:55) |
Saturday, January 31st, 2004 |
1:48 pm |
been working on my PH for a while, down to sifting and sorting, cutting things that can just be referenced elsewhere and trying to figure out what math can be done to arrive at answers, and if there are ass-end ways to do things that are a pain to do head on. things like the much vaunted gp = xp = time calculation for magic creation, or re-sorting magic items (think I might just cut that out of my book and leave notes for people to referr to the DMG and make alterations)... every now and again something strange will pop up... like the need to name a new feat ( name this feat please? ) Current Music: Poe - Hello (Heavy Version)(1) (4:20) |
11:39 am |
3:31 am |
have I mentioned lately how much I hate the finicky nature of computers? a dash that didn't belong in the lj user = tag caused this entry to go haywire for a while... but not when it was first posted, only later. meh, it's sorted out now. and on that note I'm going to bed. |
3:18 am |
a continuation of linking to poetry from the end of last year that I was doing for someone. people actually seem to like reading this stuff... gods know why. ( more links to old poetry ) |
Friday, January 30th, 2004 |
1:03 pm |
12:55 pm |
trying to find something for some people in my old entries... as always, finding other things. read me.for the angry, for the writers, for the bored. Though ambition may be a fault in itself, it is often the mother of virtues. - Quintilian |
10:23 am |
10:10 am |
"are you going to take any more acting classes" probably not "why not, I thought you liked the theater." I like tech mostly. "I thought you enjoyed the acting class." well, aside from the fact higher level acting classes often have an 'extra curricular' component to them I wouldn't be learning the right things. "what do you mean?" I like learning about acting in large part because of my psych and sociology background, new insights, new ways of looking at the physicality of these things. "that's good stuff- why wouldn't you want to continue that." because I'm not sure how to separate one from the other- the 'physical psychology' from the other. "what's the other?" if I keep taking acting classes, what I'll be learning from them for myself is how to lie. "everyone pretty automatically knows how to lie." I had to be taught, years ago, to lie. had to be taught it was ok. I suppose I already knew how at that point, part of my understanding with truth... but this is different in ways that I almost can't explain. deeper and more fundamental- more a part of who I am. *sighs*
Current Music: Disturbed - Want (3:53) |
Thursday, January 29th, 2004 |
3:37 pm |
Poll #240817: Open to: all, results viewable to: alldo you believe anything is possible |
2:10 pm |
image for the day; 50 greased down, naked, hot lesbians in a padded pit. |
10:33 am |
9:19 am |
stryker_boh turned this link up while surfing journals this morn. not sure of source reliability (best I've heard is "indymedia can be reliable, to an extent"), and if anyone can confirm or refute that the core story isn't a hoax or someone (aside from the obvious) being stupid. Current Music: Skillet - Earth Invasion (4:47) |
Wednesday, January 28th, 2004 |
9:52 pm |
9:44 pm |
7:20 pm |
them; "why are you so bitter?" them; "do you know any single chicks?" so I got to thinking, and this is what I came up with. I list of women I've talked to in the last 6 months, had at least 1 real conversation with (or a series of short conversations) enough to say I actually "know" them (as opposed to people like cathlicscoolgrl, who I've met repeatedly and think is cool, but have never actually spoken with, only observed). this also completely ignores attraction (me to them, them to me) and psychosis... (in no particular order.) ( cut for lingth and other reasons )did I forget anyone? I would say that I win, seeing as the number of discussions people try to start to "cheer me up" or whatnot that relate to this information... but some arguments I can't really win- I just lose in a different way. *sigh* |