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The Ronin's LiveJournal:
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Tuesday, December 7th, 2004 | 9:18 pm |
Ganked from sanityescapesme... dunno why I bother - the answer remains the same... | You scored as Chaotic Evil. A Chaotic Evil person is destructive to the extreme. These people put no value in life or beauty, taking pleasure in destroying both what is good and what is ordered. They have little to no respect for laws and the rights of others. Revenge is a powerful motivator for these people.
Chaotic Evil | | 90% | Chaotic Neutral | | 80% | Chaotic Good | | 75% | Lawful Evil | | 70% | True Neutral | | 65% | Neutral Evil | | 65% | Neutral Good | | 30% | Lawful Neutral | | 5% | Lawful Good | | 0% |
What is your Alignment? created with QuizFarm.com | Current Mood: sick | Thursday, November 18th, 2004 | 12:39 am |
So what's new.... Nothing really... this 7p-7a shift is really starting to suck. I'm not getting anywhere close to enough time with Lisa. Oh yeah, instead of our normal 8-week rotation, they extended this one to 12-weeks so the lead that does the schedule wouldn't have to strain herself switching gears mid-December. Found this out about 5 weeks in. So I'm off Turkey day, work Xmas Eve & Xmas, and off New Year's. But instead of switching back to days 12/15, its not gonna happen until mid January. And I guarantee there won't be any sort of recompense, aside from the shift bonus. Fucking bastards. Picked up Jay Wiseman's "Erotic Bondage" handbook at Border's not too long ago... nice book... learned a couple of new knots, and spent a couple of hours that night happily cutting rope to length, & stripping the core out of the braided nylon sheath... and a couple hours applying the new knots, rope, etc. ;) Finished Jedi Academy, finished the first few islands in Wind Waker. Got to reading about all the new Neverwinter Nights modules coming out, so I started playing my way back through the original NWN adventure as a monk. Jesus H. Mahogany Fucking Christ. Dunno why I've never played one before... this little bastard is fucking _tough_. I've got excess potions coming out my ears, and he's just wading through levels that pwned my rogue. Case in point - all the Minogons & Battle Horrors in the Creator Race ruins kicked my ass last time... What??? My hench(wo)man died? Guess I'll snag her back next time I'm in the temple dumping off the loot that's got me encumbered... The only good she does is draw fire ;) < D&D; geek>I'm at level 9 & I'm getting +14/+11 per round, my AC is around 28, the robes I'm wearing have a damage reduction of 1/soak 5, Ring of the Wood Elves = spell resistance of 16 (which I'll sell at lvl 12 when I get Diamond Soul -> SR = 10 + char lvl).... the only complaint I'm having at the moment is that Greater Cleave isn't available until you reach the expansion packs :( </D&D; geek> Picked up the Hoards of the Underdark expansion (can we say epic levels???) and I haven't even installed it, because I want to use the character I'm running now to play through it. Should be full of all sorts of puzzly goodness & evil smashing. Got busted for my tag on Monday (GA tag - expired 03/03 - we were hoping to slide until we got Lisa a new car in February), so I had to switch my insurance to FL, and I have to go get it registered on Friday :( Hopefully this won't cost a ton, because I'm really looking forward to ordering our wedding rings when the supplier is no longer back-logged. Here's a pic, only we're getting them all in white gold:  Also, I need to pick up new arms and legs so I can get out & start fighting again... should be a good way to drop some weight & get back in condition. Maybe make it up to Panhandle Skirmishes next year.... or, god forbid, Fools War ;) Dunno if that will happen, since we'll probably be using a good chunk of my vacation time in February on Lisa's corporate bonus jaunt.... to Hawaii :) Current Mood: bored | Thursday, November 11th, 2004 | 1:41 am |
Current Mood: happy | Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 | 5:38 pm |
Now THIS is my kind of game.... Current Mood: relaxedCurrent Music: Tatu - Ja soshla s uma | Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 | 6:38 pm |
Current Mood: okayCurrent Music: Christophe Dorsey - Liber VII - No Solutions | Monday, November 1st, 2004 | 8:31 pm |
mmmMMMmm..... hot bath & whiskey makes all the icky things go away... Except under the fingernails. *clipclipclipclip* *grumble* is that a blister? *sigh* Current Mood: relaxedCurrent Music: Eminem | 7:13 pm |
Worked 7p-7am Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Saturday night when she was bringing me dinner (such a wonderful wife), dragonbabylisa's brakes started grinding, so I got her to pick up new pads Sunday afternoon. So today went something like this: 7am - left work 7:45a - started brakes 8:15a - ran to Home Depot because I needed an 11/16" socket for the fucking caliper bolts... nearly had to run back because the C clamp I was using to push the brake pistons back into the calipers almost didn't fit around the goddamn things. 9:15a - finished brakes & grabbed a shower 9:30a - 11a - sleepy cuddles with DBL until she left for work 11a - 3p - slept until some asshat rang my doorbell... think it might have been the mailman, but the fucker didn't leave any sort of pickup note or package 3p - 4:30p - checked email/LJ & ate breakfast 4:30p - 7p - finished putting together our new dining room suite (DBL had already gotten the table and one chair together... along with repainting the dining room while I was at work, and framing the fire dragon puzzle I finished ages ago to make room for us to put together the ice dragon puzzle we just bought :) She also bought me a liter of Black Bush for doing her brakes... did I mention what a wonderful wife I have???), and Mary's new computer desk, bagging up all the fucking styrofoam & plastic bags, & taking out the cardboard & trash DBL isn't gonna get home until after 10, so I've got a big fucking glass of Canadian Mist, & I'm gonna climb into a big fucking tub of hot water, drink, relax, & try to scrub off the rest of the grease, oil, & remains of her old brake pads that didn't come off in the shower this morning. Then I'm setting myself down in front of the GameCube & playing Wind Waker until its time to make burgers for dinner... And tomorrow.... tomorrow is gaming & relaxing & enjoying my day off... after voting ;) Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows | 2:00 am |
| Saturday, October 30th, 2004 | 12:38 am |
dragonbabylisa has been wanting a GameCube, to further her Mario addiction... So, Thursday night we went out and bought: @ EB: GameCube Platinum Metroid Prime Bundle Memory Card Action Replay card (my baby like da cheats) Paper Mario + Game Guide Zelda: Windwaker + Game Guide @ Best Buy: Platinum WaveBird wireless controller RF Modulator (to hook up to the TV in the bedroom) So we get home, hook up, and she loves Mario, but strangely enough, she loved Zelda even more. Like, an insane amount more. And she has always _hated_ RPG's. One more fallen to the dark side. So, she went shopping tonight, then stopped by work to bring me dinner, and she remarked, "I bought us a new lamp for the bedroom, so we can turn off the lights that glare on the TV when we're gaming." So, to recap: GameCube - $99.99 Various Hardware Accessories - $99.96 Games + guides - $98.96 New lamp - ????? Finding out your wife has a closet RPG jones - Priceless *eg* | Friday, October 15th, 2004 | 1:02 pm |
Lemmingness... Shamelessly ganked from anklesnake** Name a CD you own that no-one else on your friends list does: Rooke - Dudgeon Gouts - 1992 release from a band that played the GA Tech area... found it recently at mp3.com and had to buy a copy. Title isn't misspelled, just a confusing partial quote from Macbeth: "I see thee still, And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, Which was not so before." dudgeon ] wooden handle. gouts ] From the Latin gutta, meaning large drops or splashes, often gushing or bursting. ** Name a book you own that no-one else on your friends list does: Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction: The 14th Century by Brian R. Price which I bought when the first limited run was released... used to talk to the guy on an armouring board ** Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that no-one else on your friends list does: Well, I'm tempted to use either In Service to the Dream, or my Firely box set. But there's bound to be someone I know that owns one or the other. Hrmmmm... Ah! I have a copy of Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead saved on tivo until I can buy a copy.... ** Name a place that you have visited that no-one else on your friends list has: This little shithole bar in Winder, GA called the "Safari Club"... guy I worked with at RTS doing ADSL design had a band that played there on the weekends. Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: Micros/Fidelio hold music | Sunday, October 10th, 2004 | 7:06 pm |
Pupdate ;) Yes... I said "Pupdate" *eg* Its puppy picture time.... Exhibit A: The puppy a couple of days after we brought her home, @ 2 months or so old & 12.5lbs-  Exhibit B: The puppy today @ just over 7 months & 54lbs.... and rotts keep growing until they're around 5....-  This dog _loves_ stuffed animals... dragonbabylisa said Aliera wouldn't know what to do with a toy if it didn't have arms & legs... Current Mood: cheerful | Thursday, October 7th, 2004 | 7:51 pm |
Customer appreciation  bought the above for dragonbabylisa from www.dragoncelt.com. Showed up within 3 days of paypal hitting his account and its fucking gorgeous. It's hand-carved bone from Bali, and the pieces are all one-of-a-kind.... check it out. | Saturday, October 2nd, 2004 | 7:22 am |
So... managed to bite down on something a crack a molar last weekend.... Dental Insurance just went through so I went to the dentist on Wednesday - sent me home with Vicodin, Clindamycin, and a referral to an oral surgeon. Oral surgeon squoze (yes, squoze) me in for an 8am on Thursday - so I went in ready to go under.... no food/drink/meds since midnight, dragonbabylisa there to drive me home, etc. Was out of there and home by 10:30-ish, missing #2 & #15 (left & right rearmost molars on the top). Spent Thursday & Friday in a drugged stupor... Wish I was in one today, but I let myself 2nd guess & guilt-trip myself into coming in (well, into Lisa dropping me off at work) today. She has to be at work by 11, so I've got a couple of hours to change my mind. Time to take some meds and see what kind of stupidity is in my queue... already see shit in there from 3 days ago.... apparently nobody bothers to work my calls when I'm out. Fucking bastards. Current Mood: dizzy | Wednesday, September 29th, 2004 | 5:56 pm |
Vicodin. Viiii-co-din....
Vicodin is nice. Makes me stop hurting. Makes me forget what I'm doing... Lightsaber crystals- yeah... modifiers... I'm supposed to be looking up stuff for my game :D hehehehehe
Current Mood: dizzy :) | Monday, September 27th, 2004 | 6:15 pm |
Craptastic well now.... this really sucks. dragonbabylisa is stopping on her way home to buy a small grill and a phone that will work without power (ie not cordless). Current Mood: annoyed | Thursday, September 23rd, 2004 | 1:00 pm |
My morning... So.... to make it out the door and get to work anywhere close to on time, I have to roll out of bed by 5:55a... alarm rings at 5:45a. Middle of the night last night I got up to get some water, and twisted the fuck out of my ankle trying to keep from stepping on the puppy's leg (mental note: buy the puppy a lighter colored spread to sleep on... black on black don't work at night :( ) so anyway, I'm tossing & turning, finally doze off, and then... Lisa: Baby, its 7 after... did you hit snooze twice? Me: Fuck! Fuck no.... fucking thing never went off. *Hobbling toward the shower* Could you please get my lunch ready? Rush through my shower, start getting dressed, time check? "15 after" So I keep busting ass, dig out my jungle boots for ankle support, grab all my shit, & stop to call in, let 'em know I'm going to be late.... no answer, which is weird, 'cause Barb is always in by 6 during the week... Lisa: Calm down baby, you'll get there on time, its only six-thir.... *big pause* Its only 5:30. and there was much good-natured grumbling ;) ended up cuddling with her for ten minutes or so until she dozed back off, then I had just enough time to liberate a group of Jawas & Mission's brother, collect my reward, help blow up a Krayt Dragon that was blocking my way to the Star Map, and kill Calo Nord on the Dune Sea. Not too shabby for 45 minutes... Oh! and check out the spiffy new watch she surprised me with yesterday: Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: murmur of the call center | Tuesday, September 21st, 2004 | 12:51 pm |
*See previous post* ;) | Monday, September 20th, 2004 | 1:25 pm |
You know I'd love to stay and chat...
But there's french-bread pizza in the oven, its my day off, and my lovely wife bought me a copy of Star Wars:Knight of the Old Republic this weekend.
So everyone have fun, play nice, etc.
I'm gonna go play Jedi ;) | Thursday, September 16th, 2004 | 6:59 pm |
| Tuesday, September 14th, 2004 | 2:08 pm |
Just nod & smile & pretend you're interested... Quiet day at the helpdesk - between everyone _here_ being on the phones, and a few extra people up at the emergency call center in ATL that were sent out prematurely, everything is covered. Or nobody's having any problems with our software *cough* Topic of choice is, of course, hurricanes past & present... maps hanging around that look like football plays drawn on Florida- "Bonnie goes long up the left side, Charles cut across from left to right, Frances straight up the middle, Ivan follow Bonnie up the left & then cut hard across, Jeanne cut right to left. We go on three... Break!" Brief update- Honeymoon was _wonderful_. Didn't do much of anything that didn't involve spending lots of time together in our room or the lagoon pool right outside. Went to the "beach" one night, the sunset festival another, and visited a few local restaurants. Bailed a day early to miss all the traffic fleeing Miami before Frances. Happy happenstance, because our AC was busted at the house, & we had just enough time to get it fixed before everyone went to ground. My dad went in for his regular stress test last week (high blood pressure, etc.) & they admitted him on the spot. Apparently there was enough blockage to warrant a quad-bypass. From the way his doctor's were talking, it had been something they were expecting, better to get it done now than after an ER visit. Just got off the phone w/ him & he's still feeling a bit weak, but at least he's up and about. Up and about in the back seat at least (air bags)... mom is going in for a hysterectomy Thursday (everything all at once, eh?) and my brother-in-law is going to take off work to drive them. In other news, picked up a copy of Drakengard Square-Enix (*edit* the previous two words were supposed to be a visual representation of a soft voice saying "Square-Enix" like it does when their logo flashes across the screen, but I suppose that doesn't spring readily to eye.) after seeing it on G4, and have been alternating between it and Thief: Deadly Shadows. Toying with the Jedi Academy demo. Also bought a copy of the "Firefly" DVD box set and got dragonbabylisa to watch with me. She's about halfway done painting the kitchen in a lovely yellowish-beige clay kinda color to cover up the fiasco her sister had with the grease almost-fire, and we ended up moving our "living room" from the little den off the kitchen to the actuall living room... I'd forgotten how comfy those couches were :) After this weekend I need to cut a couple of big limbs in the back yard, rake up a bunch of small limbs, fix the hottub cover, & drain & refill it. After the lagoon pool in Key West we've decided that leaving the heater off is a splendid idea... we'll be _much_ more likely to use it. Other than that, just a few minor observations: 1) Married life is wonderful :) 2) Wrist injuries suck. 3) Exploring the Shalebridge Cradle with the lights off & speakers up is fucking creepy.... (props to Eidos) 4) My parents are getting old :( Current Mood: contemplative |
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