Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "saves the day".
412 matches:
- 00freeipods00 - FREE iPods Conga
- 0h_s0_em0 - 0h_s0_em0
- 0rdinary_story - sing without a reason to ever fall in love again.
- 2muchrock41hand - Hell On [LJ]
- 2scene4thescene - we are the elite
- 3quartsdrunk - Less Than Jake Fans Unite!
- 52ndstreet - 52nd Street
- 53biatch - Short mother fucker
- 69lovedsongs - 69lovedsongs
- _____so_noxious - We're fucking awesome.
- _____uber_dorks - _____uber_dorks
- __breakaway - take you away from that empty apartment
- __brokenveins - __brokenveins
- __damagedgoods - Damaged Goods
- __emowhores - cassandra
- __jenoah - __jenoah
- _antimainstream - well...Mostly Anti-mainstream
- _bootylicious_ - .:*prove to us you're bootylicious*.:
- _concertwhores_ - Concert Addicts Unite!
- _det_die - DETD LJ Community
- _eatoutmyheart - break in, break out
- _emo_lyrics_ - _emo_lyrics_
- _fagxcore_ - Being A Fag Doesn't Make You A Pussy!
- _friends_only_ - Friend
- _fullcollapse_ - Shannon and Jamie's Thursday Community
- _headphones_ - _headphones_
- _judge_me_ - there's nothing to it
- _lets_hug_ - emo kids
- _letterstoyou_ - So I'm writing again these letters to you..
- _lyrically - _lyrically
- _membersonly - _membersonly
- _njscene - _njscene
- _noxpants_ - Pants.Are.For.Losers
- _punkymo - Punkymo: An online punk/emo 'zine
- _remember_when_ - remember when..
- _staywhatyouare - Certain Tragedy
- _texas_emo_kids - emo texans
- _w_ - =w=
- _whatascene - screaming pretty nothings
- _whatdoyouthink - what do you think?
- allaboutemo -
- an_farewell - The Nightmare continues here....
- anarchyonlj - fucker
- andrewspixie - Aly
- angryraspberry - Angry Raspberry Society (ARS)
- anti_new_jersey - Just pave it over!
- arper - arper music
- asong4everyone - Friends of Friendless
- babysonspikes - BabysOnSpikes
- band_nerds - Band Nerds Unite!
- bandoftheweek2 - Band of the Week
- bandphototrade - the reason to take your camera to shows
- baysiderocks - Bayside
- bbnml - Band Boys 'n' Music Lovers
- bcnj - Bergen County New Jersey
- bellflower_ca - Hellflower
- beltsville - Where Idols Once Stood (a thrice community)
- berandom - Are you in?
- betterthenyou - Betterthenyou
- beyondcool - [[the motherfucking elite]]
- black_tie_event - black_tie_event
- bleedxmexblue - bleedxmexblue
- blonde_july - Blonde July
- bookxclubxcore -
- bootlegs - bootlegs
- boygasmic_icons - Hot Boy Icons
- boysinconverse - boysinconverse
- breaktradition - Break Tradition
- breathe_right - Coulda been a better plan
- brilliant_zer0 - brilliant fuckers<3
- california_hxc - to the fucking max
- capunk - California Punk
- cat_power - cat_power
- celebicons - Celebrity Icons
- chasingmonroe - chasingmonroe
- cheer_up_skank - cheer_up_skank
- chimaira_land - Who are you today...another face erased
- chiodos_bros - +chiodos bros+
- chrisholifields - the followers of chris holifield.
- claim_a_punk - Claim A Punk!
- claimamerchboy - Merch boys need love too
- claimemojunk - Emo Claims
- cold_pudding - Music for the Masses
- collegepunks - I Am A College Punk
- commonly_emo - Commonly Emo
- concert_addicts - concert_addicts
- coventry_dance - coventry
- cuffsandcults - Cuffs Cults and Culdesacs
- d0wnloadwh0re - d o w n l o a d w h o r e s
- darylpalumbo - "i'm too fly and shy, i'm like no other guy"
- dashboard_owns - dashboard_owns
- dawnandbella - Dawn and Bella
- delicate_lyrics - we only listen to the sad songs...
- democracyrising - Democracy Rising "People have the Power"
- dickswithhips - Guys who have hips and aren't afraid to shake it!!
- doce_da_faixa - DEAD HORSE
- downloadables - The Downloading Community
- eaturheart_out - Eat. Your. Heart. Out.
- eetfukzorz - eetfukzorz
- emo101 - emo101
- emo1yrics - EMO1yrics
- emo_art - * emo art *
- emo_eastpa_kids -
- emo_girls - EMO GIRLS
- emo_light_cult - emo_light_cult
- emo_loves_indie - Where's my scarf?
- emo_lyrics - emo lyrics
- emo_mixes - emo_mixes
- emo_pirates - Emo Pirates
- emo_screamo - emo screamo.
- emo_sob_stories - emo_sob_stories
- emo_update - The Peoples Information Service
- emoagogo - Simply Lonely
- emoaustin - emoaustin
- emocoffehouse - emo people
- emogame - the emo game
- emokids_dontcry - emokids_dontcry
- emomix - emo.mix.tapes
- emomixtape - The Emotional Mixtape
- emomusic -
- emonerds - blinded by heart
- emopost - Emo Lyrics
- emorawk - .the.spark.from.the.flame.
- emoriffic - Emo to the max
- emorockers - Transmit Failure
- emoscene - ♪ Emo ★Kids★ Unite ♪
- emosexuals - emosexuals
- emotionallyrics - emo lyrics
- emotionalmusic - emotionalmusic
- exit_only_ - Exit Only
- expectantmother - expectantmothers
- faint_of_hearts - Faint of Hearts
- fallingwowings - falling . without . wings
- falseemoanon - False Emo Anonymous
- fashionwhores - do you have room to talk?
- fatblacksluts - fatblacksluts
- feelslikefallin - feelslikefallin
- fish_porn - fish porn
- fivepointstar - FivePointStar
- fivewithabullet - Rad
- florida_punk - florida_punk
- followthestarx - friends of katzi's community.
- forgetmyname___ - forget my name
- forthestrongxxx - XXX
- forwardreverse - Forward In Reverse
- freakcentralcom -
- freakinradtemps - you request, we make it
- freebikerides - Free Bike Rides
- freshoutdaoven - Fresh Out Da Oven
- fuckmeimpunk - punk rock love
- full_c0llapse - Thursday
- funcore - FUNxCORE
- funkjunction - too cool for school
- gig_pics - Gig Pics
- glassjaw0re - i wish you a broken heart
- goooood_times - Waaaay Hardcore. Waaay Not Emo.
- gothictrance - Social Outcast's
- greendice - greendice
- groggie - groggie
- halofriendlies - Love Sick
- hannahhannahhey - HANNAH FANS
- happyemokids - Happy Emo Kids
- heartdirectory - deal with my heart
- hello__fascista - Fascista
- hey_yr_cute - Cutie Patooties!
- heymercedes - que shiraz
- hgforever - Home Grown
- hi_fi_heist - The Heist
- homebodies - non-social non-active
- hot_hot_fever - hot_hot_fever
- hotfacedindies - hotfacedindies
- houstonkidsrock - H-town Kids Rock
- how_emo - Penis Wrinkle
- hrctothecore - Sorry About Tomorrow
- humanitysucks - Fuck Humanity
- i__rock__ - for those who ROCK
- i_is_jack_squat - i_is_jack_squat! (not really though)
- i_may_look_emo - we break skulls, kind of.
- idontloveyou - heart is on the floor.
- ilikekatsshirt - i like kats shirt
- illbreakyou - we really love chloe
- in_myeyes - In my eyes
- in_the_no - are you too cool for school?
- inabigway - you get scene points just for being here
- independence - Independence
- indieboylove - We love indie boys, they love each other.
- indieemo - IndieEmo
- indieradio - Indie Radio
- indiesceneco - the Colorado Indie Community
- indievirgins - indie + virgin = super cool
- indieyoface - indieyoface
- islandrockers - Staten Island Rockers, Punks, and anyone else
- ixat - ixat = the awesomest band ever
- jabbyxcore - jabbyxcore
- jackosbourne_ - Jack Osbourne
- jackson_music - JACKSON
- jackworship - Jack's Faithful Worshippers
- jerseyemo - jerseyEMO *
- jess_loves_us - huzzah.
- jizzxcore - Jizz Worthy
- juniorhigh - i thought you knew
- kapowcrew - Kapow x Crew
- kenpeng - Ken Peng Fan Club
- kerrang - Kerrang! Life Is Loud
- l33tcore - l 3 3 t c o r e
- lastyears_shame - lastyears_shame
- le_fuzz - the fuzz
- lennon_530_sm - your lies and my dreams
- lets_be_emo - xlet us be emox
- letter_time - noralys
- li_hxc - long island hardcore.
- livinwithalie - Living with a lie
- ljwhoresunite - Live Journal Whores
- lollipop_core - This community has nothing to do with lollipops.
- lonely_emogirls - heart is on the floor
- lonelykid - emokinkids
- loser_kids__ - pull the trigger and the nightmare stops
- lyric_vent - Lyric Vent
- lyrical_stories - lyrical_stories
- lyricallyemo - Lyrically Emo
- lyricsfortears - Lyrics for Tears
- m_o_dest_mouse - mm.. yum. modest mouse.
- mad_bot_sex - Madbotsex
- mailmancore - mailmancore
- makemeamixcd - *Make Me A Mix CD*
- makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
- malesaresnails - Dr. Christie & Dr. Lauren
- massyruu - Massachusetts YRUU
- mcq_groupies - mcq_groupies
- michiganshows - michigan shows
- michikids - Michigancore
- millencolinrock - Chiquita Chaser
- minda_n_jeff - Melinda and Jeff
- mixcompetition - mix competition
- mixtapery - //yet another mixtape community
- mixyourmind - Mix Your mind
- mongolians - mongolians
- moshonyourface - moshonyourface
- mstrb8tnstation - The Masturbation Station
- mu_x_empire - Mu X Empire
- music_heaven - music_heaven
- musical_daze - musical_daze
- musicobsession - Music Fanatics
- musicrawks - yer mom
- musicthatsucks - Music That Sucks
- musicwhores_ - that's the sound of music
- musixposed - musixposed
- myspace_cadets - myspace_cadets
- n3rdcor3 - The Epitome Of Nerdcore
- namethatlyric_ - the big bad lyric man.
- nerd_whores - nerd whores
- new_alternative - less brittney spears, more kim gordon
- newkindofarmy - Too Smart To Fight, Too Smart To Die
- newyorkscene - newyorkscene
- noclass_justass - Bitchfest
- non_sense - another jakmeg production
- nonugly_ana - Thinspiration
- not_all_therage - not_all_therage
- not_emo_enough - Rejected Emo Kids
- notfatorugly - blatent lapses of vanity.x<3x.
- nottheonlyones - Kentucky Rejects
- notyrindiewhore - not your indie whore
- nxjxh - North Jersey Hoes
- obsolete_kids - obsolete_kids
- ocean_avenue - There's a place on ocean avenue...
- of_the_franklin - The Community of the Franklin
- oh_so_emoh - i'
- omg_i_lovemusic - carry each day a new song in your heart
- onthewall - Writen on the Bathroom Wall
- overatedmag - overatedmag
- pantlesssociety - The Pantless Society
- pee_of_stream - pee_of_stream
- pennsylvania_oi - Punk rock folks of PA
- plcwhaaaa - what ya know about sports?
- plee4peace - Cheering Up Emo Kids
- polkadotxstripe - polkadotxstripe
- poll_fever - Poll Fever
- poor_emo_kid - poor emo kid
- poppunkmixtape - poppunkmixtape
- pot_punk_rock - ((pot)) n ((punk rock))
- ppest - P.E.S.T. - punk emo ska & techno
- princess_lena - Lena is word.
- pseudoheroes - the infamous pseudoheroes
- punk_lyrics - Punk_Lyrics
- punk_us - PUNK US!
- punker_thanthou - punkass bitches
- punkplayground - Chaz
- punkrawkgrrls - Punk Rawk Grrls
- punks - Punks
- punksdoitbest - punks do it BEST
- pussy_x_patrol - PxP
- quinn_xx_rated - Quinn<33
- quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
- random_music - random music
- reclusepunk - Cute Without The E
- reelbigstar - Greg
- reggieloveseggs - Reggie Loves Eggs
- rock_the_v - Rock the V
- rockingthescene -
- rockstarbang - fock them cos they're famous
- rockstarlovin - Im Obsessed With a RockStar...
- rufio_fans - .:Rufio.Fans:.
- runsixjournal - runsixjournal
- saoxsin - saoxsin
- savesthemoooo - Emo RENTHeads
- scenetastic - xarexyouxscenetasticx?x
- scenexasxfuck - scene as fuck
- scenexcore - sceneXcore
- sexxxy_core - sexxxy_core
- sharkskin_style - hotties with tha bodies
- shitemolyrics - shitemolyrics
- shortbread - Icons + blinkies
- shouldertocryon - Shoulder to Cry on
- shut_up_bitch - _what it is to burn
- skank2the_plank - we are hoes, y0.
- smokingpopes - smoking popes
- snazzyindies - snazzyindies
- socialpretender - Social Pretender
- sofla_show_taxi - South Florida Show Taxi Company
- soft_core_punk - soft_core_punk
- songs_hurt - Comfortably Numb
- sonrisaplastica - *[sonrisa plastica]*
- sosexxx - sosexxx
- southern_punk - Punks of the South
- special_graphit - special_graphit
- specificmusic - specificmusic
- splitcheck - :your:mom:wants:to:know:
- sporksgonepunk - Punk N Junk
- stalking_jordan - stalking_jordan
- starsinamoment - The Greatest Photography Yet
- starzwithearts - ....All Stars have hearts...
- std - Firefly
- strikea_pose - my fashion is better
- stupid_boys - boys are bad
- suicide_boys - this is the new cutting edge.
- sundays_fashion - Adore Us.
- sunset_eyes - sunset_eyes
- supersonicmag - SuperSonic Mag
- surreal_icons - surreal_icons
- team_koosh - Team Koosh
- that_band - that_band
- the_ataris - Fragments Of My Skull Begin To Fall
- the_front_row - the front row
- the_last_frame - A Match Like Memory
- the_lj_losers - the.livejournal.losers
- the_poo_corner - tha poo corner yO
- the_regs - Enter the World of Insanity....
- the_sporks - The Sporks
- the_sunsetcomes - i hold my chest as tomorrow bleeds
- thebluebook - The Blue Book Kids
- theguestlist - Music Thumpin
- thehss - The High Speed Scene
- thepityparty - The Pity Party
- therescue - Codeseven
- therockers - therockers
- thesebonestoash - thesebonestoash
- thindarkline - Thin Dark Line Fans
- thinkoutloud - make more sounds
- thirdpla - thirdpla
- thisisnotemocom - [dot] com
- thrifttrade - Trade Thrift Merch....
- thursdayfiends - Full Collapse
- tickle_me_em0 - sweet_catastrophe
- todayigoinsane - Monica
- towishuponastar - ToWishUponAStar
- tree4god - Tree lovers
- ufb - Ultimate Fakebook
- ukgigs - UK gigs
- unique_you - Unique You
- unrequited_love - unrequited love
- unsexyemokid - UnsexyEmokids
- unsung_zeros - Pictures of You and I
- ush_rocks - Unwanted Superheroes
- vagrant_records - vagrant_records
- vagrantrecords - Vagrant Records
- valleyofsound - because I need both my hands to play my guitar
- variety_core - Variety Core - vXc - Advice, Friends, Music, etc.
- vintage_hots - ♥vintage_hots♥
- wayne_scene - we ARE the scene
- weirdlikeus - if you're one of those kids who just dont fit in.
- welovemelanie - Melanie's Fans
- whoreage - shameless promotion for the underappreciated
- whoresunite - Survey Whores and more!
- whos_that_band - fifteen minutes of fame
- woundeddingo - wounded dingo announcements
- x508x - x 5 0 8 x
- xa_new_hopex - xa_new_hopex
- xbandclaims - xbandclaims
- xbloodredsnowx - blood red snow
- xchris_wilsonx - Chris Wilson
- xdarjeelingx - BxSxHxC
- xemofans_uk - xemofans_uk
- xequalvisionx - Equal Vision Records
- xheavensent_ - xheavensent_
- xnightengalex - xnightengalex
- xporcelainxface - I want to see your vanity.
- xsaves_the_day - Saves_The_Day
- xtdgx - Teenage Death Girls
- xthemaplescrewx - Xthe maples crewX
- you_vandal - Saves The Day
- youmightsay - The Lyric Journal Community
- your_ears_only - music to your broken ears...
- your_scene - Ramsey Leo
- yourmorningstar - Pierce Your Heart with Love's Needle
- yourstarnot - does anyone else feel like me?
- yousolastsummr - he is the lamb, she is the slaughter
- youwishyouwish - Jesus Hates The Meek
- youxpissxmexoff - diecastbastard
- yur_kiss_kills - You'r Kiss Kills Me
- zebrahead_fans - i <3 zebrahead
Interested users
The following users are interested in saves the day. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
435 matches: