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The following communities are also interested in "les savy fav".
117 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in les savy fav. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
376 matches:
00ems - Emily
1_armed_scissor - apocalipstick
35mmdreams - Amber
3completesthe5 - spunk.
__mesmerizeme__ - Pastelwhite features.highcheek bones.
__unhip - __unhip
_dissolved_girl - god.
_somethingvauge - Alex
a_friend_of_p - aaron heuser
abaddiaryday - wendy, darling.
adamcooley - white noise in a white room!
adiaadore - I kissed your mouth and back
ageofconsent - man machine
agesixracer - I'M DYING TO LIVE
agirlhurts - Miss A.
ahhhhhhh - Once bitten, forever smitten
ali_g_m - god and jesus rolled up into a tiny ball
alicetiara - A picked-on teen with fiery revenge fantasies
aliviadora - tilted to the blue .
allister - Heatherr
alwayslost - Icy Dead People
amykins - .Let the poison spill.
andrew_w - Andrew
anna_pie - Sci-Fi Pie
areli - areli
arenasefi - aren baren fo faren
ariadne11 - ariadne
arlingtoneyes - Stephanie
ashleymuffin - .ashley.muffin.
asterisk - I Love Alex
astheskyfalls - astheskyfalls
atarideaf - atarideaf
autorelocator - Get In The Car We Can Leave Today
autumnfire - whitney*** (from grayson)
badreputation - caitlin
bankrobberscjpp - just make it count
beastwars77 - %#@!$&
beatsherwife - thought criminal
beddove - beddove
betho - B to tha Izzo
black_book - Salsquatch Qisus
blink182sucks - you don't know who you're dealing with....
blndedbytheligh - twin cities, they're double teamin me
bloodybliss - bloodybliss
bloodykittie - * cough cough *
bluestarliz - The Frog Queen
blumelein - ne'er-do-well
blurryeyed - smash this up
braindamage - dwarf invasion
brandroid - backpedal
breniecia - Autrefois je m'oublie
broken_robot - allison
bubblewhore - miz moxie viscious
builttothrill - justin
caloriccowboy - norman townsend
caracoles - Phil / illiterati / thyme
cardboardcutout - @nn@
cary - cary
catch - Sadie
certainaffinity - indiekate
comeonup - ..philippa..
comicnrrd - Liz Prince superstar
confusedashell - your mom is hot
corrosive - pros theon, [superhero]!
crazybastard - The Big Sleep
crimescene_____ - $@R@H and/or 54R4H
croadcore - cristina c. road
cucumberly - cucumberly
d_o_r_k - sheila
dancingintears - ....Dancing through life...
deadathome -
deathknell - greg
debut - [On the verge of espionage]
defeatedsoul - dedication to desertion
delectrolux - good grief
demirep - Steph
detachme - danyell
dexstar - dexter
dieuberhosen - Dancing Senseless in the Bedroom
dizthewonderkid - three-legged possum
downonmelissa - Melissa
dream_in_sound - m
dylanashes - Nyah Nyah
echoluster - Michelle
editsadparts - long distance drunk
eightpastfive - I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me.
eionva - Mrs. Pontellier
electricfriends - is jessie electric?
elscorchogirlie - Doctor
emmah - Emma
emocliche - sp
emogirl2 - Tatiane
emostar27 -
endlessnameless - (not) because of you
epheron - now is the winter of our discoteque
equilibriax - brian
ericagainstthem - ericagainstthem
ermac - shane
erosionsetsin - deodorant protection with a seductive fragrant
fake_frown - Mary
fakeyellowstar - the city plan is already made up.
fany - fany
fattyluvzfood - Heather
feathersiron - Lower Wolves
feeny - you think i wrote it down
feverzandmirors - Kelly
fifteendollars - Fuck yeah, I've got piano wire.
fisharific - Cordelia
flagbrnindakota - mr. electric ocean
flowrsandrobots - beware the @vortex@
flowstix - why dont you ever whip me?
flyingfudrucker - Kar
focus_in_focus - We will free up to the beats of science.
foryoutonotice - if this kiss were something real
foxtaughtlion - Mallory...
franklin - franklin
freshmaker - 11ty hundred
fumandraco - F.M. Draco
funniegerl - ani poonani
geekhooligan - Burn your boombox
generator - jimmy stewart suicidal sex appeal
girlrocker - xo
girlunderwater - jamie
glampirate - black tie white noise
glasstornado - kayruh
gogogoerica - erica
goldenlights - goldenlights
gougeaway - Nicole
grantstewart - Grant Stewart
green_eyed_gurl - .:Torture My ♥::.
grrungeybedhead - grrungeybedhead
guitar247 - Tonight We Mean It
guitars621 - a n g y l
gwai - gwai
hackneyed - melissa misanthrope
handit - Andrew Harrison Hall Esquire
heartcore - <3 still lexis from the block
hektic666 - mike skiba
heldme - hold
hellokitty007 - nothing feels good like you in red and blue jeans
herbrokenvow - love
herehavemyheart - MF Ern
hermanation - funder-funder-funder pants!
hollyjae - lindizzle.
hstrode - *star beneath the stairs*
hxc_thugg - hxc_thugg
hyperballad_ - .
i_eat_color - Kate
i_hate_cfc - .screaming gets you nothing.
iamadork - Madam Me
iamemo - Randal "Generic" Armstrong
iammyownslave - jeremy moule
icemilk - kristen
ideal_ego - steady diet of nothing
idealistdivine - idealistdivine
ihateusernames - Rachel
im_so_scene - Conor
indieliza - The smaller the wrists, the harder the fight
indiewonderboy - Ich heisse super fantastische!
ineffablefury - ineffablefury
infidel - h0bag
itsclosingtime - i wrote my name on the sun
j3s - the body
jahmez - the sadder star
jellied - (an experiment in mediocrity)
jeskarocks - jessica wynette
jimmysleeves - You never knew me, you just wish you did
joelio - Joey
johnvincent - the ancient rhythm of the stars
jordanna - leah.
josie206 - Jenna
juciejuice - Jocelyn
katethegreat - katerina clauhs
kimmyxeatxworld - the karate kim
kissingisola - just a girl
kokakolaclash - Gregory V.
kramerkobain - krss
kyndl - Kyndl
labelme - einsames herz
lagartijanick - Dj Lagartija
laowillrise - adam
late4breakfast - my passion bleeds infamy.
lateoutthedoor - rosa
laureny24 - Lauren / Smushy
limers - crystal cankersore
littlefurybug - Jennifer
lola_leming - le ming bing bang
lostboy - Hardly Art, Hardly Garbage
lostintransit - pretty boys make cupcakes
lounachick - hey sailor
loveonamixtape - Punky Brewer
lowstatic - rachel
lucy_d - elliott gould
lusciousgirl - my name is I dare
magnadoodle - Grizzlebee
mainframericky - tally ho!....this is ricky
mattressking - oh...nevermind
maximumdork - David
mc_jesus - sad story; second chapter
meaniepunk - sexy little shoulder shrugs
memily - Emily
mertle - The Mysterious Anti-Denmark Crusader
michelleindeed - someone else
mikeyd10 - Michael
misterbluehat - $P$
mongrelism - Incongruous Elements
monkeysoflove - ms. e
monophonic - 011011010110010101101100
monotoneadidas - A pair of Terror Adidas
moonsammy - B.QUAIN
mr_selfdestruct - Cale
muddyhymnal - well aren't you feelin' real dirty
muffin_less - adam
mybestdisguise - A N H E L A
myghostandi - derrick
nerdrocker - odalisque
nice2knowu - Steph
noonetolisten - R*O*X*Y
notaudrey - Eyes On The Lines, Lines on the Eyes
nowtheysickenme - she's got the saddest eyes i've ever seen
nparco - Nick Parco
oharethey - punch creeps in the face
ohdarling_ - another innocent girl
ohyourebel - staying awake for something harder
okcomputer - joey joe joe junior shabbadoo
oliodioliva - liiiv
onyourlips - I'd eat a bullet for you.
operatorcomeon - dance a dangerous dance
outofyellow - emily
paperdoll_decay - Arrrrt Staaar
patientgirl - this flour makes that cake
patmorita - Beep Beep Beep
phrynge - phrynge
pink_chimneys - Sarah
pisces313 - Protein2000
pisforpenguin - s l e e p y w i f e
pitchblender - len
pixietrix - sarah
pixxiepea - blah...
pocket - a movie script ending
postmodernleis - Leisaa.
prettyplease - Middle Girl
pullingupheart - sean
punkcake - Naomi
punkisdead - don mega
queendork - jul
raggamuffin - Bad Penny the Model
rakeman_yohneth - brett
raputtadabeauta - Tydal
raspberries - Yoshimi Karate
reallynothing - euphoria
reluctantorchid - _
replicant2001 - replicant2001
revolution_____ - revolution_____
rinetoile - Rin
riot_pixie - shake the scene
roboguy - robby, cause.. yeah.
roquetin - oh! on the run around run around
savemeplease - Vector Girl
savestheshea - shana aileen genevieve fitzpatrick
serendragonfae - Emily Diane
sexcopter - Chris
shadzola - jwid
sheenanicole - habit forming
shemuffin - HANNAH WINS AGAIN!
shortfingered - you hate me
siberiankisses - a kiss in the shape of a bullet.
silosilo - Colby
sinkwater - dirty dress
sirk - sirk
slagbot - slagbot
slinkybetty - Betty
slinkygirl - camille
snailmode - julie
snowykwh - Pawnshop
solace - Kyle Matteson
solipsiae - The Nobility of the Almost-Human Porpoise
somastarlite - Lee-uhhh
sooperfcknstar - Someone Else's Child
sooperfig - Edwin
sourceoflight - ari
spacemonkee - Kilgore Trout
spark808 - Spark
sparklemaster - My cut and paste life...
spazdout69 - Jen
spuibnukrpbealn - spuibnukrpbealnlgorrazss
squee23 - jen
starfragment - Kimber
starfuck - if music is my lover, you are just a tease
starinajar - nessa
starla3379 - Tittie Kaka If Ya Nasty
starstrangled - Sonja
staticprevails - Steve
stopidhead - a dead man
strangerwithin - enemy of the state
strawberri77 - Cereal Killer
subtract - fibonacci had it down. [lay low in negative space]
subtracticus - Atticus
sugarcoatedsour - //more sweet serum to devour the hours//
superflybandito - For Good or For Awesome
svenmarf - Yahaira
sxeally - Absolutely Positively Absolutely
sxenerd157 - Ethan
tablesalt - if we were electricity
techn0colour - I am jack's intermitten ambition
tedleo - slip
teknobitch - no longer updated
texel - Nutrients!!!
thebigsquirrel - Sapere Aude...De Omnibus Est Dubitandum!
thedukeoffunk - Chris J
thegirlhas_love - holly hox
theketchupmess - Jocelyn
thenormalgirl - _ _ _ __ _ _____ _ ____________
theoreticalgirl - twisty bobcat pretzel
thepaperface - My Mind Is A Muffler
theruse - samuel
thesalesman - denver max
thevillian - *m*
thewaydown - Slow Motion Roast Beef Restaurant Seduction
thisdamngirl - Yes, it's Ally Byrd.
thrownoverbored - hardworking slacker
tiffofanie - Tiffany
timebomb24 - Ana Valentina
toohectic - heather
tracilords - Rallicita
traffic_fan - Greg Palmer
trendytoothemax - im ryan balderas, i'm in love with you
truro - Juche Idea!
turnips - glittering blackness
twentyarmedman - pat to the z
twentyatepills - peg leg meg
twstdillusion - *bite down...tell me how this concrete tastes*
ubersturm - the ubersturmbannfuherin
uh_ooh - home is where you die
ultralimelight - chelsee
unimpeccableme - Cotton Candy Kisses of Death
until_sundown - andrea
used_for_glue - sean
vallygurl - V is for VAGINA...and Val.
veganboy45 - obsesso boy
vertu - shut the window, love.
viciouslittle1 - .vicki.
virginiaclair - faintheart in a railway train
vivalarock04 - Ally-son
vivica - Miss Kyle
vonsablonde - Veronica VON
wagonpants - rumbo thumper duck
wakefromdreams - denver
warrend - Rawk on with yer sawk on
whacked - Eric
wheres_my_tiara - modern heat
whiskeysoured - A Series of Unfortunate Events
whit238 - i could add it all up one plus one
whtlightwhtheat - whtlightwhtheat
winterstheworst - Bite Your Lip
wolfwood - Max
worldsonheroin - femme fatale
xblackrabbitx - jessica
xfallenstarx - a forget-me-not to yours truly
xhedisticx - matthewPryor
xidlextearsx - Sara
xinyoureyesx - rae rae divine
xlaurrocksit - Laur
xloveisrealx - why don't we do it in the pantry
xpoisonedxdayx - E M M A
xpunkmonkeyx - J Sparksman
xtornbrethlessx - guru fashion queen he says
xvanityx - I wish I could buy back the woman you stole
xxhangnailxx - meghan
xxtothecorexx - Ba-bam!
yacob - yacob
yellowstar - i wanna be color in a black and white photograph
yogen - Kristen
zombiesinlove - life is an illusion, love is a dream...
zweirecords - Zain Issac
zzzzzzombie - anonymous