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48 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in slint. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
422 matches:
- 1whoneedssleep - David Gates
- 317537 - 317537
- 5stars4failure - pre-teenage gangbang
- 6cherry6 - Cherry Red
- abatage - Abatage
- abatagextwo - Test Tube Bunny
- acephale - Do these rants make me look fat?
- ahhhhhhh - Once bitten, forever smitten
- aixboyfriend - samuel
- aliasbluecollar - nathan
- allergeist - helter skelter
- allisondianne - allison dianne
- aloneandwriting - evaporated
- alwayslost - 403991
- amadeeeep - ---
- amerikangod - das Phasenjournal #2641191b
- amnesiac - timothy
- amnesialab - AmnesiaLab
- anarchy_lives - Gretchen the Great
- anarchy_queen - ami.
- anchorman - Mark
- andimempty - i sleep with electric guitars
- anjehla - =^..^=
- anticontent - Austin
- anticrazymonkey - The Anti-Crazy Monkey
- antihat - Keith
- antiman - antiman
- antipleasure - sillypants
- antoninko - JNBIII
- apart -
- ariesbitch - ariesbitch
- atariskid - My Sleep Pattern Changed...AGAIN!!!
- atencion - Walshe
- atlasttheend - ::chuck:slaughter::
- augustxsky - brandy
- autumnfire - whitney*** (from grayson)
- ayahuasca - Alec
- badspelling - badspelling
- baragon - peter
- bastard_king - The Bastard King
- begofyou - translating the name
- beneaththesea - Danny
- benjy_c - Benjy
- bitpartinyrlife - form over function
- bleueyes - violently happy
- blindsalvation - Unwilling to show you
- bloodfiredeath - wiggins
- bloody_icecream - siobhan
- blue_tool - blue tool
- blurstoftimes - J-Train
- bradykorzo - brady
- brainbrand - roberto mofongo
- brandroid - backpedal
- bratgirl66 - i lick you!
- brokenfixed - broken/fixed
- brownpants567 - david
- burythecat - The Eel-Eye
- caffemark - caffemark
- cagethemonkey - he is a monkey - his name is cage
- capnjazz - killing the messenger
- cataract - esoteric
- centralia - Centralia - The Band
- chairkicker - Mrs. Tremond
- cheeseandtomato - Eve
- chemicalwire - Busy Busy, Busy Scissors, Oooh Oh Oh Oh
- cherrychapstick - get out your handkerchiefs
- choobiewoobie - Jim
- chrisfass - bah
- coat - Missy
- colinhayes - Colin
- comedyescapesme - comedy_escapes_me
- comeondieyoung - She's My Rushmore
- communistspy - Ellie
- comstocklives - John J Rimbaud
- confusionisnext - Jamie
- cookieboyginge - so what if you're tougher than me?
- costello - Daniel
- cottoncrown - Ketchup is King in my house
- crankmagnet76 - crank magnet seventy six
- creativecontrol - and all the colours bleed into one...
- creepykidd - Eric
- crisco625 - Chris
- cto - SiD
- curiousnotsmart - i'm a comsat angel
- cyansprinklepop - andrea
- daisyglaze - Lux Umbra
- dandysruleok - We'll live forever in books, darling
- danigrrrl - danigrrrl
- darnielle - darnielle
- dase - dase
- davefluffara - davefluffara
- dawn_michele - dawn michele looper
- dayna_d - dayna
- dc1020 - deadman
- deadathome -
- deadbodydisco - Darryl Revok
- deadtofu - allison anne
- deafmakesdead - Howlin' Howard
- delectrolux - good grief
- dellpaxton - josh hutto
- dem0nio - judas ø
- devedander - ]u5tin w1lm0r3
- device - **(=^=)**
- diabolous - D. Hyde
- dirtypillows - coming or going
- disavowed - disavowed
- drugstore - Stevey Majors
- ed_is_dead - Ed is Dead
- eddie_gamete - Andy
- edgar_graham - edgar graham
- edgarblossom - i love you... whats your name?
- elegant_chaos - Tristessa
- emendhaste - matthew michaud
- emilyspangle - whodunnit?
- emoxplacebo - Your.New.Disaster.
- enedniliel - Ana
- enemy_insects - joelisarobot
- enfilade8 - Emily
- epyon - Gundam Epyon
- etc1798 - the floating book project
- evol79 - feel around in the dark until you get the idea
- fallen_behind - I'm dying.
- fameless - sam
- feathersiron - Lower Wolves
- fierce_calm - fierce_calm
- fifteendollars - Fuck yeah, I've got piano wire.
- firesetsfire - Dirty Dave [buchanan]
- flagdayquartet - Levi
- flatliner - ...But A Change Is Gonna Come
- foil_wrap - foil_wrap
- fountainhead - dajk noodlé
- fox_in_the_snow - mikey hyde
- frase - frase
- frenzy05 - I Proformed Acts Of Devotion As If You Were Ganesh
- frodusfan - photography makes me dizzy
- froglamp - Enalrafcam Nosaj
- fucko - the fantabulous phenomenalist
- future_seal - Ryland
- g_ather - Oz
- gilgamesh_a - Post-punk X-Man
- glass_timing - the colder your touch, the more it turns me on
- glassdoor - lori
- glassplastic - Emilio
- glitterspork - thus spoke alexandra
- gogetemjames - Caucasian Sensation
- grafter - sinjin
- grobbo - dave
- gurdjieff - inverted memoria
- gwargh - come back again to here knows when
- gypsumfantastic - Old Mr. Gotobed
- hamohoy - Lenny Gordon
- harikarioke - anything to break the silence
- harmful_park - Harmful_Park
- haydn - Haydn
- hazyatbest - amy
- heidicakes - Mita
- herkaleidoscope - Jackie Suzzanne
- hesinshesout - Sallow-skinned, starry-eyed, blessed into our sin
- hethoughtofcars - teva flava
- heycowboy - nothing here now but the recordings
- hippriest - Tito the all-night burrito
- hippyartistdude - Hayduke
- holdthattiger - jack
- homerspy - Dr. Electron
- hope_turtle - woo hoo hoo
- huntingtonforge - riiiiiiight
- huwuno - _*^L?LL???? S?d??T??N^*_
- iamkane - Erin Gardner
- icanbedeeptoo - Brother of Metal
- ideal_ego - steady diet of nothing
- illeist - i heart baltimore!
- illscientist - less than a duckling
- ilovepudding - to the enemies of political rock
- iminabadway - chris
- indierock - Joshua
- ineffablefury - ineffablefury
- infiniteecho - Chris
- invaliddork - When Not Being Stupid is Not Enough
- isthisemo - These Ghosts Will Never Know True Rest
- itom - Tom
- jackhorse - Timmy Hill
- jameslee - James L.
- jamkid - jamkid
- jboo - Jeremiah
- jerkheadface - little yellow spider
- jervo - eggs benedictus
- jettison - pigs tend to wiggle when they walk.
- jguitarbum - Jason
- jihad_al_nafs - Chairman Meow
- jleighpark - jerrica
- jollyfaf - Spic Raider
- joshmurray - Joshua Murray, Professional Talent Scout
- juanitadark - Juanita Dark
- junegreen - bring on the noise
- junkhead_baby - condescending smile
- jymnastiks - Negative Nancy
- kifreak - ⥠ryan::\\
- killteenangst - captain danbeard
- kingdazy - â
You all suck.â
- kipcore - Kip
- kiss - anamnesis
- korovyov - Declan Cuauhtemoc O'Neill Cervantes
- kramerkobain - krss
- kruzh - p r z
- l337n00b - James
- l3n1ngr4d - Adam
- laura_kate - !aura kate
- lazycomet - lazycomet
- le_etranger - Dr. Noah Pretentious
- leadsalad - sarah
- leftuprightdown - -B-r-i-a-n-
- leuwam - ~*Leuwam*~
- lifeloveregret - Wes Nile
- liquidab - Listen to the Phase......
- liquidfart - Howard
- litlgrrl - running with horses
- losetheday - postlapsaria
- lostintransit - closet misanthropist
- loveislife - i am because of you
- lovepuppet - thumbsicle
- lovescrueljoke - eSteve
- lucyballisdead - Mita
- lukewarmboytoy - rob
- lumpy_lia - lumpster
- lysergikfuneral - We Live By The Street-Rules That Thugs Created
- macchiato_gatto - bubba-jets
- machinesofgod - Jason
- mainframericky - tally ho!....this is ricky
- manicpop - Anthony
- mardt - dirt-eyed seahorse
- maryjane2723 - 2723
- maybeitwasutah - I never sat at the cool kids' table
- mediocratez - Anthony
- mia_mia - Mia Maria
- michellecopter - damaged bad at best
- midnightgrifter - low-life
- mikeywelsh - Mikey Diego Welsh
- milkboxesrock - Sarah
- minga_ - Minga
- minijen - ive got a broken face
- minkyqueen - Duck .......GOOSE!
- minuslies - lost
- mishinkin - the boy who dreaded sundown
- misokisaragi - ⥠nelli â¥
- missionofburma - It's your academy
- mmmayhem - the kid with the sideburns
- moleintheground - Ed
- molkos_bitch - crotchrocket
- monosynth - nivek steehs
- mooonpixie - Rexie The Wet Penguin
- mortalwombat - The Laughing Mathematician
- motorvation - The Random Song Lyric Depository, once again
- mourningbelle - a team of bumblebees
- mudgarden - steve
- mydeardelirious - wild horses
- mysteriouso - Riot Gear
- narcolepticmuse - i'm happy and i'm singing and a 1, 2, 3, 4
- neil2mf - neil 2mf
- neilbennett - My name is Neil
- nerdyoreo - these are the crushes meant to crush you
- neutron_x - Conan Neutron
- new_dawn_fades - Andy
- newness_ends - jacques
- nickeii - nick
- nickymogwai - Nicky. The boy with the prawn in his side
- ninjafriedrice - Captain Badass
- nmh - goat
- noiseandstatic - ariel
- nowofthesystem - nowofthesystem
- oharethey - punch creeps in the face
- ohtheguilt - lighter fluid accident
- ohyourebel - staying awake for something harder
- oldbenway - donny van zandt
- one_11 - The Best Things In The World
- onetorock - The Focus of Content is Never Changed
- onyxeuphoria - onyx euphoria
- orangetshirt - nash
- ottermelody - callot
- owltranslator - mateo
- pablojonney - mystery white boy
- pagan_poetry - Drunken Butterfly
- paperdrums - joe martin
- paperthinwalls - laurel
- patientgirl - this flour makes that cake
- paulrauschen - let god be your gardener
- phonometrics - phonometrics
- phrynge - phrynge
- pilotoflies - bruce e. kinesis
- pinhut - j t kennedy
- piscean - with sparrows beneath her eyelids
- plish - Thinking Outside the Socks
- pocket_idols - Elizabeth
- posed2death - blaine the mono
- pottermemoirs - The Sailor In Love With The Sea
- prealert - and the water rolls down the drain
- pullingupheart - sean
- pxm - pxm
- raigeki - Vacuolate Tuna
- rainking_fell - Breaking the fourth wall
- reciteadnauseam - the one i never knew
- reighchull - Rachel
- replicant2001 - replicant2001
- reptakon - mIke bosTon
- rev01ve - fuck
- rhombus - i am an equilateral parallelogram...
- ribble - Rob
- ridethebird - james
- ridethefader - fist girl
- rimururu - Rimururu
- robisgod - Rob Jessmon
- robotchant - ryan
- sadotter - you've heard this all before
- sadsongs - Amanda
- salviated - kind regards.
- samgribbles - Sian
- sarcasitron - Jamesamaphone
- sase - distancedbymoments
- sashwap - dan
- savemyskin - sing like you think no one's listening
- scarleta - sarah
- scinelens - Bri
- screamobot - Doug
- scytheethics - daylight is a doorknob
- se7 - se7en
- seducedbyamonk - turn on! tune in! drop out!
- seel - Jimmy Breeze
- setfeldspar - Seth R. Feldman
- shadesofautumn - shades
- shadowofwind - shadowofwind
- shagflava - Rev. Michael Flavor
- shalloboi - *stares*
- shaunj - What's a man supposed to be?
- shchmue - Ryan
- shoegazing36 - love comes later
- siannybaby - sian
- sicklecell - abhorred minority
- siikworm - jeremy
- silentxsleeper - pheurton skeurto
- simplyizzy - Izzy
- sincerelybob - ms. oblivion
- sisalo - date with the night
- slagbot - slagbot
- slayering - chris
- sleepcameslowly - erika elizabeth.
- soldtothesea - mike
- somersault - let words mean a lot.
- sommy - call me "Mediocrates"
- songyi - å?é¸
- soopageek - soopageek
- soundxplorer - Jabrockson
- spasticat - spasticat
- speedypete312 - Master J. Peter Siriprakorn, esquire
- spiritualarmy - King Black Death
- spitblood - Screams from the Balcony
- spookythecat - al hong
- starfieldroad - fame throwa
- starvingprince - reid
- strathcona - shadylane
- subconcious - i ⥠non threatening tectonic plates
- suburbanblah - Army of Me
- summerendstoday - Travis
- summerteeth - it's all beginning to feel like it's ending
- sunburst - daniel
- superneato - ever-so-slighty odd
- surferrosa - Kkkitchens, What Were You Thinking?
- sworntotheblack - Mitchel
- taddpoop - tadd
- taylorbell - pinkerton closet
- tearsong - TearSong
- terminaldeity - where i end and you begin
- the_gimlet - Garin A Wedeking
- the_kill_in_you - goddammit laurin
- the_killed_kid - the_killed_kid
- theamericanjean - The Cheerful Fawn
- thedaniol - thedaniol
- thefadedmuse - you always regret that last cigarette
- thefriction - nirE.
- thegr8ld - lauren
- theheadacheset - the wolf at the door
- theplayboyclub - bradley
- theprizefight - m welch
- theskycankill - nicotine really goes to my head
- theslickster - Kill your friends, die laughing.
- thirteen_points - thirteen points
- thisdamngirl - Alyssa Hope
- throwwayyouth - I brought marshmallows!
- tiffyd321 - cold as ice cream but still as sweet
- tonicbunnie - JohnnyV.
- treblekicked - i'm in a rock
- trisloth - trisloth
- troubler - trouble at home
- turnips - glittering blackness
- unsatisfied - Born with a Compass
- up_the_gnarl - Elijah
- velviorar - Lostatsea
- violetimpulse - Amelia
- wankerpolice - Justin
- warrend - Rawk on with yer sawk on
- weallbleed - zack
- welsh_rob - welsh_rob
- whahappen - whahappan?-
- whipnspurs - Laura
- whiterussian3d - Davey Whipwreck
- wildflowersoul - Gimme Indie Rock!
- winter_absent - shhh
- wolfwood - Max
- wrongfrench - sleeping pills
- xambush_bugx - kettner(d)
- xbribrix - Brian Sidetracked
- xcentra - eric.
- xdoyourememberx - some were born to sing the blues.
- xfallenstarx - a forget-me-not to yours truly
- xmissprissyx - Sophisticated_Boom_Boom
- xnolongermex - S h a r d s O f G l a s s
- xqx33 - I won't rest until I forget about it
- xvancouverx - Ryan
- yerpretty - "Hey, this next song's about livejournals!"
- youdoandidont - Does it all make sense now?
- yupislyr - Yuppie Slayer
- zebra_trip - Eoin Szerta
- zombitron - Catharsis Grimm