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[26 Jan 2005|09:45pm]
My bunnie is good to me.
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hmm maybe accurate quiz? [22 Jan 2005|11:12am]
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well [12 Jan 2005|09:59am]
The good side: an entire week off of work

The bad side: Highly contagious with strep

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[07 Jan 2005|06:01pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - closer ]

Definately a NIN kind of night tonight.
Nothing much going on but Voodoolimbo getting stuck in traffic.... for several hours.

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[26 Dec 2004|10:55pm]
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[26 Dec 2004|07:36pm]
So, for gifts I received 200$ from my father, some art for the walls from Voodoolimbo, and a box of yet unsent stuff from my Mother.

If anyone wants to give me a late gift, just help Voodoolimbo find a good-paying job. I know some of you are already working on it!
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[24 Dec 2004|07:47am]
silly quizzies
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[21 Dec 2004|09:37pm]
[ mood | amused ]

For anyone who was worried, the Tyrant Kitty has made it back inside.
I was tricky and set out a big bowl of wet cat food, checked it after a few minutes and made a grab for him.
I thought if he was in the area he'd smell it and make it back.
Looks like I was right *grin*

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It gets bad, then it gets worse [20 Dec 2004|05:06pm]
Voodoolimbo's computer got fried when they were working on the electricty in the apartment today. It was on a surge protector, I guess it wasn't enough. The apartment office says it's not their responsibility, even though it was their maintenance guy that flipped all the breakers instead of just the one he needed to work on. It doesn't look like it will be covered by the renter's insurance.

Let's not forget that we're broke and his job goes away in two weeks.

It hurts to see him sitting there miserable without a computer. He thinks I shouldn't be down because it wasn't my computer.
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Current plan for the next few days: [16 Dec 2004|08:56pm]
Stay drunk, just drunk enough to be numb. I think I can do this.
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[28 Nov 2004|04:31pm]
Quiz (really funny)
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And for my blaster's second costume [28 Nov 2004|04:25pm]
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Feel free to add to this.. [27 Nov 2004|11:26am]
[ mood | blah ]

The tech support power set:
Apathy Shield: +1 to saving throw vs. all complaints
Communication Barrier: +1 to saving throw vs. policy updates
Academy award: +1 to saving throw vs. quality markoff
Mute Barrier: +2 to saving throw vs. quality markoff
Knowledge blast: high damage vs. mid-level to high level MOB. Low level MOBs get bonus to stupidity saving throw.

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[27 Nov 2004|11:05am]
Almost caught up on sleep. VoodoolimboVoodoolimbo could use some happy things, so, if you feel like it, do something nice for him.
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humor [25 Nov 2004|07:42pm]
Don't let another life go to waste... join the no Turkey left behind program! Here's a few quotes from our sponsors:

"Owww my stomach"
"Leftovers again?!"
"Agggg no more!!!"
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[24 Nov 2004|06:18pm]
Well, since the phone number I have must be old, and doesn't work anymore.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anyla!! *huggles*
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[21 Nov 2004|10:57pm]
Yeah, staring a miserable day in the face tomorrow.. but it will be bearable because my honey will be with me.
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Say hi to my favorite alter ego [09 Nov 2004|07:19pm]
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[09 Nov 2004|12:31pm]
Well, things are going as well as they can when I've been sick. No energy, very little brainpower. Voodoolimbo has been doing more cooking / cleaning, which is nice. Been sleeping a lot. Found some friends that actually play on Virtue! Yay!
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[01 Nov 2004|05:42pm]
Week three of sinus infection:
Feeling like crap
First round of anti-biotics did nothing
Round two is up, with a side of nasal spray
But you know what?
Life isn't bad
My darling is spoiling me today, I'm a happy Ann.
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