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25 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in ♀♀. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
440 matches:
90pointmetaphor - 90% metaphor
___girlsoldier - * ___GIRLsoldier ♥
__flutterbean - __flutterbean
__robotdisco - & <3
_andxdarling - i took him up against the wall...
_bomb - _bomb
_deeply_violet - roo!
_ericstrip - Secret Agent X-9
_fuck_up - *Mistaken Identity*
_imnomore - Broken Heart
_ohgirl - victoria.
_onherown - queen of my own compost heap
_shallowgrave - i'm a rabbit in your headlights...
a_piscean_dream - there's more to life than love and being together
acidflowers - .a.mother'
adeptomega - Adept Omega
aelphabawest - Aelphaba West
akajules - all purpose expression
allofusrdead - j to the e to the s
almostanother - Simona
alohaturtle - Samantha Secret Agent
amathya - antelucio
amethyst_soul - A kidney for a kidney
ami3fied - Amie
amyjoyce - Amy
anemic_x_sweet - Eskeet con Paleta
anti_beauty - /¤/ . CUNT .
anti_y0u - Emma
aquila1nz - Aquila
arcanedelusions - out on a limb.
arianna_noel - Arianna
artemis29 - Машенька
artistic_agony - artistic_agony
aryglesock - Jen
ashabbyemigre - Katie
ashleetehk001 - Ashley
ashre79 - Emilie
augurei - Easter Sundays Harlequin Jack's Absinth Bunny
autumn_sigh - mim's writing LJ
aweebitconfused - the girl with small hands
aweebitdark - Jen
b_itch - dissect this void.
babybunny357 - Remove heart, Insert pain
banshlily - Touched with Fire
bassrocks - BassRocks
bearybipolar - Bear
beauty_of_gray - beauty of gray
beauty_x_cries - beauty_x_cries
being_homeless - Writings from the perspective of a homeless girl
belle_malheur - Jess
bethie_nova - Hot Buttered Love Bug
bioferret - Marj
biotoxin - BioToxin
bkre8ve - Melody
blacklace18 - blacklace18
blacklacedwings - blacklacedwings
blindfaith101 - Poster Child For Hyperactivity
blob - Bonnie
blueoblivion - blueoblivion
bodyconfusion - BodyConfusion
boggle1223 - Beck & Call Girl
boniblithe - Not Santa Claus either, sadly enough
bornbeautiful - Nicole
bright_soldier - 朝見 優香
brokenfaerie_x - i don`t remember
burningflames - Sara w/o and H
butchies182 - common misconception
byrne - Byrne
candyyy - *candYYY*
capriciousboi - I am (a/n)
capttrish - Patricia Paige
caylina - Kvetch
ceaseto_exist - dani
cellarstella - Cellar Stella
chai_vylet - I scream leave, and yet you stay
chaoticerotic - She Who Must Not Be Named, Pandemonium at Large
charlettesraven - ...UntiL The End...
cheesy_jesus - cheesy_jesus
chemicallyblu - Others call me April
chianagirl - ·· Minerva Maharet ··
chickenlittle83 - Jess
childe_of_fate - Shattering the lovely glass ceiling..
chrissy13 - Chrissy
chunkybrewster - GoRdiTa LiNdA!
clickbeetle - Trouble
collegekilledme - Sheedah
coveryourears - Cover your ears
cowtippinlizzy - all the girls hate her.
crackdwndshield - crackdwndshield
cranberrygirl13 - lavender blue, dilly-dilly
crazy4mle - _jo_c_
crucifixchild - this house, it holds nothing..but the memories.
crunchnmunch - Pernicious Patty
custome - [ xx ]
d3rang3d1 - the fran
dameenpourpre - dameenpourpre
danrae - DanRae
dawnsdream - Jessica Ann
dayzeeedogg - The squirrels call me "Major Bushkisser".
dc_shoe_pimp - Ashton
delirious_x - closed.
demyrrhe - De Myrrhe
dertodesengel - Angel of Death
devilsxkiss - The Almighty BREEBLE!!! Feel my wrath! *wrathness*
devinharris - Fuzzy Green Dragon
dewiner - Dewiner
diamond_rain - I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind
ditzypoo - ditzypoo
dometrent - Natalie
doodlebug_89 - Erica Gibson
dopeslave - Girl with a Gun.
drainthebloodx - christina
dreamsrundeep - Dreams Run Deep
earwithfeet - Count Olaf
elegant_loralai - lora
emo_stones - emo_stones
emptymusings - ~powered by prozac~
eternalhearts - Aingeal Oreiad
evilpoptart12 - Jenny-Furr
evinboy - Evin Hunter
faded_memory - : ¤ : fading memories : ¤ :
faerie_tears - Megera
fallenangel515 - Samantha
fallendwnleaves - cara
fandangomango - Mitch
fatalfury - Rachel Campbell
feathery_wings - Quidam
femaleaffair - Miss Kristi Lynn Thompson
fieldy1snuts - Tooty Snuggs
fight4tomorrow - fight4tomorrow
flamingchrryz - Ravyn
forgivemenot - Claire
fowo - FoWo
frangipani_haze - if you know me so well, tell me which hand I use
free_crack - smutpeddler
fruitbuddah - Lovely World of Lonely
gangstagrrlxemi - emi. like the award. only minus m-y and add i.
garygetsnolove - Disassociative
geminimystique - Impending Chaos
girl_in_mokena - Chicago
girlbox - Chris T Dee
girlsxkick - NiK
glamorouskisses - Vanessa
glittertiger - Glitter Pharie
gnostic_ronin - ronin the gnostic ninja
gossamerenigma - Natalie
gothicraven_21 - Raven
great___milenko - The Great Milenko
greenbeanriot - mamma bean
grownupnerd - Verbivore
grrlfromipanema - vagina badger
grrlgenius - vive la liberte
grrrrrindigo - Kindness: Nice Grrl With Rebel Rising.
grybai - Alexa
harlotlips - harlotlips
headlessdolly - amy
helima - What deep wounds ever closed without a scar?
hermina - Hermina
hickory_farms - HICK...errr...e uhhh farms and stuff...
honeyassassin - conforming to the standards of the nonconformist
hugosbird - Kelsey
hurricanesoccer - 110
hyper_activity - i'd spill my heart for you
ielya - [ель]
ifyouare - high voltage
ilikeink - Calm Hysteria
illicit_xplicit - the daily babble
illusioned_eyes - No Pressure Over Cappuccino
im_not_ur_star_ - **foreva April Marie's**
incognitus1 - incognitus1
indi9o - Risto
indignantgrey - feministpunkgirl
infiniteaaah - hold the intangible
inka77 - I like it bloggy style
innocentkittie - innocentkittie
intricacy_ - .
invader_bek - Bek
isoldyourkidney - Huhn ist ziemlich geschmackvoll
izzycat - Isabel
j0yful_girl - we owe each other the world
jenesta - Broken in Shipping
jennylou303 - Jen
jobaby - joeska
joywalker - Once bitten,twice shy
jrosestar - Jean Rosestar
judecorp - Jude from Judecorp.
juli20 - Juli
just_a_duck - truth is beauty
justcallmeblue - EteRnal
kalii2 - Plastic: Act Like Nothing's Wrong
kalioppe - Fraoch in Gaelic
karmachanic - White Trash Princess
katie3739 - katie
katisthereason - katisthereason
kaydeerose - Kaydee
kazeninatari - Alli
kigin - Shini - 銀狐
kimkali - KimKali
kinkydinks - The Little Sperm That Could
kiri237 - Internet Junkie
kirkes_island - Kirke
kirsberry - Carpe jugulum.
kitchenette - natasha
koneko_kira - Megan
kotyara7 - kotyara Котяра
kovy_kitty - Kovy Kitty
kuntacore - BEhtzie BRITE
kuntish - kuntish
la_rachael - *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *that girl rachael
ladypoetess - Lady Poetess
ladywinter_ - ~Season~
lakinisjuice - Voodoo Lady
le_lac_monstre - le lac monstre
leatherkitten - **LeAtHeRKiTTeN**
lenicanscream - lenicanscream
lesbianquizbabe - lesbianquizbabe
lil_muffy - Muffy
liquidears - Karen
lisabrightndark - lisabrightndark
littlebuhnee - Little BuhNee
locked_in_life - twEAk
lola_puffmuffin - Lola
lorrah - Liznorrah
lostsouldreamer - T R I
lovestungpoet - Em
lucky7starz - Christy
luellah - שלום Yourself
lumanecyn - Cynthia
luvndj - .k a r l a....g - s p o t.
lynnadaine - Dette
maganrocks - unnoticable suicide
maggiemay83 - He not busy being born is busy dying
malakhi - m@
mango_3 - Mango
maxw - Max
medusasmuppet - Jamie
melamoo - ::melamoo lesbian terrorist
mellochild - Listen, I'm an only child, okay?
memu - memu
mergirl330 - I heart Robyn
miiim - mim
minerva42 - Minerva
misery_head - in tomato without the acid
misfit666 - chanin
misschelsea - Camilla the Clucker
misteriouzgirl - Misteriouz person
mistoline - Mistoline (ミストライン)
monkey442 - Monkey
monkey_thoughts - Sad Tomato
monkeyscorpion - April
moon_ridden - trouble
moonhowler - Cacophony
msmsfish - Kelly and Natalie
mtaiilauren - Sandra
mushie - Amanda
my_ichiban - Ichiban
mys1985 - Mys
myskin - MB
mystrssatalanta - Mystress Atalanta
nacilmeiel - nacilmeiel
narichan - Nariko
neatocrayons - i like them
neoprotagonist - Tasha
nerd_burger - nerd_burger
nerdgoddess - Sabrina, your resident Goddess of the Nerds
nereid - her moves
nessytroy - princess nothingness
netikerty - Extreme Sports
nitara981 - Nitara
noamateursinner - Kells
noseepennemore - the girl with handcuff's
notaprettygrl - NotAPrettyGrl
notreallywrong - Candi
noudontevenknow - Jentastic
novaskies - the color-me-happy girl
nurrynur - Nurry Snark Farnsworth
nyghtekko - Just A Girl...
o_canada_girls - Halfway To Anywhere...
ocdchild - The Onion of Doom
oct678 - heather
oliphont - ...
opalsgrave - opalsgrave
paintingmural - paintingmural
pandabwhite - ø◦¤º*°*º¤◦ø{p}{a}{n}{d}{a}ø◦¤º*°*º¤◦ø
para_doxa - para_doxa
parfoisjemeurs - sometimes...i die
passingthehours - Come to bed Laura Brown
pearl - Pearl
peckerwood747 - peckerwood
perfectdespair - they call me lucy.
pernicieux - Pope Andréa I
petmachine - a story of unbridled enthusiasm
pifflegrrrl - prepared to answer with a beautiful mess
pinkandsparkly - suicide glam.
pirateingrnfog - dolly diarrhea.
pirosho - Sho
planetabyss - planetabyss
playboychickaro - miss maggie mae
poison_me - Poison
poisonoak - Lily
political_punk - nothing
popasquating - AmAndA
posadh_s_beatha - Aislingiche
post_teen_angst - post_teen_angst
powerpuffmybag - [sara]
prisstina_ - plastic girl
prozac_junkie - Junkie
psychobiotchi - Sharmanda
purple_munchkin - K
quempel - Lauren
queque - what
quixotic_sylph - Alicia
rainbebedolls - rain
rainbowxfuck - charlie
razorbackhoosr - Dee
rb13 - Brinstar
reinventedmuse - ruby, through the looking glass
rejoicedpeace - Alexandria
restless8x10 - Half Broken Herione
revelation05 - the non anti-love collection
reveries - Sal
revolos55 - Revolos55
ricedispenser - RiceDispenser
ricemusic - David
righteoustmk - [T][i][f][f][a][n][y]
riiaa - little miss ria
ril_chan - April Vannatta
roadkillrabbit - Johnny
rychusdyke - derelikt dauter
sameyeamsez - ❀Queen❀Of❀Hearts❀
sapphoricdreams - Venus Envy
sarah_chan - Sarah-chan
sarianna - Sarianna
sassykytten - Sassyfoi
saucalisha - saucey
scarletswidow - scarletswidow
seennotheard - ♪ Deanna ♪
self_exposure - Self_Exposure
selkie14 - Spider
sexylittleone - Adriana & El
shadowsofgrey - shadowsofgrey
shelllynn - Shelley Lynn
shes_unreal - Eat me raw.
shesmagic - Alison
shortlilcutie - *pRiNcEsS~kArLiTa~BaBy GiRl*
shuriken - 内
sicksisters - siamese heart
sigmakat - Sigmakat
silent_earth_03 - Christina
silverday - fae*rie
siouxsiehatesme - Liz
skankywhores - Destyne
skinn - --->
skinned_iris - Iris
skippy1702 - Stacey
skyintheh2o - duck
slushfairy - Yah Whatever!
smirkingjustice - Smirking Justice
smurfee - Wide eyed and hopeful
sofabsofine - ^kitty^
songbrdreleased - songbrdreleased
sonjaaa - Queer Nerdy Girl
sorbetdelight - Jenya
soulreqiuem - soulreqiuem
spiraldownfall - Kit Kat Kate
spoken_silence - Yasmine
sporrigle - my funk is useless!
starrgurrl - Star
steshaluna - Stephanie
stitchedkitty - Kittykins {...}
suitecellogirl - Reneé
summi_hominum - summi_hominum
superdooie - Julie
supremegoddess1 - Kimberly B-B
suukou_67 - Suukou
sweetsorrow1377 - I'm like a cat in heat stuck in a moving car
swtxrebelxgrrl - .×.€møtÍøná£.ßÍr£.×.
tarnassel - Nic // momma burr
tat2zie - Mija
tenacitywithin - tenacitywithin
tentacle_ai - ♥ Deanna ♥
that_one_chick - Namby Pamby Paintywaist
the_story_of_me - Quint
the_wars_end - OBESESSION
thehales - not introspective, self-absorbed
thisaboveall - Madeline
ticklemearka - ARKA!
tiger02oz - Anne-Marie
til_ur_dead - Merric
tittakv - tittakv
tittybitch - ~Rage More~ Never touch a Raptor
tokataro - stefani
toongirl - Grand Retour
toxic_boy - crippled plaything
tranzparenteyez - tO tHe StArZz--->
treeshaman - ☼ the treeshaman ☼
turd_fucker - Little Missy Icey Vains
twisted_badger - Even hallucinations have laws.
twisted_impulse - Drew
unknowntaboo - unknowntaboo
unprettyfull - Alison
vcr_fucker - Little Missy Icey Vains
versaphile - Pam
vessna - Vessna
vivicamoondaze - :: tame and destroy
voi_vittu - voi_vittu
voycaptive - VoyCaPtive
waterdaughter - that girl who has tea with the devil
welshwitch - gueri de toi
wesleysgirl - WesleysGirl
wetwork - Wet Work
wewilleatyou - Here, pussy pussy
whimsicalnotion - Buddy
whispingheather - Heathre' Tuhniesin
whoring_slut - whoring_slut
whorribledyke - Whorrible Dyke
windofviolence - {ivre de violence}
wingedwolf - Wolfie
witch_hunt - a twentieth century fox
witchqueen - zvi
wonder_boi - humuhumunukunukuapua'a
words_become_me - Words Becoming
work_inprogress - Work In Progress
xboondocksaintx - in nomine patrie, et fili, et spiritu sancti
xmanifest_thisx - xmanifest_thisx
xmydollfacex - Emalina
xopheliaxrosex - Rosaline
xrainbow_starx - ...I Would Never Lie to You...
xselfxtruex - xselfxtruex
xstitchmysmilex - Erika
xtorn_agonyx - SECRET SLUT BRIGADE+++
xxriotgrrlxx - Dr. H Anonymous
y3ll - Vera
yournextex - should of thought of that before we kissed.....
yours_untruly - gang star
yrlesscute - mallybcore.
yzzy_et_pir - Yzzy and Pir
zengirl - erica jo
zephrin - January Girl
zpurplefreak - zpurplefreak