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Community Information

Below is information about the "Razor Burn//Glitter Scars//Fucked By A Star" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:grrlscouts (373424) grrlscouts
Name:Razor Burn//Glitter Scars//Fucked By A Star
Website:maintainers Lj
What I want, what will I need
To sacrifice what I believe
My little girlscout, your mouth is getting sore
Will you love me any less if I hurt you any more


Dehumanize my heart

[-]this community is for discussing your bitchcore needs
[-]talk about bands such as: my ruin, jack off jill, scarling, snake river conspiracy, hole, garbage, etc etc.
[-]discuss your concert experiences, post pictures, letters, I don't care
[-]talk about glam, glits, stores, clothes, shoes...girlie shit.

Obviously this community is more likely to be for females, but if you're male and wanna my guest.

[-]no negative comments to other members
[-]no stealing icons, writings, pictures, etc with out that member's permission
[-]if you're going to post tons of pics, use the Lj cut tag
Interests:72: angels, angelsfuck, art, babydoll, bands, beauty fiends, bitchcore, bitches, black, blasphemous girls, blasphemy, bruises, butterflies, cats, clear hearts, cunts, darkside, darktales, envy, eyeliner, fairytales, garbage, girl scouts, glam, glitter, hair dye, hips, hole, innocence, jack off jill, knives, laura simpson, leather, lips, lollipops, lolliriot, lust, make-up, metal, metal music, michelle inhell, misanthropy, miss b, music, my ruin, piercing, piercings, pink, razorblades, red, robin moulder, rock, scars, screaming, sex, sexless demons, shirley manson, sin, snake river conspiracy, sonic jihad, sparkles, src, stars, strawberry gashes, tairrie b, tattoos, terror, tits, tobey torres, trash, whores, wounds. [Modify yours]
Members:152: ___nazicar, __scar, _beauty_fiend_, _lollirot_, _phillytrash_, _porcelina, _thorn_, _unclean_, _wilted_, abreeskye, abria, agitated, among_the_sleep, angelicsatan, anti_love, babydolgrl, battlescars_, beautiful_sins, beauty_fiend__, beautyfiend_, beautytragedy, bedofdolls, bestrafexxmich, blackenedname, bleedngsilhouet, blood_dyed_pink, breakmysmilexx, breathinmethane, caf_fiend, candy_fiend, caramelmilk, cherry_halo, cherrycheshire, cherrylollipop, children5andup, crayolasmiles, cutsodeep, daisyberkowitz, debilitates, destineddespair, devil_dolly, dirty_starlight, dolefullydesire, dollieheart, dollydrowner, dope_fiend, drowningxdolly, eagerbriana, enchantingaline, envy_my_demise, faerietalesdie, fairresparkle, fallingcircles, fragilestar, girl_scout26, girlschool, glittaboi, glitter_skum, gogomassacre, golddustlui, goth_fag_boy, grittiekittie, gunshot_kisses, hold_me_under, hollywood__x, ieatboys, iheartyourcat, immortal_queen, incredibledesta, jackhammerrape, jett_black, junkmail, jwluvskorn, killgirlswatch, kittyrotica, kumdumpster, lil_goth_girl, littlexbird, livelyamelia, lizzzzz, loveorhateme_, mcrslut, missannthrope_, misterkris, moaning, monster_dollie, mushroom_cult, mytaintedlove, nazihalo_, necrosentient, negative_creep, oxragdollxo, paperxcuts, passionately, pinkhairball, pixieinrage, pixiekristen, playfuldestinie, pretty_kitty, prettybayleigh, punkloserchic, queenc2346, rainkissed, rainonfire, realitysgonemad, rippedwings, ruinedxpuzzle, rupturedrainbow, sallypunk, satisfyinq, scumshine, seductivebonnie, siamesecatsrock, skankingpixie, skapllnker, snapcracklerot, sodadreamer101, somethingashley, spiit, spiittyoucoward, spinspinxsugar, spitsvelvet, sportyshell, starbelly000, suicidalbliss, suicidalsins, sunkistsoda, sweet_saliva, swizzleshticker, tainted__blood, tearfilledeyes, tearfullxeyes, thenbxmas, thetruth_, toxic69candeee, turkie_tayles, twiggyzwh0re, unwiltedbeauty, virginxwhore, vixenjosie, wiltedblossoms, xcrazy, xdiavolinax, xeverybitofyou, xfallenangel, xkynderdolliex, xmissxscareallx, xpinkplastic, xplasticxdollx, xruinedx, xuntitledx, xxsleepynessxx
Watched by:57: ___nazicar, __scar, among_the_sleep, angelicsatan, beautytragedy, bestrafexxmich, blood_dyed_pink, breakmysmilexx, cherrycheshire, crayolasmiles, devil_dolly, dirty_starlight, dollieheart, dollydrowner, drowningxdolly, fairresparkle, girl_scout26, girlschool, hold_me_under, jett_black, jwluvskorn, killgirlswatch, kumdumpster, lil_goth_girl, littlexbird, loveorhateme_, luvlee, misterkris, moaning, mytaintedlove, negative_creep, nude4ru, oneineverygroup, oxragdollxo, pinkhairball, pixieinrage, polka_dot_plec, punkloserchic, rainkissed, rainonfire, scumshine, siamesecatsrock, skapllnker, sodadreamer101, sugarbabylon, suicidalbliss, suicidalsins, sunkistsoda, swizzleshticker, thenbxmas, toxic69candeee, turkie_tayles, unwiltedbeauty, whenicryidie, xeverybitofyou, xmissxscareallx, xplasticxdollx
Member of:1: wheniamqueen
Account type:Free Account

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