Below is user information for tell me what i need. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | tellmewhatiwant (1418498) |
| Rosie the Riveter propaganda |
Name: | tell me what i need |
Location: | Kokomo, Indiana, United States |
Birthdate: | 1983-01-09 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | let us run away (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
MSN Username: | tellmewhatiwant | @ | |
Bio: | this journal isn't the search for anything. it's not my quest. it's not my release. it's not my secret stash of thoughts and dreams.
it's entries of thoughts or pictures or whatever bullshit i decide to share with mostly people i don't know and a few friends whenever i feel really good or bad or bored enough to do so.
enjoy it or get the fuck out :)
Friends: | | 95: | __fadingstar, _eightfourteen, alongshorelines, americanjuliet, anesthet1zed, angelicfreak, anne1140, antoniousblock, apatheticalli, as_innocentsdie, auntj, autopoweroff, autumnxroyalty, barefootplanet, begintobreathe, belowmyeye, bificus6, blacksomething, bury_the_corpse, capt_bitterness, charmofreality, cocaine_glamour, come_persephone, crleap, desperateforyou, erroneouslynumb, fierce_display, fivewingstofall, foolishxnotions, garrettferret, gavcore, glitterinmyeyes, greeneggzandsam, grouch, handsxheldxhigh, hardcore765, hoursintolovers, intimesofwar, jahtribe, jaredwith1a, jinx219, kiss_kiss_bang, kissbang___x2, kissdave, koricory, kreeli, lets_not_forget, like_a_bullet, lostapology, lovelesslament, mineraljosh, murder_she_rote, natewithoutyou, okayprettygood, onerag9, onewayletter, pinkpaperstars, plasticpanties, policyofcandor, proseandpromise, rapescene, real_embrace, rockmusicnerd, salsadrew, sandiflower7, schwing_, senraku, sharkohno, sheathegnome, shessoelectric, shitbomb, stillwhirling, strikefirst, sweaterfiend03, sweetbob, tellmewhatiwant, the_district, theartoflonging, theonlymouth, thewolvesagain, tilldeathapart, txaxnxd, tyler_kimura, vendetta_reddd, venusrobot, voodooxbizango, wewillfall, wghulbert, whatagoodgirl, worldinfernofs, xdiomecogesx, xevelynnx, xmariachicorex, xtraviex, yjoey | | 28: | bad_porn_2, celebritease, celebritease_hq, cheapvegan, chicagohardcore, custom_tattoos, fat_vegan, friendlyvegan, howtheylooknow, ihearttattoos, indie_shots, ink_till_death, isitveg, kokomoscene, madradhair, ohnotheydidnt, ourartisbetter, prickexperience, pro_tummies, ratethestars, tattoo_ink, thankhimdaily, un_rated, vegancooking, veganism, veganpeople, vegetarian, vegrecipes |
Account type: | Free Account |