g33ks unite
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Dorks By Night's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, April 27th, 2005
    9:13 pm
    hey guys!!! the blues fest line-up was announced! www.ottawa-bluesfest.ca i'm so excited! there's some pretty good bands, no blue rodeo, but hey, they're coming here this weekend. who are you all looking forward to seeing?
    4:47 pm
    Somehow I have managed to lose ALL the documentation/box etc. that came with my webcam. I'm trying to install the driver, but I have NO idea what it is. I think it's a logitech, but I'm not sure as there are no identifying markings on it whatsoever. I even went onto ebay trying to find pictures of it with no luck.

    I bought it at radioshack about a year ago and I know it's fairly common. Can someone tell me what this thing is so I can install the drivers?

    what's my name?? )
    Sunday, April 24th, 2005
    1:37 pm
    q. for HHGTTG folks...
    According to CinemaClock.com, HHGTTG isn't in theatres here until May 6. :-*(

    Does ANYONE know of any EARLY listings in the area that might actually end up on its very release date of Apr.29.2005?

    x-posted to [info]613crew & [info]darkottawa

    Current Mood: pessimistic
    Current Music: FFX - Real Emotion
    2:39 am
    Nintendo Acapella..

    x_@' \m/



    Current Mood: enjoy! ^^ \m/
    Current Music: acapella - a la nintendo medley
    Saturday, April 23rd, 2005
    10:00 pm
    Err, anyone a Halo 2 geek?
    3:09 am
    Roommate Needed
    Alright, this is going to be cross-posted to a few places
    I am looking for a roommate, who is preferably a student. There is an extra room in the basement that I am getting in on. There is one room and it costs $350 a month which includes heating and hydro. There is a fridge and stove in the place. There is supposed to be a couch and table (not quite sure yet) Phone, Internet and Cable will have to be discussed and split between the 3 (yourself), myself, and the other guy. You have been warned, you would be living with two male students. heh. The place is on St Andrews which is off of King Edward, it is a 15 minute walk from Ottawa U, and minutes away from the market. Let me know if you are interested, we will talk, and I will give you the contact info of the landlord.

    Current Music: Masterslave (wumpscut mix) - Frontline Assembly
    Friday, April 22nd, 2005
    11:36 am
    x_@ '

    so... does anyone reckon it'll fly? o.0

    :: pokes & prods all local cynics for input ::

    Current Mood: geeky
    Current Music: x_@ '
    9:06 am
    Just out of curiosity, anyone know what a line of output from tcpdump that looks like this means?

    09:03:40.125716 802.1d config 8000.00:0f:66:90:e9:50.8001 root 8000.00:0f:66:90:e9:50 pathcost 0 age 0 max 20 hello 2 fdelay 0

    Or for that matter, what this line means?
    09:05:08.430708 arp who-has tell
    Wednesday, April 20th, 2005
    3:43 pm
    Real Life Simpsons' House
    From ForeverGeek: Apparently, somebody built and outfitted a real house to be identical to Homer's. The level of precision is uncanny. I'd love to watch TV on that couch!

    Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
    9:18 am
    Motion-Induced Blindness
    This is trippy! From MakeZine:
    Take three yellow dots arranged in a triangle, put a green dot in the middle, put them all on a spinning background grid, and watch as your brain makes the yellow dots disappear.
    1:04 am
    Stupid people
    My roommate was complaining that the internet wasn't working, so, I go on our router and fix things....and leave the IE window on the DHCP part of the router. She asks me to borrow my computer to go on msnmessenger. Considering I was on the phone, I thought to myself: I suppose I could be nice to her, and allow her. So, she logs on to msn, and then starts looking at all my opened windows on my computer. Of course, she sees the router, and all of our IP adresses, including hers. Then she proceeds to browsing every folder on my computer. I leave her do it, after all, I have nothing to hide. She checks my emails in outlook...emaisl with my band and my boyfriend...whatever, she can look, I don't care. Then, she starts browsing again through my files and starts clicking random exe files...you know, the kind of file any computer knowledgeable person wouldn't execute, but, as a lazy person, I don't go hunting for those every day. Now, I got a little annoyed and basically let her know I was going outside of my room and didn't want other poeple in my room while I wasn't in it. She left. Half an hour later, a cops get here. She explains to the cop that her IP adress was on my computer and blabla bla, paranoia, blablabla, I'm an evil hacker commiting a crime against her. The poor lady officer was really annoyed. Then, I told her what it was that my roommate saw, and, the officer asks me: " Does she have a tendency to freak out for nothing?" And I said yes. It is indeed not the first time she goes ballistic on us. But, quite frankly, how long has it been since you guys heard about such a funny story of the boundless stupidity of certain people when it comes to computers!?!?!?
    Thursday, April 14th, 2005
    2:59 pm
    Wednesday, April 13th, 2005
    1:43 pm
    Tuesday, April 12th, 2005
    3:22 pm
    opinions on dvd burners?
    dvd burners are getting inexpensive now, i'm thinking of getting the LG Model GSA-4163B. anyone have experiences with this one to share? or recommendations on another model (preferably <$150)? thanks.
    Monday, April 11th, 2005
    10:23 pm
    Holy SHIT!!!!

    The girl from Kindred the Embrace made an apperance in Angel as the daughter of some Bryce dude.
    It's true!
    11:37 am


    Yamaha F-310 Acoustic Guitar
    Hardshell case
    Extra set of "Martin Acoustic SP" light gauge guitar strings.

    Valued at $260+tax

    Asking $150.

    Very good condition, sounds wonderful. Excellent guitar for beginners, great sound even for semi-pro.

    It will be hard parting... But a guy has to pay rent somehow.

    x-posted to Dark Ottawa

    Current Mood: sad
    Sunday, April 10th, 2005
    1:32 am
    Ottawa Gamers Unite!

    Hey all,

    Just created a livejournal community for gamers in the Ottawa Area.

    In this community, us gamers can:
    - Talk about recent gaming news
    - Review games, consoles, handhelds, systems, accessories
    - Buy/sell/trade games
    - Talk about stores with games and how they treat us customers
    - Voice your opinions and wants

    If you're a gamer in Ottawa, you'll wanna join this community right now. Help me make this community fun and entertaining.


    Xposted baby!
    Saturday, April 9th, 2005
    4:38 pm
    Anyone have  a PCI 16mb video card laying around they sell me cheap?

    Current Music: -
    Thursday, April 7th, 2005
    10:50 am
    hey hey
    I'm trying to get a webpage going. I was wondering if anyone would know where i can get the color codes and other cool codes??? I'm new at this whole thing and would apreciate the help

    Tuesday, April 5th, 2005
    11:29 pm
    I still have a box of free IDE cables/mice/cords/misc/etc if anyone wants it. Leave me a message, let me know when you can pick it up.
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