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Jarrett Heather
Jarrett Heather's Journal
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World of Warcraft First Impressions
This is one cool game! I've been having lots of fun just soloing, doing quests, and getting a feel for the game.

My character is Heath on Silver Hand. I'm a human paladin, and I already hit level seven.
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Hey Mike (Cuz). Call me if you see this. We need to figure out our World of Warcraft plan.
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World of Warcraft
After waiting patiently for more than three years, I finally get to try World of Warcraft tonight.

Is anyone else excited? What server should I be playing on?
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Public Congratulations / Public Contrition
You know Chris, my best friend from high school, practically the only friend from back home with whom I stay in contact. I was the best man in his wedding way back in 1999. That one didn't work out so well (I would have warned him if I'd thought it would do any good). Today he tells me he's ready to tie the knot again on Tuesday. This time no warnings are necessary, and I can offer up my most sincere congratulations. I only wish I could make it back to Delaware to offer them in person. Good luck you two!

Now on a totally unrelated note: Some people have called me "witty" from time to time. I guess once in awhile I am able to come up with a well-timed, appropriate and insightful one-liner. It's not easy, though. Making a witty remark requires the brain to make an association between two contrasting ideas, and once those synapses fire and make that connection, the witty comment must be fast-tracked to the mouth to ensure proper comedic timing, thus bypassing any filters that normally keep you from blurting out something inappropriate. Most of the time the quick wit is good for a laugh, but once in awhile a comment that was meant to be funny comes out really, really wrong and people's feelings get hurt. I had a moment like that on Friday, and all I can say now is that I'm sorry, and I was not intentionally trying to be hurtful. Call me an idiot, or call me too witty for my own good. Either way, I hope you'll forgive me, Danielle.

That's all for now. I hope everyone is having a productive Monday so far. I sure haven't.

Current Mood: contrite

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Governator 3
Arnold is coming to visit again today.

I could use some pumping up. I'm not feeling too hot today and I have a mountain of work ahead of me.
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Pointless Question of the Day
Don't ask to play Q-Bert on my arcade machine. The original game required a 4-way joystick mounted diagonally, which is practically impossible to emulate on a properly mounted joystick, making an already frustrating game all the more agonizing.

Besides that, Q-Bert is one filthy-mouthed video game character. When he dies he always screams @!#?@!.

Poll #384947 Q-Bert's Profanity
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

What six-letter epithet do you suppose Q-Bert is always shouting at the springy snake thing?

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Oh, and in case you missed it, I posted some new pictures of my arcade cabinet yesterday. Check it out!
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I'm So Screwed!
Perhaps because my weekend was so fun and relaxing that I have to start off my workweek with an utter disaster.

Like I do every weekend, I put off my contract work until the last minuite. I have two big tasks on my to do list right now representing three or four hours of work.

I started on the first task and I noticed Photoshop was a little sluggish. Since I had kept the application open for two or three weeks, I thought rebooting the machine might clear off some cobwebs and get things moving again.

Bad idea. Now my computer won't boot. "Invalid System Disk. Press Any Key." Could my C: drive be dead? Signs point to yes.

Now I'm starting an already packed week a few hours in the hole. Man, I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Current Mood: stressed

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I forgot to mention that Danielle went out shopping with me yesterday and helped me a great deal with my arcade machine project. Actually, I wouldn't have had made half as much progress without such an outstanding assistant. Thanks again, babe.
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Arcade Project Progress
I've spent practically all weekend working on the arcade cabinet. Friday night I installed the ArcadeVGA video card. Getting the drivers installed was a headache and a half. But seeing the old games run in their original resolution is pretty amazing!

Besides that, I've made fantastic progress on other parts of the project.

Speakers, lights, and coin door mechanism... )
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Scott Peterson was found guilty.
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A school district in Pennsylvania has actually mandated the study of creationism in science classes.

Ever get the feeling that the age of reason in this country is coming to an end?
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Car Brakes: Epilogue
So, I finally got my car back on Wednesday. The brakes seem to work pretty much the way they used to, although I can't help feeling they are a little looser. The dealership fixed them twice, so I guess they're not going to work any better than they do. The steering wheel is centered once again, which makes me happy.

The loaner they gave me was a Ford friggin' Expedition. It was the smallest car they had available at the time. I'm actually pretty comfortable driving a big vehicle, because when I was a kid my dad used to make me drive his work van all the time. So, I got to cruise around in my tank for a day. I don't know why anyone would want to drive something that big all the time. I was much happier to back in my little tiny Civic.

The best part, though, is that after driving the Expedition for one day, I had to put ten dollars worth of gas in it. That's just insane.
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David came over and we spent all day building the arcade machine. My back hurts and my poor little hands are sore, but it came together without a hitch! And, man, the thing is gorgeous. There's still lots to do, like hooking up the coin door mechanisms and lights, and putting speakers in the cabinet, but I'm very happy with the project so far.

Arcade cabinet photos... )
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I'm bored. Ask me a question.
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I just got my car back from Carmichael Honda. And in a couple hours I'm taking it back again.

I have to press the brake pedal twice as hard as I did before the incident. That's a concern. And my steering wheel alignment is off by a good twenty or thirty degrees now for some strange reason.

I called the dealership and bitched at them pretty hard-core (a little out of character for me, y'know). So this time I'm getting a loaner car while they fix whatever they didn't do right the first time around.

So, a big fark you to Carmichael Honda for wasting my time.

Current Mood: angry

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My car is ready! Now I just need to find a ride out there.
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Sad, Sad News
Six Feet Under's next season will be its last.

Current Mood: sad

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Greatest Weekend Ever?
Just maybe! Even the part where I almost died added a little extra spice to the mix.

On Saturday, Jennifer and I hung out again. We relaxed. We had dinner. It was good. It's too soon to elaborate further in a public forum.

Yesterday was also tons of fun. Danielle came over yesterday morning to do some laundry and take me to run some errands, y'know, since my car is still in the shop. My jeans have been feeling extremely loose lately, so I figured it was time to buy a new pair. Now, I've been wearing pants with a thirty-eight inch waist for almost as long as I can remember, and even those were getting to be pretty snug. Maybe I was at thirty-six inches in high school, but I must have been nineteen or twenty years old when I got to be the size that I am. Or was.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I ended up fitting into a pair of pants with a thirty-five inch waist. It was a really great feeling! And I look damn good in these pants, if I do say so myself.

Yesterday afternoon Mike Davis came by to visit, which was definitely a special treat. Mike and I were very good friends back when I lived in Delaware. We hadn't seen each other in five years, and hanging out was really just like old times. We went out and had lunch, and later I invited a few people over for some socializing. David, Danielle, Niki, Julie and The Cza all came by and we watched some TV and played some games. I had a great time, and everyone there seemed to enjoy themselves a lot.

So, between Friday, Saturday and Sunday this weekend was exciting, action-packed, and more fun than should be allowed by law.

And now it's time to work.

Thanks to Julie I was able to get into work on time today. Hopefully I'll get my car back soon. There's been no news on that as yet.

Current Mood: happy

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Quick Car Update
I finally got the car towed to the dealership. Julie and Jeremy gave me a ride out there.

Apparently, a bolt just fell out of the front left brake caliper.

The world is an imperfect place.
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Back November 2004
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