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Joe Fusion

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[Nov. 9th, 2004|12:39 pm]
I know this is going around, but I'll add my voice to the fray anyways:

Fuck the South.
Link18 me toos|agree

Hooray for stupidity! [Nov. 3rd, 2004|11:08 am]

Hooray for fear and hatred and ignorance!
Hooray for greed and shortsightedness!
Hooray for racism and gay-bashing!
Hooray for fundamentalism and superstition and the invisible superhero who lives in the sky!

Link16 me toos|agree

[Sep. 17th, 2004|12:14 am]
You know how some people set their alarm clocks ahead by ten or twenty minutes to make sure they do things on time? The clock wakes them up at 8:10 AM, but it's really 7:50 AM, and unless they have a memory and basic addition skills, they don't even know it.

I'm really tired of being late for things, so I set mine 168 hours ahead. Now when the alarm clock wakes me up, my barely awake brain says to me, "10 AM?!? I thought it was 10 AM a week ago! Fuck! We need to get up!"


Salsa should not be sold in jars that are narrower than tortilla chips.


I watched my roommates' menagerie of pets for the last two weeks while they were away. I read (or am still reading): Mystery of the Aleph, People's History of the United States, Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, The Essential Exponential, The Magic Pudding. I watched: Hero, Secretary, Requiem for a Dream, Harry Potter 3, School of Rock, Day After Tomorrow, City of God. Oh, and Tomb Raider 2, Charlie's Angels 2, and probably some other, even more forgettable crap. I also picked up a bunch of dog poop.


I'm moving across town in a couple weeks, to NE 29th just above Burnside. Yay for moving. I spent most of today changing addresses and such. If any of you Portlanders live around there, let me know.


Classes for fall: Systems Philosophy, Systems Approach, Agent-Based Modeling. I'm going to assume that most of that means most of nothing to most of you. I, however, am very much looking forward to them.
Link31 me toos|agree

[Aug. 19th, 2004|04:32 pm]
I finished summer term last Friday (two As and an A-, yay). I nearly went over the edge at the end from lack of sleep. Seriously: I blacked out at one point while working at my computer, and woke to find I'd typed some gibberish that included the words "FBI" and "Bush." Two hours later, I was taking my final exam.

I also had my birthday this weekend. I totally got older, dudes! It was awesome. I'd like to particularly thank my friend NOBODY for the sweet presents. Thanks.

The rumor on the interweb is that Fiona Apple has recorded a new album, but Sony won't release it. (Presumably because they are afraid of making money.) The title track is all over the net, of course, including here. I like it.

I saw Anchorman and Dodgeball, and approve of both. I haven't gone to the movies in several months, so I have some catching up to do.

ummm... That's all. bye.
Link31 me toos|agree

[Jul. 16th, 2004|09:06 am]
I'm flying to Michigan later today, and I'll be there for a week. I'll be offline for a week. How will I survive?!?

I finished my evolution class yesterday! Yippee. (If I get an A in the class, I get to evolve wings and eye lasers.) After catching up from time lost on this trip, I'll actually have a bit of free time. I'm thinking I'll use it to sleep, but if you have a better idea, let me know.


If you want to read some hilarious, infuriating, alarmist, racist bullshit masquerading as news about terrorism, check this out:;=711
I sometimes forget that "educated" people in the US can still be this stupid.
Link15 me toos|agree

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