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User:_eldarion (507321) _eldarion
Location:Middle Earth, United Kingdom
Bio:The son of Aragorn II Elessar and Arwen Evenstar.

Interests:43: abolish the death penalty, anti-beaurocratic domination, anti-class exploitation, anti-free trade, anti-oppression, anti-racism, anti-social domination, anti-war, civil liberties, democracy, democratic production, democratic socialism, ecological conservation, economic democracy, end corporate welfare, end global financial exploitation, fair elections, fair trade, fight corporate crime, free child care, free speech, freedom, international solidarity, jobs for all, jubilee 2000, labour law reforms, legal aid, living wages, middle-earth, naomi klein, noam chomsky, peace, progressivism, prosecute police brutality, ralph nader, ralph waldo emerson, support small farmers, thoreau, transcendentalism, trees, universal health care, universal social security, voting
Friends:101: 9th_ringwraith, _eldarion, a_ringwraith, arwenundomiel, athousandvoices, aule_the_smith, babygirl_gamgee, beregond, beren_erchamion, bergil, bilbobaggins, bombadil, borntoramble, boromirofgondor, boromirthereal, captcirithungol, celebrianrules, chomsky_sauron, curunir, darklordsauron, deagol, diamond_took, duskdancer, elanorgamgee, elrondhalfelven, elros, eomer_of_rohan, eomund, estethegentle, faramir, faramirtook, farmermaggot, fatherofall, feanaro, finduilas, finrodfelagund, frodogamgee, frodooftheshire, ghostofisildur, gimlisonofgloin, gloin, glorfind3l, goldiegamgee, gollumlotr, gollumsback, gwaihirwl, haldiroflorien, irmo, king_gilgalad, kingelessar, l_greenleaf, la_delilah, ladyelwing, ladyoftears, legolasgreenlef, littlestnazgul, lordelrohir, lordofwaters, lothiriel, mandosnamo, manofrohan, manwe_sulimo, meriadocgamgee, merrybrandybuck, nessathedancer, nienor_niniel, nimrodel, numberoneenemy, of_lothlorien, orome, otherringwraith, papa_denethor, peregrin_took, pipgamgee, poor_grima, primrosegamgee, princeimrahil, queenberuthiel, ringwraith_ii, riverdaughter, rosecotton, rumil, samwisegamgee, shelob_thegreat, smaugthegreat, the_nameless, theodred, theodwyn, theonering, thranduil, treebeardtheent, tulkas, turin_turambar, uinen, ungoliant, vairetheweaver, vana_everyoung, varda_elentari, wizardgandalf, xxcelebornxx, yavanna
Friend of:309: 6thgaladriel, 7thequiet, 9th_ringwraith, _eldarion, _forsaken_one_, a_legolii, a_ringwraith, adrahil, aeglos, ailosacath, alasseogamgee, alatar, alcawyn, almare, alume, amandil, ambarto, ameniel, amras, anaire, angelicabaggins, angrim, annael, annlarimer, ansongamgee, anvanime, aranrusco, aranwethenoldor, aredhel, arfeiniel, arines, arodofrohan, arthad, arwens_evenstar, asphodel_bb, aule_the_smith, beorn_bearman, beregond, beren_erchamion, bergil, bilbobaggins, black_lokiel, blonde_wolf, borntoramble, boromirofgondor, boromirthereal, bullroarertook, captcirithungol, caradhras, caranthir, celeborn_6, celeborn_iv, celebrianrules, chicachubb, childofelessar, chomsky_sauron, cloud_o_gloom, cuine, curufinwe, cysel, darklordsauron, daughterofarwen, daughteroflions, deagol, denethor_one, dervorin, dioreluchil, dirhael, divaerestor, dr_spengler, drogobaggins, druedain, duilin, durins_bane, duskdancer, dwarven_ring, ecthelion, elanorgamgee, elemmakil, elenwe, elfhelm, elfofdoriath, elfstan, elfwine, elladanthesane, elrondhalfelven, elrosofnumenor, elurin, elusive_frodo, emeldir, eomer_of_rohan, eomund, eonwe, erendis, erkenbrand, esmereldatook, estethegentle, evilfrodo, f_and_f, faramirtook, farmermaggot, feana, felarof, fengelofrohan, finduilas, finduilasnoldor, finrodfelagund, finwe, fortinbrastook, foscobaggins, foxkingofatvia, frealaf, fredegarbolger, frodo_junior, frodogamgee, galador, galadrielxiii, galathil, gelmir, gerontiustook, ghan_buri_ghan, gilmith, gilraenthefair, girloliphaunt, gloin, gloredhel, glorfind3l, goldiegamgee, gollumsback, gorlim, gourrybaggins, great_vanimar, greymantle, groin, guilded_flower, guthlaf, gwaihirwl, gwindor, hador, hama, hamfastgamgee, haradrim, haricot_basil, hasufel, helm_hammerhand, helmsdaughter, hildthewild, horseofimladris, horseofrohan, i_am_saruman, ...
Member of:8: greekchorus, mepd, mespt_daycare, mespt_jobmart, mespt_singles, middle_earth, minas_tirith, strudelkingdom
Account type:Free Account

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