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Below is user information for Aeglos, The Spear of Gil-galad. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:aeglos (697771) aeglos
Name:Aeglos, The Spear of Gil-galad
Location:Lindon, Middle Earth, United Kingdom
Bio:I am the spear of Gil-galad. My name translates to "snow-point." Gilly and I went through many a battle together, until we both fell in Mordor during the Last Alliance.

I did get my last revenge though. My pointy tip is forever lodged up Sauron's ass, which explains his irritability.

But now! I have been reforged and stored in the weapons room of Lindon. I'm so neglected. ;_;
Interests:20: away from mordor, being hurled, dark lord killing, elrond, gil-galad, hate mordor, herald, high king, killing, last alliance, no mordor, orc killing, pretty things, rollrollroll, shining, shiny things, spearing, stabbing, stars, vilya's a slut. [Modify yours]
Friends:659: View Friends .
Friend of:267: 7thequiet, _forsaken_one_, a_legolii, a_ringwraith, adrahil, aeglos, ailosacath, alasseogamgee, alume, amandil, ameniel, ancalagon, angelicabaggins, angrim, annael, annlarimer, another_gally, anvanime, aranrusco, aranwethenoldor, arathorn, arfeiniel, arines, arodofrohan, arthad, arwens_evenstar, arwenundomiel, asphodel_bb, aule_the_smith, bbolger_baggins, beorn_bearman, beren_erchamion, black_lokiel, bosunsmitty, bullroarertook, butterbur, canonboz, caradhras, caranthir, celeborn_6, celeborn_iv, celebrianrules, celegorm, corsairqueen, corsairsofumbar, cuine, curufinwe, cysel, daughteroflions, deagol, denethor_one, dervorin, dirhael, dis_of_durin, divaerestor, dr_spengler, drogobaggins, druedain, duilin, durins_bane, earwen, ecthelion, elanorgamgee, elemmakil, elfhelm, elfofdoriath, elfstan, elfwine, elladanthesane, elrondhalfelven, elrosofnumenor, elurin, elusive_frodo, elvengoldmine, emeldir, eobeth, eomer_of_rohan, eonwe, erendis, esmereldatook, estethegentle, evilfrodo, f_and_f, falastur, faramir1, faramirtook, farmermaggot, feana, felarof, fengelofrohan, fingon, finwe, foscobaggins, foxkingofatvia, fram_i_am, frealaf, fredegarbolger, galadrielix, galadrielxiii, galathil, galdor, galmod, gelmir, ghostofisildur, gildoringlorion, gilmith, gilraenthefair, girloliphaunt, glimdoron, gloredhel, glorfind3l, goldiegamgee, gorlim, gourrybaggins, great_vanimar, greymantle, guilded_flower, guthlaf, gwaihirwl, hador, halethsonofhama, halfredgamgee, haradrim, haricot_basil, hasufel, helmsdaughter, hildthewild, holfastgardner, horseofimladris, i_am_saruman, inarvi, iorlas, isengar_took, ivorwen_, jadegemini, jareththegoblin, jrrtolkien, karka_the_vile, kaure, kellin_therebel, king_amroth, king_arvedui, king_finarfin, king_gilgalad, kingelessar, lady_firiel, lady_silmarien, ladyamarie, ladyeilinel, ladyelwing, ...
Member of:8: lindonco, mespt_daycare, mespt_jobmart, mespt_singles, middle_earth, paidmembers, strudelkingdom, threnodyinx
Account type:Free Account

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