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User:elfofdoriath (770660) elfofdoriath
Location:Lorien, Arda, United Kingdom
AOL IM:AIM status asphodelbb (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:An Elf of Doriath, who met with Galadriel daughter of Finarfin after the Return of the Noldor to Middle-earth, and wedded her. They became Lord and Lady of Lórien during the Third Age.

Let's see how quickly we can change that....
Friends:585: View Friends .
Friend of:151: 7thequiet, _forsaken_one_, aeglos, ameniel, ancalagon, angrim, annlarimer, another_gally, anvanime, aranwethenoldor, arfeiniel, arines, arodofrohan, arthad, arwens_evenstar, arwenundomiel, asphodel_bb, aule_the_smith, bbolger_baggins, bela_stardust, beorn_bearman, beren_erchamion, bosunsmitty, butterbur, captainmathias, caradhras, celeborn_iv, celeborniii, celebrianrules, celegorm, corsairqueen, corsairsofumbar, cysel, daughteroflions, deagol, dervorin, dirhael, dis_of_durin, divaerestor, drogobaggins, durins_bane, ecthelion, elanorgamgee, elemmakil, elfwine, elladanthesane, elrondhalfelven, elvengoldmine, emeldir, eomer_of_rohan, esmereldatook, falastur, farmermaggot, feana, felarof, foxkingofatvia, fram_i_am, frealaf, fredegarbolger, galadrielviii, galadrielx, galathil, galdor, galmod, gildoringlorion, gilmith, girloliphaunt, glimdoron, gloredhel, goldiegamgee, guilded_flower, guthlaf, gwaihirwl, halfredgamgee, hildthewild, holfastgardner, horseofimladris, idril, iorlas, ivorwen_, jadegemini, karka_the_vile, kaure, kellin_therebel, king_arvedui, king_finarfin, king_gilgalad, lady_silmarien, ladyfiriel, laiqalasse, lalwende, larua, legolasgreenlef, lethalia, lordelrohir, lordofravens, lumpy_the_orc, manofrohan, masterofdoom, meidh, merin, merrybrandybuck, mespt, mikefox, mithrellas, naryathered, nienor_niniel, norolinde, oliphaunt, pansybaggins, peonybaggins, pettydwarf, pimpernel_took, primrosegamgee, queenoflorien, raven_haired, ravenblu, retiemas, ringofbarahir, riverdaughter, rosecotton, rubybolger, rumiloftirion, silinde, sockpuppets, still_eonwe, taliethe, taurof_gondolin, tearsofnienna, themaia_melian, theodred, theodred_prince, theodwynofrohan, thuringwethil, tilion, uinendiel, uruviel, valiereste, vanthene, vidumavi, vilya_the_airy, voronwe, wargofthenorth, waterwatcher, wise_saelbeth, wraith4, wraithchild3, wraithchildfive, wraithchildone, yavien, ...
Member of:2: desert_storm, lotr_whorehouse
Account type:Free Account

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