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Below is user information for Heroin Jess. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:heroinjess (111819) heroinjess
Name:Heroin Jess
Location:Dallas, Texas, United States
AOL IM:AIM status HER0IN JESS (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status heroin_jess (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Bio:whos a what?
Memories:3 entries
Interests:69: against me!, american spirits light, animals, audio engineering, bandanas, being insane, boiling tomatoes, chocolate, csi, deodorant, dicing tomatoes, doggie sweaters, eating tomatoes, flax seeds, fruit, george harrison's ghost, giving hugs, hammers, having insomnia, him, hysteria, iggy pop, inappropriate laughter, jones soda, joy division, ketchup, kicking, kitten mittens, laughing at stupidity, lip chap, lou reed, merlot, not proactiv, oingo boingo, old shoes, passions, play-doh, potatoes, punching, running away, running away from worms, screaming, sleeping but not forever., someother bands, soy milk, starting over, striped shirts, stupid pictures, taking pictures, teeth, television, the beatles, the celebrity name game, the darkness, the green party, the ocean, the phone game, thread, throwing tomatoes at people, tomato soup, tomato soup cake, toothbrushes, us weekly, velvet goldmine, water, wildlife, yelling at children, ziggy stardust era, zinfandel. [Modify yours]
People16:azzy23, chapstickbullet, cmang, crackheadmofo, cureobsession, eatthis, gangstagrrlxemi, heartspleens, luislopfitz, meiosis_, mercuryxrising, planetdust, rito_core, staish, tv_tube_heart77, velvetchik
Communities4:blackshuck_, driven_by_dan, thedarknessrock, vegans_rule
Friend of:13: chapstickbullet, cmang, crackheadmofo, cureobsession, eatthis, gangstagrrlxemi, meiosis_, mercuryxrising, planetdust, rito_core, staish, tv_tube_heart77, velvetchik
Member of:8: bepimpled, blackshuck_, darknessangels, haircare, ljdesigners, passions, thedarknessrock, vegans_rule
Account type:Free Account

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