Tue, Nov. 30th, 2004, 01:15 pm

Well, it's all go on We Are Not Sorry. I feel the need to share a few edited highlights from the letters page (you can read the full versions on the site, of course).

"Screw everybody who ain't red, white and blue." So.. uh.. the Brits and French are cool, yeah?

Seriously, reading these letters almost depressed me. How can these people claim that the world is jealous of America's freedom, when it appears that in actuality only a very select group of people are "free", whilst on the other end of the spectrum homosexuality is being called an 'abomination'. Less of this shit. I love how pathetically small the response to this site is compared to Sorry Everybody

Mon, Nov. 29th, 2004, 03:15 am
Three Things, jacked from pinkcloudofdoom

Three Things Meme )

Mon, Nov. 29th, 2004, 02:24 am
Darwin, Religion and Dolphins.

I've been having a really interesting conversation with my Dad. So interesting, I'm going to write down my thoughts before I forget them.

It all started with the dolphins. Did anyone read this news story recently? Hilarious stuff. Anyway I happened to ask my Dad if he'd seen it, and he replied with "*snort* It's amazing what people will believe". Probing further, because admittedly I'd taken the story at face-value, Dad asked the question: "Why would dolphins care about protecting humans? Isn't it more likely that the shark actually had little interest in eating the life guards in the first place?" So we discussed that, and I began to laugh at myself for thinking "Bloody hell, that's just fabulous" upon first hearing the story.

So, after that we began talking about Jesus, and how people can possibly believe in his existence when in actuality, there is no proof other than the Bible that such a man ever walked the Earth. So what? The Bible's proof, even if it wasn't written by God, right? Well... no. If he were real, there would be records. The Romans documented a shed load of information, so why not Jesus? (Can anyone correct me on that? Are their bits of parchment saying "well, we crusified that Jesus fellow"?). So that was all very interesting, as I always enjoy hearing my Dad's views on Christianity and the like. So basically, it all got me thinking and reminded me of this thread on VGF. How can people say things like, "but there must be a God"? It's something I don't think I'll ever understand. Why should there be one? We talked about that briefly, then I mentioned an arguement Dom told me about recently, where he was discussing evolution with someone or other and they said, "If evolution was true, we'd have proof of all the in between stages". I find that incredible. Almost as incredible as my first English lesson in Camden, where we had to compile a list of 'books that changed the world'. My group refused to add "Origin of Species" to the list (after I explained what it was), but happily slapped down Harry Potter. Darwin's "Origin of Species" changed the way we think. It not only changed who we are but what humanity has been, and what we could become. Darwin opened up a whole new area of science and - believe in evolution/natural selection or not - caused the whole world to stop and go, "bloody hell". On the other hand, Harry Potter did teach us the dangers of dark wizards.

That made me laugh, actually. Heh.

I can't be bothered to continue this. But it was interesting.

Sun, Nov. 28th, 2004, 10:20 pm
Stolen from Pinkcloudofdoom

quiz fun :D Dontcha just love it?

Huzzah! Quiz shinanigans )

Sun, Nov. 28th, 2004, 02:12 pm
Poorly Monster

Ian's been calling me his Poorly Monster, and feeding me hot drinks >.< On Friday we watched 'Monsters Inc' (I really really want a cuddle from the big blue one) followed by 'Go' whilst eating pasta and drinking lemonade.

[info]pinkcloudofdoom  called Saturday lunch time announcing that she was in Camden, so Ian and I got out of bed prematurely to meet her, only Bryan came over for lunch so that was delayed somewhat. When we finally got to Camden it was pretty cool - luckily they both (she and her sister) knew exactly what they wanted, and I knew exactly where to take them, so the battling with the crowds was minimal. I was norty, and bought some new shoe-laces for my Docs (black with little white skulls on them), a pair of black/white striped fingerless gloves and two new CBR's which are too thick for my hideously shrunken ear-holes (huzzah for stretching :/). We stopped off in the Dev for a quick drink, where I saw Scott-the-flyer-dude, which is always nice. We had a little chat, but it was quite breif because I knew [info]pinkcloudofdoom  and her sister weren't staying long... I think I might've offended him though :/ Anyway, after knocking back my pint we went out seperate ways. It was funkilicious meeting [info]pinkcloudofdoom  at last. Ian and I went to Sainsbury's where we scraped together all our change to buy a big nummy Chinese ready-meal-set thing, which I cooked and coughed all over.

Saturday night was much of the same - watching 'Cherry Falls' and 'Ice Age' whilst drinking hot chocolate/hot squash/hot lemsip (which I spilt all over myself, thus burning my fingers and thigh). I kept complaining that I wanted to go clubbing, then weirdly later found I had two texts from people that never text me enquiring if I was going out. I assume they were accidental (I get a lot of accidentals seeing as my name starts with 'A') but either way. Then Ian brought the duvet down, and we built a nest. We watched 'Edward Scissorhands' and 'High Fidelity' before going to bed and cuddling up. He's such a sweetie-pie. 

But! I was bidding on this gorgeous jet brooch (remember what I said about Victorian funerals? *grin*) when some fucking bitch fucking sniped it. Cahhh. So that pissed me off no end. On the bright side I feel less oogie today, so hopefully I will be back to my bouncy self by tomorrow so I can nurse Ian (who's having a wisdom tooth removed and two massive fillings) back to health.

Fri, Nov. 26th, 2004, 07:39 pm
Nurse Ian to the rescue >.<

Weeeell my day has picked up somewhat. Bryan and Bex came over, during which time Bex discovered that all Bryan and I do is gossip while he's here, and therefore I knew all her good/bad news already. Bryan ate his traditional bowel of whipped cream whilst I made us all fruity tea. They left after an hour of gossip, leaving me to play on the 'net until Nurse Ian arrived. He has brought four DVD's with him ('Ice Age', 'Monsters Inc', 'Cherry Falls' and 'Go') and all the ingredience needed for dinner and shnacks. As the bulb has blown in the bathroom, I celebrated Ian's return with a candle lit bath. Call me a pussy, but I didn't want to bathe in the dark when I'm the only one in the house :P Anyway, now I smell of niceness and my hair's all clean (but in hardcore shit condition) so I'm a happy bunny.

Still feel wonky though.

Fri, Nov. 26th, 2004, 02:33 pm
"I feel wonky..."

Ugh, I feel all poorly :( I'm all chesty and coughy and yeuchy. Met up with EbonyRose (from VampGirl Forum's) the other day, which was nice. Shockingly the Dev is now closed during the day-time on weekdays. How long has this nightmare been going on for? Anyway, we resorted to the Elephant's Head, which is a nice enough pub. Two pints of Fosters later I spent a decade trying to get to Angel to meet Ian. We ate in the Wetherspoons, then poured all our money into the Monopoly machine (damn that infernal game). We won a pound though :) we lost it shortly after...

I might make some lunch... :)

Ooooh, everyone who's a size 10!! Go and bid on this dress! It's for Boscastle's Museum of Witchcraft, which was ruined during the floods. Plus, the dress is a MoonMaiden one-off, and is currently just £25. Buy, buy, buy! Click me!

Thu, Nov. 25th, 2004, 10:33 pm

Righty-ho. I've started a new crazy-fun project, and I need some help from my lovely buddies. Wanna quickly fill out this survey thing? I'd be most appreciative (and anything I use from it will, of course, be credited). Translate 'gothic' to cyber, punk, alternative, industrial... You all know what I mean, I'm sure.

My Speshal Gofficky/Cybery/Whatnot Survery (Copy+Paste+Fill In into a comment please :) )

Click Me! )

Wed, Nov. 24th, 2004, 10:06 pm

Brrrrrr it's getting colder. Got to Mom's on time, for a change, on whatever day it was... Monday. They finally have a DVD player, but I couldn't be bothered to set it up for them. Instead we drank beer, listened to Joy Division and watched all the soaps/Little Britain (no, but, yeah but...). The following day I lazed around in bed near enough all day (nice big double bed all to myself!) before Mom came home. I set the DVD player up, sausage sandwiches were had and Dangerous Liasons was watched (loved it loved it loved it. How bloody hot is John Malkovitz with long black hair?! GAWJUS!). Anyway, we then proceeded to watch all the Chili's videos, followed by all the Nick Cave videos (Pete loved them all).

Then Ian came round, and much beer was consumed whilst lasagne and chips munched. I ended up quite drunk, which is always a giggle. Ian and I fell out, but we made up again and still adore each other :) Tomorrow it's out five month anniversary... longest ever. He's so delicious. This morning we got up at 3.. hehe... and then went our seperate ways, which always sucks.

Upon arriving home, I felt relief spread through my veins because finally, I'd get to have a nice hot bath. That plan was pissed away as I realized I had the wrong key. Thus, the adventure began! Like a hobbit, I trekked to Lewisham on my quest for the one key. It wasn't all bad - I got to play in the hospital and see my Dad in his blue scrubs. Every single person who walked into the coffee room, once told I was 'Mister Slater's daughter' went, "awwww! Mister Slater is so nice!" which is always great to hear.

Anyhoo, finally I'm home 'n' happy. I ordered some Christmassy shit off ebay for my loved ones, so tomorrow holds a fun trip to the bank, followed by a drink with Ebony Rose and finally a meal with Ian in a pub somewhere.

Mon, Nov. 22nd, 2004, 03:30 pm
Fucking Tinderbox...

Well, Tinderbox didn't call so I guess they don't want me. Not as bothered as I thought I'd be. During the interview the bloke waved his hand around his ears and said "are you attatched to your earrings? Because you'd have to remove them to work here". So, it's okay for Bex to wear four dimanté studs, but not okay for me to have five titanium CBR's? This really irritated me, as it just seemed biased. Okay, taking out my labret and tongue - whatever, somewhat expected that. But lobe piercings? The biggest of which is only 2mm?! So yeah. Fuck 'em.

I'm going over to Mom's today (they've finally bought a DVD player) so that should be nice. I've found Pete the best Christmas present ever: Gary Marx CD. Should be purchasing that tomorrow/Wednesday ish. Also managed to get Mother a copy of 'Testament of Youth' from Amazon, so that's cool. I'm trying to get all my Christmas shopping done before I'm employed (wishful thinking perhaps). Anyway, I best get ready to go out.

 Silly journal meme )

Sun, Nov. 21st, 2004, 05:46 am

Awwwwwwwww he got me the Nightmare Before Christmas on DVD! *squishes up into a squishy ball of squish* We watched it last night and I couldn't stop grinning... such a cute film. My favourite bits are when Jack's doing his experiments to find out more about Christmas, and when Sally's holding the weed, which turns into a Christmas tree before spontaneously combusting.

Think Ian'll watch it with me again? *grin*

Sat, Nov. 20th, 2004, 10:13 pm
Ian's house

I've had the best day ever. I'm writing this at Ian's house, on Ian's computer (funnily enough). I met [info]vampgirl (yayayayayay) and her lovely new Mister at the Dev at, er... gawd knows what time. Anyway, many pints were drank, and many new people were met. I shan't name-drop. Oh bollocks, why not: [info]_killmefaster_, [info]_frog, and [info]elevenforest. So that was lovely on a stick. It was fabby on a sick to see [info]vampgirl  again, after several long months. She is, after all, my big gothic sister. If it wasn't for tonights plans I wouldn't have wanted to leave, but I hardcore had to. After various 'the Cure' shaped frolicks at the Dev (do they have any other CDs in there?) I headed over to Homerton to meet Ian. We came back here and watched 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (still haven't worked out how I feel about that film...). At the moment he's cooking spag bol (awwww) and after we've eaten, he has got me a myserious present (awwwwww). Tonight is the first night, in five months, that I will have slept at his house. :) Cutesy, eh? Anyway, we have much Smirnoff Ice, thus it's looking to be a bloody grand night. :)

Now all I need is a job, then it's all good *grin*

Fri, Nov. 19th, 2004, 05:31 pm

I've worked my tits off on my website and most of the content is done and dusted, I just need to work on sprucing it up a bit (although I want it to be minimalist, I think it looks a bit messy at the moment). I've decided not to stick it online until [info]zombieinribbons  and I have taken some photos, so I can make the guides illustrated. (For those who don't know, I'm working on a 'Gothic Guide to London' and a 'Gothic Guide to Camden'. I know there are loads of things like this out there, but I just think I can do it better *grin*).

Anyway, I had that open interview at Tinderbox today. I'd say there were about 15 applicants, including Ian, Bex and I. I wore a long black velvet skirt, long sleeved black top and knee-high black socks, with my Nice Black Heels (the ones I wore with my dolly outfit). The interview was al-right. I really don't want this to be the first interview I've had in my life that doesn't lead to something. I ended up walking home in just my socks because my feet were killing me. We picked up Bryan from work, then came back to mine for blackcurrent tea and for Bex to have something to eat. It's their 6 month aniversary today, and Bex is taking Bryan for a surprise meal in a really nice restuarant by the river... so sweet >.< Ian should be coming back to mine by about 6-7, as his little brother has started getting upset because he never spends any time at home anymore. I'm not complaining though, because this morning I was rudely awoken by a knock on the door, which later resulted in me getting early morning snuggles from the best looking bunny in town. :)

Missing out on Synthetic Culture tonight. So gutted but I really can't afford it. *sigh*


This is quite possibly the strangest - serious - thing I've come across on Ebay (found this via darksideofebay): Bone Head the Haunted Puppet.

Thu, Nov. 18th, 2004, 04:49 pm
Meme thing that..

I've done before... but I'll do it again anyway.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says.
'Terrible funeral'

More )

Thu, Nov. 18th, 2004, 03:22 pm
Life in the fast lane doesn't get much better...

Another day full of dodging bullets, breaking headlines and crushing minions in my mighty fists...

Today's been another really slow day. I was rudely awoken at 11:00am by Mr Postman, who had joy in package form (one of the digi-cams I ordered on Alison's behalf from ebay). After that, nothing worth mentioning occured until about half one, when Bryan popped over for lunch. He had a marathon moan about life, the universe and everything (it's not looking as though he'll be able to afford Borneo) whilst we drank blackcurrant tea and watched the rain. Outside is so deliciously gloomy, I'm tempted to go for a rain-walk by the canal... almost tempted, anyway. Once Bryan had skidaddled back to work, I called Bex for a half-hour chat about not much in particular. Ian has an interview today with Apollo (his local video-rental shop), so tits crossed that goes well for him. As I have three pounds to my name, I think we're going to have to miss Synthetic Culture on Friday, which is The Big Suck. Will not be missing the December one though. I hope.

Wed, Nov. 17th, 2004, 06:56 pm
Chinese food tom-foolery!

Colour me happy on a stick. Ian and I lazed about in bed until 2 (sleeping very soundly on this amaaaazing thing my Dad got me. You stick it between the sheet and the matress and it's like sleeping on marshmallows), at which point I got up and had a bath. We were jigging about in the kitchen to a spot of The Offspring, when Bex rang the house phone asking that I let her and Bryan in. I suggested for Christmas I pay for Bex and I to get our nosies pierced together, but she's fucking chickening out! How do you explain to someone with nothing but ears/navel that the pain is worth the end result? Argh! I think I might send her a picture of a nose piercing from BME every day until she works up the bottle (because she really wants it done, she's just like me and needs a nudge into it). Getting mine done with Bex is my nudge - I think it'll be a nice way to remember each other when she's owf in Borneo/Bangor.

Anyway, at three we all headed up to Ladbrokes on St Peters Street, where Bryan works. It was full of grumpy old men betting on the horses and get pissed off because they were losing. Arf. Bex and I gambled away on Roulette and doggie races (I broke even and Bex doubled her money. She's decided that any cash she wins on bets whilst hanging around with Bryan will go into the Borneo fund. By the way, did I mention to buy her stuff on ebay? There are new items! *grin*). After gambling our little hearts out, Ian and I mosied to the post depot (I'm beginning to think that place is my second home) where I picked up some trainers I bought Jack off ebay (on behalf of Alison) and my much-anticipated copies of Placebo's 'Once More With Feeling' and Nick Cave's 'Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus'.


I left that entry un-posted whilst I went out to dinner. Dad and I took a cab up to Westferry, where the Chinese restaurant was... not. We spent about forty minutes walking around the river trying to find it (stopping in a pub for directions. Well, we had to buy a drink - it's just rude otherwise). When we eventually arrived everyone else (the two old housemen and three new, plus three other consultants plus Philip's wife) had sat down, whilst Philip and his wife Caroline ordered for everyone (as there were so many of us, it just seemed easier). Anyway, we sat drinking honey coloured tea from neat cream cups and ate with chopsticks - it was all very nice indeed. I particularly enjoyed hearing about how much my Dad's housemen liked him (he's one of the few consultants that insist they call him by his first name, rather than Mr or Doctor Slater). Anyway, it was a giggle (I write 'anyway' a lot don't I..?) and a half.


Sorry to keep going on about Bex, but look at this auction. Some of you out there might care enough to bid :) Click here!

EDIT: And guys, if you like the idea but can't afford to bit (or, fuck it - if you think it's a shit idea, but feel like being nice) could you spread the link around a bit? I've posted it on ebayuk, darksideofebay and overspenders on LJ, as well as a couple of forums. I'd really appreciate it - as would Bexie. :) Let me know if and where you post it, or if you have any ideas of where else might be interested. Thanks in advance :)

Tue, Nov. 16th, 2004, 05:17 pm

Taken from my old Deep Shadows forum...

Right Now I'm Mostly... )

Tue, Nov. 16th, 2004, 04:24 pm

Today has been so stupidly slow it's... quite unfathomable. I have had, however, much fun and frolicks on the 'net. Spoke to [info]aligheiri on MSN - 13 days until he arrives here in Blighty, apparently. Perfick as [info]zombieinribbons should be arriving in London about two-three weeks later, just in time for Synthetic Culture #7 (which I believe to be on December 17th). So that should be damn cool. I'm thinking I'll take them ([info]aligheiri and his fiancé Sarah) to Slimelight, the Dev and Camden (all obvious choices), but also Highgate Cemetery maybe... or try and get on one of those Horror tours around London - the Jack the Ripper one could be a giggle.

Anyway, I hath discovered pure entertainment in the form of these two websites. The first, Dog Toy or Marital Aid? is pretty self explanitory. I got 11/14, followed by 11/14, followed by 9/...14? Can't remember... On the third one I would have got better if it wasn't for this item which looks misleadingly like a cock-ring. *sigh* Och vell. The other amazing site of interest I discovered was this one, which our American friends might be particularly interested in. :) I would send something, but I can't help but feel stupidly lazy. I think it's a great idea for loads of reasons that I can't be bothered to list (check my mood today hehe). I've been looking at the gallery for ages. There's also a We Are Not Sorry but er... not much seems to be happening on there at the moment. Ho hum.

Also, with my hardcore madskillz at Jasc Animation Shop I've adapted my icons so they all have Vashe in them now (and my horror icon now features a Shaun of the Dead icon I pilfered from [info]darkspectre  ages ago, but haven't wanted to use because she uses it quite regularly. I also made this rather snazzy one (although it's hardcore rough around the edges - see the shitty unintentional boarders, and the way 'Vashe' hops about a bit?):

Ian's coming over in about an hours time, and I believe the evening plan is to watch Ghost World. I feel like snuggling up and reading GloomCookie (it just feels like a 'GloomCookie' sort of evening). Outside smells of wood smoke - I might go for a walk. Maybe I'll wait 'til Ian gets here. Heh. Feeeeel the laaaaazyness.

Oooooh! And  [info]vampgirl  should be coming down to London soonish, so colour me happy on a stick. Best go and do some moderating/allow my materialistic side to oogle pretty things online.

Mon, Nov. 15th, 2004, 05:42 pm

Friday was pretty cool - Ian and I mosied to Tottenham Court Road for a spot of light shopping, then trotted back to my house via Sainsbury's. We drank this weird spirit (Lime flavoured Bacardi, so you mix it with lemonade to make a breezer-type drink...) and ate Chinese food whilst watching Futurama. T'was fun :) On Saturday I met my Mammy at Angel, where Ian realized he'd left his keys and phone at my house. I gave him my door key and off he went. Meanwhile Mom and I ate Subway sandwiches and browsed around Angel (I am now the proud owner of a deliciously soft wollen woven black scarf). In Oxfam I found Merrick by Anne Rice for £1.99, Robbie Williams 'What We Did Last Summer' on DVD (for Alison, of course) for £2.Something, and Greenday - Dookie on CD for £2.Something. So, colour me smug. We went back to Mothers where we ate lasagne, drank Stella and watched the X-factor. It was around this time that I realized I'd left my phone in Wetherspoons... Fucking great. So. Spent a jolly exciting Sunday trekking to Angel to get my phone, which took two hours. By the time I got home, I was all cold and moody. Ian and I watched Ginger Snaps, and then all was well. :)

Anyway, I didn't win the MoonMaiden Halloween song-lyric competition... so find my glorious entries behind the cut. Wankers (did anyone vote for me? *sob*). My Amazing Song Lyrics )

These entries came first, second and third. I can't believe this one didn't make it into the top three! Anyhoo, speaking of MoonMaiden, the new designs are up and wow... look at them here. I must own  particularly like the GhostFairy Mini Dress. Bloody gorgeous. As soon as I'm working, some serious purchasing must be done!

Did I mention... buy Bex's stuff? It's all to fund her charity-work in Borneo, so it's a good cause! (well it might not be, did the fish ask to be saved? Er...) I really hope people buy things from her, because selling stuff on ebay was my idea because she needs the cash! *grin*


Finally, this has been X-posted all over the place by loads of people, but it is important. Click here to read a recent article in the Metro... Hen and I were talking about missing persons the other day. He watched a programme that focused on a few case studies. A doctor entered a hospital (excuse the 'urban legend'ness of this little anecdote but I can't remember the details). He was clearly seen entering on CCTV. That was the last time he was seen, dead or alive. He just vanished. I don't know about you guys, but that scares the shit out of me. It would be hard enough to deal with the death of a loved one... but to never, ever find out what happened? Terrifying.  

Sun, Nov. 14th, 2004, 08:27 pm
Shameless Pluggery

Buy my friend's stuff from ebay!

Links/Discriptions )

20 most recent