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Stream of Consciousness

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[11 Jan 2004|08:30pm]

[ mood | shy ]
[ music | Behind blue eyes ]

This is my first post here.
I love to write.
This community was reccomended to me by a friend.
so uhm.. hi

1 diver in the stream / jump in the stream

[09 Jan 2004|11:07am]

[ mood | worried ]

such a cool wind
with your apathetic feel
and your always on time
for nothing that's real
when i wear out the welcome
or overstay my visit
will you still be indifferent
and will you want me
to come
when the wind keeps on blowing
i fall for the one
so, i'm so wrong
for not saying what
what i'm meaning when i'm talking
and when you think the worst
of my opinion and
you curse me for being
i find it depressing that
your view doesn't cast
an angel's halo on me
why do flowers get to die
when you saw that weakness
you're like a judge
reigning fire, casting the verdict
deciding my fears
i give roses and thorns
but your mercy's not near
making me want it
without showing a weakness
calling my feelings bluff
when there's love on the table
i know it's not enough
i'm a weak branch
you're the stable ground
love's the strong wind
honesty pushes me down
the groundskeeper that tidies
knew not it meant more
and picked it up quickly
as he finished his chores
lost forever
thrown away

1 diver in the stream / jump in the stream

[08 Jan 2004|03:44pm]

[ mood | amused ]

I hot out hen I sell thongs wring, bat they thong hat I spool it actually a wood, to spool cheek don't catsup is!

translated )

2 divers in the stream / jump in the stream

Lyrics for my New Year [07 Jan 2004|05:19pm]

This disc (Almost Happy) has several songs that mirror my life, but this one just jumped out at me, with New Years having just passed.

K's Choice - Another Year )
jump in the stream

[07 Jan 2004|09:18am]

[ mood | curious ]

"Hey, hey, what do you say, this was made in the USA!"

This jingle just came to me (and now will live in my head for the remainder of the day). Does anyone remember the commercial that it went with? I think it was sometime in the 80's...

jump in the stream

[06 Jan 2004|09:05am]

[ mood | drained ]

My bookshelves are dwindling. The boxes are taking over my kitchen, which is in shambles. I still haven't gone through my piles of papers. Yep. This is moving.

jump in the stream

just something im working on [05 Jan 2004|02:04am]

any thoughts on this one?
jump in the stream

the beginning of this thing... [04 Jan 2004|02:47pm]

[ mood | crappy ]

so, that which i perceive due is
not which you deceive with
that thing in the way and the
darkness by day, with the
walking, and running, but
not around here
not inside here, no calling to
stop to find within walls that
connect, articulately involved with
that thing that is perceived, but
not meant to deceive due to
my heart, this sling which is
not around me and
not inside you
and so, we've come to
the end of this thing

jump in the stream

[03 Jan 2004|12:04pm]

[ mood | silly ]
[ music | tennage labotomy~ Ramones ]

I'm working on writing a story..

This guy and his two best friends go out for pizza with the guys new girlfriend.. What are some things his two friends would interrogate her about?

I wanted to use interesting things but Im having trouble thinking.. stuff like "whats the most trouble you've ever gotten into?" and "tell us a joke" just to see what shes like..

1 diver in the stream / jump in the stream

"guinness girl, goodness" [03 Jan 2004|10:47am]
[ mood | awake ]

thank the fuck Christ that i'm alive and was spared
for fear
that i rediscovered masturbation
but this time with attitude
and imagination

put your so-so-so
onto a broken record and you will hear the sound of
my tears dripping on your breasts
going for a new world record, not a new world order
ask me my occupation and it's holding up these walls
if i muster the courage if i am who i'd like to think
i am

guinness girl, goodness
god barks and talks for the Goddess
if you call me i'll pick up the phone and tell you
who shot John, who shot Kennedy
ok maybe not i'll just sing scream i love you

tell me how many times you've died and come out the
other end
tell me about how you kicked against the pricks
don't tell me everything, i don't want to discover
guinness girl, goodness
fast too long and there's bound to be a feast
not the last supper not the first defeat

thank the fuck christ we've already established
i am a lunatic
in theory, Goddess
karma is a ludicrous concept
guinness girl, in my guts i slosh swim
tread mead and hope

won't put you at fault or the scene of the crime
just here to help
i devout lover, endless internal bleeder

i am not sorry, but this is for you and if you call
on me, call me
i can't give explanation
answers or even a resignation
mark david chapman and lee harvey oswald
guinness girl, goodness
thank the fuck Christ is not a lie
i'm so fond of you
but hey?
who isn't these days

jump in the stream

"the chivalrous poet?" [02 Jan 2004|10:12am]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | radiohead "worrywort" ]

different buzz
public execution
different drink
poison elixir

and it's got nothing to do with Christianity
all the world's currencies are obsolete
i have no land and refuse to park cars
the king comes a very distant second to you

better buzz
the world is a swimming pool
even if it hurts open letters to god

spectators sport
a bunch of little boys, playing little boy games
Marco Polo! Marco Polo!
i ask kindly
would you like to be my hostage?

jump in the stream

Running through my head [02 Jan 2004|11:56pm]

[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Michelle Branch - Breathe ]

Damn this sullen depression I feel I'm slipping under, as I sit and think of him. How stupid I am, for even bothering. How stupid to ponder a prospect so far from reality. How foolish of me to think outside of my box that is the east coast of boring Australia. Yet there he is, in my mind, tucked up in bed on the western coast of the United States. He's so beautiful and charming, and captivated my every thought thus far. It's driving me insane, as I try without luck to think of something else. Damn it, damn it, damn it! He's too far away. Get over it, dickhead, and move on.

I'm a moron. This doesn't make sense. An ocean or two, a different culture and country away and there he is, the only thing I am capable of thinking about. I feel giddy and happy when I think of him, or look at one of the countless photos where he seems to burrow into my soul. At the same time I feel sick and sad at once, a prickeling pain of heat tingling up my spine. A dose of reality, as one might say, to bring me back down to Earth. With a thud, of course. I wouldn't expect anything less from my life - surely to be let down lightly would be nice once in a while, but hardly permitted.

Why do I think of him? It's fruitless (no pun intended) and will bear no end result, so I might as well just cease to think of him, to think of me with him. He's so beautiful, with pouty lips and big, deep eyes. He's so perfect. He charms, says the right things and is versed to an impecible degree. He compliments without going overboard, always leaving me to wonder how he feels. Obviously not as stupidly infatuated as I, but perhaps something? He knows how I feel, but I needn't ask him. There's no point. None at all. It's not as though either of us can jump on a plane to bridge that giant gap called the ocean. Who's saying he'd even like me? Probably wouldn't.

I can't sleep without him invading my head, against my will. I can't do anything without thinking of him. This is so STUPID. I wish I could escape my thoughts, but I can't. Even more, I wish I could magically snap my fingers and make the world a perfect place, where he'd be next to me. I can't go to sleep, as much as I need to. I feel as though I might cry. I feel so stupid. Damn it to hell.

2 divers in the stream / jump in the stream

[02 Jan 2004|12:09am]

[ mood | creative ]


I'm trying to think of a name for my new gecko..

What was the name of the dragon in The Hobbit?
Are there any other "famous" dragons?
What were the names/titles of King Arthurs knights..Famous philosophers.. People like Shakespeare and Beethoven.. Any other thoughts?

3 divers in the stream / jump in the stream

[31 Dec 2003|01:32pm]

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jump in the stream

maybe this will work a little better [31 Dec 2003|01:21pm]

the tool influenced pic, but maybe this one will be a little easier
Read more... )
2 divers in the stream / jump in the stream

[30 Dec 2003|01:22pm]

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jump in the stream

[30 Dec 2003|10:38pm]


( Read my Rap of 2003 )
jump in the stream

[29 Dec 2003|09:19pm]

[ mood | blissful ]
[ music | OK Go - "You're So Damn Hot" ]

Prawn empanadas. Salty sweet summer air. Sand in your shoes, in your socks, in your bed. Dreams of being with the one you love, the one you know inside and out, the one with the occasional faux-hawk and the nerdy emo glasses and the passion for anything beautiful and artistic and wonderful, and the enormous capacity for love. Climbing on rocks to a streaked magenta orange lavender dripping sunset. Seafood restaurants in the middle of the afternoon-- shellfish dripping in parmesan cheese and lemon juice.


jump in the stream

[29 Dec 2003|01:20pm]

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jump in the stream

any thoughts on this one? [29 Dec 2003|03:04am]

1 diver in the stream / jump in the stream

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