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Below is information about the "Buy/Sell/Trade" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:buy_sell_trade (1217830)  


1.When posting pictures ALL OF THEM MUST BE BEHIND A CUT or your post will be deleted

2.Do not whore your selling journal or your ebay links in my community

3.You have 7 days to cancell any transaction

4.You must send payment before you will recieve the item.If anyone is stupid enough to send the item first and doesnt recieve payment,thats your own fault.

5.Do not claim youre going to pay for something if you have no intention in doing so.There are others who may want the same item as well.Do not waste people's time.

6.You can sell pretty much anything here,I dont care

7.Dont post being rude,bitchy or whiney.We dont care just get to the point and show us what you have.

8.If you repeatedly break my rules I'll ban you.No ifs ands or buts.


if you have a problem my aim name is in my info.Tell me your lj name and your reason.
Interests:16: anything, books, buying, candles, cassetts, cds, claims, clothes, dvds, electronics, jewelry, posters, selling, shopping, sports cards, trading. [Modify yours]
Members:290: __________buyme, ___sellsellsell, __goodrat33, __x__whisper, _cheapsex, _emptypockets_, _holly, _j1adore, _little_miss_, _yoursecretary, a_40z_of_oi, a_perfect_ruin, alightinthadark, almostfreebooks, altogether, artichoke_sales, bangbang___bang, beevonerd, blackblocrock, blindsummerfish, blueboo3, brokenbabydoll2, bulletxheart, burpys, buy_from_me, caramelsunshine, celestialpearl, chaoticgoddess, cherrytrade, claireiszesty, control_radar, couturediva, crazyselling, cry_angel_tears, cynicaljunkie, dambo, dans_lamour, destroythempire, devanshi, diediemydarling, dimestorejesus, dimplepimple, dino_rawr, dinosaur1, dki, dognewtrickz, dollcakes, dollface_sales, dollyforsale, dometrent, donewithlife, dr_jankenstien, drifther_sales, dropyourdrawers, drykilledjackas, duckybutt, electrickat, emo_bizatch, emusale, evanucf, evil_mom, exoscreations, faeriesarereal, fakerevolution, fallonmyknife, fashionxshow, femme, fuctupmestgirl, glamified_angst, gobblersknob, grandentrance, greatdeals, greenwhore, havemercy, heartshpdbox, helenanito5, helloprettyone, henpeckinghag, hobbitcore, hollywoggle, hunnybunches, hushedsilence, icequeen89, ieatshutup, ilovedinosaurs, iloverivers, iloveumore, imfamous_abby, imposture, inhalexmisery, insideoutart, iownyouall, itslikebliss, ivy_1313, jaded__heart, jaki8233, jaredh, jesuishadley, jimjamin, jogacat, johnscreams, kandy_sale, katphish, kidney314, killerxshit, kimberlyonline, kimxredxhead, kissmegoodbye7, korbel75, korea28, kurbee, lacewithcyanide, ladysenara, le___robo, le_sell, legendofsable, lethal_bunnehh, leviathan24, libentina_poena, lifeless_tears, lightsout_x, lipglossxkisses, listless902, lithiumangel, lnkprk51, lostallthestars, love_showers, loveisforsops77, lovely2bme, lovenvein, lovingher, lydiadeetz, mandasgoodies, manzanas, marble_girl, melissa_iris, miles_ofaisles, miranda_hlaing, miss__artichoke, missmuppy, modern_sidebang, monpetitvulcan, moonchild24, my_treasures, myburningpixie, mygaragesale, n0nsequitor, nakedrose, nekoecho, neoqbacca, nervelush, nevereveragain, nickey, nicolenotrust, ninasavestheday, nothingleft47, oceanlatina, oh_those_sales, ohgemini, okmaam, old_ladi, oohh_the_horror, orangewonder, orbitalocularit, otimus, pain_subsided, paranoid_void, patheticgurl, perfect_moments, perfectgetaway, perfectsapphire, pidjin, pinkninky_sale, pinkvinylundies, pistol_kissed, pixelgodess, pj_creations, plastic_heart, platyllamapus, pleasexbleed, por_que_no, pretty_sales, prettyxpirate, purplesky767, quagmire, rachelhugsrbad, rachelxsucks, radarig, radio_bomb, reasons_to_sing, red_redwine, redeggsandham, refuse_to_dance, reverie___, rhapsodi, rhiannontherose, rinse_repeat, roboticveg, rosegirl, rottenangel, sale_phobia, salethings, sample_america, sandsandwich, sc_inc, scorpio_bitch, seawall, secondhandstyle, sell_it, selling_journal, sellingthings, shadow_weaver, shell88015, shelovesheremo, shitfucked, shock_treatment, shopgirlscorner, shutupemokid, sickspasmoid, sinfulclothing, sinistrecochon, siobhanxvicious, sivorskiz, sjh3585, skylit__eyes, sndslkanw_trany, social_glare, sophies_stuff, sporkx71, squeezemyboyobs, starlightpunk, starsreflect, starxlovers, stitchinc, stuffage, stunted__, subunitx, succubus_kz, sumo_league, surfsnoridr_878, sxw_96, tainted__blood, tangledwisteria, tasterevolution, tealdaylight, teendeathgirl, th3lly, the_divine_kiss, the_obscuremind, thegrab, thel0stsoul, thelemonofpink, there_shegoes, thincake, titanciainc, towah79, transit_station, twinsales, tylerv, valleyoflocusts, velcrofeet, vendgirl, vintage_wonders, vintagelolita, visiblyannoyed, viva_death, volatile_, voodoostar, wastingxtime, welekwesalone, whitewallscrash, whoretothecore, wickchic, wolfylove82, x_shesgotagun, xconcreteangel, xdeadheartx, xdeadxxstarx, xdiamondtearsx, xdirtydollx, xdysfuncti0nx, xstillwaiting, xtantalize, xvintageflapx, xwhitetograyx, xxbb19xx, yelacyelac, your___mom, zombiemagick, zombieslut24
Watched by:122: __________buyme, ___sellsellsell, __goodrat33, __x__whisper, _cheapsex, _little_miss_, a_40z_of_oi, a_perfect_ruin, alightinthadark, almostfreebooks, altogether, artichoke_sales, bangbang___bang, blackblocrock, blindsummerfish, blueboo3, brokenbabydoll2, bulletxheart, burpys, buy_from_me, cherrytrade, claireiszesty, colonnus, control_radar, couturediva, crazyselling, dambo, destroythempire, devanshi, dki, dollyforsale, duckybutt, emusale, farewelxophelia, fashionxshow, gang__bang, glamified_angst, gobblersknob, havemercy, heartshpdbox, helenanito5, hunnybunches, icequeen89, imfamous_abby, inhalexmisery, itslikebliss, jaki8233, johnscreams, kandy_sale, kissmegoodbye7, korbel75, le___robo, le_sell, legendofsable, lnkprk51, marble_girl, melissa_iris, miss__artichoke, mymarket, nekoecho, nickey, nicolenotrust, oceanlatina, okmaam, overthestarrs, paranoid_void, perfectgetaway, perfectsapphire, pinkvinylundies, pixelgodess, plastic_heart, prettyxpirate, purplesky767, red_redwine, redeggsandham, refuse_to_dance, reverie___, rinse_repeat, rosegirl, salethings, sample_america, sandsandwich, scorpio_bitch, seawall, sellingthings, shopgirlscorner, sickspasmoid, sinfulclothing, siobhanxvicious, sndslkanw_trany, sporkx71, squeezemyboyobs, stitchinc, stuffage, subunitx, sumo_league, tasterevolution, the_obscuremind, thelemonofpink, there_shegoes, titanciainc, transit_station, tylerv, valleyoflocusts, vintagelolita, visiblyannoyed, viva_death, whitewallscrash, wickchic, wineryan, wolfylove82, x_shesgotagun, xconcreteangel, xdeadheartx, xdirtydollx, xstillwaiting, xtantalize, xxbb19xx, yelacyelac, your___mom, zombiemagick, zombieslut24
Account type:Free Account

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