Below is information about the "Sings in Digital" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | singsindigital (740471) | |
Name: | Sings in Digital | |
About: | This is a place for the discussion of Digital Music, and Technology in Music. Our primary goal is to connect Performers with Listeners Programmers with Performers Experts with Amateurs and Everyone inbetween How we want to do this: Open discussion of New Technology, Old Technology, and Software. Asking questions about the barebones of producing (and Modifying) tones. Sharing information about artists and Events. Feel free to post information about upcoming events(concerts, club-dates, etc.) just keep in mind that this is potentially an International Forum so provide as specific detail as you can. Some one in Minneapolis might know exactly what you mean by First Ave, but someone else in Mankato might not. If all you want to do is find out what cd has that song by that one dude feel free to ask. I want every member here to feel valuable. Remember, If no one asks questions, No one Learns Anything. Our favorite websites (as selected by our membership) in no real order: Creamware SIDstation Elektron Paia QKits Finalscratch Korg Apple Computers Nine Inch Nails Strings magazine Online Created and Maintained by kylefuetzvater | |
Interests: | 63: audiogalaxy, cd burning, cd players, cd-r, cds, classical, clubbing, coda, composition, computers, digital music, djs, drum machines, enya, filmscores, finale, forbidden planet, guitars, imac, information society, insoc, internet radio, ipod, itunes, jazz, jean-luc ponty, kazaa, keyboarding, limewire, live performance, midi, moby, moog, mp3 players, mp3s, napster, new age, nigel kennedy, nin, nine inch nails, playlists, printmusic, programming, real player, recording, remix, sampling, software, sound editing, soundtracks, synthesizer, techno, the flying karamazov brothers, trent reznor, tron, vanessa mae, walter carlos, wendy carlos, winamp, windows media player, yamaha silents, yanni, zeta. [Modify yours] | |
Members: | 17: amp23, anaishikawa, | |
Watched by: | 8: amp23, daz71, kyle_r_groger, kylefuetzvater, mysterymachine, roguevla, sleepinginbio, yorg | |
Account type: | Free Account |