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Angel Charissma Carter

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[07 Aug 2004|11:40pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | The Hives - aka IDIOT ]

Let's see... School starts in a couple of weeks and I don't know whether I'm going to go to school in California or stay in FL and finish the rest of my independent studies and get my GED at the end of the year. Aaron did it. He's got his GED. -nods- I need to update more often, but my computer got hosed for a couple of weeks so I couldn't get on. I'm off to see what everyone's up to...

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[25 Jul 2004|05:41pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | all-american rejects - paper heart ]

I don't think I'm going to visit Hayden tomorrow/next week. Why? Because she's possibly coming to New York. Poor girl. -sigh- I won't go into detail because it's not my business to do that!

I'm in New York, still. I'm done with modeling for a while. I'm up here visiting my grandparents now. Eat, talk, listen to stories, etc. Lots of fun. Who knew grandparents could be this awesome? I tell ya, they're great. Nick, Beej, Aaron, and Leslie have no clue what they're missing!!!

I feel like an only child right now which makes me feel sort of lonely. Ah, I have friends. Ooh new ones too. -smiles-

I'm talking to Brian on the phone right now. It's always nice to talk to him.

bye now. have fun and stay safe.

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[21 Jul 2004|02:57pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Yellowcard - (track #7 on OA) ]

Oh goodness, sorry guys! I keep forgetting to update. MY BAD! Erg... Well, not much has been happening in my life other than modeling. I think I'm going to visit Hayden next week in London. -shrugs-

Aaron's now a lot better. -smiles- no more broken bones! wee...

My mom's here with me in NYC this past week. The week before she stayed home. hoo humm. Well, I watched Summerland, and it's a really good show!!! Congrats to them all who are on that show. I wonder if any of those people are in this comm. -shrugs- WEll, I better go, or else I might get yelled at!!! ooh..


CALL ME PEOPLE!!! angelluffsyou

edit// I FINALLY went to go see the third Harry Potter movie yesterday. Go me. -laughs- I'm slow, I know!

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[18 Jul 2004|06:34pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Maroon 5 - she will be loved ]

Justin Timberlake is a kick in the pants. Why is that? He left a message on my voicemail saying that some Trace dude is lookin' for a girl. -laughs- I think I'm probably too young for him. -shrugs-

I think I might be going to London to visit Hayden next week. Not this week, but the NEXT week. Well, if our schedules let it be. -smiles- Fun fun, it shall be!!! -laughs- Shopping will definitely happen.

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I <3 NY [16 Jul 2004|07:53pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Switchfoot - Turn everything over ]

I'm having an awesome time in NYC! -big smile- Shopping and modeling has been mucho divertido!!! -laughs- I hope some people will join me in my shopping fun, maybe. hmm... I should go call a friend or two after I post this. I went to a Broadway show today. Loads of fun. Thoroughly Modern Milly. Cha! I tripped over someone's big shoes today and almost killed my ankle! It scared me half to death. Thank goodness I have strong ankles. -laughs- I'm going to go do something that doesn't involve me being nerdy.


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[11 Jul 2004|11:06pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Casting Crowns - If we are the body ]

YAY! Work called today. Guess where I'm going? Not much of anywhere... New York. Brings back SAD SAD memories. Oh, I'm not saying of what, but it involved two people which I completely and idiotically ignored. Don't worry, I'll be okay. I am going to go to sleep now. Maybe... Pack. Tomorrow's a BIG day. -sigh- Sleep is what I need. goodbye and goodnight. I think I might update on Friday. -shrugs- I'll possibly have my cell phone on a few times this week inbetween walkin on the runway/catwalk (whatever ya wanna call that thing models walk on!)


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[10 Jul 2004|11:53pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | butterfly boucher - another white dash ]

-decides to update her journal because she's very bored-

Hello all. I hope life is going great. Today was a good day. Not too terribly good or bad. -sighs- I want to go hang out with friends or something. Nobody wants to talk to me! So sad, I know. I try talking to people. I think I scare the crap out of them or something.

Tonight I watched 50 First Dates which is a funny movie. Some people that I know told me that it was lame or something. They were wrong. -laughs-

I've been greeting and meeting new people. Sorta. -smiles- Neato, eh? I hope I'm not annoying anyone!!!

I'm done. I'm out. Bye. I'll update tomorrow or sometime in the near future, k?

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[09 Jul 2004|07:06pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | incubus - that one that's always on the radio ]

Time to update, I guess. It takes me forever to do this, I know. Sorry I'm not so chatty. I'm going to welcome newbies when I'm finished updating. Today I got some of my old jeans out of the closet and started drawing and writing on them. After lunch I went to the Arts & Crafts Store to get fabric paints. Now the pants are so cool looking. I will wear them to the first day of school one of these days. -laughs- i'm a nerd. I told my mom that I enrolled in public school and she was like "do the kids bug you?" Well, to answer that question, on the first week they did but i found good friends and the questions stopped. Plus, when there's about 2000 kids there, they ask a question, the answer spreads so I didn't find myself answering the same questions. -laughs- I think my mom and I are going to have a fun day and go to Disney tomorrow. Maybe we'll stay up late and eat all the left overs. MMM... chinese leftovers!

-goes off to greet newbies-

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[04 Jul 2004|01:23am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | we are the champs - william hung / queen ]

Holla youngins. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with everyone. I almost got to talk to Nick tonight. I don't know what happened. -shrugs- Sometimes I wonder if I got dropped out of After Celebrity -goes and checks- Um... No. It's my family that has, pretty much. I haven't gotten to talk to either of them in months. It's sad and I keep dwelling on it. -sigh- I need to go talk to somepeople. Make new friends, as I've already done so, but I probably should go welcome some people. Maybe it's too late though because here it's almost 1:30am. sheesh I'm gonna be really tired in the morning! oh I should really go. BYE! I will go mingle with the newbies tomorrow or sometime later, I PROMISE!

Holla Newbies!!!
Angel Charissma Carter

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[02 Jul 2004|10:18pm]
[ music | Norah Jones - What would I do ]

It's been raining a TON down here in FL! It hasn't flooded yet. It's too hot to flood. The weather's been great other than that. lalala... sorry my phone hasn't been turned on in the longest time. hmm... I should work on that. haha... i will. I am trying to bring it with me wherever I go, but I forget and leave it home. Bad Angel *slaps herself on the hand* I'll try harder later. Later is the key word. I've been going to the beach, visiting my parents (alternating between them for the past month) so life is interesting. No one's breaking the law, yet. Aaron's still working on his movie. -smiles- I'm so proud of my little brother. I'm going to see it as soon as I can. -nods- I saw something on MTV about it. I think they should add some fat to Kenan's face to make his fatness look real. -laughs- maybe it's just me?!?!?! I don't know. I need to go update my friends list because I know I'm really behind. And I'll go catch up with some peoples.

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[27 Jun 2004|10:45pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Avril Lavigne - Who Knows ]

I don't want to be alone, so I'm staying at my mom's house for the next... Who knows how long?! -laughs- I think that it's good for her when I'm here. She needs someone here with her so she doesn't go mad. I don't mean that she's crazy, it's just that... Well, you've heard of "Solitary Confidment" [sp?]? Well, that's probably how it is being all alone.

Anyone seen the rest of my family? I feel like they've fallen off the face of the earth. And what about the Backstreet family? What have you all been up to lately, other than recording like mad hell? God bless all you guys!

I like the 7-11 Slurpee flavors cherry, blue raspberry, and pina colada. Mhm... Maybe dancing in the rain is fun too. There's been down pours of rain today. About twice. I had to put all the dogs inside one of the houses. The rest of the animals are okay out there. -smiles-

I need to talk to happy peoples!!! Tom, where are you? I have the most pleasant conversations with you! haha... Maybe I need to meet more people around here?! Hmmm.

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[26 Jun 2004|05:09pm]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American ]

YAYA! I'm so happy today. I met some new people last night. I was talkin to Tom and then he and Hayden invited me to a 'party.' Mucho fun even though everybody was making fun of Tom. Poor Tom. Rupert over uses "yo." -laughs- fun fun though. Three way is mucho fun, too!!! Hayden is slow... But I love her anywho. -big smile- She and Rupert crack me up when they're talking. They make me feel like the 3rd wheel, but oh well. My own fault.

YAY! Okay... I made up a new word. Chup. It's like 'yup' and 'cha' mixed together. Mhm... I'm a DORK. Don't worry, it's in the genes. Speaking of genes, where are my siblings??? I should look at their journals and see if they're alive because I don't ever get to talk to them. Poor Angel. -laughs-

I'm still visiting my mother and all the doggies. I might go back to LA next week. Undicided. I love visiting people.... I just might go see where my dad's at, which would most likely be where Aaron is. -sighs- It would be nice to get most of the family together. I feel like I've alienated all of them or the other way. bahhhh this is a bad feeling. I shall go and eat a popsicle and melt away these bad feelings.

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[20 Jun 2004|11:15pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | hoobastank - the reason ]

Yeah, so I was painting yesterday and... yuck. I almost got sick. -nods- Gross gross feeling so I stopped painting and went outside. Go me! -laughs-

I made a friend on friday! And we had a funny conversation about my family. Yes Tom, it was funny. Referring my sister's CD as "the one with the bubbles." funny funny even though she wouldn't think so... good times good times. and I noticed that I have way too many siblings to try to keep up with. I rarely talk to any of them!!! I try. I try, I really do.

bye now. I'm off to find something slightly fun to do.

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[18 Jun 2004|10:06pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | John Mayer ]

hey hey everybody!!! I'm spening time with my mom. I think she would've sent the LAPD after me if I didn't. -laughs- Hopefully people didn't worry too bad. I hope everybody's as sane as they were before I left my computer/internet for a while. Yes, I had to give up the luxury of updating this lovely little thing so that I could talk with my mom about who-knows-what. I kept the family pets well fed. -smiles- all the pretty little kitties and all. Yes yes. Oh wait, why am I talking like I left? Erg, I'm still here... Um.. and they're barking which calls for decent exercize. I hope that's what they're barking for...

edit/ it's true... Aaron broke some ribs. Poor kid. He's always hurting himself. Dad says he's doing alright. Good good... Hopefully he'll stop worrying me so badly. Sometime really soon. I heard some girl was saying that he ripped up her picture or something that she drew for him of him. I guess it was pretty offensive otherwise he wouldn't have done anything of the sort unless he wasn't having such a great day. (Twin) sister knows best.

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[07 Jun 2004|08:41pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | john mayer - clarity ]

[lj-cut text="This is my BEST FRIEND!"] put the stuff you are supposed to cut out here. [/lj-cut]

That one was for all you lovelies. Sorry to Tara that I forgot last time! I heart you for reminding me. -nods- She's my superheroine. -unsure if she spelled that right-

Attack of the killer bunnies!!! Run away! Run away! <- Dedication to Dakata Fanning and her superlarge bunnies in London.

Mwa haha... I spent a couple of hours at the beach. Don't worry, I wore sunscreen. SPF 30. -nods- I sat there with the dog in deep thought. About what? Hmm... How much God made the world and how we're all destroying it. Yeah, that probably sounded something sort of like what Kevin would say, but it's true. And not just by cutting down rainforests and junk, but by hurting each other. I am not speaking against the Iraqi thing or War on Terrorism. I'm talking about our everyday lives. I'm standing in line at the supermarket down the street and this lady was being sincerely rude about how the cashier couldn't find the price tag thing for the item she (the lady) was buying. The cashier was talking back at her, which made it MUCH worse. By gosh... I thought the lady was going to keep going, and unsurprisingly, she did. Bad expectations, but it's human error, I suppose. I also thought about a million other things: graduation (scary thought), family, and some other stuff.

The hardest thing in the world to do is trying to get all the sand out of dogs' hair. Yes, Merlin has been banned from the beach due to stealing all the sand in his hair. -laughs- kidding!!!!!

I watched the 2nd Harry Potter movie yesterday.

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[06 Jun 2004|10:25pm]
[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | Birthday - the Beatles ]

Presenting... )

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[04 Jun 2004|06:14pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Frou frou - holding out for a hero ]

Oh gosh, I feel like updating for exactly no reason at all. There is no point to this update, ya hear?

I haven't gone to see Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban, yet... Ugh. I was gonna go today. I didn't want to sit in a theater with a bunch of dramatic kids that scream, "Oh no! Don't do that!" after whatever. My friend that I was gonna go with got grounded. Boo hiss. Maybe I'll just go without her. -laughs- I'm horrible, I know.

One of the best movies of all time, Mona Lisa Smile. It is! I love that movie. I watched it twice last sunday. Yep, I'm cool. I'm a movie geek. You'll probably see me on "Beat the Geek" as the movie geek.

Today I cleaned. Scary stuff. I cleaned the main rooms and my bedroom. I didn't go in anyone else's rooms because... well... who knows what's in those rooms. Under-the-bed Dragons or something. -laughs- No, worse... I'll leave you to ponder on your thoughts.

Times up. Stop pondering.

Hello LOS ANGELES! Okay, I'm off to... ponder on my own thoughts.

chili con carne tacos in San Antonio, Texas. Sounds great, doesn't it? (Like I said, there's no purpose to this update.) I might just have to go visit some of my family that live in TX.

CALL ME! angel luffs you

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[01 Jun 2004|10:42am]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - Summertime ]

Sorry to everybody whom I haven't talked to in a long time. I'm a lazy bum, soakin' up the sun on the beach. Fun stuff. *smiles and laughs* I bring the doggy with me. Aaron's been really busy with acting. Sheesh I haven't seen him in a billion days. Yes, I'm sayin' that I miss my brother.

summertime )

I had fun hangin' out with Diana the other day. Shoppin' is always fun stuff!

I'm going to go find something good to eat in the frigidator... I might just need to go grocery shopping.

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[28 May 2004|07:43pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Buddy Holly - Weezer ]

I am so happy. Tomorrow I'm gonna go shoppin with Diana to look at stuff and possibly waste money. What else can ya do with someone your own age that loves to shop? Watch movies? NAW! That's so boring. Well, if you're a lazy bum, it's alright. But when you are attempting to have fun, shopping is the best. *nods* talk to y'all later.

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[23 May 2004|04:31pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Alanis Morisette - So Called Chaos ]

Last night = A lot of fun. If you saw a black blur going down the street, that was Mr. Nick Cannon [sp?] being a speed demon. I was nicknamed the "Organ Lady" *laughs* because everytime someone would ask him to slow down, I felt like my organs were moving around and I said so. We went out on a food-run to Taco Bell and Rally's. Nick dressed up in his SpongeBob SquarePants pajamas. I must say, that kid is cRaZy. After all that fun stuff we were gonna watch a movie, but Stacie needed to go home, so I took her home. I needed to go home too so I could get some sleep. That's the most fun I've had in a while. *nods*

Finals are this week. Gross, I know. A lot of study guides and stuff to do. Allergies are el crappo at the moment. I think the pollen count went up more or something. I'll be better tomorrow. It's making me REALLY hungry because I guess all the nasty stuff is gettin in my stomach and yeah... I will go no further.

I'm going to talk to some people and some other stuff, as in add friends. eek.

i adopted a kitty )

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