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Sunday, December 30th, 2001 | 9:31 pm |
Today: today was fairly boring, go figure. my 2 cousins stayed the night last night, that's about it. I woke up, made my special homemade cinnamon rolls, and read magazines until it was time to go to my grammas for dinner. it was okay. i got to see my cousin auggy and uncle kevin for the first time in a while. i can't believe that auggy is 20 now!!! well, he'll be 20 in january. but still! i can remember when he was 14 and i was 10 and we did the "outdoor olympics" in his backyard. memories make me sad. life isn't being my friend right now. i really don't feel like being around people...which isn't so good in this family-oriented holiday season. i get sick when i think about going back to school, and i get even sicker when i think about having to go to dads this weekend. if there's ONE person i don't want to see right now it's bertha. after i found out yesterday that she's been reading my journal and e-mailing the link to my relatives.....UGH! i'm still so mad at her. i don't even want to talk to her, let alone go to her freaking house. i'm not going if something doesn't change. i'm so ticked off. well, i guess i'll go. hopefully what they say is true and being upset burns calories. if that's the case, i should be losing like 20 pounds real quick. Current Mood: blah | Saturday, December 29th, 2001 | 4:17 pm |
WILL THE F-ING MADNESS NEVER STOP???????/ So, i just found out that my STEPMOTHER reads my journal!!!!! invasion of privacy anyone? OH MY GOD I AM SOOO MAD! she is going to HEAR ABOUT THIS! and apparently she mailed the f-ing LINK to everyone!!!!! OH MY GOD. i am so pissed. | 1:07 pm |
Hmm... This break has been really boring so far, and we only have like 5 more days left. Oh well, it's good to relax for a change. I talked to Ashlee last night and she asked me to go to a new years eve party w/ her, but i don't know if i will. i don't really feel like being around people....lol. kind of sad, but bums are awesome, right sarah? *right!* hmm...absolutely nothing is new with me. that is so sad. oh, i found out that "bowling jon" has a girlfriend, and apparently he felt really bad about it. I was like, why? it's no big deal. it's not like we were dating or anything. ooh, we talked like 4 times...wow thats a serious relationship right there. lol.
man i had this weird dream last night. it was freaky. sarah u were in it, and we were at arts in the alley looking for a christmas present for derrick, even though it was summer? it was strange. well, i guess i'll go. maybe i'll take a nap. i'm still in my pajamas, and it'd make me feel better. sounds good to me. | Monday, December 24th, 2001 | 7:52 pm |
Way to Suck, Life! So, apparently you're not supposed to hate other people, and ESPECIALLY around the holidays. But it's so damn hard! I love Megan to death....I have loved her since we first became friends. So how is it that now i just hate her so much? I mean, I still love her and all, and I'm pretty sure I always will. But the anger, sadness, hurt, and pain that I feel right now all mix together to this overwhelming not-quite hatred that I'm feeling. I don't know what to do. I don't want to have to start all over and find a new set of friends (because my old set wouldn't ever choose me over meg, nick and their stupid crew) to chill with, when high school is almost over! I don't know if I can handle this. When the rest of your life is falling all to pieces, you're SUPPOSED to have your best friend to lean on. So why can't I? It's not fair. The only other true "best friend" I have is Sarah, and she lives so far away. I don't know what to do. It feels like my hear is aching. I try to just be like, "oh well, her loss." But I CAN'T. She's been my best friend for like 3 1/2 years...you can't just stop just like that. And she hates me. I don't know why...and i don't know when it all started. But she does hate me. I can't say that I'm blameless, but it's like, friendship is supposed to overcome. We had plans for the future...we're not supposed to end up the kind of friends that you only see at high school reunions and when you accidently bump into them in the grocery store. We were supposed to raise each other's kids. Our husbands were supposed to go golfing and shit together. Not this. It's not supposed to end like this. Current Mood: indescribable | Thursday, December 20th, 2001 | 10:47 pm |
Not a good way to start my froehliche wiehnachten... Weeeell....today was umm...okay. Let me think about what happened: I got some presents from my buds, and like a gagillion (yup, a gagillion) christmas cards...i'm so popular...everyone loves me! well, everyone besides megan, but i'll get into that later. jeff gave me a hoodie and kristie gave me some lip gloss. i got a bunch of candy canes too, which rock even though they make me a little sick. don't ask me why cus i don't know. ew but i woke up sick today (STUPID COLD!) and i'm tired and blah. that put a damper on the day. along with... well, megan is apparently not speaking to me now, which is really a switch...kind of refreshing, actually. for once i'm not the one who is angered. ah, right now i'm talkin to (cousin) jon, ashlee and my cousin anna. good times. well i guess i'll go. oh, and one more thing: FLAMINGOES ROCK!!!! Current Mood: sickCurrent Music: Primetime Thursday theme muzak....dum dum dum dummm | Tuesday, December 18th, 2001 | 4:05 pm |
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Man, the weather is nice today! Not unbearably cold, and sunny! Well, we deserve it after yesterday's crappiness. I don't mind the occasional storm, but when it rains all day...well that sucks. Today was fair. We got our class rings. I like mine. It's cool. I also found out that I have a 102.3% in german....which is amazing, even for me. And we played badminton in gym...my FAVORITE sport. however, geometry was nicht so gut, because we have to build bridges out of toothpicks, and ours is not coming along very well. only 2 more days til christmas break....WOOHOO. QUOTE OF THE DAY: Mr. P: "Alright, you're group C." Kalee: "Yeah! 'C' for Success!!!" Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: La la la, la lee la, doo be doo doo doo wa.... | Monday, December 17th, 2001 | 11:09 pm |
My Life, Take 72.... Urgh! What a weird day! I was quite perturbed w/ megan this morning as she let nick TRY and cuss me out (even though i just laughed in his face) and said NOTHING about it.....what a friend, eh? at least i never cuss out nick to his face! lol it was kind of funny cus he was like trying to hurt me but sounded so stupid... well now mom is making me get off, so i'll finish this tomorrow morning. oh one more thing: WE GET OUR CLASS RINGS TOMORROW!!!! YEAH!!!! Current Mood: full | Sunday, December 16th, 2001 | 7:25 pm |
Isn't It Weird When.... the thought of Christmas makes you cry? you like a guy ...but don't know if he likes you back? a month after you break up w/ you b/f he calls you ...wanting to get back together? you're tired but can't sleep? you're waiting for something? you wish you could make the world a better place? you don't know who your friends are? you actually LIKE bowling? you miss your dad? | 3:36 pm |
The Artist Formerly Known As..... A.J??? Yeah, so last night as we were leaving the bowling alley, I ran into A.J. I said hey and that was it. Yet, today he called me. Why? Apparently he's trying to hook back up with me? Yeah, I'm sorry but there is no way we could get back together. I can't help it, the reasons are beyond my or anyone else's control. Thats just the way things are. But yeah. It was a REALLY awkward phone conversation. I want to tell someone. But there's no one to talk to. I want to tell Megan. But....nevermind. So i have to settle for writing about it in my little old journal. Well, today i made your Christmas present Sarah! Yay! You're gonna love it. Isn't it cool how we always make stuff for each other, and we always love it? Well I think it is. However, it's not "The Story of Kalee and Sarah: Part II". I think that'll have to wait til after high school...Senior Road Trip Baby! Yeah. But the next installation will come someday. Mwaha. Well, guess I'll stop rambling. Is everyone on livejournal dead? No one has updated in like forever! Usually it's me who never writes. The world is standing on it's head. Current Mood: calmCurrent Music: Running water? | 2:23 am |
Positive, Schmositive..... Thinking happy thoughts doesn't necessarily make you feel happier. If nothing else, I've learned this. Sometimes life just sucks, and nothing can make it better. Like, right now for instance. Today was such a depressing day....ugh. I went Christmas shopping, and every time i turned a corner i saw something that made me think, "Ooh! Megan would LOVE this!!!"....but, I didn't buy anything. i didn't want to buy something because who knows if we'll even be speaking by the time Christmas rolls around? The way things are going, we probably won't be. I cried when i got home. This is really really not fair. I just want my best friend back. Is that SO MUCH to ask??? I don't know what to do. I can't even remember the last time we did something together. It must've been...the last football game!?!? And every time i try to call her, we talk for like 4 minutes and then it's "well...since we're not SAYING anything i guess i should go..." It sucks. On top of this, Christmas is not shaping up to be a good one. My family's money situation is nicht gut right now. I'm worried about my mom. "Everything is falling to pieces. Earth is dying help me jesus..." The icing on the cake was that jon didn't come bowling tonight. Also, I made $45 last night, and somehow all i have left right now is $17. Life is bad. Current Mood: pessimistic | Friday, December 14th, 2001 | 4:09 pm |
Today Was Pretty....Excellent! Today was pretty great. Well, it wasn't bad. I found out that the Geom test i thought i got a D on i really got an 87% on. Also, Bio was so funny cus J was gettin all into it. "Good Stuff" as he says. I'm buying a cookbook from the choir, which is really nice. Laura G. gave me a Christmas card, which really suprised me, since we just became friend-ish like a few weeks ago. But still cool. Well, i better get off here so in case Geri tries to call. I'm babysitting tonight, woohoo! After toninght there will be fifty big ones in my pocket! Yesss! Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: P.O.D. "Youth of the Nation" | Wednesday, December 12th, 2001 | 9:55 pm |
My Day As A Bum Today i woke up, missed my bus, and decided, screw it, i don't wanna go to school. so i didn't. lol i chilled at home all day. mostly i slept. but it was all good. hmmm....nothing new to say, really. i have such a boring, bum-ish life. lol well, thats about it. Current Mood: listless | Monday, December 10th, 2001 | 6:48 am |
Hmm... So, my weekend was fairly uneventful. I went to dad's and basically sat around. However, I did get some new shoes, gloves, and an awesome hat to wear in the snow. Oh yeah, and a rain poncho. Don't ask. Right now I'm just sitting here feeling kindof sick-ish, so i better go before i puke or something. Later. Current Mood: sick | Wednesday, December 5th, 2001 | 7:54 pm |
WHO talked to Jon? I talked to Jon!!! Yup, thats right. I called him right up. The boy does not waste any time, thats for sure. Almost as soon as he answered the phone he was asking for my number and screenname. Sehr Kuehl!!! Well, I was just so excited that I had to write about it. He said he'd call me tomorrow!!!! Yay!!! P.S. "His pencil is a rocket. Duh!!!" Current Mood: loved | 6:52 am |
Grrrr.......rrr...... Well....my plan didnt work out so well. To make a long story short, I tried to call Jon, he wan't there, then mom had to wait for a call, then she was on the phone for like an hour w/ someone, then i tried to call agian and it just rang a lot, then we went to my grammas and didn't get home until 9pm....so no, i didn't get to talk to him. grrr. and you wanna know something else? I'm tired. So I feel crappy. And I wanna go to bed, but instead I have to sit here and whine and wait to go to "bleepin" school (lol sarah). Current Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: none.....my house is oddly silent? | Monday, December 3rd, 2001 | 4:16 pm |
Kalee's Ramblings Weeell...... Tonight I have to somehow work up the nerve to call Jon. Or maybe I'll do it tomorrow night. Who knows? Ashlee is calling Wes tonight, but only because supposedly Kody asked him if he thought Ash looks like a "hoe" and supposedly Wes said yeah. So Ash is gonna call him tonight to find out if that is true. Wes and Jon are friends, so if Wes goes to school tomorrow and tells Jon that Ash called him, and asks Jon if I called Jon...then Jon will know i still am gonna call him. However, I don't want to wait too long to call him...cus then he may forget me and whatnot. But he did do the nod/smile thing so i don't think he'll forget me by tomorrow night...plus then i can see how Ash's call to Wes went. Hmmm...yes i think tomorrow night will be the time to call. Anyway, enough with the ramblings. Today was pretty good. Ashlee and I were soooo pumped up. Neither of us can stop thinking about "our dudes." lol My mind keeps drifting back to Saturday night...when Jon started a new bowling-alley trend and Wes did the worm....lol. Oh, yes, and I got a strike...I was the only girl that did, thank u very much. lol Well, so much for not rambling. Later my G's. Current Mood: excitedCurrent Music: J-Lo.....waha.... | Sunday, December 2nd, 2001 | 8:48 am |
Last Night Was Freakin' Awesome!!!!!!! Last night was SO GREAT! I was all bummed cus I didn't have any plans to do anything this weekend, and then......Ashlee called! Mom answered the phone and I was like, "Ashlee who?" But then I figured it out. They asked me if I wanted to go to Pizza Hut and then to bowling with them. Well, anything was better than sitting at home, so of course I said yes. It's a good thing too. Pizza Hut was fun. We (being Ashlee, me, Meghann F., and Jesika E.) met Kody F. and Ryan G. there. We ordered and played a bunch of songs on the jukebox (that's how you spell it, i swear!). We ate, then Ashlee drove us over to Stardust. We got there, and spent over $50 on bowling! lol Anyway, we got our lanes, #13 and 14, and started to play. Well, right away the guys started kicking our ass, but that was okay, cus me and Ash got the hookup with some Bishop Ready hotties....AND scored their phone numbers. Sooooo, I'm looking fwd to monday! Today, I'm prolly just gonna clean and do nothing. Sound like fun? Later, K. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Afroman - "Because I Got High" | Friday, November 30th, 2001 | 4:22 pm |
Why didn't anyone tell me? I could've worn a bag over my head or something... Well, I reached the ripe old age of 16 without realizing it. How is that possible? you ask, shuddering. Well, I don't know. I know I've never been a big fan of mirrors, but i never realized i was actually ugly. Until today, that is. Oh well. I'm sure plenty of great people were ugly...yeah....right. Today was a good day, aside from my brutal realization. We got our report cards, and i got all A's aside from Health. *stupid health!* I was so excited that I actually got an A in Bio. I thought I was getting a B! Yeah, I'm a genius, I know. I started my diet today. So far it's going good. Meg, I took your advice when i got home and ate some rice. It was nasty and succeeded in ruining my appetite, so in a sense it worked. Danke. Later. Current Mood: confusedCurrent Music: "you remind me of a girl..that i...once knew...." | Thursday, November 29th, 2001 | 6:01 pm |
Blahblitty Blah Blah Blah Today was a very uneventful day, aside from scheduling for junior year...tres exciting. I signed up for AP English 3 (college credit right there!), CP U.S. Government, Conceptual Physics, German 3, French 1 (I'll elaborate on that later), Socialology, Algebra 2, Lunch (of course) and a full study hall. Now I'm all pumped up to be an upperclassman. I decided to take French 1 and German 3 next year. I know it won't be hard because German is like second nature to me now. So it'll be easy to take French at the same time. Plus, Sarah, you take French, so when we travel post-high school, we can be all cool. And, once i know French, i can say that i'm "multi-lingual." This morning was weird. Mom woke me up at 8:00 because she overslept, and then let me skip first period cus I didn't feel like going. Then, i had to go find ms. stidham (my first period teacher) to get my scheduling sheet, and she was all "is everything okay?" i was like, "um, yeah...why?" and she goes on about how i seemed strange because i got in a fight w/ this guy chris in her class yesterday (he was running his mouth to me and butting in where he didn't belong!) and cus i got a 39/59 on the quiz we took yesterday. it freaked me out because she needs to mind her own business. stupid. anyway, i guess i'll go. chance is on. i wonder if i sould talk to him? Current Mood: groggyCurrent Music: "Chiquita Bonita" by Shaggy :) | Wednesday, November 28th, 2001 | 6:59 am |
"I'm not like them...But I can pretend..." Anyway, i had this weird dream last night. Actually it was this morning, because i went back to sleep after mom came to wake me up and that was when it happened. Odd. It was cool though, cus in one part of it i was going shopping. Always a good thing. I have a feeling today is going to be...not good. Oh well. Oh, and yesterday i officially declared myself out of our little "group"...which is funny seeing as i kind of started this group. Oh well. Nick the F*** has taken over my position as presidento and to that i say "whatever!" gotta go to school. later. Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: none |
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