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BOW WOW WOW! [entries +friends+calendar]

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alo, alo! 6:44.PM
[ mood + ecstatic ]
[ music + the beatles :D ]

Note: New friends added!: manga, himeko, miyazu, takumashii, kidra, riven, girlbleeding, seraphic, cooan, taiki, seiry, sasha, strawberrysushi, roxydoll, jams, animegirl, and erowlife12

Welcome! :D

to all, from Bow Wow and I
11 mambles + Woof!

okk 11:23.AM
[ mood + blank ]
[ music + mary mary "praise you (shackles)" ]

i decided to edit this journal and use it again bc i found a new user pic :D well i haven't been using it bc i don't like the settings u get when u have a free account so i've been mainly using my other'll write 12 i'll be leaving for family night to a movie and to Old Country Buffet so I better get readddy..



to all, from Bow Wow and I

..+new layout..suggestions?.. 1:53.PM
[ mood + busy ]

Should I pay for my account?I do want to put kewl shyt on it like my original journal but I already have a lot of shyt with, all?

to all, from Bow Wow and I
1 mamble + Woof!

..+Casey feels: .. 12:07.AM
[ mood + enraged ]
[ music + Janet "doesn't really matter" ]

Please may I die? I hate this BITCH! Saying shyt about my dad that i can't call him dad and i have to call him Charles and my "step dad" [really uncle]! HELLL NO! I hate her i will go down and get a butcher knife and chop her faggot head off! I hate this whore.

PLease god..i need help at this moment..please!

luv? nah.

to all, from Bow Wow and I

..+hello.. 11:55.PM
[ mood + blah ]
[ music + Avant "Seperated" ]

HOw are You all DOiNG NOw? I'M Ok JuST GOt THiS NEw JOurnAl..I HAd AnOtHEr ONe..My NamE Was Mizzbytch. WeLL I NeeDa EdIT THiS STuff SO BYE!

to all, from Bow Wow and I

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