Just A Rat In A Cage's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Just A Rat In A Cage

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[16 Mar 2002|11:18pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | stupid kid on kerrang in the other room ]

You said your birthday is 4 / 6 / 1984
which means you are 17 years old and about:
67 years 5 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 85
63 years 11 months younger than Pope John Paul II, age 81
59 years 10 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 77
52 years 6 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 70
50 years 5 months younger than Larry King, age 68
44 years 2 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 62
40 years 9 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 58
37 years 9 months younger than President G.W. Bush, age 55
32 years 9 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 50
28 years 5 months younger than Bill Gates, age 46
23 years 9 months younger than John Elway, age 41
18 years 2 months younger than Cindy Crawford, age 36
12 years 8 months younger than Jeff Gordon, age 30
8 years 3 months younger than Tiger Woods, age 26
2 years 4 months younger than Jenna and Barbara Bush, age 20

and that you were:
13 years old when Princess Diana died
11 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
10 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder
8 years old at the time of the bombing of the World Trade Center*
6 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
5 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
a 1 year old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded

*This refers to the 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center.

well its about 11:15 and erm im kinda knackered... only just come on the computer.... just watched moulin rouge (or however u spell it)... it acctually is a really good film.... hmmm anyway yeah been working last night and today... pretty crap as usual.. not gonna go into the detail.... came home and got to speak to jo on the phone until her mum shouted at her... hmmm i dunnp what to talk about.... or how to talk about anything.... i dunno... my mind cant really like eeeven make sentances tonight.... i think i shud jjust leave and i dunno sleep or summot...... aparently im really stressed lately..... ive had this twitch in my face like constantly for the past week and its really pissing me off now...... the anti sleep pills i got dont work im still knackered all the time....... i just wish i could get up and leave and have my life how i want it for once instead of having to do so much crap just to be me........ urgh im gonna go this sucks..... cya 'round

Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

You call and I'll answer..... You ask and I'll lie ! ! ! ! [14 Mar 2002|04:35pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Jack Off Jill !!!!!! ]

hello everyone.... well its been along time since ive wrote anything in here... erm not really got much to say now but here we go.... i got my exam results back today

Biology - B(63)
Chemistry - D(49?)
Maths - E(29) yes indeed... the lowest possible mark i could get to scrape a pass... :s so my teacher wasnt impressed so i hafta resit it in june humph!

to be honest i dont think i really care anymore... really just amusing me at how dumb I've become :)

just been on the phone with jo n she's had a really bad day too but i wont go into that...

i have probably infected myself and my school with e-coli after accidentally opening up a bacterial culture of e-coli we were making in science... oops :S

shit happens... my birthday is kinda soon and for like the first time in the last 6 years i am actually excited about it... its gonna be so kool and i will be 18 which is always a bonus... my sister took me to livepool to buy me my present... she ended up buying me a "wankers" teeshirt and a cd (which i have actaully got now because i couldnt be bothered waiting til my birthday to play it...... aparently shes gonna buy me some more stuff too if i decide i want.... its great having a sister who works alot... gets paid alot..... lives at home so doesnt hafta pay rent...... and doesnt like spending money.... i get to "borrow" sooooo much lol

erm yeah anyway..... 11 more days til im going back down to wales *yey* hehe cant wait... missing jo alot wish i wasnt living here its like way too far away and it sucks here anyway

been getting back into a jack of jill phase again..... so heres some random lyrics which i thought were kool..... hope to see y'all again soon if i ever bother updating...

Devil with the Black Dress On

Wash off those scabs dear
or fingernail pick them clean
Pray to all your long lost demons
and justify your means

Devil has a new shape
Devil has a new ride
Devil has a problem but he locks it up inside
Shit angel

Kids sure like the devil these days
and I'm the devil with the black dress on
Do you want to own me angel
cause I own you now you're gone

Kids sure like the devil these days
and I'm the devil with the black dress on
Do you want to hate me angel
cause I hate you now you're gone

Did you believe it cause I said so
Did you believe it was true
Did you believe it cause I said so angel
I sure lied to you

Did you believe it cause I said so
Did you believe it was true
I'm eternal and infernal and I sure lied to you
Shit angel

Kids sure like the devil these days
and I'm the devil with the black dress on
Do you want to own me angel
cause I own you now you're gone

Kids sure like the devil these days
and I'm the devil with the black dress on
Do you want to hate me angel
cause I hate you now you're gone

Good girl with the black eyes
Believe in future past
Everything that I want happens
See how long that lasts

Devil has a hot rod
Devil high on speed
Devil has a black dress
So her arms can bleed

Kids sure like the devil these days
and I'm the devil with the black dress on
Do you want to know me angel
cause I know you now you're gone

Kids sure like the devil these days
and I'm the devil with the black dress on
Do you want to hurt me angel
cause I'm hurting now you're gone

Go go go gone
Go go go gone
Go go go go go go go

gone indeed...that is all
1 Pussy Superstar| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[04 Mar 2002|06:07pm]
[ mood | mellow ]

I did try upadating this a few hours ago but my computer crashed.... so i cant be arsed writting all the stuff i said again so looks like all those people (who must not be many) who read my journal will just hafta do without for a little longer....

Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

fun for the whole fucking family.... [26 Feb 2002|10:24pm]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | System Of A Down - Toxicity Albumn ]

Right well I'm rather bored I've just come off messenger because...well i dunno I just couldn't be bothered with it

anyway heres a little quiz i've decided to do...... I'll write odd lyrics from songs....... and anyone that actually bothers to read this can have go at guessing (1) the band (2) the song..... erm oh yeah and maybe you will win a prize i dunno....

well here we goooo...........

1/ Well now I've got some
A-dvice for you, little buddy.
Before you point the finger
You should know that
I'm the man,

And if I'm the man,
Then you're the man, and
He's the man as well so you can
Point that fuckin' finger up your ass.

2/ and you know you're never sure
but you're sure you could be right
if you held yourself up to the light
and the embers never fade in your city by the lake
the place where you were born

3/ But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine

4/ You gotta
Stand tall and cut away the ties
Drop Balls and hold that head up high
The world is fast and youth aint gonna wait
So grab a hold before it gets to late
Bare your soul and strip away the cold
Of withered life thats past so gray and old
Cause all the pain that thats filled these eyes you see
Has made them bleed just recently

5/ Barney ties me to the chair
I can't see I'm really scared
Floyd breathes hard I hear a zip
Pee pee pressed against my lips

I was ashamed

Lies and suffers in the room
Opie, Aunt Bea, I presume
They take turns and cut me up
I die smothered in Aunt Bea's muff

I was ashamed

well thats all for now.... yeah i know its easy but hey i cant be arsed at the moment........ enjoy and please.... everybody do it!!!!

5 Pussy Superstars| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

The "Associates" of me... [16 Feb 2002|12:04am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Smash Mouth - All Star ]

you make some "interesting" music and are good @ drumming
you are randomly kool
you are a brilliant friend
you hate me but are my best friend
you amoose me "chuck"
you are a random being for whom i hold no thoughts {feelings} of any kind
you are a really groovy {arousing} person who i don't see often enough
you you are a "strange" but may i say exeptional person who i am glad i know
you live far far away and i dont think u like me much....
you aparently live in st helens
you are like one of bestest people ive ever had the pleasure of talking to yey for you :)
you are a person who goes my school who i had a "thing" for and u have travis tickets which i desire to possess
you don't like me much but hey shit happens, i still have the memories...
you are a scary canadian... but you have a kool band that has fucking awesome music so i will let you live...
you are the inspiration for this and u have an "interesting" perception of life... randomly impressive

3 Pussy Superstars| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[15 Feb 2002|10:38pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

been reading katies deadjournal ...

Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

As I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shodow Of Death I Shall Fear No Evil... [13 Feb 2002|06:20pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Placebo - Black Eyed ]

my day sucked, i have a deadjournal i odnt know why, but i do, erm i didnt dye my hair, they said i hadda have an apointment so i gotta go tommorow, hmmm anyway so i spent all my hair dying money on jeans, so now i need to "borrow" money from my parents (even tho my mum owes me £60 which she "borrowed" from me, i bought a magazine too, and i have decided im not going to go to see slipknot on friday because i cant be fucked and they really do suck anyway lol, so erm yeah nothing good has happened today, jo is banned from the net and her mum is shouting at her this very second :( her mum doesn't like me, and therefore doesn't like jo for going out with me... oh well her loss, or mine if she tries to stop me seeing her, which parents do, mine have tried with me a few times, bastards, anyway yeah my mum has just phoned and disconnected me so i will have to re-connect before i post.... not that u wud be able to tell so i dont know why i worte that, i am rather impressed with my painting i did last night tho... random words over my walls and ceiling including my "idle hands" tribute... the big "I'm Under The Bed" wrote on my ceiling.... hehe anyway i will re-connect and post this then i shall dissapear because I cannot be fucked to go on msn when jo (the only person who even talks to me these days) wont be on because she has a bitch mum............that is all

2 Pussy Superstars| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[12 Feb 2002|09:50pm]
today sucks, big time... nothing has gone right and everything is pissing me off... infact no i cant even be bothered writting about it in here im just gonna leavew because im just fuckin urgh..... annoyed!
Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[11 Feb 2002|06:45pm]

What Pattern Are You?
6 Pussy Superstars| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

bored................. very very bored......... [10 Feb 2002|12:33am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | THE HIVES!!!!!!! : ) : ) : ) ]

Which Travis Member Are You?

Which John Cusack Are You?

Which British Band Are You?

Take the Which Stroke are you? Quiz

Take the Manic Street Preachers Quiz!

Take the Radiohead Collective Member Test.

Which David Bowie are you?

Take the Hey Hey, Which Monkee Are You? Quiz.

*Take This Test!*

*Take This Test!*

Take The Mu$ic Biz Whore Test

Take The Hair Bear Bunch Test!

*Take This Test!*

Take The Scooby-Doo Test!

I'm Murdoc
My anthem is
"I Choose", by The Offspring.
I live life like there were no tomorrow, but I know when to keep my nose out of serious trouble. I may seem pretty childish to some people, and I won't deny that I am. But that's why everyone loves me.
Find out what YOUR anthem is HERE!

Which Spice Girl Are You?
you are ben!
you live on alcoholic beverages and can be seen singing drunken chords of sweet home alabama. you are pretty manly and love the ladies. oh yeah, you are also a melon.
Take The "Which silverchair Member Are You?" Test

Take the Which Powerpuff Girl Are You? Test.

i'm Jack!
Which Cute Dork Are You?
the cute dork test. just click it.

Which Trainspotting Character Are You?

ok now im bored i think i will stop doing these....... for tonight............ i need to sleep........... im going cardiff one week today :)..... mmmmmm choclate sauce ;)

nite all
1 Pussy Superstar| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

A little fiction....Any of you pricks move, an i'll execute every mother fucking last one of you [08 Feb 2002|01:15am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]

PULP (pulp) n. 1. A soft, moist, shapeless mass of matter.
2. A magazine or book containing lurid subject matter and
being characteristically printed on rough, unfinished paper.
American Heritage Dictionary: New College Edition

Ezekiel 25:17

The path of the righteous man,
Is beset on all size,
By the inequities of the selfish,
And the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will,
Shepherds the weak through the Wally of darkness,
For he is truly his brothers keeper,
And the finder of lost children,
And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance
And furious anger
Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord
When I lay my vengeance upon thee

how fuckin yummy does he look there??

Click here for something really funny...

Jules: Oh man, I will never forgive your ass for this shit, this is some fucked up repugnant shit.
Vince: Jules, you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong he is automatically forgiven for all wrong doings? Have ya ever heard that?
Jules: Get the fuck out my face with that shit. The mother fucker who said that never had to pick up itty-bitty pieces of skull on account of your dumb ass.
Vince: I got a threshold Jules, I got a threshold for the abuse that I will take. Right now I'm a fuckin' racecar alright, and you got me in the red. Now I'm just saying, im just saying that it's fuckin) dangerous to have a racecar in the fuckin' red, I could blow
Jules: Oh you could blow?
Vince: Yeah I could blow.
Jules: Well im a mushroom cloud layin mother fucker, mother fucker. Every time my hands touch brain, I'm superfly T-N-T, I'm the guns of the Navarone. In fact, what the fuck am I doin in the back, you the mother fucker should be on brain detail, we fuckin' switchin, im washin the windows, and you pickin up this niggers skull.

Jules: What does Marsellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country you from?
Brett: Wh-What?
Jules: What aint no country I ever heard of, They speak english in what?
Brett: W-What?
Jules: English mother fucker, do you speak it?
Brett: Y-Yes
Jules: Then you know what I'm saying
Brett: yes
Jules: Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like
Brett: What? I..
Jules: Say what again! Say what again i dare ya, I double dare you mother fucker, say what one more god damn time!
Brett: H-h-h-he's black
Jules: Go on..!
Brett: H-he's bald
Jules: Does he look like a bitch?
Brett: What?
Brett: argggghhh urrrghhh
Jules: Does - he - look - like - a - bitch?
Brett: Nooo
Jules: Then why you trying to fuck him like a bitch Brett?
Brett: I didn't
Jules: Yes you did, yes you did Brett, You tried to fuck him. And Marsellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs. Wallace

Jules: It was a foot massage. A foot massage means nothin'. I give my mother a foot massage.
Vincent: It's layin' your hands in a familiar way on Marsellus' new wife. Is it as bad as eatin' her pussy out? No. But it's the same fuckin' ballpark.
Jules: Whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing.
Vincent: It's not... it's the same ballpark.
Jules: Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but y'know, touching his wife's feet and stickin' your tounge in the holiest of holys ain't in the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Foot massages don't mean shit.
Vincent: Have you ever given a foot massage?
Jules: Don't be tellin' me about fuckin' foot massages. I'm the foot fuckin' masta.
Vincent: You given a lot of 'em?
Jules: Shit yeah... I got my technique down and everything. I don't be ticklin' or nothin'
Vincent: Would you give a guy a foot massage?
Jules: Fuck you.
Vincent: You give 'em alot?
Jules: Fuck you.
Vincent: You know, I'm kinda tired. I could use a foot massage myself.
Jules: Yo man, you just back off. I'm gettin' a little pissed here.

Jimmy: When you came pullin' in here, did you notice a sign on the front of my house that said 'Dead Nigger Storage'?
Jules: Jimmy, you know I didn't see no shit...
Jimmy: Did you notice a sign on the front of my house that said 'Dead Nigger Storage'?
Jules: No.....I didn't...
Jimmy: You know why you didn't see that sign?
Jules: Why?
Jimmy: Cuz it ain't there - Cuz storin' dead niggers ain't my fuckin' business - That's why!

The Wolf: Fine job, gentlemen. We may get out of this yet.
Jimmy: I can't believe that's the same car.
The Wolf: Well, let's not start suckin' each other's dicks quite yet.

Butch: Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead...
5 Pussy Superstars| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[06 Feb 2002|06:25pm]
Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

*mY tRuSt in YoU haS beEN abUSeD* [05 Feb 2002|10:34pm]
[ mood | Happy but got a cold ]
[ music | Muse - Host ]

well its been a while sinc i updated this and erm well yeah alot of "stuff" has happened... i went to wales for the weekend (as u probably know if you read this)and yeah well me n jo got together... which also means i split her and iain (my best mate) up.... which ok the second part aint good but cant change that now, anyway yeah... so that happend, erm goin back next weekend hopefully... even tho hewr mum dont like me 1/ cus im bi and 2/ because she thinks id just be fuckin her 24/7 oh well let her think what she wants, hmmmm anyway, not told my mum yet tho.... cus my mum loves iain more than me lol.... so she seriously wud like disown me if she found out.... hmmm oh well erm yeah today has been productive.... although i do have a cold..... i found a painting in my sisters caravan tht aprently my uncle did so i cut it out of the frame and stuck it on my wall, and i made some other little decorations for my bag and my room... sick off just having the posters like they were... anyway erm yeah i cant really be bothered writting anything else in here because i wanna go do some more decorating and really just cant be arsed so i guess i'll write something some other time and yeah maybe something interesting..... bye my whole one reader who is Aly even tho i bet u wont be reading this lol hmmm oh well nevermind eh.....talkin to your self is a sign of madness or summot...... writting to yourself probably counts too....

1 Pussy Superstar| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[01 Feb 2002|09:34am]

Which British Band Are You?

Carbonated Beverage Are You?

shud be on the way to wales now.... hmmm where the fuck is iain?
Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[30 Jan 2002|07:24pm]

You Are

Fool In The Rain

You are a very bizarre person, to say the least. You don't think the way most other people do. And you probably don't really care.

You defy convention, and probably really like burritos. And you're very content with your life. You're a ray of sunshine. Piercing, bizarre end-of-the-world sunshine, but sunshine nonetheless. While most people are going to college to be lawyers or accountants or something, you'd be just as happy working at Tippy's Taco Stand in San Dimas, CA.

You probably have a really interesting car. You definitely do not drive a Honda Civic. There's a good chance that you smoke weed. There's a good chance you sell it.

Everybody worth anything likes you a lot.

Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz

you are you

Take the web's most accurate personality test now!
1 Pussy Superstar| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

I guess you think its funny now.... [29 Jan 2002|04:10pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | By the time i finneshed this... lotssssss ]

Name: Jack
Nicknames: Faggot, Cock Sucker..... erm lol
Age: 17
Birthday: April 6th 1984
Astrological sign: Aries
Chinese zodiac sign: Rat
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'10
Weight: too heavy
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color: brown
Location: Sumwhere up norf
Occupation: stoodent/customer service dude
How much do you make?: £4.01 per hour (the 1p is very important)
Parents still together?: Yes
Siblings?: 2 sisters
Pets?: 3 dogs, 2 birds, 1 cat and a hampster
Rent, lease, or own your home?: Live with parents
What do you drive?: Myself crazy

Black and White/Color: Colour
Black/White: Black
Red/Blue: Blue
Dogs/Cats: Dogs
Roses/Daisies: Roses
Beer/Liquor: Liquor
Underwear/Thongs: Underwear
Hair ~ Short/Long: Long
Boots/Shoes: Boots
Food: Mexican/Italian: Italian
Dark/Light: Dark
Day/Night: Night
City/Country: City
Sheets ~ Solid/Animal Prints: Solid
Sub/Dom: Sub (sometimes dom)

Current Dress: Black baggy jeans, issues tee, static x hoodie
Current Makeup: nothing
Current Mood: sick/mellow
Current Music: The Strokes - Last Night
Current Taste: Bread
Current Hair: Yesterdays spikes
Current Annoyance: My foot
Current Smell: My feet... lol
Current Longing: anything other than what i got
Current thing I ought to be doing: Homework
Current Desktop Picture: Brian Molko "Impure" design
Current Favorite Artist: Salvador Dali
Current Favorite Group: Jimmy Eat World
Current Book: I don't read, but I guess "The Collector" for school
Current CD In Stereo: Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie
Current DVD In Player: None but the last one was Little Nicky
Current Color Of Toenails: None
Current Refreshment: Milk
Current Worry: Too much to write down
Current Crush: John Travolta in "Face Off"
Current Favorite Celebrity: Nicholas Cage

You Touched? erm dunno
You Talked too? Myself
You Hugged? Korn Dollie
You Talked to on the phone? Jo
You Instant messaged? This person called sarah who just messaged me
You Kissed? erm i dunno
You Yelled At? My teacher
You Had A Crush On? Rayna
Who Broke Your Heart? Me

Flower?: Black Roses
Book? Don't read much
Author? Christopher Pike lol
Extracurricular Activity? Playing Guitar
Color of hair? Blue And Black
Food? Pizza
Drink? Milk
Beer? Fosters
Liquor? Whiskey
Soda? Pepsi
Color? Purple
Vehicle? VW hippy van
Album? favourite? ermmmm fuck knows, too many to decide from
Shoes? Erm show boots which i don't have due to the fact they cost £200
Candy? dont know
Animal? Kestrel, or Dragon (but they not really animals)
TV Show? Dont watch TV but prolly just KerrangTv
Movie? Usual Suspects/Reservour Dogs
Director? Quentin Tarentino
Song? Way too many to choose from....
Vegetable? god knows, potatpes are prolly the only ones i eat
Fruit? Bananas

Stolen anything? Yes
Smoked? Yes
Crack? No
Drink? Yes
Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? Yes
Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? Yes
Posed for nude pics? No
Considered a life of crime? Yes
Considered being a hooker? No
Maybe a pimp? Yes
Been married? No
Been divorced? No
Kissed someone? Yes
Been in love? Yes
Been so drunk you blacked out? Yes
Kept a secret from everyone? Yes
Set a body part on fire? Often
Had an imaginary friend? Yes
Called or seen a psychic? No
Ever cried at a chick flick? Probably
Had a crush on a teacher? Nope
Found a cartoon character attractive? Yes
Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape? No
Watched Punky Brewster? No
Prank called someone? Yes
Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after? I am fat.... but yeah anyway
Been on stage? Yes
Gotten in a car accident? Yes

Wear eye shadow? Sometimes
Have a dog? 3
Want a tattoo, and where? Yes, A tribal design on my left shoulder blade
Have any regrets? Too Many
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
Have a Crush? Yeah lol
have a best friend? Yes
Have Split personalities? Yes
Panic? Often
Suffer From Anxiety? Yes
Who do you go to for advice? Erm Sue or Aly
Who knows all your secrets? Nobody thats why they are secrets
Who do you cry with? Myself

Understanding? When I feel like it...
Open-minded? Yes
Arrogant? Sometimes
Insecure? Too Much
Interesting? Prolly not, well to most people...
Hungry? Not Much anymore
Friendly? When They Deserve It
Smart? Not Really
Moody? I Can Be When Constanly Provoked
Childish? Yes And I Love It
Independent? Yeah I Guess
Hard working? Not Really
Organized? Never
Healthy? Erm..... *looks at stomach* NO
Emotionally Stable? not at all really...
Shy? Not With People I Know/Am Friends With
Difficult? When I need to be
Attractive? No
Aware? of the fact i must be really bored to do this? yes
Easily Bored? Yes
Messy? to extremes
Thirsty? Not right now...
Responsible? Not really
Angry? Don't get angry, I get even
Sad? When its called for
Happy? When its called for
Trusting? Too much, oh MUCH too much
psycho?: Sometimes
Obsessive?: Yeah
Compulsive?: Yes
Obsessive Compulsive?: Well..... Yeah lol
Suicidal?: Yes
Homicidal?: Yes
Genocidal?: Yes
Obsessed with hate?: No
Depressed?: Sometimes
Schizophrenic?: Not really an expert

HOW SHOULD YOU KILL YOUR FIRST/NEXT VICTIM? find out at: slitmyfuckingthroat.cjb.net

Take theWhat
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

2 Pussy Superstars| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

Free Thinkers Are Dangerous [28 Jan 2002|12:59pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | SOAD - P.L.U.C.K. ]

phew just finneshed my english coursework, was up til one last night doing it but i decided to get to sleep, so in lesson today my teacher said i have to finnesh it and had it in before i go home or im kicked off the course and maybe out of the school..... hmmm oh well ive done it now so no worries, erm, not got much to say now. Only 4 more days then im going to wales with iain to see Jo its gonna be sooooooooo kool cus jo is just klass and its her birthday so i get to get pissed, (although maybe i shudnt) hmmm oh well yeah its gonna be great, oh i went to see iains new house yesterday, it would be good.... if it was finneshed, they hafta put down all the floros themselves and shit so hmmm yeah still a bit of a mess..... buttttt very big so thats ok, anyway im gonan go now cus this is boring me, so ciao to everyone who bothers to read this and i'll prolly talk to you soon.

URRRGGHHHH my batteries ran out on my CD player!!! grrrrr at you... well lasted long enough i suppose lol

Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[27 Jan 2002|10:51pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight tonight/ Zero ]

grrrr im "supposed" to be doing my english essay now... its 200 words and ive wrote about 300..... and its supposed to be handed in first thing 2morrow morning...... grrrrrr at me for being so lazy... ive not even read one of the books..... *is stupid* i really need to get my act together..... ive prolly wrote more in this than i have in my essay in the last hour, i just dont know what to write about, im not a clever person, clever things dont come into my head, im not exactly the worlds best english essay writter, espesially since i cant read...... grrrr im gonna go "finnish" it.... lol like thats ever gonna happen :(

Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[25 Jan 2002|11:35pm]

WHICH SERIAL KILLER ARE YOU? find out at: slitmyfuckingthroat.cjb.net

2 Pussy Superstars| Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

[23 Jan 2002|11:45pm]
See what Care Bear you are.
Is you cat amazing, can he play the guitar?

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