LiveJournal for über poser.
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004 |
Dear "Fellow" Voters, Just what the hell were you thinking? Do you have a brain anywhere in your head? |
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 |
okay. I'm a bit late doing this. But this is just for those of you whom I didn't send a reminder email to last night. I don't care whom you vote for (ok I kind of do) Just go out and vote! One Vote Can, and does, make a difference. |
Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 |
Friends Famaily Country persons Please Help me and my group out by filling out a survey and telling us what you feel on a certian subject. We are making a book for class on the subject and need as much feedback as possible. For that reason, please tell your friends to take the survey also, the more feedback the better. you can take the survey at http://www.fourtunas.com/comsem.html thanks for your help |
Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 |
Tuesday, August 24th, 2004 |
![]() If I know you and you need a place to crash in order to attended the protest I have floor space available. |
Thursday, August 5th, 2004 |
Monday, May 3rd, 2004 |
"It's not a luxury item." | ||
Tuesday, March 30th, 2004 |
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Sunday, March 21st, 2004 |
Ok one of the songs on the TV on the Radio disc that I purchased a week ago made me think of a potential mixed cd to make... one that you would send to your significant other when you are breaking up with them. Not that I need any such cd right now... but I just got the idea. So I decided to make it a game to play with you guys. Everyone list at least one song that you would put on such a CD. We will call it "the ultimate dump". I'll start off with one song and will add more later on. TV on the Radio's "don't love you" ( lyrics ) |
Wednesday, March 17th, 2004 |
I just spent the past hour not doing my homework but rather reading up about this young lady: ![]() Butterfly Boucher She is touring with Sarah M. this summer. hummmm As for the homework. I guess the dog ate it. |
Thursday, March 11th, 2004 |
I was going to make a long entry. but its to late and im sleepy. so to make it short go buy the new cd by "TV On The Radio" its slamtactic. more in your late local news. |
Monday, February 9th, 2004 |
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Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 |
If you would like to join my world leave a comment and add me as a friend to your journal. I am in the process of changing all of my past entries into friends only posts also, so if you are not on my friends list and for some weird reason feel the need to read my past entries you better do it soon. |
Wednesday, November 19th, 2003 |
"The artist is a collector of things imaginary or real. He accumulates things with the same enthusiasm that a little boy stuffs his pockets. the scrap heap and the museum are embraced with equal curiosity. He takes snapshots, makes notes, records impressions on tablecloths or newspapers, on backs of envelopes or matchbooks. Why one thing and not another is part of the mystery, but he is omnivorous. Wildly heterogeneous as his inspirational treasures appear, curiosity is the common denominator and the pleasure of discovery an important by-product. The artist takes note of that which jolts him into visual awareness. Without the harvest of visual experience he would be unable to cope with the plethora of problems, mundane or otherwise, that confronts him in his daily work." -Paul Rand |
Tuesday, November 18th, 2003 |
NANNER | ||||
Sunday, November 2nd, 2003 |
no news is good news. in other news, I am probably going to change this journal into a friends only journal. the reason for this change is because I believe that some of my immediate family members are reading my journal, and I don't like the idea of this. Its weird because I don't mind complete strangers reading my posts, nor do I mind people who I don't get along with reading my posts, but my family reading them gets to me. I guess I feel like, if I don't know that they are reading them, and I discover that they are by means of a counter, and not by them extending me the courtesy of letting me that they are viewing my entires... it feels a little bit like they are stalking me. With them viewing my entires I don't really feel like I can open up in my entires, which I rarely do anymore anyway, but I would like to have the option. I feel that if my family wants to know whats going on with me they should, *GASP* give me a call, or if they are feeling cheap, e-mail me to see whats going on in my life. Plus with them viewing my joural entries it seems more like a one sided conversation. This is the least drastic of the three choices that I came up with which included getting a new username or just stopping using livejournal all together. in other, non related news... its hot in my apartment right now, and it was very nice outside today (in the 70s I think), which completely suprised me because of the cold weather that we had recently. |
Friday, October 31st, 2003 |
Dear kid at my stoop, I see that you are outside asking strange men for treats. While I can appreciate your vain attempt at squandering tiny morsels of sugar from strangers, I must insist that you put forth more effort. What is to distinguish you from the common beggars on the train or on the more populated street corners in the city? Ahh I see there, you have a mask. What imagination you have, you went to a local store and bought a mask. But what, may I ask, do your regular street clothes have to do with this image your are trying top put off? You see, in order to con me out of sugary delights you must put forth more effort than just purchasing a mask and putting it on. A mask does not a costume make, but rather, when not in combination with a coordinating outfit just makes you look like a stupid idiot. Thus, I will not be dispensing anything to you other than this advice, next year put forth more effort in the costume department. Don't go to the back of your closet and pull out the same mask that you have worn for the past 5 years and expect to get hyperactive inducements from me. As for the rest of you, I ate all the candy, sorry. |
Ok Now I want some REAL candy! the tack could be useful, i guess. I'm still making trying to make plans for tonight. I'm not sure what I'm going to end up doing, if anything at all. I also dont know, if I do end up doing something, what I am going to dress up as, if anything at all. Part of me wants to, but I don't want to waste money on doing it. ho hummm. Hope everyone else has a fun time tonight, and send me some candy! |
Wednesday, October 29th, 2003 |
in further daily updates, i burned the heck out of my right thumb today while heating up my dinner. Note to self: don't leave the metal spoon all the way in the pot while the pot is over a hot flame... and further on, if you do forget this first point DO NOT BY ANY MEANS attempt to pick up said metal spoon with out protection (and I'm not talking about prophylactics here you dirty minded people). Anyone know what to do to make a burn stop hurting??? |
Who has been awarded an assistantship to help the my deparment develop its MFA program???? that's right.. YOURS Truely.... KICK ASS |
LiveJournal for über poser.