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FAQ Question #105

» How do I contact the Abuse Team?

If you're having problems with another user, or believe that someone is violating the Terms of Service, you can make a report to the LiveJournal Abuse Team.

Before making a report, there are several things you should do. First, read through the rest of the Frequently Asked Questions in this section of the FAQ (http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqcat=abuse). These FAQs explain the technical solutions that will help you to resolve a situation on your own without needing assistance from the Abuse Team.

After you've read through the FAQs, look through the Terms of Service (http://www.livejournal.com/legal/tos.bml) to see if the situation is covered there.

If you still feel that it is necessary to file a report and have the Abuse Team investigate, you will need to have the following information readily available:

* Your username
* The usernames of all other users involved
* URLs to SPECIFIC posts or comments where you feel that the Terms of Service have been violated. The Abuse Team will not be able to investigate a request without this information. A link to a user's entire journal will not be enough information to begin researching a situation. We require links to the specific entry or entries.
* Any other proof that you would like to present.

Please note that the Abuse Team will not consider comment notification e-mails, chat logs, or any other off-site material as evidence. Also note that the Abuse Team doesn't accept requests on behalf of a third party. If your friend is being harassed, your friend will need to open a request under his or her own username.

Once you have gathered all the information you wish to present, visit http://www.livejournal.com/abuse/report.bml. This form will prompt you for all of the required information. If your issue is best handled by a FAQ, you will be directed to that FAQ, so that you get a response as quickly as possible. If your issue needs to be handled by a member of the Abuse Team, your information will be forwarded to the Abuse queue, where it will be investigated in turn.

This is the only method for submitting an Abuse request; do not e-mail individual members of the Abuse Team, and do not e-mail the account of the Abuse Team community. Your report will not be read unless it is made using this form.

Due to the high volume of requests and the fact that the Abuse Team is composed of volunteers, it may take time for your request to be answered. Some requests are handled within hours. Some others, especially the ones that require large amounts of investigation, may take several days, up to a week. Please don't e-mail the Abuse team again to ask about your request, as that will only add to the workload and delay your response further.

Your request will appear as a Support request. It will, however, only be visible to you and to members of the Abuse Team.

You'll also get an e-mail with a URL containing an authorization code that will allow you to view and comment on your Abuse request. It's very important that you don't share that URL with anyone. Don't post it anywhere, don't show it to your friends, and don't encourage people to use that URL to add their comments to your request. If you share that URL, your request is no longer secure and confidential. The Abuse Team will close requests that are no longer secure, and you'll have to open another one.

Additionally, please do not ask all of your friends to write in regarding a problem you are having. The Abuse Team only needs one report to investigate a claim, and each report above and beyond the first report simply serves to slow the investigative process. The Abuse Team's decision will not be swayed by a write-in campaign; decisions are made in accordance with the Terms of Service, and not popular opinion.

If you're interested in being considered for the Abuse Team, you can see the application requirements in the User Information for the Abuse Team community (http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=lj_abuse).

Last Updated:
burr86, 2004-10-31

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