FAQ Question #13
» How do I change the number of journal entries per page?
To change the number of journal entries that show up on your Recent Entries and Friends pages, first go to
Copy the following overrides into the "Style Overrides" box near the bottom of the page:
This example changes the number of entries on your Recent Entries page to 30, and the number of entries on your Friends page to 40. You may wish to change the numbers to other values that suit you. Both of these options have a minimum of 1, a maximum of 50, and a default value of 20.
This only applies if you are using S1. If you are using S2, changing the number of entries shown on each page can be done either by editing customizations on a system style, depending which you are using, or by creating a custom layer or style.
Why is my Modify Journal page missing some options?
The S2 FAQ category
http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqcat=s2Last Updated:
rho, 2004-08-05
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