Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "sarcasm".
500 matches:
- 00735 - .
- 100_words - One Hundred Words
- 12am_nosh - Midnight SNACK!
- 4lt3r_3g0s - 4lt3r 3g0$
- _____danseparty - ____!!!bust a moby!!!____
- _afternoon_tea - [while the world goes by]
- _evasive - Evasive
- _flop_ - Fuck Liking Other People
- _friends_only_ - Friend
- _hostile_ - Hostile
- _misplaced_ - <Dazed, amused, amazed, confused>
- _misunderstood_ - i'm just me
- _overthestars_ - today's specimen: human.
- _the_clique_ - THE CLIQUE
- _windowsdown - i should've drove all night <3
- _yayness_ - Thats Yayness!!!
- academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
- accordingtome - Bob's calm soulful screams
- admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
- aesthetera - tissue samples or fingerprints may be provided
- agesexlocation - Wanna shag?
- am_i_special - Get an arbitrary rating from random people!
- analfissure - AHAHAHA! JESUS!
- anarch1cp0seurs - Teh L337 Riot Grrls
- andthewinneris - and the award for best. . .
- angelsynth - angel synthesis: an RPG
- angry_bunnies - angry bunnies
- angry_fucks - we're fucking angry
- angryraspberry - Angry Raspberry Society (ARS)
- annslanders - Ask Ann Slanders
- anti_daters - Anti-Daters
- anti_stupidity - The Anti-Stupidity League
- antiwpr - AntiWPR Debate
- argh - i have something to say!
- argument_clinic - debatewithasenseofhumor
- arthurandmonica - LoveLetters
- artifaces - give him a mask and he'll tell the truth
- asian_pride - Asians United
- assholery - assholery
- assholes - assholes
- atheists - non-believer
- avengers - revenge is sweet and paybacks a bitch
- badmovieland - Bad Movie Land
- badpoetry - bad poetry
- badpoetryinc - Bad Poetry Incorporated
- bamfers - Badassmofo LJ Community
- bar_room_brawl - bar_room_brawl
- barbedcocktail - the new algonquin round table
- barff - Boston Area Rotten Film Festival
- bco - top serious messageboard
- bearingaweenie - Tolerators of Mark
- beeotchgoddess - Beeotch Goddess
- bemorecynical - Bill Maher!
- bench_people - The Almighty Bench People
- bernardi - BERNARDI
- betterthanhaiku - Witty Two Line Entries
- bigpicture - The Big Picture
- billsbdayharem - Bill's Birthday!
- bitch_all - bitches_all_claimed
- bitch_inc - .bit.ter .c.ynical and .h.eart-broken
- black_bandaids - Soaked.
- blackno1 - Type O Negative fans
- blue_cherry - Blue Cherry
- boardsgonewild - RND livejournalized.
- bobdylan - Another Side of Bob Dylan
- boring_people - Anybody & Me
- boysweddo - boys we'd do
- broken_mind - Life never did come with a guarantee
- brutal_honesty - tell me your secrets
- candystore - Teh Candy Store
- cbs_column - ** 'Cut the BullShit' Column **
- central_perk - Central Perk
- centralperkmb - Central Perk
- chaotic_wind - A chaotic wind blows...
- characterflawed - The flaw of ones character.
- chat_kids - chat kids
- cheese_cult - The Holy Gathering Place of the Cheese Cult
- chitownsuburbia - Got something to say?
- chokespankpull - ChokeSpankPull
- chronicleclient - Chronicle LiveJournal Client
- chung_love - chungies
- cky_graphics - Cky Graphics
- claimyourbitch - You know you're right
- cleverfuckers - we are clever.
- clubcommons - Club Commons
- communitiessuck - Communities Suck
- cookiesandboys - çøØkie§ + ßo¥s
- cool_as_hell - Cool as HELL
- crappy_advice - crappy_advice
- crazy_trip - Johnny & Michelle
- cuddlyfurballs - You Suck
- cultashi - 'Draco's hot dad'
- cuomosexuals - Rivers Cuomosexuals
- cynical_bitches - Cynical Bitches
- cynicalbastards - Cynical Bastards
- cystic_fibrosis - Sixty-Five Roses ~ Cystic Fibrosis
- dahlia_lounge - Dahlia Lounge
- dallasgoths - Dallas Goths
- damagedfuckers - Damaged Little Fuckers
- damnfinefilms - Damn Fine Films
- damnportlanders - Portlandiaphile
- daria_ - D a r i a
- dariahatesyou - .
- dark_freaks - Dark Freaks Mag
- deadlittegirls - us
- dearuser - Dear User: Project
- death_eaters - Death Eaters Anonymous
- debate - Debate Central
- debate2 - Debate2 - The undeletable
- dennismillerfan - Get This
- descalier - Typographical error
- desirock - d e s i
- diggnduch - DIGG n Duch
- discoheads - Fans of The Disco Inside My Head
- divine_oddlings - resplendent intelligentsia
- do_me_gollum - do_me_gollum
- dolls - Dolls With Fangs
- dolphinbutcher - Dolphin Butcher
- doom_magazine - DOOM Magazine Official Community
- dorks_r_us_2003 - Dorks 'R' Us
- dorksrawesome - dorks everywhere
- dorothyparker - Daily Dose of Dorothy Parker
- downriverfilm - Downriver Film Community
- dreamforme - Dare To Dream
- dudemonkeys - dudemonkeys!
- dystopiagirls - Dystopia Girls
- easy_amusement - For The Easily Amused!
- egotisticemo - Abstract Emo
- elite_dorks - DORKS WHO DON'T SUCK
- elitebitches - Elite Bitches
- elitist_whores - Those Elitist Whores
- emo_eastpa_kids -
- erotic_tetris - Erotic Tetris
- establish - !!!
- evil_proud - Evil & Proud Association
- evrydayovrdose - Everyday Overdose
- explodingdogrox - Exploding Dog Rocks
- exquisitesouls - exquisitesouls
- fakebands - Fake Bands
- fangirls_anon - Victims of Fangirlishness
- fashion_five0 - The Official Fashion Police
- fattiemcfat -
- fcol - Slash Avengers
- fearthemusic - keeping in tune; the music's played by the madmen
- femalesareevil - Females Are Evil
- femme_fatality - Bad Girls Around The World
- fiar - The Fuck It All Revolution
- fofa - Fucked-Over Fuck-ups Annonymus
- forever19 - forever_nineteen
- fossadaily - Your daily literary and visual injection
- freakitude - Welcome to Freaksville
- freetherapy - freetherapist
- fuckdtv - The Rage of the Viewers
- fucksarcasm - Sarcastic Motherfuckers 2getha 4eva
- fxckyoucrew - x fxck you crew x
- gamersunite - It's All About The Games
- george_fan_club - George's Fan Club
- german_punks - German Punks
- glassishalffool - glassishalffool
- goth_cattiness - My shoes are spikey; you are soft and squishy
- gothasfsck - EFNet #gothasfsck
- grahamgreene - Graham Greene's Works
- grahamnorton - *graham norton*
- grammar_whores - Grammar Snobs
- grammarpolice - Grammar Police
- grocery_hell - Grocery is Hell
- guadsquadsite -
- gwen_is_fake - Gwen is NOT God
- h_a_g - Hateful Arrogant Goths
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- hallowedgrounds - .::Hallowed Grounds IRC Chat Community::.
- handbasketsmack - Handbasket: The New Heroin
- harryhermione - Could it be magic? - Harry/Hermione 'Shippers
- heinousbitching - Bitch away, bitcas of the world!
- herbquete - herbquete
- hit_the_skids - local_H-ers
- hot_shit - Vain Fuckers
- humoursection - the humour(tm) section
- hygh_lyghter - The Hygh Lyghts of Clarion
- i_am_rad - The raddest.
- i_can_spell - We Can Spell
- i_hate_my_life - i hate my life
- i_think_that - I'm thinking that...
- iconversations - Imaginary Conversations
- idiot_be_gone - PASS
- idontlikeitclub - The I Don't Like It Club
- igun - Industrial Gothic Underground Night
- ilikekatsshirt - i like kats shirt
- ilovehookers - I Love Hookers
- in_like_flynt - oh so tragically hip.
- in_the_darkness - In the darkness...
- indiesceneco - the Colorado Indie Community
- industrialdorks - Industrial Dorks
- infernallybound - Mikaiten
- interrogatory - Interrogatory
- ir_relevant - Relevant Irrelevant
- iscc - ISCC
- it_cannot_brain - it_cannot_brain
- jihadforallah - Holy War of Sullon Zek
- juniorhigh - i thought you knew
- justalilblog - JustALilBlog Community
- k_town_hommies - K-town hommies
- katkrazy - people who are crazy for cats
- keeg - geek
- kill_aim_bots - Killed_Bots
- kill_them_all - we're bitter. and we don't want to be nice.
- killmequickly - Misery Loves Company!
- kzim - DJ Gir
- lamemc68 - music snob blah blah
- larrydavid - Larry David Fans
- lastplacechamps - lastplacechamps
- letsdebate - Let's Debate
- liarsclub - Everything posted here is a lie
- lipstickparty - lipstickparty
- living_fiction - Reality with a twist
- ljcomedy - LJ Comedy Awards
- locusthair - locust hair syndrome
- lokeans - Lovers of Loki
- lubricity - ^ Hankering for.....(invert dat shit, beeeotch!)
- lupin_snape - The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community
- mable54 - We Actually Write Here
- macabreparlor - The Macabre Parlor
- maddox_xmission - maddox_xmission
- makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
- margin_notes - notes in the margins
- marlton_nj - Marlton, NJ, USA
- megazone - MegaZone
- miller_rants - The Rants, Miller Style
- misanthr0pic - [ M i s a n t h r o p y ]
- misusedbeauty - misused beauty
- moc_neworleans - makeoutclub new orleans
- mockfest - Fight Me
- mockumentary - Mockumentary
- modulls - Making modeling (un)-cool since 2003
- morganfans - Morgan Fans
- moviehighschool - moviehighschool
- mr_secretary - i SAID, please hold
- mtgs - Society Of The Damned
- mw_raves -
- my_funnies - My Funnies
- my_funny_honey - he makes me laugh
- myasswantsfame - Pimp Yourself
- n_mypants_davey - Davey Havok Anonymous
- nailgun_bitches - Making fun of everything
- neerneer - neerneer.!
- nefarious_girl - Nefarious Girl Dark Decorating
- nezumi_fans - We love Nezumi
- nhvt_yruu - NH/VT Young Religious Unitarian Universalists
- nickbrendon - Nicholas Brendon Fans
- niteblade_fun - Diversions of Adam
- no_doi - Theme: Do what the fuck you want
- noandroid - coke babies
- nomore_lies - Honesty Reigns
- nonidiots - Non Idiots!
- notalady - unladylike
- notrecoterie - The Pantheon
- obliviousnirvan - Oblivious Nirvana
- obsessive_natur - DADDY...I NEEEEEEEEED PORK
- oh_so_sexy - sexy devil
- oldschoolers - Oldschoolers
- omgdieplz - Juh-juh-juh-G-UNIT
- onna_mafia - Onna Mafia
- onthewall - Writen on the Bathroom Wall
- op_obsess - why, yes! we do obesss..
- orderofthecock - The Holy Order of the Cock
- orderofthegoat - The Reformed Order of the Holy Goat
- oregon - Oregon
- osamabendrinkin - a Community Where Nothing Is Safe From Our Humor
- peep_peep - Phantom Servo
- peppermcgowan - Pepper McGowan Fans Community
- perfectkismet - PerfectKismet
- perniciouswispr - Pernicious Whisper
- personal_ads - Lowered Expectations
- photoshopless - Photoshopless Icons
- pinkfuzzyangst - Angst-Ridden Souls
- pinkjunk - the pink junk club
- playacruizer - Johnny and the Playa Cruizers
- poem_a_day - A Poem a Day
- polysmut - The Porn protection League - Politcal Satire
- potterslash - Harry Potter Slash
- prettygirls - Pretty Girls
- prozac_nation - Prozac Nation : Young and Depressed in America
- prudes - prude
- pseudo_art - Dadaism, Surrealism, Pop-Art, and Pseudo-Art
- pub_serv_ltd - Public Service, Ltd.
- pulplessoranges - an orange pulp-free world
- puns - Puns
- queens - Queen's University
- quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
- rabbitonthemoon - The Experiment
- rajgopal - rajgopal vadanapututm bhattacharia III
- random_shouts - Just shut up already!
- randomalities - randomalities
- randomnotes - Random Notes
- randomnothings - GirlGeek's Random Nothings
- rants_ - rants_
- rantstation - Lunatic Broadcast
- rate_a_brain - NO STUPID PEOPLE ALLOWED!
- rate_my_uterus - Rate My Uterus
- rawk_ass - *Rawk....Like Whoa*
- real_debate - real_debate
- realgossip - Real Gossip
- reality_review - Reviews... Un-edited
- red_windmill - The Red Windmill
- rejectedsouls - Rejected Souls
- replies - silly replies
- rimmed_glasses - geek
- rmipeople - #rmipeople
- roagsistrz - BAD INFLUENCES!
- roseannne - Roseanne Fans
- rq_awesome_club - Too Awesome For You
- rq_version2 - RQ
- ruinists - the Ruinist Community
- sadintellectual - Misery Loves Company
- sardonic_elite - the sardonic elite
- scaryminds - Scary Minds
- scenetastic - xarexyouxscenetasticx?x
- scent - The Scents
- scorpio_forum - Scorpio_Forum
- scroogle - My Scroogle Crap Log
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- sea_of_names - Our not-so-perfect circle
- sex_fiends - sexfiends
- sexy_dorks - Sexy Dorks
- shackart - The Shrieking Shack's Artistic Side
- shredmode - Shred Mode
- shrieking_shack - Shrieking Shack RP
- shutupaminute - at sixes and sevens
- sig_lam_up_the - Sigma Lambda Upsilon Theta
- silent_tearz - Liz
- simoncowell - Simon Cowell Fans
- sinful_cookies - too much brilliance on one page
- skanktacular - skanktacular
- slashersanon - Slash Reviewers Anonymous
- slct - Sincerely Lusting Castle Transylvanians
- sloppyfirsts - friends of Jessica Darling
- smutyeah - SmutYeah
- snapesupport - Snape Writers' Support Group
- snarky_haiku - Snarky Haiku
- snarkysayings - Droplets of Sarcasm
- snertslayers - The Snert Slayers Strike Back
- sobettes - The Sassy Supporters of Slytherin Quidditch
- soc_peeves - Peeves
- socialpretender - Social Pretender
- sockolina - @ $0ck princ3ss
- sofas - Society Of Folks Advancing Silliness
- sosceneithurts - Scener and Than Thou
- sp_republicans - South Park Republicans
- spaceagers - Members and Friends of the Space Age Generation
- speek_liek_dis - We Speak English Good!
- sporksgonepunk - Punk N Junk
- stupid_ho - bitch bitch bitch
- sucks2be_you - I'm just playin' livejournal.. you know i love you
- summit_school - The Summit Babies
- super_unleaded - the left hand suzuki method
- swords_are_cool - swords_are_cool
- t_and_a - T and A
- talent_unbound - Where the Real Writers Roam
- tampontastic - Phoebe's Fan Club
- tbo - The Book Online
- team_burke - PG-13 and M for mature audiances.
- teenagedepressi - teen depression
- tellme835563 - TellMe835563
- terminal_shock - The Best Sheep of the Herd
- the_algonquin - The Gonk
- the_blackorchid - The Black Orchid
- the_crusaders - Crusaders Against Stupidity
- the_fancy - the_fancy
- the_jerk_store - Asshole
- the_padded_room - The Lunatics Lounge
- the_pit_crew - the_pit_crew
- the_toolbox - Blumberg 202/204 Coalition
- the_white_scarf - The White Scarf
- thebonfireboard - THAT'S YOUTH.. THAT'S ALL!! THAT'S ALL!!
- thegoondocks - The Goondocks
- thehotclub - Hot club?
- thelufflies - The LUFFLIES
- themobsquad - Virtual Lynch Mob
- thepityparty - The Pity Party
- theremarvellous - There, marvellous.
- thesadbastards - fireworks and hurricanes
- theshowcase - caution: your face might freeze that way!
- thesiters - TheSite
- thethirdway - The Third Way
- thexjunexspirit - Heather
- thumb_y_pics - Thumb-Y-Pic Graveyard
- todd_manning - todd manning's fans
- toledosluts - toledo sluts
- top_notch - top_notch
- tribe_mke - TRIBE_MKE
- tricksters - Would you like to touch my monkey?
- triple_threat - tra. rach. cait.
- trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
- truthsetmefree - Truth Set Me Free
- tucci - Followers of Tucci
- uberrad - uber rad
- ugly_ass_shit - Putrescense & Abnormality
- un_co_op - Mapleleaf Madness
- underpower - Underpower comic!
- unipussy - Can I have some cheese?
- unruly_bitches - unruly bitches
- uptowngirls - uptowngirls
- userloathing - loathe loathe loathe
- uss_murgatroid - USS Murgatroid
- videogamerecaps - Videogame Recaps
- vodeville - Vodeville
- vodeville_news - Vodeville News
- volume_one - volume_one
- vote_the_quote - Vote The Quote
- wacommunity - Post Wh0re Syndrome
- wantlists - Wünsche und Nachfragen
- wartimehumor - It's Funny 'Cause It's True
- waterfj2 - Aeris
- we_belong - The Dark Carnival
- weheartmoon - Moonbeams
- weird_weather - weird weather
- wesleyan - Wesleyan University
- what_if_society - Curious Curio
- wilderage - .:Children of the Shadows:.
- wordofmouth - Word of Mouth.
- wycked_7 - Wycked
- x_ana_thema_x - Pathetic Questioners Anonymous
- xwewreckyoux - Xill fucking kill you crewX
- xxbillycorganxx - LovetoLuvBillyCorgan
- yer_so_cool - Over Rated
- your_point_is - And Your Point Is...?
- your_songs_bite - Making fun of shitty lyrics
- youresoannoying - So-and-so
- yourselfishsh - Your Selfish Silent Hill
- zeitgestianwow - The All Singing, All Dancing, Spirit of Our Age
- zinester - Zinester
- zria - talking monkeys
Interested users
The following users are interested in sarcasm. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1_hour_love -
- 9jack9 - Nine-Jack-Nine
- ___siamese - the zenmaster
- __se7en__ - au revoir
- _unladylike - Crystal
- acidmoon - acidmoon
- actionallison - action allison
- aekastar - and I just hate these fluorescent lights
- aerienesssidhe - AerienessSidhe
- ajaxxx - ajaxxx
- alcestis - Dutra Dum
- aliyna - Ali
- alladinsane - Elwood P. Dowd
- alliemoon - Allie Moon
- altar - Altar
- amazinggrace - last week's next big thing
- amye - Emaleth
- anabelle - the queen of california
- andragon - Andromeda Dragon
- andrianna - Kiss of Death
- angel381 - angel381
- angeleyes - }}i{{ ~angela~ }}i{{
- angelface - erin
- angelgirl - ***megan the angelgirl superstar***
- angelmortis - sharisse
- ankharah - *puella absurd*
- annabanana_80 - Konichiwa, Bitches!
- anziebar - the girl in the dirty shirt
- arakune - :☆:skook~a:☆:
- ariesgirlie - that damn ariesgirlie
- ashtray_girl - Boggled
- asparagus - Roland
- astropup - Astropup
- athena - pre-flight boarding
- athena80 - Liss
- autumnfinn - Autumn
- awccmfan - Could I Be More Confused?
- babidoll - Sally Nightmare
- badlydrawnchaos - kiss me with the lisp of your shrapnel caress
- baphometmoon - Dr. Death
- bbbsg - bonnie
- bbe2004 - The Love of Your Life
- bdufren - brad
- beccala - Rebecca
- becoming_jenn - Who, me?
- bedazzle - Amy
- bibe - Luzviminda
- blah - blah
- bleh - Bleh
- blindings - The Fantasizing Realist
- blinkin - blinkin
- blue_j - James
- bluebird - bluebird
- blueboywonder - Eidon Sharpe
- bluegirl - Katie
- bluezephyr - Mr. Jacob Alexander Kale III
- bostondave - Dave, part-time Ruler of the Universe
- bratlingpixie - Eros / Thanatos
- bree - delta whisky
- brit_will - will
- brumal - Brumal
- burgundy - burgundy
- capricejuliette - caprice juliette
- carlen - Carlen the Midnight Worker
- carrietherage - Carrie, "All the Rage"
- cathartic - inbetween
- cavok - up in the air
- chag - chag
- chameleon613 - Ryan
- chan_chan_man - Derek
- chelle - mdrandall
- chimpoo - Matthew !!!!
- chrissywoo - Chris
- ciannait - The Divine Institute of Metaphysical Research
- cider - Katherine
- cindylou - princess lucky underpants
- clairemma - Claire 'n' Emma
- cleanlikegod - the test pattern of my consciousness
- cmorrigu - Cernunnos Morrigu
- coincidence - the way you would do it
- comma_splice - Ainslie
- controversybob - Controversy Bob
- counterfeitfake - extra wide short man
- countessolivia - Countess Olivia
- crashmog - Adam
- cremlian - Scott Johnson
- crichton - Crichton
- curlietoes - Melissa
- curmudgeon - the sentimental curmudgeon
- cybertiger - cybertiger
- cyka - Cyka
- cynicalwhisper - Remember all those songs and the way we smiled
- cypher - Cypher
- da12skizto - kloooes
- daberna - Dan Bernards
- dalibor - Erwin
- damnitfeelsgood - Josh
- dancinqueenbean - Marz Rad
- darkrose - Dark Rose
- darryn - Jimmy The Toucan
- davethebrave - Dave the Brave
- dean_r - dean rivers
- deceased - kry
- deftscythe - Count Rockula
- despondentone - hack
- destroika - paniek
- destruct - i always respond to 'hey, stupid!'
- diaryofahobbit - A Hobbit
- dibzva - Dibzva
- digdoug - DigDoug
- digitalscreams - digitalscreams
- disorder - Disorder
- disturbed_freak - Kristen
- dmarnerou - Demetra
- dogmaticsusie - time consumer
- dollstylee - dollstylee
- doobieous - The dirty boy next door.
- doodle - student physical terrorist
- drcristin - Dr. Cristin
- drewness - 5-Fingered Therapist, Chairman of the CSPHIG
- drfardook - Mad Mod Rabbit God
- droz5 - More fun than a barrel full of Elvi
- drsuessrox - maggie
- duien - em
- dumbcharger - treachery's rich
- dustyx - dustyX
- dynishrashin - Dynishra Shin
- dyskodyke - My name is Tina, I'm a lesser known character
- easy2easy - Its....Steve
- eklektisch - Kelly
- elexa - Synthetik Elexa
- elf - elessara
- elfhawk - Elf
- ella - Turthi Sintit
- emeralddusk - emeralddusk
- emo_gal - Chrissy
- emorhc - you should be working
- endgame - Endgame
- endril - Endril
- enochxenon - C-$
- eomir - eomir
- ericka - Ericka
- eris - eris
- estokes - Erika
- evilrex - Vance
- expressedinword - We Don't Want The Loonies Taking Over
- exraver - Girl Afraid
- farrah - Farrah is #1!!!
- fattynatty - fattynatty
- fiver00 - Jared
- flashfire - James
- flrtygrl99 - Dale
- foetuscide - angela
- forseti - Forseti
- foxforce5 - Sylla
- friction - Chris
- funmuch - whatever
- fweebles - Starin' down the barrel of a loaded Thnikkaman
- gehnna - emily
- giovecozza - The Kindly One
- girlsetsfire - Satanic Panic in the Attic
- glitterpayne - BlooVelvet
- glitterpixie - Danielle Millennium
- gnat - Gnatology
- gobears - Emily
- gorpyganu - A train in the distance
- gravity - Dr. Julius Strangepork
- grrl_germs - kate
- gucky - The Gucky
- hadaverde - Sharon GreenFaery
- halona - Bree
- halonin - Fayga
- haltijatar - Haltijatar
- hamdog - Forrest "Hamdog" Gump
- happyapathy - Katie
- hatchling - kat
- hawver - Professor Blue Smush DinoBaby
- hazi - Hazi
- hebe - the invisible one
- heldtothepast - Shananagans
- hereinmyvoid - I gotta man who makes me wanna kill
- hilarykay - Hilary
- hippocrates - Hippocrates
- holli - hollimichele
- hopeandvaseline - The Conservative Liberal
- housebrownie - Aleister Goodman
- hpgang - Brad
- hypokrite - Mike
- i_dont_know - Evelyn
- icetears - Luna
- idoru - [shauna]
- impy - Imp
- inevitability - Reductio ad Absurdum
- inle - Inle
- insanechris - monkey boy
- insides - jd-92kf u.177h/ak
- insomniac - Seph
- iq2hi4uok - L Wilcox
- irishk8 - Kate
- jackfoley - Jack Foley
- jaclyn - and grows and grows...
- jadasc - Jason
- jaded - A Jaded Girl
- jadisan - Bimorphia
- jakistar - little miss muffet
- jamzilla - just along for the ride
- janae - Janae
- jasmineiscool - Jasmine
- jax - Jackie
- jelissalome - Siren
- jenbait - dragstrip girl
- jeni - /dev/chyk
- jenisapunkass - .-discarded youth
- jenny - Jenny
- jenx - JenX
- jepfiug - Little Sex Kitten
- jeroenwing - Jado
- jestf14 - Jester
- jillybean81 - Spiritually Depleted Materialist
- jitterbug - Jitterbug
- jmichiko - jacob
- johnflagg - Dr. Sarcasmo
- jrcorn - Joseph Cornwell
- jrtatsc - John
- juliet_x - I am Jack's wasted life
- junebugg - Junebugg
- juniper - lizzy
- justthisgirl - just this girl
- juujinkan - Juujinkan
- k4r3n - Karen
- kaoslyon - Lyon's Den
- karma26 - karma26
- kei - <-- emo
- kerkyra - kerkyra
- kerry - Kerry
- kidqwik - KidQwik
- kidra - ki'dra no baka
- kimiki26 - kimiki26
- kingdomjames - that pickled amnesiac
- kittybrat - Kittybrat
- kjgaunt - Kevin Maxx
- kkgirly - Nell'amore con la vita
- kmfdmchik - colors outside the lines
- koyoteblu - love is an excuse to get hurt
- kpscapes - Runaway American Dream
- krazymazy - Jessi G.
- krizsa - sugar-kriz! shaken not stirred
- lanikei - Lanikei
- laurel - Laurel
- laurenjanesays - LaurenJaneSays
- leanan - Leanan Catastro-Fae
- leevine - Lee Vine
- len - Len
- lester - Lester
- lianna - Cinnamon Girl
- lilahstar - *
- lilangel27 - Darci
- lillquim - Seed of Satan
- lilu - Lilu
- liquidmercurial - Mercurial
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- livvyelf - Enfys
- lizzka - elle eye double zee
- lori311 - lori
- lovethelovely - not this again
- loyallady - Black Fingernails
- ltemycandl - lil' amy
- lucy - Miss Lucy
- luna_goddess - Starla
- lusciousgirl - my name is I dare
- lynspin - That Blonde Girl
- lyssrose - uber-geek chick
- macha - Shivani
- majikgrove - kathy
- maltor - John Banker
- manicmike - ManicMike
- mariemontclair - dreadful girl
- maryliu - Mary Tibbitts
- masked_marvel - James
- maxerg - Cheshire Kitten
- maybelater - nuns!
- medlir - Rick
- megan - Megan
- meggalicious24 - Meghan
- melancholic - Melancholic Chickee
- mellowyellow - Race Car shoooess!
- mephistopheles - zero to negative infinity
- mickasso - Brick "I'm Golden" Mickasso
- miki - miki
- mirandathejoy - Mirandom
- misshell - Miss Hell
- misskris - Dorkus Malorkus
- mobley - Mobley
- mona_lisa - mona-lisa
- monica - Monica
- monkeyrach - RayChul
- moondanzing - jenna
- moronickitkat - moronickitkat
- msmorgie - Morgan
- my_ricochet - shallow like your breath
- mylittle_needle - adrienne - nacho ordinary girl! ;)
- nameless - Nameless
- naughti - Kendra
- needle - needle
- neptune609 - Morg
- newblood04 - Tommy Poe
- nicodemus - Nicodemus
- nkdrenni - Nik
- nonsence - lonly/jester
- noodlz04 - Jessica
- northernstar - Sarah Lindsey Woytych
- number42 - Dan Traut
- offy - Horizontally Challenged
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- oh_soo_dead - oh_soo_dead
- okcomputer - the impressionist formerly known as
- oldjournals - crazyslut
- omega - Omega
- orlys_peach - Peaches
- over - nicky
- pabloi77 - been fucked over by every *friend*
- painamplifier - jAson
- patc - Patrick Cornwell
- persis - persis
- phlagm - Extruded Plastic Dingus
- pianomaniac - Jag låter mina tankar vandra
- picassoesque - Desperately Clever
- pinkpromises - Ask and thou shall recieve
- pinkspudbrit - Brittany C.
- pinky666 - Kari Ann
- pirateking - john is clueless words
- pixelpusher - PixelPixie
- plinko - Pope Zypgx
- plur - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect
- poison - 18 rabbit
- poisonedkandy - Esoteric
- poisonousivy - Ivy
- polarbear - Another Mekong
- ponderosa - ponderosa
- portia - Portia
- prodigal - Prodigal
- projectjason - ☆ELEKTROFLESH☆
- pseudo_reality - cathy
- psychohosebeast - Jason
- purplehaze - miss heatheries
- pyrogyrl128 - show me your scars
- quaesta - Alex
- queenduh - A lack of esteem
- quietkarma - Simple Male
- radiat - just another boy
- randomzen - Random Zen
- rapina - rapina
- rare - Sean
- rayne - furiously geeky
- reality - .'. Reality Bliss Angel .'.
- reclamationking - M Jarred
- redglasses - James Johnson
- redlory - Red Lory
- redpout - .julie.ann.
- repent - ♥tarable♥
- rexservorum - Adam
- reyna - uniformly beautiful
- rhino - Man Slut/Onion Boy/Timotei Man
- rhpschick - The girl sitting in the corner
- ricries - Eric
- robobrien - Rob O'Brien
- rocky6 - Rocky
- rudegrrlnj -
- sailorpluto - sweet surrender
- salingersrc - Jason
- salmonrunning - Jon
- samedarkclouds - Same Dark Clouds
- sarcasm - sarcasm
- scaled1 - Bat-Winged Boy
- scarfboy - scarfboy
- schlickster - justhappytobehere
- scootah - Scott
- scott - Scott
- seanluc - Sean
- segue - segue
- sessa - Sessa
- sexykacey - sexykacey
- shadowrose - Michelle
- shagg - shaGG
- shane - Shane McConnel
- shardsofsilver - delusions of candor
- shennanigan - My Wandering Days Are Over
- shevampire - SheVampire
- silentbobthe3rd - Cassiopeia
- sinnocence - Kitty Shitt
- siouxsienova - maggot
- sisterpuff - The Fucking Future of Kidswear
- slayermerc - Duchess
- sledgeriprock - Captain Sledge Riprock
- snoopdawg - christy the great
- snowblind - Sam
- soco - soco
- sodeep - SoDeep
- sonicwishfish - dr krumpet
- sparkle - l'étincelle mignonne
- spazdog - Nicole
- spite - :[diatribe]:.
- spookydream - Amber
- sporkman - Nick
- staceypie - stacey pie
- stammig - Stammig
- starla - Princessa
- starstar89 - [ s t Å r ]
- stef2dope - Stefhen
- steven - C'est Anything
- strangeone - Will
- strangleme -
- strychnine - Jess
- stryder - The one that loves Lee
- stupidboy - 101010101010101101010101010011
- sugarpuss - Little Miss Innocent SUGAR Me
- sundayeyes - sunday eyes.
- sunshine_two - Sunshine
- supergoat - Coach
- sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
- sweethrtemma - lima bean~
- sweetinsanity - Heather
- sweetness - i am but one small instrument
- swornpacifist - SwornPacifist
- sylverice2 - Kay
- sylvie - somesylvie
- tainted_star - the sky is red
- talula_bean - femme of the month club
- talyrath - Close your mouth and open up your heart.
- tat2dangel - love is a dangerous angel
- tenaciouse - Tenacious E
- terry - terry
- theinsanewombat - lucas.
- tiffanyrose29 - tiffanyrose
- tinyme - Candi
- tlee - teresa
- toasteraffair - Sarah
- tokimi - Tokimi
- tomatosan - m
- tommydiablo - DAU OXENDER
- treeshaman - ♥ casey & lori ♥
- trickynicky - Nicole
- trippingdaisy - stacia
- trips - Trips
- trixie808 - "Same as it ever was"
- twilightskye - Twilight Skye
- umbrella - 55378008
- ungoddess - The All-American Girl
- unknownj - Jamie
- utopia89 - Lauren
- vaguelyspecific - Andrea
- veggie - APARECIUM ;
- very - jane
- vivrantthang - Rawker Girl Kayla {a.k.a. Rat Nacho}
- voodoo - voodoo
- wainscoting - Wainscoting
- warsop - geekgirl
- waterlilly - Dances with Housecats
- wbahner - Denny Crane
- westerneyes - MiettesCity
- whengeeksattack - Niko
- whisperingwolf - Ben
- wibbble - John
- wilee - Drew Puch
- willowsong - Zoë
- wittynightowl - Christy
- xaminmo - Josh-D
- xbluemoonx - Exclusive Ill Thought
- xbrokenglassx - lukejameslarson
- xlostxlullabyx - + morbid faerie +
- xmasbabee - Carole
- xmurryx - mal mal
- xsarahx - Wondergirl
- xxsarahxx - wondergirl
- zaha - Random Guy
- zatic666 - Cynical Dreamer
- zelzah - Zelzah