Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "cynicism".
187 matches:
- 0n_my_mind - Bitch Bitch Bitch
- 4lt3r_3g0s - 4lt3r 3g0$
- _afternoon_tea - [while the world goes by]
- _d_a_r_i_a_ - everything daria
- _duh - _Duh
- _fucktards_ - Hey! Fuck you! Idiot...
- _misplaced_ - <Dazed, amused, amazed, confused>
- _peaceinchrist - Peace in Christ; Nonviolent Christians unite
- _raindrops - (not) cool
- _sexxyemokids - Sexxy Emos
- _what_the_fuck_ - WHAT THE FUCK?
- a_leaf_falls - little i
- absintheinparis - Absinthe and Aesthetes, Poems and Roses
- abstract_words - Abstract Words
- accute_sights - Accute Sights
- aclichetale - A Cliché Tale
- akgl - Ass-Kicking Gothic Lolitas
- allthecoolkids - inside out
- analfissure - AHAHAHA! JESUS!
- andysmallpenis - Angry.
- angry_bunnies - angry bunnies
- annslanders - Ask Ann Slanders
- arroz_con_mango - Arroz con Mango
- asa_nisi_masa - Asa Nisi Masa: The Beautiful Confusion
- astroasshole - asshole astrology
- atlanta_fuckers - Atlanta Fuckers
- bad_reviews_inc - Apatheist
- baddate - single's horror stories
- barbedcocktail - the new algonquin round table
- bellacappella - the dead bellas society
- belzonics - Another Lone Nut
- bemorecynical - Bill Maher!
- berandom - Are you in?
- bisexual_cynics - Cynical Bisexuals
- bitchfestival - bitchfestival
- bitchwithme - Bitch With Me Community
- bitter_is_bliss - bitter_is_bliss
- bitter_singles - The Bitter Singles Club
- btchsandtlkrs - Get Stitches and Walkers
- cbgeekfest - cbhommies4lyfe
- ccedgein - the cecilia fan club
- chao_on_fire - Chao On Fire: Chao Made Medium
- choolfans - Children of the Chool
- chuckbarris - Chuck Barris Community
- clowns_de_mort - Twisted Fairytales
- clssytrshymoth - clssytrshymoth
- clubsofa - clubSOFA
- cotrp - Cult of the Rabid Petunias
- crakpottheory - crakpottheory
- cranky_fl_women - ~Cranky Women's Association~
- crazy_trip - Johnny & Michelle
- creusenews - L C H S
- crowsoncanvas - The place where venting is trendy!
- cryptic_posts - Tales of the Cryptic
- cutnpastentwist - cutnpastentwist
- cynical_bitches - Cynical Bitches
- cynicalbastards - Cynical Bastards
- cynicalbitches - ass-kicking cynic-ettes
- cynicaliberal - The Cynical Liberal
- cynicalsuccubi - The Cynical Succubi
- cynics_r_us - cynics_r_us
- d_o_l_l - division of laura lee.
- daria_ - D a r i a
- darialand - Darialand
- dark__humour - Laughter in the dark
- dark__thoughts - DARK THOUGHTS
- darkdarkerdarko -
- darkfromlight - hekcten
- debate - Debate Central
- define_cynical - Define Cynical
- denisleary - Doctor Denis Leary's Lesion of Assholes
- desnuda - la desnuda
- deuce_low - The Hand You've Been Dealt
- dolphinbutcher - Dolphin Butcher
- dorksrawesome - dorks everywhere
- dramadorks - Drama Dorks
- dumbshits - Stupid is, stupid does
- e_cynics - Cynical Internet Addicts
- edgiertunic - Isolation Chamber
- endless_words - A lyrics community with a purpose
- enid_ghostworld - *Ghost World*
- enterkeyannon - putting the punk in punctuation
- exesaresux - Exes Are Sux
- exphotos - photos of your exes
- extradingclub - Ex's Trading Club
- fanficwriters - Fanfiction Writers
- flaming_pricks - Flaming Pricks
- footloose - ladies' room
- freakplanet - Den of Freaks
- fuckingxelite - this is your admittance test. are you in?
- glasshalfempty - glasshalfempty
- glitterxtrash - glitterxtrash
- goth_mock - Where's my eyeliner?
- hate_biscuit - things which frustrate
- human_haters - The People Haters Club
- hygh_lyghter - The Hygh Lyghts of Clarion
- iconxjealousy - [ .icon.x.jealousy.]
- inryoku - Inryoku: A Gravitation RPG
- inryoku_ooc - Inryoku OOC
- involve - armchair activists
- iworshiplaura - I worship Laura
- jadedpartykids - Sketchy Raver Holocaust
- just_fuck_off - Just Fuck Off
- killmequickly - Misery Loves Company!
- kp_girls - kp_girls
- kthxb_ye - kthxb_ye
- l1 - Satire Show
- latinozinesters - The Latino Zinesters Underground
- law_au - Australian Law Student Community
- letsdebate - Let's Debate
- local_core - we are local core
- loli_biatches - Lolitas with Attitude (also:Boston EGL)
- lupin_snape - The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community
- mad_mag - Mad Magazine Fans
- maggie_estep - Maggie Estep Fanatics
- marxist_rebels - Political Unrest for the Grouchonian Types
- marymount_sucks - Get High on the Hilltop!
- moodswinglog - moodswinglog
- music_fic - Music Fic
- ninja_arr - Ninja Arr*
- njgoths - New Jersey Goths
- ntu - Nottingham Trent University
- oh_oh_colon - oh oh colon irrigation
- pagan_skeptics - Skeptical Pagans
- patheticism101 - lonely hearts
- pdxbeersnsneers - Beers n Sneers
- pesky_paltry - Pesky Debaser Paltries
- playthedamncard - Play the Damn Card, Already!
- politics4geekz - Religion, Politics, and the Great Pumpkin
- puglies_galore - Pug-Tales
- randomnotes - Random Notes
- rate_my_life - rate_my_life
- resoundingbitch - resoundingbitch
- rodneylvrsanon - Rodney Lovers Anonymous
- sadintellectual - Misery Loves Company
- sarcgasms - Sarcgasms!
- sardonic_elite - the sardonic elite
- sardonicwit - Sardonic Wit
- screening_odd - screening the world for the obscure
- sexfiendscomic - Sex Fiend
- sexy_dorks - Sexy Dorks
- shareandenjoy - Share & Enjoy
- shot_aim - shot_aim
- single_and_free - Single and Free
- single_n_sod_it - Single and sod it!
- sobettes - The Sassy Supporters of Slytherin Quidditch
- spaceagers - Members and Friends of the Space Age Generation
- stapled_hands - No one understands me!
- suckyfortunes - suckyfortunes
- sullen_faces - sullen & jaded
- synapsesynopsis - .Creative. .as. .Fuck.
- table9 - The Mutants at Table 9
- terminal_shock - The Best Sheep of the Herd
- tgwnrf - Thank God We're Not Religious Freaks
- the_algonquin - The Gonk
- the_city_of_dis - Not So Heavenly
- the_crusaders - Crusaders Against Stupidity
- the_cynicals - Anti-Everything!
- the_evil_angels - TEA
- the_fancy - the_fancy
- the_jerk_store - Asshole
- the_pretentious - the_pretentious
- the_sanitarium - The_Sanitarium
- the_shitlist - SHITLIST
- thebottom25gays - The Bottom 25 Gays of LJ
- theemofarm - The Emo Farm
- themunchies - The Munchies
- thepsychoexgame - The Psycho Ex Game
- thisscenesucks - xThisxScenexSucksx
- timandshannon - Tim, Shannon, and Jessica
- total_snobs - Total Fucking Snobs
- townshendlove - pete townshend fans
- tragedia_divina - Tragedia Divina
- tribe_mke - TRIBE_MKE
- truthsetmefree - Truth Set Me Free
- type3s - type3s
- typeonegative - Type O Negative
- unique_you - Unique You
- unleashedmuse - The Undefinable Brilliance and Random Scribbles
- urhbfuwup - URHBFUWUP
- utter_failure - Utter Failure
- wanna_b_elitist - Those of us who think we're cool...
- wehateleora - wehateleora
- words_kill - hitler hairdo
- wuthering - Wuthering Heights discussion
- xindie_jaredsx - The Best Community Ever
- zan_beauty - sometimes the beauty is easy...
Interested users
The following users are interested in cynicism. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
460 matches:
- 0mniscient - Universal Machine
- 200silhouettes - andalusa the heretic
- 3wordfiction - andronicus
- _witchbaby_ - Christina
- _zahra_ - minionized
- abandonedsoul - Taco-sama
- abstractpunk - no longer needed nor unwanted.
- absurdity - mitch smilie
- agentcooper - Agent Cooper
- aguacates - sarah
- akiwis - Ki
- alacrity - Damien
- alcestis - all cutlery goes in the toaster
- alexandra - Lexie
- alexstra - alexstra
- alipascal - Blatant Honesty
- alladinsane - The Lone Mantis of the Apocalypse
- allieo658 - Allison
- allviolet - how was i to know the pirates have come?
- altus000 - Logarithm For The Ladies
- anabelle - the queen of california
- anactoria - anactoria
- androgynousmind - Devil on your shoulder
- angel83 - ..nescient tatterdemalion..
- angelfalling - Candi
- angelmortis - sharisse
- angrybroccoli - Angry Broccoli
- antisarah - green eyes...
- anyarose - anya rose
- apartment213 - this little girl breaks laws.
- aphrael - Kirsty
- argothian - a little girl
- asamamoru - Geek Wench
- asiral - 良理沙 「ラリサ」
- asphxiate - played like a pitbull in a basement
- astrogurl - baudrillard's penguin concubine
- autarchicflux - I'm with stupid
- azhriaz - jen
- baldghoti - Some Dude I Met
- baphometmoon - Dr. Death
- barberio - John R. Barberio
- bbbsg - bonnie
- beautifulmalady - the sardonic cicatrix
- becoming_jenn - Smartass
- beijaflor - an electric eccentric
- beldin - Mark
- belgand - Belgand
- bentrazor - The Scourge of Saturday Morning
- blackhat5 - Tony
- blackkat59 - Maryjo
- bleek_myth - Slick McSly
- blimmy - Tim
- bliss658 - The Show Runner
- blistex - Short Girl
- blky - Les
- bluedementia22 - Giovanni Keeble Oglesby
- bluemermaid13 - Becca
- bobbijean - Roberta Jean
- bookcat - Sharpie
- broadwayboundlj - L.
- bunnyboy - BunnyBoy
- burnaway - n@ a lie
- burningskyz - Count Dull von Boring
- buzzkill - ian
- camdez - Cam
- camilaspy - Camila
- cangelo - Christopher Angelo
- catnip - Mike
- cemeterygates - Delilah
- cenye - tine
- chebutykin - Chebutykin
- cinderellaman - Sister in my soul
- cinyc - The Little King
- cleanlikegod - Elixir Sue
- codefreez - Eric
- colouredvinyl - Jeff
- comfortablydumb - Luke
- communista - Frau Blücher
- cowsoncrack - The Electronic Symphonic, the Sound of the Found
- cpm - Chaz
- crowe - c.m. crowe
- cyberlizard - one generic lizard geek
- cydniey - Cydniey Buffers
- cynic2022 - Rane
- cyphiroth - Chris
- cyynica - Blunt Force Trauma
- d3bbie - d3bbie
- daberna - Dan Bernards
- dakuootta - Cynical Bastard
- darklady666 - Miss Misery
- darksoul - Billy Pilgrim
- dayna - A Masters in Reverse Psychology
- dbaker - Daniel
- dc_commons - emotionally medieval
- deliriummm - free lunch
- demonangel - Blackangel
- demonweeping - Demon Weeping
- desinvolture - marie
- devour - conquer and devour
- dgkg - dgkg
- diabeticinferno - from here you'll watch the world go by
- dire_angel - Dire_Angel
- dis1035 - the next to last song
- disfavored - Anatomy of a Rainbow
- disolvinggirl - redhead at five am
- dissention - Drew
- divinus - Elliot DeKay
- djpope - DJ Pope
- dmaleus - lobsterfest destiny
- dorkmeat - jordan
- dr4g0n - [roanna]
- dreama - Bunnyfluff the Destroyer
- drewness - Dr. Funkenstein
- droogie87 - Droogie
- dryad - Dryad
- dumbasscat - Bored and Obsessed
- dvoid - DvoId
- earthdragon - Me
- edinburgh - ed
- elasticagrrl - elasticagrrl
- electrcspacegrl - In slow motion, the blast is beautiful
- elise - Elise
- elske - Eugene
- emaleth - Don't Panic
- eol - Sigbjørn Lund Olsen
- epicurial - epicurial
- eponine198 - MaMbO iTaLiAno
- eris - eris
- everlastingpunk - Jeremy
- evilgoddess1 - Michael Bolton=the "skullet"
- fadingbluestar - The girl behind the glass
- falserender - thank you, stranger, for your therapeutic smile
- fantabulous - Whosiface Google
- farmer - John
- fi - Fi
- fiend522 - The Walking Cliche
- firestorm - my closet holds no bones
- flyspeck - Mike
- fooldramaqueen - Jenny
- forgotten_one - Unknown
- forgottenangel - Briony
- frozenrose15 - Nicole
- furiusfaery - Hazel
- gawain69 - Squire Thomas
- gawthzilla - Slutbucket
- gehnna - emily
- geloe - Qitten
- gemdeny - depleted
- ghettowebcam - Will
- girlinthedark - girlinthedark
- glittagal - Jenn
- gramaraye - Josephine
- graphxgrrl - contents under pressure - handle with care
- grlathena - Carolyn
- growf - Bruce
- hamadryad - Queeg von Hindenberg
- happychickens - My reflection
- happycrazygirl - Sunnya Généreux
- harmatia - a matter of harmatia // 神様の腕の中へ
- hbergeron - matt
- heath0r - i crush skulls
- hed - PaVo
- herbaliser - abortion stops a child beating
- hereinmyvoid - by the time you're twenty-five
- hermajesty - Princess Kathleen!
- heyseuss - BrandonCore
- highlander3751 - Chad
- hippoguy - Dave
- hippygrrrl - Jen
- icetray - Joran Dax
- igorp - phoebe
- indignitydirge - ZelZel
- indra777 - allie
- innocentsinner - Dazed and Confused
- insanegoddess - Jessica
- insert_mind - stale personality flaw
- insertnamehere2 - Josh
- instantdeath - Jenny
- ipe - ipe
- jadedgyrl23 - Maxine Shaw, Attorney-at-law.
- jadedmuse - Cerise
- jadedstar - .adria.of.wonderment.
- jaggedwingz - SweetObsession
- jakekk - Jake
- janae - Janae
- jare - jay
- jenbooks - Jen
- jesebel - jesebel
- jessicajazz - Jessica
- jestf14 - Jester
- jilly_bean - Jillian
- jo_munch - Ainamenelwen
- joeyerdon - Joe Yerdon
- junkpunkjen - Jen
- kabuki - I can still make a fist . . .
- kapow22 - katie...or is it reva?
- katgolightly - katgolightly
- keithb - Keith "Nugent" Barber
- kiapa - Kiapa
- kielle - ¤ Kielle ¤
- killmesarah - this must be what love tastes like
- kita - pantsuit sort of thing
- kithara - .:Exodus Laughing:.
- kittypie - Meow
- klarfax - klarfax
- kristian - Kristian Stupidness
- krizsa - sugar-kriz! shaken not stirred
- kynik - Kynik
- ladybast - mahasoor
- ladybronwyn - Bronwyn
- laitha - shutterbug
- lameaim - Czar
- lapis_lazuli - Lapis Lazuli
- leavingnormal - Kathleen
- lemming - Lemming
- lemonpudding - Thorny McQueen
- len - Where's that love you promised me?
- levidice - not holy enough for you
- lianne - Lianne
- lifesfable - d
- lilliah - asphyxia driven
- lilu - Lilu
- livvyelf - Enfys
- llamachan - Candycane Dragon
- loseric - Reject
- lostaddiction - .paul.
- lotusmajordomo - Archangel
- lovexemity - Tovah
- luckymoon - Hope
- lucy - Miss Lucy
- lucy_d - elliott gould
- lynisgod - Lyn
- m00n - Eric
- m3g - Optimistake
- macabre_grrl - milk crate bandit
- maddening - Un oso con un paster
- mark00z - sith as fuck
- mcvarmazi - η Φωτισμένη ~ The Enlightened One
- medicatedangel - Carla
- mercutia - *Dirty you through
- mero - Mero
- mesmerizd - i don't give a shit, so?
- meta_x - Designer Voodoo
- misfit - mark of the judas
- missdivakitty - Sin Slave of Sensation
- modernbummer - confused motherfucker
- moe4eyed - Jack College
- monoton - monoton
- moonbunny - Jen
- mr_selfdestruct - Cale
- mr_xenophobe - Greg Kyle-Langley - Fat Tory Landowner
- mrangel - Mr Angel
- mrrhinoceros - ~*~*~mR. rHiNoCeRoS's DiArY~*~*~
- mukuro - Mukuro
- mysidisvicious - La Dorka Assa
- nanu - Nanu
- natrlhottie - [:queen.of.quiet:]
- naz_ghul - The Bastard
- nickboy - 'til there was rock you only had God
- nidoking - Nidoking
- niftycosmic - Rose and Valerie, Screaming From the Gallery
- nightstalker - Tastes just like human
- nine_hearts - Rob!
- ninstr - my_little_halo
- nogenius - jeff
- nrrork - Nathan R. Rork
- nswarts - N
- number42 - Dan Traut
- nuniabiz - abstract distractionist
- nutmeg1442 - Megdalyn
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- ogredrew - Drew McCray
- oioioi - I have forgiven Jesus
- once - Charles
- orngepeel - Jennifer
- othertim - Tim Briody
- ourasquirrel - A Squirrel
- overtall_ed - Musings, Diatribes and all things Banal
- owyn - Owen Davis
- oxygen - Jenny
- padders - Patriq Allyn
- palidor - Palidor
- pantheon - Haphazard Dexterity
- paperdust - Heather
- paranoidangel - Autumn
- patc - Patrick Cornwell
- patchworkgirl -
- perfectbywed - Eowyn
- phantom_enigma - The Teaches of Peaches
- philipot00 - Phillip Reese
- pianomaniac - Pianomaniac
- picassoesque - Desperately Clever
- pincushionqueen - her name was magil
- pirakatinar - Shay
- pisces2727 - Anna
- pixichic - Denise
- plasticjesus - If you're feeling trust, then you know who I am...
- plinko - Pope Zypgx
- pointclickkill - « ã l l ì s ø ñ » - The Anorexorcist
- polystyrene - Poly Styrene
- pomobarney - Dorian A. W.
- ponderosa - ponderosa
- portia - Portia
- prettyinpunk420 - Confusion with a K
- princessofpain - Kat, the Almighty Princess of Pain
- progress - |\|¡|<
- promethius - Promethius
- psycotia - lauren.
- puceangel - Rachel
- punkdevilus - v
- punkybee - Erin
- puppeteer - Puppeteer
- purpledaisy - purpledaisy
- purplehaze - oh so sardonic
- pyrric - Jen
- queenduh - A lack of esteem
- quest - Quest
- quinnclub - Professor Quinn
- quirky_me - Absent
- rabbitboy - Jim
- rabito - Selah
- raindragon - The Unworthy
- rayne - furiously geeky
- razorlicious - paperbag writer
- razzle - Razzle
- rearviewmirror - rearviewmirror
- reesey - Manfred Humperdink
- resurectonofent - zoe
- rio - King of Procrastination
- riotkittie - tracy
- robinbanks - Robin Banks
- rubberbandwar - a.
- rubyredladybug - the kind of girl you just forget about...
- rubyspark - someone else
- ryalt - Colin
- ryokoblue - Darla Darko
- sabrebabe - SabreBabe
- sadgrlblack - whiskey and speed
- salpal - Radium Girl
- samuraipunch - Ken
- sanitoid - Holly
- sapia - Scooter Girl
- satori - Satori
- saxonna - saxonna
- scarfboy - scarfboy
- sean_gabriel - Steven
- seanr - Sean
- secretlytimid - as i got older i had to step out of the lines
- sepulchre - sepulchre
- sgtaurora - Nikhil Patwardhan
- shadow - shadow
- shadypenquin - Shady Penquin
- shane - Shane McConnel
- shelbinator - Shelbinator
- sheriecherry - dosirac instant soup junkie
- shestumbles - That girl.
- shhteve - Steven Faleyn
- shironeko - d'arcy
- shootingstars - *. jen-jen .*
- shortie13 - bri bri
- silent_warriorx - Silence can say so many things
- sirthorn - Panel Kernic
- skithee - scythe minion
- slave2gravity - Erika
- slipkn0t - Bohemiam Samurai
- slowdecay - not the red baron
- smallrabbit - Tracey
- sneakums - Sunny days should leave a message on my phone
- soliloquy1st - There's no "I" in TEAM BRYAN
- sonatine_ - proudly reality-based
- speedball - Kurt Onstad
- spinningdizzy - sara without an h
- splunty - splunty
- spudsocks - the persistence of memory
- squeakydahmer - stever
- stammig - Stammig
- starchy - The Limitless Potential of a Slap to the Face
- starsong118 - StarSong
- stazi - Stazi
- stormcrowley - Insomnia with a smile
- subvertisement - Will
- sufferbastard - Joey Anderson
- suffocated - Boon lives here
- swamper - Swamper
- sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
- sweet_oblivion - Kitty Surprise!
- sweetbabboo - Lolita
- swordofgod - Giller the Gullible
- swornpacifist - SwornPacifist
- sylph4980 - Sylphie
- tainted_star - the sky is red
- talamasca - Talamasca
- tanuki - The one they call the vision that bears the gift
- tara_chan012 - Mairi Nathaira
- tatooedkoi - Koi Kitten.I could step off the end of this pier..
- terrax - Shut Your Face
- thatoneguy - Deluded Id
- the_aud - audrey
- theantichrist - The Antichrist
- thedarklinglord - Caliban - Bastard Son of the Obscene
- thediscomamma - Sara
- thefallen - the fallen
- thefowle - My Life as the Thrill Kill Kult
- thehunter - Hunter
- theinsanewombat - kevin
- theitchuk - David
- thelatespaceboy - M!ke the Odd & Insidious Outsider
- thelordsatan - The Dark and Unholy Lord of the Underworld
- theopposition - Grasshopper
- thepryncess - Salty Goodness
- therev - The Eccleisiastical Scoundrel
- thewickedestone - Droly M. Sinatas
- thies - thies
- thisgirlsweird - Molly
- tikee33 - Tikee
- totallyrosalie - Rosalie
- towith - Viva La Indifference!
- tragos - Kent
- tramp23117 - sarah
- transientmoods - Ungodly Mannerism
- treadingwater - Back in black
- ufpoetdude - Matt
- ukpopstar - jet-setting popstar
- unmei - Unmei
- urnotmyequal - Your Party Host, Dan Mead
- vay - Desi
- verinvith - Perhaps I am the atheist chaplain.
- veronikaah - veronikaah
- viscera - viscera
- vivisectandrew - andrew jk
- vix130 - YVL
- vixxen415 - One Dumb Stupid Fuckhead
- wanderlustlover - Baby Dragon
- ware - k
- warlock138 - Warlock138
- warlok11 - Warlok
- waxtadpole - Lauren
- wift - P a r a n o i d
- wilde_child - Bonnie
- wildsoda - wildsoda
- williameva - Spirit DeFective
- wintersoul - & only in you do I understand me
- wonderpixie - MAIM ME
- wordcontortione - Pace, Contortionist Of Words
- wuweibaby - tequila and a girl
- wwonka666 - SiXX
- xamses - Value-Added Iconoclasm Combo Meal
- xanaxjj - Xan
- xnatedieselx - Godless Capitalist
- xstarscreamx - miles.
- xxdragon2086xx - If you really must know it's Beelzebubba
- xxsykokittiexx - bite my scab
- yakdog - Yakdog
- yasminm - Yasmin M.
- youdonthearme - YA.
- zachypoo - what time is love?, really?
- zaha - Some Fool
- zozzerina - Cassandra for the sunrise century
- zynth - zynth