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Below is user information for Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:shadesong (505856) Paid User shadesong
scheherazade in blue jeans
the light of a fading star
Name:Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong
Location:Atlanta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status TheRealShadesong (Add Buddy, Send Message)

"Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I know where I walk you can't always go
for all my strange talk, you can't always know
there's a madness in my soul, a demon in my head
a power born of hollow hills, gold and twilight-led
I know where I walk Great Pan is not dead."
--Charles de Lint

"And though she be but little, she is fierce."
--Wm. Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

I'm a mom. I'm a writer. I'm a force of nature.

[info]yendi is my fiance, and [info]volta is my Master. It's really not as complicated as it sounds.

I'm 4'11". I'm a sexual assault survivor. I'm Jewish by birth and culture, and nondenominational pagan by practice. I'm a dancer. I'm a Girl Scout mom. I write. I write. I write. I was punk before punk was cool. I'm a geek - a comic book geek, a sci-fi geek, a Star Trek geek (favorite series: TNG). I'm a bitch. I'm an alpha female. I'm living several of my dreams. I'm either the best friend and the worst enemy you could have - which one of those you get is all up to you. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I sing when I'm happy. I retreat when I'm sad. I'm an opinionated little wench. Deal with it.


The comic book I'm writing is called Shayara; the first eight pages of it will appear in Shooting Star Comics Anthology around Halloween 2004. Updates are on [info]shayara; snippets of this and other fiction are here and on my separate writing journal, [info]writerbrain. That account will friend everyone back. [info]tyka_cafe and [info]kirayth are Shayara roleplaying communities.

Re: Shayara... [info]pharminatrix says "Dude, this is right up there with Hesiod in terms of badass cosmogonies!"

Shayara is my huge project, my life's work, but I'm also working on other fiction, and an autobiography of an intense period of my life.

If you like my journal, feel free to add me! I like meeting new people. I don't friend everybody back. This is not a reflection upon you! It's just that I'm barely keeping up with the list now.

Thank you, drive through.

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Feeds18:apod, calnhobbes, decafbad, diepunyhumans, dorktowerfeed, foxtrot_feed, horrorzone, kevinkell, kittenbreak, ny_unfocused, ozynmillie_feed, pvp_comic, riba_rambles, roger_ebert, shadesong_blog, sinfestfeed, wilwheaton2, wombatphone
Friend of:777: 2ndmoses, __, _fixing_a_hole, _nemesis_, _shadesong_, _sophie_, _willowmyst, _yoink_, a_reading_list, adamzombie, adriang, aelisdeliria, aggression, ahsirakh, aiobheil, aladriana, alathaniel, alexmegami, alionunderaw, alladinsane, allieson23, alphafenris, also_illuminate, amai_unmei, amberfox, amberite, amberwitch, amigone, amokk, amywon, anamacha, angryvixen, angus_kind, anotherjen, antsswarm, aphony21, appleflowers, arachne8, aramisny, arashi842, ardaniel, ares_dot_com, ariadnesthread, artypothesis, ashakat, ashlupa, asim, aslan_of_narnia, astolpho, aurelianus, aureth, aurora_lamour, auryn29a, aussie_nyc, australian_joe, avad, avivasedai, aya_awake, ayalanya, azagthoth, azhure, azurelunatic, bahtswana, bandie528, bauhaustherat, beachsomewhere, beagledance, beetiger, belated_fangirl, beldar, belgatherial, beowabbit, bethr, betnybean, bettiegirl, bheansidhe, bitch_fester, bitsyboo, blairwitchgreen, blazepoet, blergeatkitty, blither, blky, blog_project, blogforferrets, blyssmouse, bobquasit, bookalicious, bookslacker, boutell, bpjohnson, bridgetester, brother_bliss, brownsfan56, bubblesbrnaid, buffyholic, bunny_sonatas, butterflydezi, callumf, captain_bob, caravanserai, cassias_scrolls, catalyxt, ceal, ceolyn, chaoticmatter, charity_whore, charleseb, chebutykin, cheshyre, chiara607, chibininja, chiisaihito, childofchaos, chown_me, chris2342, chrisv, chryssaliss, cid62, cislyn, cissa, citen549, cloakofwinter, commonreader, conscience, conuly, correspondguy, corruptviridian, corto, corwinok, cougarpet, crazypills, creentmerveille, crisavec, crystalline, crystalrowan, crystalsage, cscottd, culculhen, cyan_blue, cynan_poly, d2leddy, dabrooklyn, daenarys, dahna, dancesthrough, dancing_star, dandelion_diva, daoistraver, daonnan, ...
Member of:59: baaaaabyanimals, blogathon2004, bluemonkeycult, bordertown, bottledthoughts, chimaerashimmy, comic_creators, dot_gimp_snark, dragaera, dragoncon, dragoncon_kit, edurants, elitistasshat, epileptics, fantasm, gimpgirl, gmail_invite, hip_mama, house_masonmill, iranas_study, javamonkey, kirayth, kithrayna, lj_dev, lj_nifty, lj_research, megacon, moonlitwildwood, nearlywildroses, neuroscience, no_pity, oddville, packsomeluff, paidmembers, pinkpigarmy, polyparents, rainn, retrohaven, rintadhgwedding, s2component, sapiosexual, shadesong_nexus, shadesongcon, shayara, song_and_yendi, sordidcityblues, sos_usa, speaksinsong, talespinning, tamson_house, tell_herstory, the_crossing, translumination, tyka_cafe, whippersnappers, wickedsisters, wmga, writing_comics, yendi_rocks
Account type:Permanent Account

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