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Below is user information for Member of the Coalition of the Wild-Eyed. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:yendi (458650) Paid User yendi
The Bastard-covered Bastard with the Bastard Filling
Name:Member of the Coalition of the Wild-Eyed
Website:Bookslut (where my monthly column, Fear Factor, appears)
Location:Atlanta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status AdamLipkin (Add Buddy, Send Message)
desert dwelling sand-snake. Its bite is so subtle that few animals (or people) will realize they've been bitten until, a few minutes to an hour later, the victim collapses - represents subtlety and misdirection. (from Dzurlord)
Yendi coils and strikes, unseen. (from Jhereg)
Pel is a Yendi. One never knows what Pel might say, what he might do, what he might say he has done, or, above all, why he would say or do what he said or did. (from Five Hundred Years After)
How many Yendi does it take to sharpen a sword?
Three. One to sharpen the sword and one to confuse the issue.
(from Yendi)

Please don't feel any obligation to add me as a friend just because I've added you; if you don't find me interesting, that's your right. :-)

On the other hand, please don't hesitate to add me if you want to read my posts. I've never quite understood folks who are get upset when people add them without "permission." And my fragile little ego gets a boost from knowing that I'm not just writing into the void.

If you're joining my LJ, I'd love it if you went to my post at;=Usernames&filter;=all and answered the question there, as I'm always curious about LJ usernames.

Also, please feel free to fill out the AIM/Yahoo username survey, so I can know to add you to my buddy lists. It can be found at;=227592

As for the quick mini-bio, I'm a computer/academia geek living in Atlanta and working at Emory. I live with my fiancee [info]shadesong, as well as her daughter Elayna (my stepdaughter in all but the legal sense), and two cats, one a crazy but lazy Chocolate-Point Siamese, the other a crazy and hyper short-hair.

If you feel like being nice to me, I've got a wishlist full of stuff at Amazon.

I also maintain the community [info]damnation_alley, for fans of Roger Zelazny.

The following is a list of non-LJ based weblogs I read (mostly celebs, not folks I would mark as "friends," even in the LJ sense). It's here for my own easy access, but also provides some good reading (and if anyone hears of a good RSS feed for any of them, please let me know):

Sarah Dyer: (note -- Evan Dorkin uses LJ, at least. :-)
Elayne Riggs (longtime writer about comics):
Mark Evanier (Writer of Groo):
Teresa Nielsen Hayden:
Will Shetterly:
Patrick Nielsen Hayden:
Steve Brust:
Raphael Carter (not updated in ages, but she wrote one of the few cyberpunk books that I can stand):
Christpher Priest (comics writer and editor):
Memories:117 entries
Interests:149: '80s music, 8-bit theater, adam warren, adbusters, alexandre dumas, andrew vachss, arrogant worms, babylon 5, barenaked ladies, barry ween, bentley little, bill willingham, billy joel, blackadder, boiled in lead, bordertown, brenda kahn, brian michael bendis, bruce campbell, buffy the vampire slayer, captain tractor, carla speed mcneil, cartoons, castle waiting, cats laughing, charles de lint, charles vess, chocolate, christopher marlowe, christopher moore, chynna clugston-major, coffee, comic books, cry cry cry, dar williams, deadwood, dork tower, egg creams, emma bull, firesign theatre, food porn, frumpy the clown, futurama, garbage, garlic, garth ennis, gilmore girls, gir, girl genius, green arrow, greg the bunny, harlan ellison, hawkeye, hayao miyazaki, hong kong cinema, horror, infocom, infornography, j. michael straczynski, jack chalker, jane yolen, jay and silent bob, joe lansdale, john barnes, john carpenter, john constantine, john m. ford, john ostrander, jon courtenay grimwood, judd winick, kage baker, kara dalkey, keith giffen, kevin and kell, kyle baker, legion of superheroes, lethargic lad, libraries, little shop of horrors, liz phair, lois mcmaster bujold, lovecraft, lucy kaplansky, meet the feebles, melissa scott, michael marshall smith, mick farren, mike resnick, moxy fruvous, mythology, neil gaiman, neon genesis evangelion, oysterband, paul jenkins, peter david, phil foglio, pocky, poker, punctuality, puzzles, rafael sabatini, raymond smullyan, red dwarf, richard shindell, robert rodi, robin hood, roger zelazny, sam raimi, sarah dyer, serial experiments lain, sharon olds, shayara, skepticism, sluggy freelance, special unit 2, stephen dedman, stephen sondheim, steven brust, steven piziks, strangers in paradise, suicide squad, supergirl, surrealism, sushi, sycophantic snobbery, syne mitchell, tamson house, tanya huff,, terry pratchett, the flash girls, the phantom tollbooth, the princess bride, the young ones, they might be giants, three musketeers, tim powers, tori amos, transmetropolitan, trish murphy, urban fantasy, usagi yojimbo, victor vasarely, vlad taltos, warren ellis, webcomics, weird al yankovic, will shetterly, william browning spencer. [Modify yours]
Friends:702: View Friends .
Friend of:537: _cinnamongirl_, _sophie_, adriang, ahsirakh, aiela, aiobheil, alcippe, alecto23, alison_says, aliza250, alladinsane, allroads, alphafem, althaea, amary, amberfox, amberwitch, amokk, amywon, anexstacy, angryvixen, anneball, ares_dot_com, ariadnesthread, ariedana, ashlupa, asim, assassingalaxia, astrophysicat, aurelio1979, aureth, aurora_lamour, auryn29a, aussie_nyc, averyslave, azagthoth, azhure, bardiphouka, bassfingers, beachsomewhere, beagledance, belgatherial, beowabbit, bethynyc, bheansidhe, bibliogirl, bitsyboo, blergeatkitty, blither, blky, bluewhiteapo, blyssmouse, bobthegoat, bookalicious, bookslacker, boutell, bpjohnson, branwynbooks, branwynelf, brephophagist, brianbendis, bunny_sonatas, bunnyboo, cairea, cassielsander, catalyxt, cbellisrun, ceal, chaoticmatter, charity_whore, charleseb, charliegrrrl, chelona, chiara607, chiisaihito, childofchaos, christikr, chrisv, cid62, cissa, clawfoot, clontzman, codeb6, concordantnexus, conscience, correspondguy, corros, corwinok, crazicreek, crazypills, creativecstasy, creentmerveille, crowy_reads, crowyhead, crwilley, crystalline, crystalrowan, crystalsage, cscottd, d2leddy, dadandgirl, dahna, dailyalice, dandelion_diva, dangerdean, daoistraver, daonnan, dariussolluman, dark_blade, darkluna, das_hydra, dead_city, deep_bluze, demetria23, deus_x, devilsdue, deyaniera, dgkgoldberg, dhole, dicotomygrrl, digitaldevil, digriz, dindin, dipped_in_honey, disconscious, divalea, dixie, dlscanlon, docwebster, doospack, dopple, dotgirl, dougals, dr_nebula, dragonheart97, dragonmom7, dragontdc, dreadalus, dreadpiratetait, dreamingcrow, dreamsrundeep, dtaylor, dubheach, dwivian, dydan, ebon_hawk, eilonwy, eir, eldritch00, elfboy999, ...
Member of:80: academics_anon, active_progress, alicesadventure, altcomix, altparent, anachrotech, atlanta_eats, atlbloodbowl, audiogasms, baaaaabyanimals, bibliophilia, blockheads, bodypositive, book_pimp, bordertown, buildyourwings, charlesdelint, cooking, creepycuisine, damnation_alley, dieting_foodies, east_o_the_sun, edurants, faerie_tales, failed_recipe, fdbabyjournal, festivalontario, food_porn, freestuff, garlic, gears_and_steam, george_romero, glassesfetish, grammar_mavens, grammarpolice, guessthegame, guessthemovie, healthy_weight, house_masonmill, infocom, iranas_study, just_georgia, kabukicomic, kevinandkell, kithrayna, lj_nifty, lj_syndication, ljatlanta, ljgourmet, lmbujold, macintosh, megacon, mental_workout, murasakicircle, octaviabutler, oldschoolgames, oysterfans, paidmembers, pencilpuzzlers, retro_gaming, rintadhgwedding, shadesong_nexus, shadesongcon, shayara, shipshape, show_w_the_door, snarky_haiku, song_and_yendi, sos_usa, southerncooking, syn_promo, tamson_house, the_outback, the_thrashers, the_zero, tim_powers, tvpicks, virtucomm, weirdwords, what_a_crock
Account type:Paid Account

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