Moving Out & Moving On |
[18 Jul 2002|01:02am] |
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anxious |
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a medley of melodies float in my head |
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I am going to try this whole concept of moving out and on my own this week!!! I am a little intimidated, but yet intrigued, with the fact I will be by myself in personally unchartered territory...knowing that all of my friends reside more than 30 miles away from me. I don't know what I'm going to think...but I know it will be an experience! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo procrastinating on getting my stuff packed up even though I am totally stoked! Its just my nature, I guess, to put things off!!!
I will write more as I learn more!
Bye y'all! (gotta get started on this Kentucky slang!)
on a roll here...sorry! |
[03 Jul 2002|12:56am] |
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aggravated |
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Wayne's World Soundtrack...its good stuff!!! |
] |
I'm sorry about all of the quizzes in a row...I got a little carried away. I had fun and I suppose that is the whole point.
Thanks to Nikki I got into doing the damn things...but, like i said, its all good!
I guess I am going to bed now. If I don't...I will just stay up all night worrying about my school loan. They didn't get the paperwork last week when I faxed it and had told me that they HAD received it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I need answers NOW!!! A WEEK AGO!!! I am battling almost 1,000 other NKU students for tell me I don't need this crap now!!! I'm keeping a positive attitude though...not much else I can do!
Wish me luck! Thanx!
g'nite all! Gotta work in the morning! Its the fun job though...its all I have now that I walked out on the job I've had for 2 1/2 years. Oh well! We all have to do some inventory on our lives at one point or another!
foxy lady |
[03 Jul 2002|12:46am] |
What fuzzy creature are you?
Now I've got that scene from Wayne's World (the first one) where Garth Algar is doing the little ear thing to "foxy lady" by jimi hendrix!!! soooooo cute!!!
| name is... |
[03 Jul 2002|12:16am] |
Couldn't I have gotten a name I half way agree with? Like something no one else has?!? I don't like my real name...I don't like these names. I guess that is why people have kids!!! Just kidding.
complicated |
[01 Jul 2002|01:05am] |
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restless |
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Avril Lavigne: Complicated |
] |
I am eagerly awaiting to see that I am officially awarded my financial aid for this year at NKU! I can do nothing but hope this comes through for me...then I will go sign up for the apartment I've had my eye on for the past week or so!!! I can't wait...just gotta sit and stir in my seat until that little check comes through...ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I am not very patient on this kind of stuff.
Adding to my lack of patience is the fact that I'm down to only one job now. I walked out after 2.5 years...and its about damn time!!! I've got my part-timer at Tri-County mall until I move and find a job close to my new home...which will hopefully be in Alexandria, Kentucky!!!
Wish me luck, everyone!!! PLEASE!!! I NEED IT RIGHT NOW!!! I've got a lot of stuff going on in my life and all I can really turn to is luck right now.
g'nite all!
poor car |
[23 Jun 2002|02:59am] |
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frustrated |
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I feel like my car right about now: -Just hit 100,000 miles and needs a tune up -Needs some type of fuel -Oil change and engine work needed -Check engine light is on but no one can figure why -Has trouble, sometimes, getting started -In need of some body repair -Doesn't know where its heading next
Yeah, that sums up some of my life.
I am not in the best of moods right now. Just lots of things flying at me all at once.
Biggest thing right now: I am moving to Kentucky (provided all things work out for the better in my favor). I am presently planning on attending NKU this fall and will hopefully stay until I have a degree. We'll see...I don't know if the first part of that holds any truth so I will have to really wait and see on that whole second part.
Well, I need to get some sleep and quit apartment should only take things one step at a time and take things slowly and consciously for this kind of life-changing decision making.
G'nite all...I'm out.
Uh, what? |
[11 Jun 2002|03:39am] |
It might be my favorite and lucky number...Maybe even a coicidence since I just finished watching 13 Ghosts...But I do believe that this test is a slight bit off. Oh well, I am satisfied none the less!
13 I act like I'm 13. This test was brought to you by Melissa - No, really.... Take it here.
roller coaster week |
[06 May 2002|12:07am] |
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hopeful |
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Smashing Pumpkins |
] |
I have held up well this week. It started with me pissed at Tony but now, in this one single week, we've accomplished a lot and have grown a lot closer. I am happy where I am with him and that helps me out knowing that one simple fact. The other thing is...really mother is losing her job. She is one of the hardest working, over-acheivers I know! Her boss and her have been butting heads for years and now her boss is using my mothers lack of college education (she was the valedictorian of her class at a two year college, meaning she only has an associate's degree, which apparently means nothing) against her and told her Friday, she has 60 days to find new employment. What a bunch of assholes!!! As Smashing Pumpkins put it, so well....THE WORLD IS A VAMPIRE!!! DESPITE ALL MY RAGE I AM STILL JUST A RAT IN A CAGE!!! So true, so true.
WTF??? |
[19 Apr 2002|03:27pm] |
Tony's likelihood of committing murder is fucking 0%!!! I think its because he's a guy...that test is rigged!!!
am I even THAT evil??? |
[14 Apr 2002|02:35am] |
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curious |
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Your Likelihood of Committing Murder is -18%
To Analyze your results use this handy dandy guide:
If you have a score of 0 or Below: You are the perfect being. Any psychotic tendencies you may possess are neatly balanced by you desire to help others and your devotion to the lord above. Well you could be an excellent human being, but you're most likely in denial. Try the test again, and try to tell the truth this time. If you still get a score of 0 then you may very well be the savior of the entire human race.
If you have a score of 1 to 20: You have a few little quirks here and there and no one ever did find your childhood cat, Fluffy. But, when it all comes down, you are a really good person. Your strict moral code is hard for others to live up to, and you probably don't get laid much. But, there's definitely a harp with your name on it. You might want to give your conscience the weekend off and have a few drinks, the world can be pretty fun if you loosen up a little.
If you have a score of 21 to 50: Your hit list if pretty short, but you do have one. You know the difference between right and wrong, but you just don't see what the fuss is all about. If you had a choice, you would probably head off down the path of goodness, but if cornered you will fight your way out like a rabid dog. Your balance between light and dark leaves your world bright enough to be "normal" and dark enough so that no one sees the severed head in the closet.
If you have a score of 51 to 80: You're a sly one indeed. You wear your vest of human flesh under your letterman sweater so that no one can see it. From a distance you look like a good and trustworthy person. What the world doesn't know is that underneath your polished veneer lies a seething ball of anger and paranoia. You do make the right choices every now and again, but it's more luck than good sense. the evening news cheers you up, and the thought of a world war makes you very excited.
If you have a score of 81 to 99: People tend to keep their distance from you, the smell of rotting flesh that emanates from your pure black clothing is a bit frightening. Your ideas of a good time is a human sacrifice followed by a nice warm bath in a tub full of the blood of virgins. Your drives are very strong, and you just don't see why it's wrong to eliminate the weak or stupid. You are your own boss, and anything that stands in your way will be destroyed with the ease of crushing a child's skull into a gooey mess of blood and brains.
If you have a score of 100 and above: People like you are very rare. Like a viscious jungle predator, you see the world as nothing more than an endless bloody playground. Your day is not complete unless you had human eyes for breakfast and committed three acts of violence by noon. You exterminate entire neighboorhoods in a single night and an internet cult has been created in your honor. Children run screaming from you, and mothers hurl themselves and their babies off 30 story buildings just to avoid your touch. you strike fear into the hearts of the bravest mean and you live by the creed that the only good human is a dead one.
cooooooool...i think |
[14 Apr 2002|02:23am] |
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amused |
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Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!!
Congratulations, when you delve into the exciting world of high yield killing it will be in with the extremely gruesome form of a horrible deadly disease. Disease has always tormented the human race, bring mortality terrifyingly close. Gaining fame at first with the Black Death of 1347, which ravaged Europe and stuck fear into the hearts of millions. Modern times have seen a revival in the popularity of this killing method with the AIDS virus reaching pandemic proportions. No neat and tidy wars for you my friend, you leave blood, guts, and gore strewn all over each of your destinations. So head on down to the tropics, where it is warm and moist and a range of epidemics await your every whim.
BooBooKittyFuck?!? |
[14 Apr 2002|02:00am] |
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accomplished |
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Morris Day and The Times: Jungle Love (oh-wee-oh-wee-oh) |
] |
Watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back for the third time this week (of course, only when followed by Chasing Amy - the first movie Strike Back was based on)! I'm really starting to like this movie!!! I just realized that I am done with school for the summer!!! Yea! Go me! Now I just have to hurry up and figure out where I will go this fall (if at all). I really need to get my ass in gear if I expect to ever retain a college degree!!! Well, I suppose I'm off to bed now. G'nite all!