Portland Zines
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in portland zine's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, December 27th, 2004
    1:07 pm
    Zine Symposium 2005 workshops
    Hey everyone. We're starting to plan the 2005 Symposium, and want to know what workshops people want. What workshops did you like in the past that you want to see again? What ones do you never want to see again? What new workshops do you want? What workshop do you want to lead? Reply here or on the message board at: http://www.pdxzines.com/msgboard/pzs/22/
    Sunday, December 26th, 2004
    10:56 pm
    web links
    Hey all -- I want to add links to people's sites from my web site, so give me your URL if you want me to add you to www.lanicat.com.
    Friday, December 24th, 2004
    1:36 pm
    wow im glad someone answered all my questions. this community is lame. no one ever even posts.
    Sunday, December 19th, 2004
    9:24 pm
    Friday, December 10th, 2004
    11:12 pm
    whats the deal with the art thing? who decides the winner? when are the meetings at iprc? its not posted on the site. yeah i subscribed but it hasnt sent yet. i think the contest is rad idea. not that im entering. i just think its great to bee so inclusive. zines not scenes! anyway. thats all.
    Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
    1:27 pm
    If you have already responded to me please ignore this. there are a few changes to take note about distro inclusion:

    It’s that time again to do a revision of Stolen Sharpie Revolution: A DIY zine resource. It has less than a year since the second printing has come out and we are completely out now! I have been really too busy running microcosm and trying to have a life when joe has been out touring with the $100 and a t-shirt zine documentary. But, I’m now ready to start working on the SSR revision for reals.

    Here’s what I would like from you. Please fee free to curculate this:

    1.Updates on distro: which ones closed shop? Changed names? Changed e-mail addresses? Changed addresses? Switched owners? I would like new distros that have been around AT LEAST SINCE JUNE 2004 (I CHANGED THIS! I’m now accepting distros from the middle of 2004! I may make exceptions if you can convince me but I have had far too many dsitros I have listed go out of business even before Stolen Sharpie came back from the printer) if you would like your distro listed, even if it has been listed in other editions I’d like a new listing or to be told to use the old one, please give me your information in this form:
    Name of Distro
    Address of Distro
    Name of person who runs the distro (optional)
    E-mail address (optional)
    Web Address (optional)
    Short description of distro (what the name of the person who runs the distro is, what kinds of zines you carry, how long you have been around, if you have a paper catalog, if you accept open submissions, if you carry things besides zines, etc) these descriptions will be edited to fit the space.

    2.Zine libraries: which ones have moved? Which ones have stopped? New Zine libraries please list info in this order:
    Name of the library
    Address or location
    Contact info

    3.Stores that sell zines: which ones no longer carry zines? Which ones closed? New stores please list info in this order:
    Name of store
    Contact info

    4.Online zine resources: if you can could you check a copy of SSR second edition and see if there are any things that need to be updated or added to. I think there is a new distro kids web site and a few others. Please list resources in this order:
    Name of online resource
    Web address of resource

    5.Zine Events: new zine events or websites for old ones would be good.

    6.What I know I am looking for:
    New “how to make paper”, ”screen printing”, “book binding” instructions that are fair use or if you have done one and would like for it to be included in the next edition.
    Illustrations that are zine related.

    7.what I don’t know I am looking for: if you can think any other things that need changing let me know. This includes typos or misprints.

    8.Please don’t tell me to add new information. There will be a SSR#2 some day. Please don’t tell me to add stuff about digital media to SSR. This zine is not about that. And I don’t have any knowledge of the subject. If you would like to write something about it for SSR #2 let me know.

    9. And last but not least: I need encouragement. Every time I work on compiling Stolen Sharpie Revolution it drains me. I can’t seem to find energy for my own projects when I keep pouring myself into SSR. So if you have kind words of wisdom, please let me know.

    Thanks, alex wrekk

    p.s. despite all the stress I have been going through I have a new mini zine out. It is a split with my friend korinna. It is called birthdays&Christmas;/faking distance. they are 48 pages legal and written, edited, laid out and copied in a week. I think we actually did a really good job on them even if it wasn’t so rushed. They are full of more stories that relate to life: heartache, feminism, travel, work, family, and more. They are available $2 ($1.20 wholesale) postage paid in the US or $3 outside the US through paypal to this address brainscanzine@riseup.net or mailed to this address” alex wrekk c/o microcosm publishing 5307 N. Minnesota ave. Portland, Oregon 97217 USA

    Current Music: discount-half fiction
    Monday, November 22nd, 2004
    11:30 pm
    a zine for fun summer games
    the following is a message from a rad gal in kentucky that i met over the summer. feel free to spread the word:

    i'm actually hoping to do a huge one before spring...a big collaborative work of games! if you know of any cool games or random fun things to do, pass them along! i'm going to try to get this one printed and ready to rock by the time spring rolls around so it'll get distroed by summer and shit will just be more fun. also if you know anyone else who might know some cool games-- (as in activities, or word games, etc), tell them to email me please.

    - cheyenne (at) riseup.net
    Monday, November 15th, 2004
    4:45 pm
    Portland Zine Symposium
    We have a date. Mark your calendars and stay in town August 5-7th!
    Want to support the zine symposium before that? look for our treats at the Handmade Bazaar the first weekend in December. There will also be more fundraisers early next year so we can support new plans for making your zine symposium the best ever!
    We are still looking for artwork for posters and ads. Be sure to get those in to us before December 10th!
    Saturday, November 13th, 2004
    10:10 am
    come bring your goods (call ahead of time) or come shopping for the home and entertainment. we need people who sell, make or like DIY shit that is: zines, paintings, screen printing, homemade pads, jewelry, instruments, photography, clothing, and whatever all ya'lls make that i couldn't even think of! please no yuppies or professionals apply, totally FREE for vendors and shoppers alike!

    Sunday November 21
    12-3 pm
    5122 se 41st.

    from 39th walk up holgate 4 or 5 blocks and look for the red house at 41st and mitchell
    bus .10, 17 or 39

    call manush for more information @ 503.772.0778
    Monday, November 8th, 2004
    8:39 pm
    miniZINE FAIR!!
    my friend manush is having an awesome zine fair at her house from 12-3pm on sunday, november 21. Everyone's invited!! bring zines for sell/trade!
    the house is off se 41st/holgate and the address is 5122 se 41st ave.
    so come on down and support your local broke ass zinesters!

    Current Mood: cheers!
    Saturday, November 6th, 2004
    7:00 am
    Perpetual Motion Roadshow, Tonight, Reading Frenzy
    ...Perpetual Motion Roadshow #18 presents...
     Hip Mama
     from Portland!
     Hipster Hellspawn
     from Toronto!
     Radical Eco-Novelist
     from Portland!
     See http://www.nomediakings.net for the details or read on!
     Portland: Sat. Nov 6, 7pm. Reading Frenzy (921 SW Oak St.)
     Richard Melo's post-punk eco-rad novel, Jokerman 8 starts where Edward Abbey
    leaves off, then never looks back. Published by Soft Skull Press, it has been
    called passionate, euphoric, and Whitman-esque in a review in The Believer. A
    graduate of San Francisco State University, Melo lives in Portland, Oregon with
    his daughter. He is currently working on second, third, and fourth books. His
    writing has appeared in Willamette Week, Too Much Coffee Man, and Gobshite
    Quarterly. Melo performs passages from Jokerman 8 accompanying himself on a
    spooky 12-string acoustic guitar. (www.misconstrue.net)
     Ariel Gore is Maia's mom; author of the novel-memoir Atlas of the Human Heart
    and 3 parenting classics--The Hip Mama Survival Guide, The Mother Trip &
    Whatever, Mom; editor-publisher of Hip Mama: The Parenting Zine; editor of 2
    anthologies--Breeder and the brand new soon-to-be bestseller The Essential Hip
    Mama; international bag lady; dangerous mama. Will be ranting about wanderlust
    and motherwork. (www.arielgore.com)
     Jim Munroe is a "pop culture provocateur", according to BookSense.com.After the
    HarperCollins release of Flyboy Action Figure Comes With Gasmask (praised by
    people as diverse as Naomi Klein and Neil Gaiman) he chose to  release his
    following books (Angry Young Spaceman, Everyone In Silico) on  his own imprint
    No Media Kings as a statement against Murdoch-style consolidation. He's touring
    with his new novel An Opening Act of Unspeakable Evil, a tale of the urban
    occult made up entirely of blog entries. "It has all Munroe's trademark charm,
    his wonderful, rueful fondness for his own characters, and a genuine mystery:
    is Lilith a demoness or isn't she?" --Georgia Straight  (www.nomediakings.org)
    [Cross posted in places]
    Tuesday, October 26th, 2004
    9:57 am
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 7pm

    Kate Lopretsi, Alex Wrekk, Mark Russell

    Local publisher and bicycle enthusiast, Kate Lopretsi, chronicles her adventures on TriMet in her zine Constant Rider, which was nominated for an Utne Independent Press Award in 2003. Alex Wrekk is the editor of the zines Brainscan and Stolen Sharpie Revolution, a self-help guide to zine-making and the DIY movement. Mark Russell is the editor of Penny Dreadful, author of The Superman Stories, and a self-proclaimed expert on bus etiquette. The Triple Dare Reading Series is a monthly showcase for self-published and small press authors.
    Monday, October 25th, 2004
    10:55 am
    Thursday, October 21st, 2004
    1:35 pm
    other than reading frenzy and powells.. does anybody know any other places i can distro my zines?
    Wednesday, October 20th, 2004
    2:11 pm
    Design the Next Zine symposium Poster

    Portland Zine Symposium is having an art contest for its fifth anniversary (August 2005), and you and your friends are invited to become a part of it!

    Guidelines: we need a poster design and logo for our fifth anniversary symposium. Our theme is "Celebrating Creating" and the loose theme of celebration and birthday party fun! Your award-winning poster must contain the following information:
    *The words "Fifth Annual Portland Zine Symposium"
    *The motto "Celebrating Creating"
    *the following information: "a three-day conference and zine social exploring facets of underground publishing and DIY culture"
    *our web address -- www.pdxzines.com
    *our address: Portland State University, Smith Memorial Building in Downtown Portland, Oregon
    *space for a date (August 2005 --- specific date forthcoming)
    *The poster must be roughly 11"x 17"
    *The poster may be black, white and one other color.

    aside from that, it's up to you to create! Good luck! We will compensate all entrants with free tee-shirts from last year's symposium -- the winning entrant will get a prize and a free shirt and poster featuring his or her art, as well as the satisfaction of seeing the art plastered all over town!

    Submissions can be mailed to:

    Portland Zine Symposium
    c.o Microcosm Publishing
    Liberty Hall
    311 N. Ivy
    Portland, OR 97227

    Submissions can also be dropped off at the Microcosm office at Liberty Hall, the Pdx Zine Symposium box in the IPRC (SW 9th & Oak in downtown Portland), or emailed to pdxzinesymposium@riseup.net.
    Wednesday, October 13th, 2004
    4:48 pm
    Portland Oregon
    2:44 pm
    i need some contact info on the zine, DROPPING OUT
    hey i was wondering if anyone knows any contact information to the author of the zine "DROPPING OUT". i tried emailing the address given on the zine, but it came back as mail default or someshit.

    and if there are any people out there who don't have enough money to make copies for their zine, i can do some free of charge. contact me! narkattack@yahoo.com


    Current Mood: giddy
    Current Music: leftover crizzack
    Sunday, October 3rd, 2004
    1:50 pm
    Help plan the Portland Zine Symposium!
    We need your help, your skills, your ideas, your blood, sweat, and tears!
    Sunday, October 10th @ 2pm there will be a general interest meeting at Liberty Hall (311 N. Ivy) for the Portland Zine Symposium.
    We are looking for some responsible and creative people interested in making the 5th annual Portland Zine Symposium the most awesome yet!
    Some of our ideas we'd like to go over:
    An event date
    Fundraising ideas
    Workshop ideas
    Theme and artwork
    2 or 3 days of workshops and tabling?

    Even if you don't think you have the time comment bring your ideas for what you'd like to see happen!
    It takes all sorts of people to keep this event going.

    Don't forget to come early on October 10th for 11am vegan brunch made by zinesters for zinesters and more!
    Saturday, October 2nd, 2004
    5:04 pm
    tonight is the portland screening of the zine documentry, $100 and a T-shirt. As well as readings and performances by dave (on subbing) and Nicole (invincible summer).
    the show starts at 7pm TONIGHT October 2 and will be held at Liberty hall located at 311 N. Ivy (1 block south of N. Fremont and one block west of N. Vancouver)
    cost $5
    starts at 7
    be there early and check out the microcosm store in the basement!

    Current Music: defiance, ohio
    Friday, September 17th, 2004
    7:22 pm
    i can't stop makign zines! here's a new one already!
    a few weeks ago my friend korinna and i finished our split zine: Faking Distance/birthdays and christmas. we spent a week putting it together, editing the stories and doing the layouts late at night at the IPRC, so i could have it ready to sell at the SF zine fest.

    the idea that we originally had was to each make a zine including feminist anecdotes, and while there are many feminist anecdotes in our zines, we did stray from this topic a little.

    my half, birthdays and christmas, has stories about my personal hair dying history, my mothers attempt to connect with me in the diy world, an obsessive european waiter boy, drunken make outs and girl jealousy, and sexist bike jock boys.

    korinna's half, faking distance, has stories of crazy high school friends, riot grrrls, office temp work, kareoke adventures, a letter to her deceased cat, and a story about boys and privilege.

    i'd have to say that for the small amount of time korinna and i put this together, the quality of the writing and layout is really good. korinna says that some of the stories I wrote for this are some of her favorite pieces i've ever written! and i really like the stories korinna wrote, except they make me want to read more of her stuff!

    the zine quarter-legal, folded and bound in a weird cool way that is hard to explain, and all together it is 48 pages.

    it costs $2 postage paid. For paypal, theres that $.35 charge, too.

    paypal address is:
    brainscanzine (at) riseup.net
    alex wrekk
    c/o microcosm
    5307 n. minnesota ave
    portland, or 97217 usa


    Current Music: lifter puller
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