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User:diaryofahobbit (11778) diaryofahobbit
Name:A Hobbit
Location:Ithaca, New York, United States
AOL IM:AIM status diaryofahobbit (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 116237157 (Add User, Send Message)
Memories:81 entries
Interests:150: ai, alife, austin, australian accents, autumn, beauty, being barefoot, biking, black, blues, books, buddhism, bukowski, camping, candles, cheese, chess, chomsky, coffee, competition, complexity, conversation, cooking, craziness, cryptography, dachshunds, dark beer, dark comedies, dirt roads, dogs, douglas coupland, dreaming, driving, dusk, einstein, ethics, etymology, evening, existing, eyebrow piercings, feta, film, fish, folk, foosball, fountains, free software, genetic algorithms, ghandi, ginsberg, girls with glasses, gnu, goa, god, good tea, grammar, green, hazelnut, horror movies, idaho, idealism, incense, indian food, interesting people, inventing, java, jazz, joseph campbell, juggling, kerouac, kesey, knowledge, kubrick, language, laughing, learning, lightning, linguistics, linux, love, loyalty, lucidity, luck, meditation, mexican food, mindlessness, mocha, mountain biking, neural nets, new ideas, night, observational writing, odd people, odd poetry, oobe, oop, orange, original thought, painting, passion, peach, pesto, philip glass, philosophy, pi, piano, plants, poetry, pool, pragmatism, programming, punk, puzzles, quantum physics, questioning, rain, reading, realizations, religion, richard bach, richard feynman, robotics, sagan, sarcasm, self-deprecating humor, silence, simplicity, skiing, sleeping, smelling, spirituality, stories, storms, techno, technology, texas, theatre, thoreau, thunder, uk slang, unix, voluntarism, wandering, wisdom, woods, words, working out, writing, xml, yellow. [Modify yours]
People45:_phaedrus_, a_me, antisense, aphonia, beinwind, callmeal, catkin, chiclet, childinprogress, corylus, darktrain, dysphoricdrew, fionacat, forestwalker, gelasia, gnomeygirl, goddessmarci, hobbitblue, jeffm, jerronimo, kalika, karmicunderpath, laughingmousie, logand, mauracelt, mellyjane, memgineer, mouseferatu, niwi, ogonzoo, paris, pencilinear, porphyria, satyrich, sirpornsalot, spampy, suibhne_geilt, swiftlynowhere, thechallenger, toast14, tritia, underfading, uzume, violetlovestars, wallstreetgirl
Communities8:abstractthought, badpoetryinc, beatwords, cogsci, dreamstream, lj_dev, nonduality, viralmemite
Friend of:36: _phaedrus_, boxofdelights, callmeal, catkin, cyllan, darktrain, dildobucket_1a, dusty_miller, evalove, fionacat, fjstone, forestwalker, gnomeygirl, goddessmarci, h30, igrokme, jeffm, karmicunderpath, mauracelt, mellyjane, memgineer, midnight618, mooks, mouseferatu, naath, porphyria, rock_a_day_john, satyrich, skemptic, spampy, technicolorday, telltalesign, thechallenger, toast14, uzume, violetlovestars
Member of:14: abstractthought, badpoetryinc, beatwords, cogsci, dreamstream, grammarpolice, lj_dev, lj_nifty, nonduality, paidmembers, poetic, stopthehate, upstatenewyork, viralmemite
Account type:Early Adopter

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