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Below is user information for Lianne. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:lianne (3142) lianne
Location:Vancouver, Canada
Memories:21 entries
Interests:42: art, book stores, books, cartoons, comics, conversations, cynicism, daydreaming, glasses, hanging out, honesty, independent films, insanity, intelligence, loud music, magazines, money, music videos, not sleeping, notebooks, peaceful walks, pens, people, people watching, procrastinating, public transportation, rain, ralph steadman, reading, sanity, self awareness, selfishness, shel sliverstein, slackers, sleep, stickers, thinking, understanding, wandering, wondering, writing, zines. [Modify yours]
People10:almond_tiger, crainedaddy, erik, fernypants, geekstinkbreath, permafrost, strwbrry_sweet, subtheory, theburiedlife, theja
Account type:Early Adopter

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