http://www.houstonvoice.com/2004/11-5/news/national/ponder.cfm Meanwhile, the nationwide exit poll conducted for a consortium of news media outlets showed that four percent of the electorate identified itself as gay male, lesbian, or bisexual.
Of that total, Kerry won 77 percent of the gay vote compared to 23 percent for Bush, the exit poll showed. Independent presidential contender Ralph Nader received less than one percent, the poll showed. Although the poll shows that Kerry won handily among gays, many gay activists said they were baffled over why 23 percent of the gay electorate — which translates into more than one million gays — would vote for a president who pushed for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. An exit poll conducted four years ago showed that Bush received a nearly identical percentage of the gay vote when he ran against Vice President Al Gore. Patrick Guerriero, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans, the national gay group that chose not to endorse Bush, said he was not surprised over the size of the gay vote for Bush. “I predicted that Bush could get as much as 30 percent of the gay vote in the middle of a war on terrorism,” Guerriero said. Gay Republican activist Carl Schmid of D.C. said he, too, wasn’t surprised over the gay GOP vote. “Obviously, gay people vote on issues other than gay issues,” said Schmid. “Everyone knows who is better on gay issues. But there are other issues that people think are important.”
interesting. but, it only slightly surprised me. when you vote, you make a decided effort to vote for the candidate that best meets your needs based on how you prioritize them. (for instance, bush and i don't agree on a whole lot of things, but those things tend to be lower on my priority list than the things i disagree with john kerry on.) i guess 23% of gays don't care that much about gay marriage. just like me.
no comments because i don't think there's anything worth saying in reply to this. lol
tomorrow's just an excuse away. ( hormonal musings )i had this great conversation with scott tonight. it made me realize alot about the way i am feeling. you've always been a great person to talk to, when we actually do talk about serious stuff. (also when we don't!) i wish i'd stop having these late melancholy nights. i'm, in reality, so happy with my life, and then i hit a certain time in the middle of the night and i get down. i need to break the cycle. i think i need a break from schoolwork. tomorrow i'm going to be fairly busy. my international economics class is cancelled, so i don't have to be awake until 10:00. after class i'm going to get lunch and see mike before he goes to FIU. afterwards i need to go to book horizons and sell back some books that i bought by accident and see if i can get some spending money for the weekend. after that i need to go to the library to research for my english paper, and then come back and finish doing my annotated bibliography (i think this is the stupidest thing i've ever had to do. i don't need you to hold my hand while i do this paper.) becky and i want to check out the monet display at the lowe art museum (yay art geeks!) and then hopefully get something to eat with heather. hopefully. oh, there's a game tomorrow at 7:30, too. right now i don't care but maybe tomorrow i will. good night and may your dreams be sweet. edit @ 3:16 - upon reading entries of a year ago, i think it's damn obvious how i have changed and how i haven't. white i still miss home, i feel that i have found a group of people here that are solid and can support me when i am weak. and i'm alot less emo. (minus this entry of course)
Current Music: smashing pumpkins - thirty three
do you see what i see? can you hear what i hear? do you feel like i feel? can you dream like i dream? i am in this intense "blah" mood. becky just turned the air colder, a sign that she is going to bed. knowing me, i'll stay up for a while... for no reason. anyway, i found this thing on music snobbery and thought it was damn funny so here goes... (specific people that i think might find this really funny include hazmatt84, scott_102084, thatwasnofun, and timk622 - although i might be wrong and you guys will get mad at me cause i made you read something ridiculously long. lol) ( LJ cut a go go )
Current Mood: blah Current Music: nonpoint
Wearing Your Collar Down is for Poor People By I.M. Adick, III When my ancestors came over to this great country 400 years ago, they had a vision for a utopia, free from minorities, liberals, poor people, homosexuals, and immigrants. There are few today who share such lofty ideals, but we're easy to find: Pastel polo shirts, loafers without socks, tucked-in shirts, but most importantly, collars up. Call me a douchebag. Call me an arrogant little cocksucking dickhead. Beat the shit out of me if I'm not with fifteen of my B-frat friends (unlikely). But just know this: I interned at Smith Barney this summer. Where did you work? A Blockbuster? That's right you insignificant sack of dogshit; I'm going to be your boss. So take your t-shirt wearing, financial aid, blue-collar ass over to Blockbuster and get me a copy of Old School. Do you even own a tuxedo? Look at my girlfriend. You think she'd go for someone who didn't have his collar up? I don't think so. I remember the night I met her. I bought her so many $9 drinks she couldn't even walk. So I drove her home in my BMW 328ci, but not before I took a few "liberties" with her. The next morning I took her to brunch and went to the mall, where I bought her some blouses. You assholes don't know the first thing about being a gentleman. You probably don't even know how to sail. When I get out of business school, I'm going to be making $120,000 a year. Add that to my trust fund, and I can buy a country club membership, a ski house, and still have enough money to go barhopping around the city in my designer clothes and shit-eating grin. Maybe I'll offer you a hundred bucks to flip my collar up for me. I earned it you middle-class fuck up. I bet you went to public school. You're so predictable. I bet I can guess your political party just by looking at you. My cronies and I range from elitist northern liberals to heartless conservative bastards. I've wasted enough time with you. Get some rich parents, an internship, and a pink polo with the collar up, and then maybe I'll let you hang out with me.
ps - thank you tim lol
so my days have been kind of boring. as you could probably tell, i experienced passing another kidney stone the past few days. since friday night i have had a general pain in my mid/lower back and mid/lower abdomen. i decided that it was just from sitting too long in becky's car or something, and didn't think much of it. finally, monday afternoon i called my mom and told her what was going on - thinking it might be an ulcer or something similar. she goes online, finds my exact symptoms, and she realizes - whoa, i have a stone! awesome. so that night i took 2 halves of percocets to stop the pain, and it kind of worked, but not too much. but last night i decided that the halves weren't doing it, so i went with the full percocet at once. man, was i going crazy. my leg was spmasming, i was teetering around when i walked, i couldn't be tickled, and all i wanted to do was lay down in my bed because i felt like my legs were strapped down to it anyway hah. and, the best part? i couldn't feel any of the nagging kidney pain. (even though i still had to watch man on fire... ew) when i woke up today, i had no pain! it was incredible. unfortunately my awesome mood was ruined by the torrential downpour in which the bottom of my pants got soaked and i slipped. again. lol. timk622 and i met up and went to see the dalai lama. uhhh... let's just say that i liked alot of what he said, but i totally disagreed with alot of what he said too. either way, it was pretty cool to have seen him and hear him speak. he is a funny man. i got back to the room around 5 and rebecca, liz, and i went to taco bell and met up with heather. my new love is the spicy chicken burrito - with hot sauce, of course. we are going to get married and have spicy little mexican kids. rar! we came back to the dorm and liz and i were amazingly hyper. i do believe i scared the crap out of mike, his roommate, and his entire floor, for that matter. eventually i calmed down and studied socialism...er sociology. honestly this class is going to make me snap some day. technically, according to this class, since my parents immigrated to a big city from a latin american country, and since i am a girl, i probably should be living in some slum selling crack on the corner or something. and on that note, everyone have a good night and love to all. pray it doesn't rain tomorrow and pray for bill and russ, my poor afflicted kidneys.
Current Mood: hyper Current Music: the cure
so i am back home for the weekend. hurricane charley hit over a month ago, but from the looks of things around here... it looks like it hit just a few days ago. the first thing you notice is the smell. if you've been to sanibel, or just live on the gulf, you know that the normal smell in the evening is pretty salty and clean. now, that has been replaced with the smell of rotting vegetation and/or rotting dead animals. when you drive, you have to be careful that you dont scrape the side of your car on one of the numerous piles of branches that line the sides of the streets. the three hotels right by my house have signs that say "HOTEL CLOSED - KEEP OUT PLEASE!" right next to the beach access that i normally frequent, there is a pile of curtains, furniture, artwork, and other hotel furnishings that were inevitibly damaged by the water and wind. my yard is still full of dead leaves and branches. there are still things just sitting on the piano bench and stuck inside closets to avoid water damage. if you open the freezer there are at least 6 plastic gallon jugs of water frozen, and my mom's to do list on the fridge says "1) Get gas. 2) Get and freeze water." i've had this sitting here for almost an hour and haven't thought of anything to say. so, since i haven't been cryptic in a while, i'm going to give a long list of things no one will understand hahaha. - i'm glad i'm finally standing up to your BS and i'm glad you're not taking it as badly as i imagined - i'm glad that we stopped fighting and that we're back to normal - even though i tend to have stupid doubts, i know that this is what i want - you're so alike that it's unnerving - some day, when i get the courage, i'm just going to do it and, for a final non-cryptic note: i would sell my (good) kidney for a cigarette.
Current Mood: tired Current Music: silence
recently i've been considering my long term goals in life. so, of course, everyone wants to be successful. i want a stable and interesting job with the ability to be promoted to higher positions. i want this job to involve traveling, but not so much that it takes away from my family. another goal is, as previously mentioned, my family. i want a husband who is, of course, crazy about me, and that has a stable life and similar goals as me. i want the obligatory 2 kids - 1 boy older than 1 girl. i want inteersting and real friends, and therefore an interesting and real social life. i want an interesting life - but i know that can be a curse. so how about a happy and interesting life? ooh when did i become so deep? (and by deep, i mean boring) anyway, in other news, i strongly discourage girls from playing tennis with cramps.
Current Mood: full Current Music: Alannis Morrisette - Perfect
when i woke up this morning, i had pretty significant pain in my right tonsil. i just about started crying (thank you, hormones!!) because the thought of being sick during my weekend home was pretty daunting. i popped a few aleve along with my vitamin, and went to class. i can thankfully say that now it doesn't hurt at all... but then again, i took those aleve at 9:30, and it's only been less than 5 hours since then. i'm hoping for the best.
i think the people in my english group don't like me because i constantly offer to write or do things for the group. (this would be an interesting change from last year, where all the work got dumped on me.) i try to take the initiative because everyone else kind of sits around and looks at eachother as if the pen were going to jump on the paper and start writing on its own.
i'm also being more outgoing about my spanish and talking in class. i feel alot more comfortable this semester, mainly because i'm trying to work on not being such a perfectionist. those of you who know me well know that this is going to be a quasi-impossible project.
dooobeeedooo. i'm just kinda hanging around the room for now. tomorrow i don't have econ (thank you rosh hashonna), so i can sleep in until at least 10:00AM. thanks to my good lunch at charties today, i am incredibly tired, and am considering crawling in bed for a little bit. i think i'll be ok because i napped for 3 hours yesterday yet still managed to sleep excellently.
hrmrmm speaking of naps... (i can't forget that becky wants to play tennis today!)