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Sun, Nov 28, 2004
Four-year cycle.  [17:19|742]
Last night Katherine and JJ and I sat around and talked all night.

Guess how much fun I had.
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Sat, Nov 27, 2004
New games that aren't really new.  [02:21|741]
Oh, and I almost forgot.

Went down to the local GameTraders today. That is the place where I bought my Friday the 13th and Bill and Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure cartridges a while back. Today I browsed through their now-extensive stacks of NES cartridges and found two I'm a little excited about. Let me tell you about them and why they're valuable to me.

The first one I got was Back to the Future. Now one might say, "Isn't that a really lame game? I mean, games based on movies are traditionally terrible, with the exception of Goldeneye!" To which I reply, "Sure, it's not a great game. But I sort of like it, and I hate Goldeneye." See, it was the first (and maybe only) Nintendo game I actually went to the store and bought as a kid. It was only $19.99 at the time, and that was inexpensive, so I got it and was terrible at it and sort of forgot about it. When I was in fifth or sixth grade, I sold it to the local video store for $2. I've pretty much regretted it ever since (especially since I've been rebuilding an NES collection) so when I saw it there for $3.95, I had to buy it. For twice what I sold it for.

The other game I got was Déjà Vu. Now this is supposed to be a classic game in the King's Quest/Maniac Mansion style. One time my childhood chum (his name was Perry) brought over his most recent issue of Nintendo Power (the Gail Tilden era), and that issue featured a game called Déjà Vu. It was the coolest magazine I'd ever seen, so I got the scrip card from him and filled it out. It got there so quick, they mailed me their very next (then bi-monthly) issue. Featuring StarTropics. But for some reason I have more of an attachment to Déjà Vu than to StarTropics. Anyway, I didn't see it in the stacks, so I got a little down, but then I saw it in its ORIGINAL BOX sitting there proudly on display. So I bought it. For $16.95. But it's in the ORIGINAL BOX. With the ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. And it even plays the first time you put it in the machine with no finagling necessary. It's awesome. It's like a brand new game. And I'm excited.

But I'm freaking stuck on it. I can't get past one part because I can't get into a house, and I can't get into a wall safe, and I'm about to run out of effing quarters. What's a boy to do?
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Fri, Nov 26, 2004
Babs and Buster Bunny. No relation.  [22:36|740]
Egad! I did it again! I was on my way to Wendy's right after writing that entry, and another rabbit jumped under my car! This is riDICulous!

And then a[n] [o]possum ALMOST ran under my car, but thought better of it at the very last second and turned back whence he came. Jiminy cricket. Leave me aLONE, mammals!
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What's up, doc?  [21:39|739]
Quick post, and I don't have time to read my friends page, so I hope nothing tragic has happened that makes this entry seem insignificant or insensitive by comparison. It should be completely insignificant and insensitive by its own right. So if you're already down or stressed about something important, don't read it.

Last night I hit a rabbit. It didn't jump out in front of the car. Oh no, it jumped under the car as we passed. It had a death wish or something. You could hear it bouncing around under there, and all I could do is just cringe and hope it ended quickly. On the way back we saw it by the side of the road and I was sad. It was the first mammal I've hit (frogs and snakes happen ALL the time). So cry your pardon, Rabbits. Cunicula. Etc.

That is all.
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Thu, Nov 25, 2004
Let's get a little geeky here for a second:

I beat a kid at chess yesterday, but only barely. I had a bishop pinning his knight against one side of the board, two pawns, and a king. He had that same knight, one pawn that was stuck behind it, and a king. Leaving the bishop sitting there out of harm's way, I manoeuvred the pawns and my king toward his king. Moving my pawn to his home row, I made it a queen, securing the checkmate. It was a pile of lucky moves with a few grave errors and a couple of strategic gems. He was a formidable opponent.

That's all, I suppose.
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Tue, Nov 23, 2004
I made a quiz. Take it. If you dare.  [20:28|736]
[ mood | quizzical ]

Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com

Please, take it. I get no respect.

That's all I got, goodnight. You've been a great audience.

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Sat, Nov 20, 2004
I don't know what else to do,  [02:39|735]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Tim McGraw & Nelly (in me head) ]

What follows is a boring survey I stole from Patrice and started filling in while I waited for Chad to call me to go pick him up from Mark's house. Don't bother reading it unless you really have nothing better to do.

Survey says... )

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Wed, Nov 10, 2004
Free giveaway  [23:04|733]
[ mood | charitable ]
[ music | "Come and Get It" -- Beatles ]

Once again I have a surplus of Gmail invitations. If you want one, let me know.

Gmail is great, and don't listen to the conspiracy theorists who try to tell you otherwise.

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Tue, Nov 9, 2004
sometimes my phone lights up for no good reason
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Mon, Nov 8, 2004
Lundi - demolition  [22:01|731]
Woke up around 10:30. Drove home. )

I'll be going to bed soon.
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Dimanche - relaxation  [20:41|730]
I woke up at 2:00 p.m. I stayed up for a while. )

Anyway, so it was way late by the time we went to bed. So late I don't know what time it was.
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Samedi - discussion  [18:34|729]
I woke up just before 8 a.m. to the sounds of Jonathan's radio alarm. The music was good, albeit loud. I lay awake listening to it for a little while (maybe 15 minutes) before Lauren stormed out of her room, threw open Jonathan's door (he wasn't there, anyway) and turned off the radio before storming back to her room. I fell back asleep.

I woke up again. )Then I fell asleep. Probably about... 2:45 a.m.
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Vendredi - exhaustion  [18:29|728]
Friday I was tired all day. I went home at 4, slept till 5:30, then left for Starkville at about 6:15.

In Hattiesburg, I missed the bypass (forgot to get on the exit ramp), which added 30 minutes to my trip.

In Meridian, I went 3 miles out of my way to find a McDonald's which wouldn't even take debit unless I got out of my car. It was a shady part of town, so I didn't bother. This added about 10 minutes to my trip.

In Lauderdale, I bought a Coke to help me stay awake. Also a Mr. Goodbar (which I didn't eat) and a turkey sandwich (which I did eat). This also added about 10 minutes to my trip.

I got to Starkville at around 11:30, I think. I was exhausted and tried watching Food Network with Lauren, but ultimately couldn't take the heat, so I went upstairs and fell asleep.

More to come...
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Wed, Nov 3, 2004
blame AP, i guess. with their stupid style  [21:13|727]
[ mood | apprehensive ]
[ music | "Funeral March" by Frederic Chopin ]

Ok, so I will set down in this journal my final thoughts on this election (barring new information, etc.) and be done with it forever. Or for a while, anyway.

First off, I was 3 for 5. Not bad, I guess, although I figured Taylor would win, and I don't know what an Election Commissioner does, so those don't rank as important as the others.

Presidential Election: Kerry conceded, which makes me rethink my vote a little, and I'll tell you why. Any sane person who is appearing to lose by such a thin margin of the popular vote should at least wait until every single vote is counted before conceding the race. If you don't, you obviously don't have the conviction that you are better equipped to run the country than the other guy. To not even wait to hear the voice of the people is unacceptable to me, and I lost a little faith in him. I still have more faith in him than Bush, though. (Off-topic: And for the record, I think Bush has more faith in himself than in the God whose work he claims to be doing.)

Gay marriage amendment: Taken from the journal of [info]czircon - "Guys, you're supposed to guarantee people's rights in your constitution, not take them away." Pretty sage advice. That's basically my only issue with this stupid amendment (one that--in various forms--was passed in quite a few states, actually). You can't use a state or federal constitution to discriminate against a section of your population. (Granted the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution limited the rights of citizens to buy alcohol, but it was for the whole population, and it was eventually repealed anyway.) I'm really hoping the state Supreme Courts, or whoever has final say on amendments, realizes that the Constitution is not supposed to be a mimeograph of the Old Testament. Anyway, that's the end of that.

So there you have it, my analysis of the election outcomes. Whee. And that's all I have to say about that.

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Tue, Nov 2, 2004
Mommy, why that rapper gon' kill me if I don't vote?  [17:01|726]
[ mood | civically dutiful ]
[ music | "Thriller" - Michael Jackson ]

I voted today.

Before I get into who I voted for and the process, etc., I want to show off this cool toy from the BBC, which shows how stupid Americans don't pay enough attention to world events. But it's really cool and you would probably like using it to follow the election results.

Today was the first time ever that I've participated in a governmental election. I went to the polls this afternoon and told them my name. They made me sign a book, then gave me a legal sized manila folder labelled "Security Folder" or something similar. Anyway, I took it to a shoddy foldout plastic booth where I filled in my votes, as chronicled later in this entry. It was a scantron sheet sort of, but nothing like the ACT ones. This one used ink to fill in the bubbles, and the bubbles were much bigger. Then I put my ballot into a scanner thing and it read my votes and I left. The end.

Now the moment of truth when I undermine our system of secret ballot by revealing my choices.

  • Kerry-Edwards (D, Pres/Vice-Pres) - CONCEDED
  • Gene Taylor (D(sort of)-MS, US House of Rep.) - WON
  • Robert1 Ted Molesworth (R, Election Commissioner) - WON
  • No vote for Supreme Court Justice
  • No to the amendment banning gay marriage - LOST
  • Yes to the hotel tax to pay for Coliseum improvements - WON
You can now berate me for my choices.

I cancelled out quite a few votes today, and for that I am proud. Other than that, I've got very little to say, so I'll wait until the results come in. Then I'll have more to say on the subject.

1Good thing you don't have to know first names in order to cast votes.
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Wed, Oct 27, 2004
sarcastic mr. know-it-all  [21:02|724]
[ mood | watermelon ]
[ music | bonnie tyler ]

For future reference, maybe. Also to be disgusting and make people uncomfortable.

I have this wound in my mouth that I'd like to document in case it becomes a scar. The other day I ordered a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's (Canal Rd., Gulfport) and began eating it on the way home. I can only assume that's when I burned the roof of my mouth at the gumline of the first molar on the upper left side (I'm a stickler for details sometimes). This was Sunday. Today is Wednesday, and it has not yet properly healed. Also, it feels as though there's a bit of a gouge there. So if the gouge never heals properly, there could be a scar, and I want it documented. That way, if we're ever making out, you'll know why there's a tiny piece of the roof of my mouth missing. It'll save a lot of questions.

Speaking of kissing, I bought Kissing Jessica Stein this weekend from Wal-Mart for $7.00 (plus tax, so $7.49). I don't really remember much about it except that it's about a pair of unlikely lesbian lovers, and I said after watching it that I really needed to buy it. So I bought it. I haven't yet viewed it to see if the pan and scan is crappy.

Wow, I just checked out the back of the box and found out it's in Anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1). To get a movie with so many special features--two audio commentaries, deleted scenes (with commentary), outtakes, original ending, and featurette--from Wal-Mart for $7.00 (ok, $7.49) AND have it be widescreen is just amazing and totally unexpected. I feel sort of like those people at the Antiques Road Show who find out they have something worth much more than they'd expected. I don't plan to get all weepy, though.

I'm sort of lonely lately, and I have to keep telling myself that a relationship wouldn't help even if I did have one readily available. I have mental associations in my head that I may never specifically record, but one of them kicked in today and it only made me feel worse. It seems that the things that make me feel the very worst (sad-wise) are the memories of really safe, happy things. Which are usually times I didn't realize were so safe and happy while I was living them. I'm not at all good at seeing the big picture from the present; only in retrospect or projection. I'm pretty sure I just make up reasons to be melancholic. 

Onto cooler more happy subjects: Go outside and look at the moon. Lunar eclipse. It's pretty cool. The good part is supposed to last until 10:30 or so, central time, so you have an hour. The not-as-good part is over at 11:15, I think.

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Tue, Oct 26, 2004
The Sleeptalker Strikes Back, or Neve Campbell vs. Thora Birch  [21:15|723]
My brother informed me today that I talked in my sleep last night. Some of you may remember the infamous "That's as much nastiness as I can muster, master," statement Scott heard me say in my sleep three years ago. Last night's incident went like this:

ME: First you crash, then you bash. Then you smash, bash, crash.
HIM: [laughter]
ME: What are you laughing at?
HIM: Nothing.
ME: Those are the t-shirt choices, I swear!

I like playing with words in my sleep, it seems. But I think I have to be really, really tired to get the mental state in which I sleeptalk. I just thought I'd share.

In other news, everyone was upset in AStaff today because of peer evaluations. I swear that once the French retires, that sponsor job is MINE. If she weren't so good, I'd try to steal it before she retires. Oh, and SNichols told me if I buy a Bearcat pawprint magnet, I have to buy it from him; I didn't mention that he still owes me a chicken tender from Friday night.

This morning I watched Wild Things for the first time. It was the copy I got from Wal-Mart months ago. This pan and scan is the most horrible I've ever witnessed, which is saying a lot. I really like the look of the movie, but the plot twists sort of got stale at the end. Gotta love Bill Murray, though.

Halloween is coming up. I want to watch Hocus Pocus. That is all.

(PS: Thora Birch wins, hands down.)
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Fri, Oct 22, 2004
But his name wasn't Dolby, it was Colby.  [23:03|722]
It's been a good night.

Starting at the beginning of the day, however... I went to school a little angry and upset, but sort of forgot about it by the time I got there because I'm so darn professional. Today's assignment was to watch She's Too Young, a Lifetime (Channel Original, I think) movie about a ninth grader who gets syphilis because the kids in her school treat sex as casually as dancing. A bunch of other kids get syphilis, too, but they aren't the main character. It was fairly entertaining. After that was a movie called Remembering Krista Blake about a girl who contracted HIV in '88 and died in '94. It was depressing.

Megan had arranged to go see The Grudge with a guy in her French class, and I wanted to see it (it stars Buffy the Slayer and King Max from Roswell) so we were all going to go. Turns out Megan ditched us for the game (which she didn't even go to because she was sleeping), but I ended up going anyway. The movie would have been completely lame and boring, but the non-linear storytelling made it slightly fresh. I think it could have used more Jason Behr. And it definitely could have used a lot more of SMG's Buffy character and a lot less of her I Know What You Did Last Summer/Scooby-Doo character. She's too wimpy. And I'm sure there'll be a sequel. Don't see it.

After the movie was browsing books and music at B&N.; Also skimming a book about "don't you hate it when" situations. For example: "Your waiter or waitress asks you if everything is ok right after you've taken a bite of your salad." Or: "Your parents want you to marry a person of your religion because 'it's one less thing to argue about.'" Etc. After that was a brief (and essentially pointless) trip to Krispy Kreme where nothing was ordered. And now I'm starting to crave some glazed donuts.

It's just been a refreshing day. I like being able to feel my eyes smiling.
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Thu, Oct 21, 2004
they can't all be smart.  [22:14|721]
I hate gatherings. Ugh, how I hate them. They always go on too long and people get hurt. I'll go more into that in a bit. But first!

Today the freshman class (graduating 2008) became the first freshman class in the memory of Mrs. French, Mrs. Franke, and me (granted, my memory's short compared to theirs) to ever win the float-making competition. The problem is, I don't think they grasp how rare an achievement it really was. But all the floats were good, so no worries to the other classes. I'm serious. They really were good.

Then there was a tailgate party afterward. Under normal circumstances, this would be wonderful, and it was until I left with S-Nichols to get my car. By the time I'd come back, a series of events had unfolded which were very serious and sobering and all the stuff that you don't want at a party. It's one of those Buffy-moral situations where keeping secrets from your friends inevitably comes back to bite you in the butt. Luckily it wasn't remotely my fault or involving me in any way this time, but I almost wish it did. It's much easier to try to fix things when you have some sort of business trying to fix them. As it is, I just have to passively be supportive, which I'm terrible at. Also, I would feel better if these were really good friends of mine, but I barely know them and I can't justify sticking my nose any further in. [I may make a highly protected entry later outlining this in a much less cryptic way. I just needed to get my general feelings down.]

So the point is, fun-having is all good and well, but there's almost always a point where someone says something that goes too far, whether they mean it or not, and there's no turning back. Nothing's the same, and you get that ball of lead in your stomach because there's nothing you can do but start damage control. And I really hope enough damage control has been done, because things could get a lot worse if not. I'm just superconcerned.
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Sat, Oct 16, 2004
Jump in the line, rock your body in time.  [10:38|720]
The sunlight is doing that weird fall thing where it comes down at the wrong angle and the air is cold. It really freaks me out for a week or two until I get used to it. I want to carve a punkin. But not Punkin. That would be gross.

In fact, I kind of want to make a Count Duckula pattern for a pumpkin. We'll see how that goes.

I don't know if I've already mentioned this, but I finished reading the Dark Tower cycle. The ending didn't exactly disappoint me, but it left me wanting more. Which is good, I guess. If there were going to be more. Which I'm sure there won't be.

I saw Taxi last night with Lindsay Loup. It was all right, but only the front two speakers were on, and the temperature in the theater started out a little warmer than I'd have liked. I can't believe FHM ranked Jimmy Fallon as one of the top worst TV characters. He's awesome. Brasilian supermodel bank robbers aren't bad either.

I think I'm going now. Maybe today will hold wonderfully surprising adventures for me.
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