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For future reference, maybe. Also to be disgusting and make people uncomfortable.
I have this wound in my mouth that I'd like to document in case it becomes a scar. The other day I ordered a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's (Canal Rd., Gulfport) and began eating it on the way home. I can only assume that's when I burned the roof of my mouth at the gumline of the first molar on the upper left side (I'm a stickler for details sometimes). This was Sunday. Today is Wednesday, and it has not yet properly healed. Also, it feels as though there's a bit of a gouge there. So if the gouge never heals properly, there could be a scar, and I want it documented. That way, if we're ever making out, you'll know why there's a tiny piece of the roof of my mouth missing. It'll save a lot of questions.
Speaking of kissing, I bought Kissing Jessica Stein this weekend from Wal-Mart for $7.00 (plus tax, so $7.49). I don't really remember much about it except that it's about a pair of unlikely lesbian lovers, and I said after watching it that I really needed to buy it. So I bought it. I haven't yet viewed it to see if the pan and scan is crappy.
Wow, I just checked out the back of the box and found out it's in Anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1). To get a movie with so many special features--two audio commentaries, deleted scenes (with commentary), outtakes, original ending, and featurette--from Wal-Mart for $7.00 (ok, $7.49) AND have it be widescreen is just amazing and totally unexpected. I feel sort of like those people at the Antiques Road Show who find out they have something worth much more than they'd expected. I don't plan to get all weepy, though.
I'm sort of lonely lately, and I have to keep telling myself that a relationship wouldn't help even if I did have one readily available. I have mental associations in my head that I may never specifically record, but one of them kicked in today and it only made me feel worse. It seems that the things that make me feel the very worst (sad-wise) are the memories of really safe, happy things. Which are usually times I didn't realize were so safe and happy while I was living them. I'm not at all good at seeing the big picture from the present; only in retrospect or projection. I'm pretty sure I just make up reasons to be melancholic.
Onto cooler more happy subjects: Go outside and look at the moon. Lunar eclipse. It's pretty cool. The good part is supposed to last until 10:30 or so, central time, so you have an hour. The not-as-good part is over at 11:15, I think.