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Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 | 1:23 pm |
So I guess I left for awhile. I find it helps to just step away from all this journal crap now and then. I've still been checking my friend's page daily but I just never feel the urge to write anymore. Anyways, here's what's been going on.
Despite being alright in the financial department, I recently picked up a part time gig at my local Gamestop, if only for the discount benefits. It was amazing just how out of touch I had become with the game industry during my four years on the west coast, but it's also nice to kind of get back into it also. I get paid in pretzels for the most part, but it's really not about the money at all. I find myself sitting in front of this computer far too much in the average span of a day, and any attempt to get out of the house is one well received. Just don't come and visit me at the store, that always makes me uncomfortable o_O
Since the end of August I have grown a pretty pathetic and disgusting goatee. However I am single so I refuse to shave it off. :) Combined with the whole "no hair" thing, I must look pretty different now.
I won 1st prize in a Gradius V contest. Fringe gamers across the globe will gasp in envy when I receive my crystalline trophy! Pictures of me hoisting it above my head triumphantly will follow once I get the friggin thing in the mail. :)
The less you ask about Guido and friends, the better. It's a touchy subject. Needless to say, things have been delayed again due to.... developer indifference. Soon, things will clear up, I hope.
I still haven't moved. I am convinced that this house is unsellable. It has now been on the market for 6 months, several offers have been given and then subsequently withdrawn, and now winter looms with buyers shacking up until the spring. It's looking more and more like I'll be here in South Windsor at least until 2005. Not exactly as things were supposed to go!
Life is monotonous. | Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004 | 11:29 am |
Don't look at me.... I voted for Kerry. Good ol Connecticut always pulls through. You can always count on that!
So yea, I'm not moving to Canada. I am however buying some sandbags and hiding in my basement. I'll see you in 2008! :D | Sunday, September 19th, 2004 | 11:14 am |
According to the latest news, we have sold the house. This means we can finally move! I know this is a huge weight off the shoulders of my parents - or is it? Apparently these new folks want to be moving in here in about three weeks time, which means we have to get our asses in gear and get everything out of here toute suite (hey, that's french!). Hopefully after this move, I can finally just pick a spot and settle in for good. At least for a little while. Until then, I've been completely enamoured with the newest installment of Gradius. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, go watch the first episode of Strategy Guide to refresh your memory. :) Not only s the game good, but it's hard - VERY hard. The fun part is, there's an online internet rankings database, where people can log their scores. Apparently various top scores will receive fabulous prizes (well okay, they're not that fabulous, but whatever). The best part is, I'm currently leading the scores in my preferred Ship Class. I wonder how long I can stick it out?? I mean, I'm really good at these kinds of game - no modesty at all, really - but am I the best in the country? Only time will tell. One thing that sucks is that I need to actually tape all of my gameplay on VHS. Last night I was having one of my better rounds when I ran out of tape! I need to buy some new blank tapes so I can continue recording my gaming majesty. This whole rankings deal ends on October 1st, so we'll see how I do over the next week and a half. I won't be defeated so easily! ;) | Monday, September 13th, 2004 | 1:55 pm |
x_X Happy brithday to me, whoop dee freakin doo.
26. | Monday, August 30th, 2004 | 5:36 pm |
Overlords of August Eh what the hell, I'll update this thing. Not a whole lot going on in the Needleverse. Mostly just keeping my head straight. I've got a 26th birthday coming up, feel free to inundate me with free swag! Man, when the fuck did I get so old? Seem like just yesterday I was prancing around in teen angst, displaying my woe for all to see. Thank god I grew out of that. Contrary to what other people may say, woe sucks.
Speaking of birthdays, my driver's license is set to expire this year. Normally this isn't a problem, but seeing as I have a California license, I actually have to go to the DMV just to get it switched over. That will happen tomorrow if I can get out of bed early enough. I've never had a bad DMV experience, but something tells me I'm in for one tomorrow. Don't ask me why, just call it a hunch. Those fuckers better not make me take the written test again! They made me take it again in California and I almost didn't pass. The passing of the California license back to the Connecticut license completes the transformation back to an east coast identity. Slight depression sets in at the thought of that.
But, woe sucks so moving right along!
Let's just not talk about the new episode at all. No one wants to hear about it and I don't want to talk about it, seeing as how much time I spend having to think about it. :)
On a final note, I just cannot draw hands. It's just not going to happen! Anyone out there got some good tips for drawing hands from different perspectives and whatnot? I need all the help I can get and I know there are some artist types out there that can give me a hand. HAH! I made a pun!
And lastly, pushups are my newest friend. It's amazing how sickly and atropied one person can get by sitting around and working on the computer day in and day out. I'm not on a quest to counteract this! And while my body type and metabolism will never allow me to become the buff stud that women lust over, I'd like to at least erase the air of patheticness around my upper body. Bring on the soreness! |
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